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What happens after we die

our brains act as a conduit for consciousness.

what makes us individuals is that our brains and physiology are different.

but the consciousness that we have is the same consciousness that an electron, single cell organism, worm, or mammal has.

as far as we know a really complex electrical storm on a gas giant can house consciousness for brief moments millionths of a second. or some kind of intense cosmic activity like a gamma ray burst. so for those brief moments of a millionth of a second, that electrical storm on a distant planet is as much of a conscious sentient individual just as much as you are.

when you die thats it. your consciousness going into a different conduit is just speculation. it could theoretically happen.

i'm sure in the distant future we'll be able to house our consciousness temporarily in a device and move it back to a cloned body or something. or hell, remove the need to have it in a body altogether as bodies/brains are weak and frail.

we all think of aliens as green/grey humanoids but most likely advanced aliens are bodiless/invisible floating astral bodies. they don't need food or civilizations. most people are too stupid to comprehend this and look at the future from a technology/western bias viewpoint. if you look at aliens from a consciousness standpoint, civilizations are totally unnecessary. there are no "advanced" civlizations out there because if they were advanced they wouldnt be civilizations in the first place.
Just be a boltzmann brain and literally ascend theory
I think in religions, islam specifically that a non believer is worse than a child rapist so by that pascals wager does not really work

I dont think religion is real anyway, stuff like this was probably used as an intimidation to indoctrinate genuine good hearted people who fence sat on the issue
Yeah religion is brainwash mind control bullshit but I have to look like I’m following it but deep down I know it’s stupid asf. Even with the very small chance that Islam or any religion is real, it’s better to look like I’m conforming rather than being rejected and outcasted by my family and other people cause I live in a Muslim majority area
Yeah religion is brainwash mind control bullshit but I have to look like I’m following it but deep down I know it’s stupid asf. Even with the very small chance that Islam or any religion is real, it’s better to look like I’m conforming rather than being rejected and outcasted by my family and other people cause I live in a Muslim majority area
From a societal standard playing the chameleon there is absolutely the play sadly
I feel like I am a lot of those things,.is this why I am an incel and my life.is shit
no, thats about the nature of sin, in revelation 20
(it does say the vile unbelieving etc. which are characteristics that comes from sin and we ALL SINNED)

and the group its speaking about is those who have ALREADY went to sheol or what we call hell, and they get ressurected by the father to be judged in the lake of fire, you can accept the atonement jesus made for us on the cross as the burnt offering/lamb offering that was prophesied to die for us to shed his blood (without shedding of blood no redemption of sin, cuz life is in the blood leviticus 17:11)

the gospel is in 1st corinthians 15:1-4 jesus died for sins as atonement (by shedding his blood) buried and rise on the third day for our justification

whoever believe is not condemned but he who does not is CONDEMNED john 3:18

its all about faith, you believe on his death to atone you through his blood on the cross and his ressurection you are sealed until day of redemption or the rapture (ephesians 2)
We go to incel valhalla
I feel like I am a lot of those things,.is this why I am an incel and my life.is shit
You can repent and be saved ,God does care for you !

Romans 10
9: If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
nothing, it's like going to bed
our brains act as a conduit for consciousness.

what makes us individuals is that our brains and physiology are different.

but the consciousness that we have is the same consciousness that an electron, single cell organism, worm, or mammal has.

as far as we know a really complex electrical storm on a gas giant can house consciousness for brief moments millionths of a second. or some kind of intense cosmic activity like a gamma ray burst. so for those brief moments of a millionth of a second, that electrical storm on a distant planet is as much of a conscious sentient individual just as much as you are.

when you die thats it. your consciousness going into a different conduit is just speculation. it could theoretically happen.

i'm sure in the distant future we'll be able to house our consciousness temporarily in a device and move it back to a cloned body or something. or hell, remove the need to have it in a body altogether as bodies/brains are weak and frail.

we all think of aliens as green/grey humanoids but most likely advanced aliens are bodiless/invisible floating astral bodies. they don't need food or civilizations. most people are too stupid to comprehend this and look at the future from a technology/western bias viewpoint. if you look at aliens from a consciousness standpoint, civilizations are totally unnecessary. there are no "advanced" civlizations out there because if they were advanced they wouldnt be civilizations in the first place.
bugs bunny smile GIF by Looney Tunes
Will I still get to experience the material world in any way after death? Will I be in a dream like world? Or will it really be nothing. I hope there is an after life similar to this but not shit. Like a real paradise. And hope we all go to it. What do you guys think. Or should we get rid of all attachment to this world and not hope that we get a similar life after.
Yeah, in theory this world could be perfect. But the reality is, the evolutionary process needed for our world is hell itself and the amount of suffering is infinite. Nothing after death doesn't make much sense. I hope our evolution leads to a benevolent AI. That would at least make the best out of all the suffering since the big bang.
Truecels shall receive 72 anime loli virgin waifus when they die
With AI we could have infinite loli virgins. AI could simulate all atoms in the universe virtually so we could control time and fuck all females that have ever existed.
That would honestly make this living through this hellhole worth it.
Virtual sex utopia with the ability to re-visit out fondest memories.
I think there will be nothing. Think about it: Before we were born there also was nothing so why should it be different after we are dead? In fact, even when we are in deep sleep and we don't dream there is "nothing", so in why should our consciousness be preserved after we die? It does not make any sense at all.

View: https://youtu.be/DAaxlyb4Z60

But you forget the part that there was a time when there was "nothing" yet you are somehow miraculously here. How did that happen?

Personally I believe in cycle of birth. If "you" can be born once, what makes you think it couldn't happen again.

Although it isn't "you" being reborn but rather the consciousness attaches to another living being, and "you" are just the one who happens to go through the experience.
If it's not you who're reborn but simply consciousness it's fucking hopeless and pointless and fucking tragic. It would just be infinite pointless loops of being all lifeforms ever for eternity without having any control over the situation. That's why buddhists and hindus are full of shit.
Existence is inevitable, sooner or later the stars will align correctly for you to be born again as a conscious being, it doesn't matter how many trillions of years that will take because time does not exist in state of death so it is instant like passing from binary 0 to 1, there is no state in-between, death is an illusion.
If your life ends up being shit, this concept is hell. If your life ends up amazing, it could be a blessing if this is true (if life end up with AI sex utopia)
True but meaningless because I would not remember anything. It's basically if you have a computer with some RAM and open an app and then it "lives" and then close it and then it "dies". If you then open another app it can be opened in the same area of RAM or in another one, but it doesn't remember anything from the app before, so it's meaningless whether it uses the same location or not.

So yes, essentially the "location" used for my consciousness could be re-used, but it would not make any difference. I don't remember anything from any previous life, so I have no reason to assume that I would remember anything from this life in my next life.
Yeah, it's fucking pointless if it's like that.
Honestly it'd be neat to have an afterlife, but sadly this is the only thing you've got. There is nothing after this life, just darkness.
"Darkness" requires a conscious being who can experience it to make it exist in the first place.
I’m a Pascal’s wager type nigga I think I’ll be religious so I can avoid any bullshit in the afterlife
Doesn't make sense to be that 'cause there are thousands of gods and if you pick the wrong one you're fucked.
i'm sure in the distant future we'll be able to house our consciousness temporarily in a device and move it back to a cloned body or something. or hell, remove the need to have it in a body altogether as bodies/brains are weak and frail.

we all think of aliens as green/grey humanoids but most likely advanced aliens are bodiless/invisible floating astral bodies. they don't need food or civilizations. most people are too stupid to comprehend this and look at the future from a technology/western bias viewpoint. if you look at aliens from a consciousness standpoint, civilizations are totally unnecessary. there are no "advanced" civlizations out there because if they were advanced they wouldnt be civilizations in the first place.
But the astral bodies with the ability to control reality would be the end product of technological evolution.
Just be a boltzmann brain and literally ascend theory
Imagine it all being a dream or simulation and when you die you can choose to experience anything as a boltzmann brain.
Idk and idc, because I can't dead if I never lived
Doesn't make sense to be that 'cause there are thousands of gods and if you pick the wrong one you're fucked.
You’re right I’m fucked then lol I think I’ll just stick to panpsychism
Yeah religion is brainwash mind control bullshit but I have to look like I’m following it but deep down I know it’s stupid asf. Even with the very small chance that Islam or any religion is real, it’s better to look like I’m conforming rather than being rejected and outcasted by my family and other people cause I live in a Muslim majority area
Damn how did you escape the delusion?
I think there will be nothing. Think about it: Before we were born there also was nothing so why should it be different after we are dead? In fact, even when we are in deep sleep and we don't dream there is "nothing", so in why should our consciousness be preserved after we die? It does not make any sense at all.
One possibility is that your consciousness asymptotically approaches the moment of your death in spacetime but never really gets there. Time stretches down to immeasurable slowness. You live your last DMT-fueled dream ad infinitum.
After death, God will give us 72 virgins. We'll finally ascend.
You will experience nothingness—a state akin to deep sleep, a black screen forever. There is no life after death. I mean, there is no "you" after death. How can there be? When humans get Alzheimer's, they forget a lot of things—they forget family members and even their own identity.

From this, you can deduce for yourself that after you die, there is no afterlife, no reincarnation, or any other such concepts. Alzheimer is the irrefutable proof that, there's no life after death.

You came from nothing, and you will return to nothing. Nothing is lost. Life was just an energy event that took the form of a human. In reality, a human is just a label; we are energy. Energy cannot be destroyed. If everything is energy, it just recycles forever, creating all kinds of beings, plants, galaxies, and so on.
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I hope heaven does exist where I could be at peace for all eternity never having to worry about having degenerate sex
Will I still get to experience the material world in any way after death? Will I be in a dream like world? Or will it really be nothing. I hope there is an after life similar to this but not shit. Like a real paradise. And hope we all go to it. What do you guys think. Or should we get rid of all attachment to this world and not hope that we get a similar life after.
Heaven for me.
I don't know about everyone else, most likely hell.
One possibility is that your consciousness asymptotically approaches the moment of your death in spacetime but never really gets there. Time stretches down to immeasurable slowness. You live your last DMT-fueled dream ad infinitum.
Lifefuel for Zeno's paradoxcels
honestly, i will never know
maybe total nothing and we cease to exist or rebirth and reincarnation or even worse hell
i hope it's nothing so i don't have to be reborn as a sandnigger or even worse a nigger in the desert or a curry.
When we die we get greeted by a Tyrone in a white robe and get judged to be a permavirgin Indian but infinite times worse or experience life as a teen Tyrone

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