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Venting 6+ inches 6 figure salary 6ft + height. The satanic 666 ploy under your nose to guarantee male loneliness epidemic

  • Thread starter BasedGoyslopReviews
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dysgenic greycel
Jun 23, 2024
TLDR: its the jews. Always have been. This applies mostly to Whitecels, and a fair bit to ricecels

Normies will mention a whole lot of bullshit reasons for why the male loneliness epidemic is so rampant. Most of their "reasons" are actually effect, not causes. Such as: lower marriage rates, fewer children. How do you expect to have children before having a relationship, honestly?

Anyhow. I'm sure a lot of these reasons, and jewish philosophers and psychologists throw around fake trails so that nothing comes back to them. But the real reasons are as follows.


We have all seen the immensely rapid increase in women's superficiality in only about a decade. Jews who have been studying psychology of every demographic on earth for centuries know exactly how to exploit each of their weaknesses. They appeal to the most megalomaniac aspects of women's nature. Heightism and lookism. It was dating apps like Tinder with profile descriptions listing height, or in femoids cases, height requirements (swipe left if under 6') that ingrained this mythical 6ft requirement in womens brains. It spread like wildfire and soon enough femorrhoids didnt even see sub 6ft men as men anymore.

Cock carousel. With these apps and hook-up culture, women could browse a catalogue of Chads on their phones at any given time. When they have a choice of 100 guys eager to fuck, they will obviously choose the best ones available. Hence the 80/20 rule. Despite the male population being increasingly more loveless (27% of all men aged 18-25 were sexless almost 10 years ago, an outdated study by now, its probably much closer to half by now) there isnt a similar increase in women. In fact, a lot of women seem to be fucking more than ever. Its common to hear teenagers with double digit body counts now. Normies think surely that means for every woman theres a guy getting laid! Check mate incels! However, they cannot comprehend its the top 20% of men who fuck ALL of the women. Women are literally standing in line, staying single, waiting til Chad separates from his current, than rather hold hands with a sub 5 male. They would rather be Chad's fleshlight once a month, than have a meaningful LTR with a shorter, less handsome male. Having such easy access to instant gratification via tall hung chads, it is insanely hard for a femoid to come back down to earth and see normal males as the same species. We've been told our chances lie in the real world, not dating apps and hook-up apps. Femoids honestly dont care. 53% of modern relationships are formed through dating apps/sites. Our short window of opportunity to "show our personality" is inconsequential. Furthermore, whoreish behavior has been extremely normalized thanks to jewish media shaming anybody who calls women out. Sex work is real work. Its empowering to fuck around. Slay queen!

PorNOGraphy. If anybody gets unrealistic expectations from porn, its women. While there's a plethora of mediocre and even fat women pornstars around, giant roast beef pussies, etc. The one thing all male actors have in common is they are all hung. Hence the 6+ inches, also frequently seen on hookup apps. Men cope with porn, it makes them complacent, they dont have the thrill to go out there and chase, they release at home. Women watch porn, they see cherry picked hung niggers and occasionaly same race guys. Depends on the company.

Kalergi plan; Interracial pairing. https://goyimtv.com/v/1240677272/The-Kalergi-Plan---By-Matthew-North

View: https://imgur.com/a/dMdX8V7
and the notorious bombardment of interracial coupling in all advertisements, tv shows, movies and google search results (happy white woman).
"We will put the negro minority in the highest avenues of sports and entertainment. With this newfound prestige they will be able to intermarry with the whites, delivering our communist party's cause".
I'm sure even they are surprised just how successful this has been. Every other modern White girl is a mudshark skank. Every woman convinced of this fetish, is the last member of her bloodline.
Perhaps the most common fetish normalized by porn. I can't even look at porn without utter disgust anymore, because you cant unsee it. When there are White actresses, or jewesses pretending to be White, they always pair them with niggers. When there are black or hispanic actresses, oh what do you know, all of a sudden, White cocks appear! Breed your bloodline out of existence, goy!
Every porchmonkey that has its grubby paws on a White woman, creates another incel, and fewer children being had.


Career chasing. Women in the workforce. Couples accomplish double the work for the same pay. Double the tax payer. Women are convinced to climb a career ladder til they're 40, and only once they have successfully done that, to worry about children. Cohencidentally (oy vey) women's biological clock has almost done ticking at around that point. The best time to have Children is 18-30. The older a woman, the uglier and higher health risk for the baby. Another avenue that takes women out of the dating pool. If you want to woo a woman with amenities like a house, nice car, and well paying job, you best make sure you cover at least double of what she can make. 6 figure salary or you're a bum. You cannot betabux without having the actual bux. Especially if you want your woman to have kids and stay at home.

WGTOW and lesbian dykes. Self explanatory.
Sexual liberty and sex work. Debunking womens roles, underground abortion rings, oppresive beauty standards, hatred towards men.


The only places in the whole world where multiculturalism takes place are: Europe, USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand.
All. White. Countries. You dont see this shit flying in India, or China, or God forbid, Israel.
Anyone who pays attention to far right news, i recommend using gab, knows that multiple European countries and capitals have been reduced to shit. Sweden, Germonkey, France, Ireland, London and UK in general, Denmark etc. Have major cities, or even capitals, that have gone from 90% indigenous population, to only 30-40% indigenous populations. How is this related to inceldom?
Every woman's dating pool is now convoluted with 3x times the options that otherwise wouldnt be there. Furthermore, their Zionist Occupied Government tries to sway them in favor of these new options. Because White people are bad, evil colonizers, slave owners, racists, you dont wanna be a nazi do you, and sex with immigrants smells like satin, yes you pajeets, you definitely dont smell like diarrhea and curry.


View: https://imgur.com/a/1kPOe9D

Puppeteering all these superficial lies is the kike media. It is inescapable. There isn't a normie who doesnt watch kikeflix (netflix) or listen to hiphop. Or breaindead boomer dads who worship niggers on Sunday football. Or young men who act like whiggers or watch basketball. All of these things are so synthetically propped up in popularity, that dads end up not objecting to their daughters fucking around with monkeys. That young mens pride and value is diminished to the point they are deemed unmasculine. That young women genuinely believe by mating with a negro, they will get a famous athlete child. Never mind that only 7% of Americas athletes are black, underrepresented by half to their 14% of total population, and thats black not a racemixed jewish science experiment moolie with mongrel leper genetics.
I even noticed this spreading to Japanese and South korean television in the past 2 years! The "Eurasian-negroid hybrid" race they so frequently mention, has a key component called asian. You are next in line, the smartest of ricecels! South korean tv featuring stupid ugly nigger pet monkeys that butcher their tongue. Dieversity being forced upon people with an average IQ of 105. Kike jews know that Aryans cooperated with honorary aryans in ww2. They do not forget. They know that besides ppl of European descent, the smarter asians are the only ones who could stop them from world slavery.
Know this stuff, and God forbid talk about it, you are immediately a nazi. They faked their tragedies very well, but nothing the era of information cant expose. The White mans invention, internet, may save us all yet. 6 death camps, 6 million shlomos, 6 day war of pissrael, 6 sided star of remfran. 6 ft, 6 figures, 6 inches. They teach kabbalah mysticism to all zionists. Judaism = satanism. They believe their numbers have power. If you've watched any fake american news you would know how insanely obsessed they are with numbers 6 and 36.

The reason we are incels, unless you're a blackcel fakecel (literally just use the fact that White women are brainwashed to sleep with negro hobos to prove they arent racist, and how they are too stupid to realize that a synthetic pornography stereotype isnt actually real life);
is because the kike jews want you to be alone, weak, too demoralized to fight back, and not leaving offspring that could get in their way. They are determined to make this, or the next generation, be the last ethnically fully European generation. These religious and ethnic adversaries for 3 thousand years have never stopped curbing our population. Kicked out of 110 different countries, 1031 times total.
We, just like many groups of people in our countries, are merely products of a zionist occupied government. The sooner all people realize this, the sooner we can return to a hyperborean reality with looksmatched waifus who just want to pump out kids.

PorNOGraphy. If anybody gets unrealistic expectations from porn, its women. While there's a plethora of mediocre and even fat women pornstars around, giant roast beef pussies, etc. The one thing all male actors have in common is they are all hung. Hence the 6+ inches, also frequently seen on hookup apps. Men cope with porn, it makes them complacent, they dont have the thrill to go out there and chase, they release at home. Women watch porn, they see cherry picked hung niggers and occasionaly same race guys. Depends on the company.

Kalergi plan; Interracial pairing. https://goyimtv.com/v/1240677272/The-Kalergi-Plan---By-Matthew-North

View: https://imgur.com/a/dMdX8V7
and the notorious bombardment of interracial coupling in all advertisements, tv shows, movies and google search results (happy white woman).
"We will put the negro minority in the highest avenues of sports and entertainment. With this newfound prestige they will be able to intermarry with the whites, delivering our communist party's cause".
I'm sure even they are surprised just how successful this has been. Every other modern White girl is a mudshark skank. Every woman convinced of this fetish, is the last member of her bloodline.
Perhaps the most common fetish normalized by porn. I can't even look at porn without utter disgust anymore, because you cant unsee it. When there are White actresses, or jewesses pretending to be White, they always pair them with niggers. When there are black or hispanic actresses, oh what do you know, all of a sudden, White cocks appear! Breed your bloodline out of existence, goy!
Every porchmonkey that has its grubby paws on a White woman, creates another incel, and fewer children being had.


Career chasing. Women in the workforce. Couples accomplish double the work for the same pay. Double the tax payer. Women are convinced to climb a career ladder til they're 40, and only once they have successfully done that, to worry about children. Cohencidentally (oy vey) women's biological clock has almost done ticking at around that point. The best time to have Children is 18-30. The older a woman, the uglier and higher health risk for the baby. Another avenue that takes women out of the dating pool. If you want to woo a woman with amenities like a house, nice car, and well paying job, you best make sure you cover at least double of what she can make. 6 figure salary or you're a bum. You cannot betabux without having the actual bux. Especially if you want your woman to have kids and stay at home.

WGTOW and lesbian dykes. Self explanatory.
Sexual liberty and sex work. Debunking womens roles, underground abortion rings, oppresive beauty standards, hatred towards men.


The only places in the whole world where multiculturalism takes place are: Europe, USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand.
All. White. Countries. You dont see this shit flying in India, or China, or God forbid, Israel.
Anyone who pays attention to far right news, i recommend using gab, knows that multiple European countries and capitals have been reduced to shit. Sweden, Germonkey, France, Ireland, London and UK in general, Denmark etc. Have major cities, or even capitals, that have gone from 90% indigenous population, to only 30-40% indigenous populations. How is this related to inceldom?
Every woman's dating pool is now convoluted with 3x times the options that otherwise wouldnt be there. Furthermore, their Zionist Occupied Government tries to sway them in favor of these new options. Because White people are bad, evil colonizers, slave owners, racists, you dont wanna be a nazi do you, and sex with immigrants smells like satin, yes you pajeets, you definitely dont smell like diarrhea and curry.


View: https://imgur.com/a/1kPOe9D

Puppeteering all these superficial lies is the kike media. It is inescapable. There isn't a normie who doesnt watch kikeflix (netflix) or listen to hiphop. Or breaindead boomer dads who worship niggers on Sunday football. Or young men who act like whiggers or watch basketball. All of these things are so synthetically propped up in popularity, that dads end up not objecting to their daughters fucking around with monkeys. That young mens pride and value is diminished to the point they are deemed unmasculine. That young women genuinely believe by mating with a negro, they will get a famous athlete child. Never mind that only 7% of Americas athletes are black, underrepresented by half to their 14% of total population, and thats black not a racemixed jewish science experiment moolie with mongrel leper genetics.
I even noticed this spreading to Japanese and South korean television in the past 2 years! The "Eurasian-negroid hybrid" race they so frequently mention, has a key component called asian. You are next in line, the smartest of ricecels! South korean tv featuring stupid ugly nigger pet monkeys that butcher their tongue. Dieversity being forced upon people with an average IQ of 105. Kike jews know that Aryans cooperated with honorary aryans in ww2. They do not forget. They know that besides ppl of European descent, the smarter asians are the only ones who could stop them from world slavery.
Know this stuff, and God forbid talk about it, you are immediately a nazi. They faked their tragedies very well, but nothing the era of information cant expose. The White mans invention, internet, may save us all yet. 6 death camps, 6 million shlomos, 6 day war of pissrael, 6 sided star of remfran. 6 ft, 6 figures, 6 inches. They teach kabbalah mysticism to all zionists. Judaism = satanism. They believe their numbers have power. If you've watched any fake american news you would know how insanely obsessed they are with numbers 6 and 36.

The reason we are incels, unless you're a blackcel fakecel (literally just use the fact that White women are brainwashed to sleep with negro hobos to prove they arent racist, and how they are too stupid to realize that a synthetic pornography stereotype isnt actually real life);
is because the kike jews want you to be alone, weak, too demoralized to fight back, and not leaving offspring that could get in their way. They are determined to make this, or the next generation, be the last ethnically fully European generation. These religious and ethnic adversaries for 3 thousand years have never stopped curbing our population. Kicked out of 110 different countries, 1031 times total.
We, just like many groups of people in our countries, are merely products of a zionist occupied government. The sooner all people realize this, the sooner we can return to a hyperborean reality with looksmatched waifus who just want to pump out kids.

Chasing women is for cucks, fuck that, and fuck you if you want to return to that.
TLDR: its the jews. Always have been. This applies mostly to Whitecels, and a fair bit to ricecels

Normies will mention a whole lot of bullshit reasons for why the male loneliness epidemic is so rampant. Most of their "reasons" are actually effect, not causes. Such as: lower marriage rates, fewer children. How do you expect to have children before having a relationship, honestly?

Anyhow. I'm sure a lot of these reasons, and jewish philosophers and psychologists throw around fake trails so that nothing comes back to them. But the real reasons are as follows.


We have all seen the immensely rapid increase in women's superficiality in only about a decade. Jews who have been studying psychology of every demographic on earth for centuries know exactly how to exploit each of their weaknesses. They appeal to the most megalomaniac aspects of women's nature. Heightism and lookism. It was dating apps like Tinder with profile descriptions listing height, or in femoids cases, height requirements (swipe left if under 6') that ingrained this mythical 6ft requirement in womens brains. It spread like wildfire and soon enough femorrhoids didnt even see sub 6ft men as men anymore.

Cock carousel. With these apps and hook-up culture, women could browse a catalogue of Chads on their phones at any given time. When they have a choice of 100 guys eager to fuck, they will obviously choose the best ones available. Hence the 80/20 rule. Despite the male population being increasingly more loveless (27% of all men aged 18-25 were sexless almost 10 years ago, an outdated study by now, its probably much closer to half by now) there isnt a similar increase in women. In fact, a lot of women seem to be fucking more than ever. Its common to hear teenagers with double digit body counts now. Normies think surely that means for every woman theres a guy getting laid! Check mate incels! However, they cannot comprehend its the top 20% of men who fuck ALL of the women. Women are literally standing in line, staying single, waiting til Chad separates from his current, than rather hold hands with a sub 5 male. They would rather be Chad's fleshlight once a month, than have a meaningful LTR with a shorter, less handsome male. Having such easy access to instant gratification via tall hung chads, it is insanely hard for a femoid to come back down to earth and see normal males as the same species. We've been told our chances lie in the real world, not dating apps and hook-up apps. Femoids honestly dont care. 53% of modern relationships are formed through dating apps/sites. Our short window of opportunity to "show our personality" is inconsequential. Furthermore, whoreish behavior has been extremely normalized thanks to jewish media shaming anybody who calls women out. Sex work is real work. Its empowering to fuck around. Slay queen!

PorNOGraphy. If anybody gets unrealistic expectations from porn, its women. While there's a plethora of mediocre and even fat women pornstars around, giant roast beef pussies, etc. The one thing all male actors have in common is they are all hung. Hence the 6+ inches, also frequently seen on hookup apps. Men cope with porn, it makes them complacent, they dont have the thrill to go out there and chase, they release at home. Women watch porn, they see cherry picked hung niggers and occasionaly same race guys. Depends on the company.

Kalergi plan; Interracial pairing. https://goyimtv.com/v/1240677272/The-Kalergi-Plan---By-Matthew-North

View: https://imgur.com/a/dMdX8V7
and the notorious bombardment of interracial coupling in all advertisements, tv shows, movies and google search results (happy white woman).
"We will put the negro minority in the highest avenues of sports and entertainment. With this newfound prestige they will be able to intermarry with the whites, delivering our communist party's cause".
I'm sure even they are surprised just how successful this has been. Every other modern White girl is a mudshark skank. Every woman convinced of this fetish, is the last member of her bloodline.
Perhaps the most common fetish normalized by porn. I can't even look at porn without utter disgust anymore, because you cant unsee it. When there are White actresses, or jewesses pretending to be White, they always pair them with niggers. When there are black or hispanic actresses, oh what do you know, all of a sudden, White cocks appear! Breed your bloodline out of existence, goy!
Every porchmonkey that has its grubby paws on a White woman, creates another incel, and fewer children being had.


Career chasing. Women in the workforce. Couples accomplish double the work for the same pay. Double the tax payer. Women are convinced to climb a career ladder til they're 40, and only once they have successfully done that, to worry about children. Cohencidentally (oy vey) women's biological clock has almost done ticking at around that point. The best time to have Children is 18-30. The older a woman, the uglier and higher health risk for the baby. Another avenue that takes women out of the dating pool. If you want to woo a woman with amenities like a house, nice car, and well paying job, you best make sure you cover at least double of what she can make. 6 figure salary or you're a bum. You cannot betabux without having the actual bux. Especially if you want your woman to have kids and stay at home.

WGTOW and lesbian dykes. Self explanatory.
Sexual liberty and sex work. Debunking womens roles, underground abortion rings, oppresive beauty standards, hatred towards men.


The only places in the whole world where multiculturalism takes place are: Europe, USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand.
All. White. Countries. You dont see this shit flying in India, or China, or God forbid, Israel.
Anyone who pays attention to far right news, i recommend using gab, knows that multiple European countries and capitals have been reduced to shit. Sweden, Germonkey, France, Ireland, London and UK in general, Denmark etc. Have major cities, or even capitals, that have gone from 90% indigenous population, to only 30-40% indigenous populations. How is this related to inceldom?
Every woman's dating pool is now convoluted with 3x times the options that otherwise wouldnt be there. Furthermore, their Zionist Occupied Government tries to sway them in favor of these new options. Because White people are bad, evil colonizers, slave owners, racists, you dont wanna be a nazi do you, and sex with immigrants smells like satin, yes you pajeets, you definitely dont smell like diarrhea and curry.


View: https://imgur.com/a/1kPOe9D

Puppeteering all these superficial lies is the kike media. It is inescapable. There isn't a normie who doesnt watch kikeflix (netflix) or listen to hiphop. Or breaindead boomer dads who worship niggers on Sunday football. Or young men who act like whiggers or watch basketball. All of these things are so synthetically propped up in popularity, that dads end up not objecting to their daughters fucking around with monkeys. That young mens pride and value is diminished to the point they are deemed unmasculine. That young women genuinely believe by mating with a negro, they will get a famous athlete child. Never mind that only 7% of Americas athletes are black, underrepresented by half to their 14% of total population, and thats black not a racemixed jewish science experiment moolie with mongrel leper genetics.
I even noticed this spreading to Japanese and South korean television in the past 2 years! The "Eurasian-negroid hybrid" race they so frequently mention, has a key component called asian. You are next in line, the smartest of ricecels! South korean tv featuring stupid ugly nigger pet monkeys that butcher their tongue. Dieversity being forced upon people with an average IQ of 105. Kike jews know that Aryans cooperated with honorary aryans in ww2. They do not forget. They know that besides ppl of European descent, the smarter asians are the only ones who could stop them from world slavery.
Know this stuff, and God forbid talk about it, you are immediately a nazi. They faked their tragedies very well, but nothing the era of information cant expose. The White mans invention, internet, may save us all yet. 6 death camps, 6 million shlomos, 6 day war of pissrael, 6 sided star of remfran. 6 ft, 6 figures, 6 inches. They teach kabbalah mysticism to all zionists. Judaism = satanism. They believe their numbers have power. If you've watched any fake american news you would know how insanely obsessed they are with numbers 6 and 36.

The reason we are incels, unless you're a blackcel fakecel (literally just use the fact that White women are brainwashed to sleep with negro hobos to prove they arent racist, and how they are too stupid to realize that a synthetic pornography stereotype isnt actually real life);
is because the kike jews want you to be alone, weak, too demoralized to fight back, and not leaving offspring that could get in their way. They are determined to make this, or the next generation, be the last ethnically fully European generation. These religious and ethnic adversaries for 3 thousand years have never stopped curbing our population. Kicked out of 110 different countries, 1031 times total.
We, just like many groups of people in our countries, are merely products of a zionist occupied government. The sooner all people realize this, the sooner we can return to a hyperborean reality with looksmatched waifus who just want to pump out kids.

bookmarked for later
Chasing women is for cucks, fuck that, and fuck you if you want to return to that.
The only way to know is if they chase you, Not you chasing them.
It is kikes pushing this kind of society but also foid's nature.

Foid's freedom is the root of all evil
I agree. The Jews push this because they're satanic
It is kikes pushing this kind of society but also foid's nature.

Foid's freedom is the root of all evil
High IQ connection. If kikeroaches can magnify foids nature to exercise evil, then foids nature is evil. Female species eugenics in animal kingdom is often actually detrimental to the total population and health of individual specimens. For example, rams or other horned animals grow their horns so long they curl and pierce their own brains/eyes or make deer like animals with overly large antlers much more susceptible to death.
Women breeding 7ft tall humans is similar. At the moment its still on the rare side, but every year we inch closer as the avg. heights rise. For example, one danish city has the avg. height of 6'2. 7 footers more often than not, have heart issues, nervous system issues, die early.
Foids also treat sub 5 males with absolute vilest contempt, treat them worse than Chad rapists and paedos as observed in multiple mugshot stories, prison love letter stories, and tinder experiments.
On a similar note, foid teachers would rather become pedos and sneak off with a 14 year old Chad (actual news story) than lawfully fuck a looksmatch.
all humans are equal evil not just jews its just a cope to think better of yourself good “us” and evil “them” (kikes). Its all bs humans are just corrupt animals accept it.

Its easier to think its all conspiracy because it gives it all sort of meaning.. but there is not. its not anyones master plan it is only natural development of sick human society. Humans are corrupt evil and sick to their core so their civilization can only go in that direction
all humans are equal evil not just jews its just a cope to think better of yourself good “us” and evil “them” (kikes). Its all bs humans are just corrupt animals accept it.

Its easier to think its all conspiracy because it gives it all sort of meaning.. but there is not. its not anyones master plan it is only natural development of sick human society. Humans are corrupt evil and sick to their core so their civilization can only go in that direction
whats the weather like in tel aviv? Must be pretty hot cause your brain is fried. I'll believe this when you point out the ongoing genocides of entire ethnic groups of people that Europeans are currently running.

John 8:44 rev 3:9 rev 2:9. Jews are the earthly spawn of Satan. You will never convince me that eating and sacrificing children, poisoning water supplies of goyim cities and towns, starting wars, creating bioweapons, having huge child trafficking rings, and children grooming programs isnt evil. List Europeans doing that to the point they've been kicked from 110 different nations. Then I will begin to believe we are the same. Genuinely from the bottom of my heart, fuck you to hell and back, you are my first block on this site, jew.
TLDR: its the jews. Always have been. This applies mostly to Whitecels, and a fair bit to ricecels

Normies will mention a whole lot of bullshit reasons for why the male loneliness epidemic is so rampant. Most of their "reasons" are actually effect, not causes. Such as: lower marriage rates, fewer children. How do you expect to have children before having a relationship, honestly?

Anyhow. I'm sure a lot of these reasons, and jewish philosophers and psychologists throw around fake trails so that nothing comes back to them. But the real reasons are as follows.


We have all seen the immensely rapid increase in women's superficiality in only about a decade. Jews who have been studying psychology of every demographic on earth for centuries know exactly how to exploit each of their weaknesses. They appeal to the most megalomaniac aspects of women's nature. Heightism and lookism. It was dating apps like Tinder with profile descriptions listing height, or in femoids cases, height requirements (swipe left if under 6') that ingrained this mythical 6ft requirement in womens brains. It spread like wildfire and soon enough femorrhoids didnt even see sub 6ft men as men anymore.

Cock carousel. With these apps and hook-up culture, women could browse a catalogue of Chads on their phones at any given time. When they have a choice of 100 guys eager to fuck, they will obviously choose the best ones available. Hence the 80/20 rule. Despite the male population being increasingly more loveless (27% of all men aged 18-25 were sexless almost 10 years ago, an outdated study by now, its probably much closer to half by now) there isnt a similar increase in women. In fact, a lot of women seem to be fucking more than ever. Its common to hear teenagers with double digit body counts now. Normies think surely that means for every woman theres a guy getting laid! Check mate incels! However, they cannot comprehend its the top 20% of men who fuck ALL of the women. Women are literally standing in line, staying single, waiting til Chad separates from his current, than rather hold hands with a sub 5 male. They would rather be Chad's fleshlight once a month, than have a meaningful LTR with a shorter, less handsome male. Having such easy access to instant gratification via tall hung chads, it is insanely hard for a femoid to come back down to earth and see normal males as the same species. We've been told our chances lie in the real world, not dating apps and hook-up apps. Femoids honestly dont care. 53% of modern relationships are formed through dating apps/sites. Our short window of opportunity to "show our personality" is inconsequential. Furthermore, whoreish behavior has been extremely normalized thanks to jewish media shaming anybody who calls women out. Sex work is real work. Its empowering to fuck around. Slay queen!

PorNOGraphy. If anybody gets unrealistic expectations from porn, its women. While there's a plethora of mediocre and even fat women pornstars around, giant roast beef pussies, etc. The one thing all male actors have in common is they are all hung. Hence the 6+ inches, also frequently seen on hookup apps. Men cope with porn, it makes them complacent, they dont have the thrill to go out there and chase, they release at home. Women watch porn, they see cherry picked hung niggers and occasionaly same race guys. Depends on the company.

Kalergi plan; Interracial pairing. https://goyimtv.com/v/1240677272/The-Kalergi-Plan---By-Matthew-North

View: https://imgur.com/a/dMdX8V7
and the notorious bombardment of interracial coupling in all advertisements, tv shows, movies and google search results (happy white woman).
"We will put the negro minority in the highest avenues of sports and entertainment. With this newfound prestige they will be able to intermarry with the whites, delivering our communist party's cause".
I'm sure even they are surprised just how successful this has been. Every other modern White girl is a mudshark skank. Every woman convinced of this fetish, is the last member of her bloodline.
Perhaps the most common fetish normalized by porn. I can't even look at porn without utter disgust anymore, because you cant unsee it. When there are White actresses, or jewesses pretending to be White, they always pair them with niggers. When there are black or hispanic actresses, oh what do you know, all of a sudden, White cocks appear! Breed your bloodline out of existence, goy!
Every porchmonkey that has its grubby paws on a White woman, creates another incel, and fewer children being had.


Career chasing. Women in the workforce. Couples accomplish double the work for the same pay. Double the tax payer. Women are convinced to climb a career ladder til they're 40, and only once they have successfully done that, to worry about children. Cohencidentally (oy vey) women's biological clock has almost done ticking at around that point. The best time to have Children is 18-30. The older a woman, the uglier and higher health risk for the baby. Another avenue that takes women out of the dating pool. If you want to woo a woman with amenities like a house, nice car, and well paying job, you best make sure you cover at least double of what she can make. 6 figure salary or you're a bum. You cannot betabux without having the actual bux. Especially if you want your woman to have kids and stay at home.

WGTOW and lesbian dykes. Self explanatory.
Sexual liberty and sex work. Debunking womens roles, underground abortion rings, oppresive beauty standards, hatred towards men.


The only places in the whole world where multiculturalism takes place are: Europe, USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand.
All. White. Countries. You dont see this shit flying in India, or China, or God forbid, Israel.
Anyone who pays attention to far right news, i recommend using gab, knows that multiple European countries and capitals have been reduced to shit. Sweden, Germonkey, France, Ireland, London and UK in general, Denmark etc. Have major cities, or even capitals, that have gone from 90% indigenous population, to only 30-40% indigenous populations. How is this related to inceldom?
Every woman's dating pool is now convoluted with 3x times the options that otherwise wouldnt be there. Furthermore, their Zionist Occupied Government tries to sway them in favor of these new options. Because White people are bad, evil colonizers, slave owners, racists, you dont wanna be a nazi do you, and sex with immigrants smells like satin, yes you pajeets, you definitely dont smell like diarrhea and curry.


View: https://imgur.com/a/1kPOe9D

Puppeteering all these superficial lies is the kike media. It is inescapable. There isn't a normie who doesnt watch kikeflix (netflix) or listen to hiphop. Or breaindead boomer dads who worship niggers on Sunday football. Or young men who act like whiggers or watch basketball. All of these things are so synthetically propped up in popularity, that dads end up not objecting to their daughters fucking around with monkeys. That young mens pride and value is diminished to the point they are deemed unmasculine. That young women genuinely believe by mating with a negro, they will get a famous athlete child. Never mind that only 7% of Americas athletes are black, underrepresented by half to their 14% of total population, and thats black not a racemixed jewish science experiment moolie with mongrel leper genetics.
I even noticed this spreading to Japanese and South korean television in the past 2 years! The "Eurasian-negroid hybrid" race they so frequently mention, has a key component called asian. You are next in line, the smartest of ricecels! South korean tv featuring stupid ugly nigger pet monkeys that butcher their tongue. Dieversity being forced upon people with an average IQ of 105. Kike jews know that Aryans cooperated with honorary aryans in ww2. They do not forget. They know that besides ppl of European descent, the smarter asians are the only ones who could stop them from world slavery.
Know this stuff, and God forbid talk about it, you are immediately a nazi. They faked their tragedies very well, but nothing the era of information cant expose. The White mans invention, internet, may save us all yet. 6 death camps, 6 million shlomos, 6 day war of pissrael, 6 sided star of remfran. 6 ft, 6 figures, 6 inches. They teach kabbalah mysticism to all zionists. Judaism = satanism. They believe their numbers have power. If you've watched any fake american news you would know how insanely obsessed they are with numbers 6 and 36.

The reason we are incels, unless you're a blackcel fakecel (literally just use the fact that White women are brainwashed to sleep with negro hobos to prove they arent racist, and how they are too stupid to realize that a synthetic pornography stereotype isnt actually real life);
is because the kike jews want you to be alone, weak, too demoralized to fight back, and not leaving offspring that could get in their way. They are determined to make this, or the next generation, be the last ethnically fully European generation. These religious and ethnic adversaries for 3 thousand years have never stopped curbing our population. Kicked out of 110 different countries, 1031 times total.
We, just like many groups of people in our countries, are merely products of a zionist occupied government. The sooner all people realize this, the sooner we can return to a hyperborean reality with looksmatched waifus who just want to pump out kids.

this post single handedly destroys all normies copes i
i wanna add some new bit of data to this and report it if you let me
Extremely based 10/10 post, what a shame a greycel with more intellect and knowledge on inceldom than most glowies here
all humans are equal evil not just jews its just a cope to think better of yourself good “us” and evil “them” (kikes). Its all bs humans are just corrupt animals accept it.

Its easier to think its all conspiracy because it gives it all sort of meaning.. but there is not. its not anyones master plan it is only natural development of sick human society. Humans are corrupt evil and sick to their core so their civilization can only go in that direction
If kikes didn't exist it would just be someone else doing the deed. In reality, inceldom is the cause of the way society and the human psyche is oriented, there will always be a hierarchy with corruption and cruelty at the top and suffERing at the bottom. Of course, I used to theorize that inceldom was always this bad and male loneliness epidemic is just concern/emotion baiting by little kids who just discovered BP but I will admit that it was slightly better before kikes because in the old days everyone was guaranteed a wife at least. Hell even in less kike-influenced countries like China or India it's easier to get, at the very least, a significant other of some sort. Still, the proportion of incels are greatly overblown and most NT LTNs in "muh male loneliness epidemic" will still ascend eventually, true incels are bottom of the barrel just like non-NT uglies have always been.
We live in an evil world…
Extremely based 10/10 post, what a shame a greycel with more intellect and knowledge on inceldom than most glowies here
Jews MONEYMAXXING ------------> White Inceldom
It's ovER
TLDR: its the jews. Always have been. This applies mostly to Whitecels, and a fair bit to ricecels

Normies will mention a whole lot of bullshit reasons for why the male loneliness epidemic is so rampant. Most of their "reasons" are actually effect, not causes. Such as: lower marriage rates, fewer children. How do you expect to have children before having a relationship, honestly?

Anyhow. I'm sure a lot of these reasons, and jewish philosophers and psychologists throw around fake trails so that nothing comes back to them. But the real reasons are as follows.


We have all seen the immensely rapid increase in women's superficiality in only about a decade. Jews who have been studying psychology of every demographic on earth for centuries know exactly how to exploit each of their weaknesses. They appeal to the most megalomaniac aspects of women's nature. Heightism and lookism. It was dating apps like Tinder with profile descriptions listing height, or in femoids cases, height requirements (swipe left if under 6') that ingrained this mythical 6ft requirement in womens brains. It spread like wildfire and soon enough femorrhoids didnt even see sub 6ft men as men anymore.

Cock carousel. With these apps and hook-up culture, women could browse a catalogue of Chads on their phones at any given time. When they have a choice of 100 guys eager to fuck, they will obviously choose the best ones available. Hence the 80/20 rule. Despite the male population being increasingly more loveless (27% of all men aged 18-25 were sexless almost 10 years ago, an outdated study by now, its probably much closer to half by now) there isnt a similar increase in women. In fact, a lot of women seem to be fucking more than ever. Its common to hear teenagers with double digit body counts now. Normies think surely that means for every woman theres a guy getting laid! Check mate incels! However, they cannot comprehend its the top 20% of men who fuck ALL of the women. Women are literally standing in line, staying single, waiting til Chad separates from his current, than rather hold hands with a sub 5 male. They would rather be Chad's fleshlight once a month, than have a meaningful LTR with a shorter, less handsome male. Having such easy access to instant gratification via tall hung chads, it is insanely hard for a femoid to come back down to earth and see normal males as the same species. We've been told our chances lie in the real world, not dating apps and hook-up apps. Femoids honestly dont care. 53% of modern relationships are formed through dating apps/sites. Our short window of opportunity to "show our personality" is inconsequential. Furthermore, whoreish behavior has been extremely normalized thanks to jewish media shaming anybody who calls women out. Sex work is real work. Its empowering to fuck around. Slay queen!

PorNOGraphy. If anybody gets unrealistic expectations from porn, its women. While there's a plethora of mediocre and even fat women pornstars around, giant roast beef pussies, etc. The one thing all male actors have in common is they are all hung. Hence the 6+ inches, also frequently seen on hookup apps. Men cope with porn, it makes them complacent, they dont have the thrill to go out there and chase, they release at home. Women watch porn, they see cherry picked hung niggers and occasionaly same race guys. Depends on the company.

Kalergi plan; Interracial pairing. https://goyimtv.com/v/1240677272/The-Kalergi-Plan---By-Matthew-North

View: https://imgur.com/a/dMdX8V7
and the notorious bombardment of interracial coupling in all advertisements, tv shows, movies and google search results (happy white woman).
"We will put the negro minority in the highest avenues of sports and entertainment. With this newfound prestige they will be able to intermarry with the whites, delivering our communist party's cause".
I'm sure even they are surprised just how successful this has been. Every other modern White girl is a mudshark skank. Every woman convinced of this fetish, is the last member of her bloodline.
Perhaps the most common fetish normalized by porn. I can't even look at porn without utter disgust anymore, because you cant unsee it. When there are White actresses, or jewesses pretending to be White, they always pair them with niggers. When there are black or hispanic actresses, oh what do you know, all of a sudden, White cocks appear! Breed your bloodline out of existence, goy!
Every porchmonkey that has its grubby paws on a White woman, creates another incel, and fewer children being had.


Career chasing. Women in the workforce. Couples accomplish double the work for the same pay. Double the tax payer. Women are convinced to climb a career ladder til they're 40, and only once they have successfully done that, to worry about children. Cohencidentally (oy vey) women's biological clock has almost done ticking at around that point. The best time to have Children is 18-30. The older a woman, the uglier and higher health risk for the baby. Another avenue that takes women out of the dating pool. If you want to woo a woman with amenities like a house, nice car, and well paying job, you best make sure you cover at least double of what she can make. 6 figure salary or you're a bum. You cannot betabux without having the actual bux. Especially if you want your woman to have kids and stay at home.

WGTOW and lesbian dykes. Self explanatory.
Sexual liberty and sex work. Debunking womens roles, underground abortion rings, oppresive beauty standards, hatred towards men.


The only places in the whole world where multiculturalism takes place are: Europe, USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand.
All. White. Countries. You dont see this shit flying in India, or China, or God forbid, Israel.
Anyone who pays attention to far right news, i recommend using gab, knows that multiple European countries and capitals have been reduced to shit. Sweden, Germonkey, France, Ireland, London and UK in general, Denmark etc. Have major cities, or even capitals, that have gone from 90% indigenous population, to only 30-40% indigenous populations. How is this related to inceldom?
Every woman's dating pool is now convoluted with 3x times the options that otherwise wouldnt be there. Furthermore, their Zionist Occupied Government tries to sway them in favor of these new options. Because White people are bad, evil colonizers, slave owners, racists, you dont wanna be a nazi do you, and sex with immigrants smells like satin, yes you pajeets, you definitely dont smell like diarrhea and curry.


View: https://imgur.com/a/1kPOe9D

Puppeteering all these superficial lies is the kike media. It is inescapable. There isn't a normie who doesnt watch kikeflix (netflix) or listen to hiphop. Or breaindead boomer dads who worship niggers on Sunday football. Or young men who act like whiggers or watch basketball. All of these things are so synthetically propped up in popularity, that dads end up not objecting to their daughters fucking around with monkeys. That young mens pride and value is diminished to the point they are deemed unmasculine. That young women genuinely believe by mating with a negro, they will get a famous athlete child. Never mind that only 7% of Americas athletes are black, underrepresented by half to their 14% of total population, and thats black not a racemixed jewish science experiment moolie with mongrel leper genetics.
I even noticed this spreading to Japanese and South korean television in the past 2 years! The "Eurasian-negroid hybrid" race they so frequently mention, has a key component called asian. You are next in line, the smartest of ricecels! South korean tv featuring stupid ugly nigger pet monkeys that butcher their tongue. Dieversity being forced upon people with an average IQ of 105. Kike jews know that Aryans cooperated with honorary aryans in ww2. They do not forget. They know that besides ppl of European descent, the smarter asians are the only ones who could stop them from world slavery.
Know this stuff, and God forbid talk about it, you are immediately a nazi. They faked their tragedies very well, but nothing the era of information cant expose. The White mans invention, internet, may save us all yet. 6 death camps, 6 million shlomos, 6 day war of pissrael, 6 sided star of remfran. 6 ft, 6 figures, 6 inches. They teach kabbalah mysticism to all zionists. Judaism = satanism. They believe their numbers have power. If you've watched any fake american news you would know how insanely obsessed they are with numbers 6 and 36.

The reason we are incels, unless you're a blackcel fakecel (literally just use the fact that White women are brainwashed to sleep with negro hobos to prove they arent racist, and how they are too stupid to realize that a synthetic pornography stereotype isnt actually real life);
is because the kike jews want you to be alone, weak, too demoralized to fight back, and not leaving offspring that could get in their way. They are determined to make this, or the next generation, be the last ethnically fully European generation. These religious and ethnic adversaries for 3 thousand years have never stopped curbing our population. Kicked out of 110 different countries, 1031 times total.
We, just like many groups of people in our countries, are merely products of a zionist occupied government. The sooner all people realize this, the sooner we can return to a hyperborean reality with looksmatched waifus who just want to pump out kids.

I dont have a nose anymore
It’s easier to money max and get 6 figures when you’re 6+ inches and 6+ foot tall
Just be a jew theory
TLDR: its the jews. Always have been. This applies mostly to Whitecels, and a fair bit to ricecels

Normies will mention a whole lot of bullshit reasons for why the male loneliness epidemic is so rampant. Most of their "reasons" are actually effect, not causes. Such as: lower marriage rates, fewer children. How do you expect to have children before having a relationship, honestly?

Anyhow. I'm sure a lot of these reasons, and jewish philosophers and psychologists throw around fake trails so that nothing comes back to them. But the real reasons are as follows.


We have all seen the immensely rapid increase in women's superficiality in only about a decade. Jews who have been studying psychology of every demographic on earth for centuries know exactly how to exploit each of their weaknesses. They appeal to the most megalomaniac aspects of women's nature. Heightism and lookism. It was dating apps like Tinder with profile descriptions listing height, or in femoids cases, height requirements (swipe left if under 6') that ingrained this mythical 6ft requirement in womens brains. It spread like wildfire and soon enough femorrhoids didnt even see sub 6ft men as men anymore.

Cock carousel. With these apps and hook-up culture, women could browse a catalogue of Chads on their phones at any given time. When they have a choice of 100 guys eager to fuck, they will obviously choose the best ones available. Hence the 80/20 rule. Despite the male population being increasingly more loveless (27% of all men aged 18-25 were sexless almost 10 years ago, an outdated study by now, its probably much closer to half by now) there isnt a similar increase in women. In fact, a lot of women seem to be fucking more than ever. Its common to hear teenagers with double digit body counts now. Normies think surely that means for every woman theres a guy getting laid! Check mate incels! However, they cannot comprehend its the top 20% of men who fuck ALL of the women. Women are literally standing in line, staying single, waiting til Chad separates from his current, than rather hold hands with a sub 5 male. They would rather be Chad's fleshlight once a month, than have a meaningful LTR with a shorter, less handsome male. Having such easy access to instant gratification via tall hung chads, it is insanely hard for a femoid to come back down to earth and see normal males as the same species. We've been told our chances lie in the real world, not dating apps and hook-up apps. Femoids honestly dont care. 53% of modern relationships are formed through dating apps/sites. Our short window of opportunity to "show our personality" is inconsequential. Furthermore, whoreish behavior has been extremely normalized thanks to jewish media shaming anybody who calls women out. Sex work is real work. Its empowering to fuck around. Slay queen!

PorNOGraphy. If anybody gets unrealistic expectations from porn, its women. While there's a plethora of mediocre and even fat women pornstars around, giant roast beef pussies, etc. The one thing all male actors have in common is they are all hung. Hence the 6+ inches, also frequently seen on hookup apps. Men cope with porn, it makes them complacent, they dont have the thrill to go out there and chase, they release at home. Women watch porn, they see cherry picked hung niggers and occasionaly same race guys. Depends on the company.

Kalergi plan; Interracial pairing. https://goyimtv.com/v/1240677272/The-Kalergi-Plan---By-Matthew-North

View: https://imgur.com/a/dMdX8V7
and the notorious bombardment of interracial coupling in all advertisements, tv shows, movies and google search results (happy white woman).
"We will put the negro minority in the highest avenues of sports and entertainment. With this newfound prestige they will be able to intermarry with the whites, delivering our communist party's cause".
I'm sure even they are surprised just how successful this has been. Every other modern White girl is a mudshark skank. Every woman convinced of this fetish, is the last member of her bloodline.
Perhaps the most common fetish normalized by porn. I can't even look at porn without utter disgust anymore, because you cant unsee it. When there are White actresses, or jewesses pretending to be White, they always pair them with niggers. When there are black or hispanic actresses, oh what do you know, all of a sudden, White cocks appear! Breed your bloodline out of existence, goy!
Every porchmonkey that has its grubby paws on a White woman, creates another incel, and fewer children being had.


Career chasing. Women in the workforce. Couples accomplish double the work for the same pay. Double the tax payer. Women are convinced to climb a career ladder til they're 40, and only once they have successfully done that, to worry about children. Cohencidentally (oy vey) women's biological clock has almost done ticking at around that point. The best time to have Children is 18-30. The older a woman, the uglier and higher health risk for the baby. Another avenue that takes women out of the dating pool. If you want to woo a woman with amenities like a house, nice car, and well paying job, you best make sure you cover at least double of what she can make. 6 figure salary or you're a bum. You cannot betabux without having the actual bux. Especially if you want your woman to have kids and stay at home.

WGTOW and lesbian dykes. Self explanatory.
Sexual liberty and sex work. Debunking womens roles, underground abortion rings, oppresive beauty standards, hatred towards men.


The only places in the whole world where multiculturalism takes place are: Europe, USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand.
All. White. Countries. You dont see this shit flying in India, or China, or God forbid, Israel.
Anyone who pays attention to far right news, i recommend using gab, knows that multiple European countries and capitals have been reduced to shit. Sweden, Germonkey, France, Ireland, London and UK in general, Denmark etc. Have major cities, or even capitals, that have gone from 90% indigenous population, to only 30-40% indigenous populations. How is this related to inceldom?
Every woman's dating pool is now convoluted with 3x times the options that otherwise wouldnt be there. Furthermore, their Zionist Occupied Government tries to sway them in favor of these new options. Because White people are bad, evil colonizers, slave owners, racists, you dont wanna be a nazi do you, and sex with immigrants smells like satin, yes you pajeets, you definitely dont smell like diarrhea and curry.


View: https://imgur.com/a/1kPOe9D

Puppeteering all these superficial lies is the kike media. It is inescapable. There isn't a normie who doesnt watch kikeflix (netflix) or listen to hiphop. Or breaindead boomer dads who worship niggers on Sunday football. Or young men who act like whiggers or watch basketball. All of these things are so synthetically propped up in popularity, that dads end up not objecting to their daughters fucking around with monkeys. That young mens pride and value is diminished to the point they are deemed unmasculine. That young women genuinely believe by mating with a negro, they will get a famous athlete child. Never mind that only 7% of Americas athletes are black, underrepresented by half to their 14% of total population, and thats black not a racemixed jewish science experiment moolie with mongrel leper genetics.
I even noticed this spreading to Japanese and South korean television in the past 2 years! The "Eurasian-negroid hybrid" race they so frequently mention, has a key component called asian. You are next in line, the smartest of ricecels! South korean tv featuring stupid ugly nigger pet monkeys that butcher their tongue. Dieversity being forced upon people with an average IQ of 105. Kike jews know that Aryans cooperated with honorary aryans in ww2. They do not forget. They know that besides ppl of European descent, the smarter asians are the only ones who could stop them from world slavery.
Know this stuff, and God forbid talk about it, you are immediately a nazi. They faked their tragedies very well, but nothing the era of information cant expose. The White mans invention, internet, may save us all yet. 6 death camps, 6 million shlomos, 6 day war of pissrael, 6 sided star of remfran. 6 ft, 6 figures, 6 inches. They teach kabbalah mysticism to all zionists. Judaism = satanism. They believe their numbers have power. If you've watched any fake american news you would know how insanely obsessed they are with numbers 6 and 36.

The reason we are incels, unless you're a blackcel fakecel (literally just use the fact that White women are brainwashed to sleep with negro hobos to prove they arent racist, and how they are too stupid to realize that a synthetic pornography stereotype isnt actually real life);
is because the kike jews want you to be alone, weak, too demoralized to fight back, and not leaving offspring that could get in their way. They are determined to make this, or the next generation, be the last ethnically fully European generation. These religious and ethnic adversaries for 3 thousand years have never stopped curbing our population. Kicked out of 110 different countries, 1031 times total.
We, just like many groups of people in our countries, are merely products of a zionist occupied government. The sooner all people realize this, the sooner we can return to a hyperborean reality with looksmatched waifus who just want to pump out kids.

what are you talking about satanic nothing to do with Satanism.
what are you talking about satanic nothing to do with Satanism.
Marxism = satanism. Same exact textbook. Same creators of both. Where do 6 genders come from? talmud. Who promotes transgenderism? communist ideology (first ever transgender surgery by communist jews in 1920 germany, then when they ran after starting world war, they continued the same exact tranny shit in the Frankfurt school of USA). Who took apart the family unit and replaced with a superficial, toxic hookup culture? Those who dont want Europeans to procreate any longer. Study more. You should know this if you live in the era of information with 2+ decades of internet access
Marxism = satanism. Same exact textbook. Same creators of both. Where do 6 genders come from? talmud. Who promotes transgenderism? communist ideology (first ever transgender surgery by communist jews in 1920 germany, then when they ran after starting world war, they continued the same exact tranny shit in the Frankfurt school of USA). Who took apart the family unit and replaced with a superficial, toxic hookup culture? Those who dont want Europeans to procreate any longer. Study more. You should know this if you live in the era of information with 2+ decades of internet access
Oh a conspiracy idiot I have done spiritual satanism and renounced it. That shit your talking about has nothing to do with satanism
Oh a conspiracy idiot I have done spiritual satanism and renounced it. That shit your talking about has nothing to do with satanism
they are conspiring. You're a retard if you dont think 10 year old trannies popping up is a natural occurence, or anything else that stems from commu/satanism. Did you ever consider spiritual satanism is different? Have you ever fucking read the talmud? Again, as an adult, dodging this much info your entire life, u should probably log off permanently and go eat mud cakes in africa.
they are conspiring. You're a retard if you dont think 10 year old trannies popping up is a natural occurence, or anything else that stems from commu/satanism. Did you ever consider spiritual satanism is different? Have you ever fucking read the talmud? Again, as an adult, dodging this much info your entire life, u should probably log off permanently and go eat mud cakes in africa.
What the fuck is a Talmud you dumb prick your the mother fucking retard here I am in hospital because of my devotion to him, my family has suffered, one of my best friends (who is a Muslim has has 3 accidents and survived 3 times!!!!!! on his motorcycle) I myself am in hospital because of him AND THAT IS WHY I HAVE RENOUNCED MY WORHIP TO HIM. WHEN I GET OUT OF HOSPITAL I WILL MESS YOU UP WITH KNOWLEDGE. WAIT AND SEE.
whats the weather like in tel aviv? Must be pretty hot cause your brain is fried. I'll believe this when you point out the ongoing genocides of entire ethnic groups of people that Europeans are currently running.

John 8:44 rev 3:9 rev 2:9. Jews are the earthly spawn of Satan. You will never convince me that eating and sacrificing children, poisoning water supplies of goyim cities and towns, starting wars, creating bioweapons, having huge child trafficking rings, and children grooming programs isnt evil. List Europeans doing that to the point they've been kicked from 110 different nations. Then I will begin to believe we are the same. Genuinely from the bottom of my heart, fuck you to hell and back, you are my first block on this site, jew.
Jews do not do these things
Imagine how many cocks a foid needs to see before she is satisfied with the size of her man’s cock.
Many foids on Reddit proudly say that they have a “small clit,” and can’t handle large men - so this 6-6-6 rule is nonsense.
I was mocking you, you retarded satanist
Retarded? LOL the way of the left hand path of indulgence makes more sense than abstinence, not to mention Satanism is about critical thinking, with evidence and data. YOur the one who is part of the sheep heard not me, your the retard.
Retarded? LOL the way of the left hand path of indulgence makes more sense than abstinence, not to mention Satanism is about critical thinking, with evidence and data. YOur the one who is part of the sheep heard not me, your the retard.
they way of the left hand path is is exactly what femoids do nowadays that’s the most retarded Jew shit ever you’re such a stupid satanist if you think that’s what makes the most sense and that shit philosophy is exactly what feminists want and is what leads to hypergamy and shit like abortion get the fuck off this website libtard
Retarded? LOL the way of the left hand path of indulgence makes more sense than abstinence, not to mention Satanism is about critical thinking, with evidence and data. YOur the one who is part of the sheep heard not me, your the retard.
You would get along well with @Michael W. Ford
they way of the left hand path is is exactly what femoids do nowadays that’s the most retarded Jew shit ever you’re such a stupid satanist if you think that’s what makes the most sense and that shit philosophy is exactly what feminists want and is what leads to hypergamy and shit like abortion get the fuck off this website libtard
go fuck yourself dickhead I am not a jew do not tell me what to do I am an incel. you obviously know knotting your religion is the thing that has stopped you from living life to the maximum stupid prick. you fuck off from this site.
go fuck yourself dickhead I am not a jew do not tell me what to do I am an incel. you obviously know knotting your religion is the thing that has stopped you from living life to the maximum stupid prick. you fuck off from this site.
My religion is what stopped foids from practicing their hypergamous nature for thousands of years prick so stfu you don’t know anything “do what thou wilt” bs philosophy is the cause of feminism and the sexual revolution bs and is why foids are all hypergamous spoiled sluts and is the cause of inceldom end yourself bitch
My religion is what stopped foids from practicing their hypergamous nature for thousands of years prick so stfu you don’t know anything “do what thou wilt” bs philosophy is the cause of feminism and the sexual revolution bs and is why foids are all hypergamous spoiled sluts and is the cause of inceldom end yourself bitch
your religion has stopped you connecting positively to females you stupid idiot. stupid prick, when will you realise? how old are you?

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