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What happens after we die



Jul 11, 2020
Will I still get to experience the material world in any way after death? Will I be in a dream like world? Or will it really be nothing. I hope there is an after life similar to this but not shit. Like a real paradise. And hope we all go to it. What do you guys think. Or should we get rid of all attachment to this world and not hope that we get a similar life after.
we're dead nigga

Truecels shall receive 72 anime loli virgin waifus when they die
Hope a female worker at the morgue is assigned your cadaver so your body at least feels the touch of a female before being dumped in the grave
Will I still get to experience the material world in any way after death? Will I be in a dream like world? Or will it really be nothing. I hope there is an after life similar to this but not shit. Like a real paradise. And hope we all go to it. What do you guys think. Or should we get rid of all attachment to this world and not hope that we get a similar life after.
If you are born again and a new creature in Jesus Christ you will go to paradise forever!
If you are born again and a new creature in Jesus Christ you will go to paradise forever!
What are you talking about ? Christianity doesnt believe in rebirth, thats Buddhism and Hinduism
Or will it really be nothing.
I think there will be nothing. Think about it: Before we were born there also was nothing so why should it be different after we are dead? In fact, even when we are in deep sleep and we don't dream there is "nothing", so in why should our consciousness be preserved after we die? It does not make any sense at all.
What are you talking about ? Christianity doesnt believe in rebirth, thats Buddhism and Hinduism
it does, there is a ressurection from the dead in fact it happens like seven times

one with lazarus

second was jesus

third is the captives or abrahamic saints in matthew 27:51-53

third is the future event known as the pre tribulation rapture

4th is the two witnesses in the tribulation period revelation 11

5th is revelation 20 first ressurection within the millenial reign of christ in earth bodily when he raise the believers who got martyred because they didnt accept 666 aka the mark of the beast (mark of the worship of antichrist whos the son of the dragon or the serpent leviathan of the sea aka satan spiritually)

6th is the saints from the law period daniel chapter 12 verse 12
(folks like jeremiah, haggai, isaiah,samson,solomon, david etc.)

and finally 7 (god operate by 7ths) is the great white throne judgment ressurecting the people that are in hades to be judged by the heavenly father (not jesus) and no, the dead didnt go to the fire yet they are still in hades (or what we know as hell which is a different and dark dimension sort of

for the love of god learn the bible and read it carefully instead of getting brainwashed by trashy churches that cant even tell a from b
it does, there is a ressurection from the dead in fact it happens like seven times

one with lazarus

second was jesus

third is the captives or abrahamic saints in matthew 27:51-53

third is the future event known as the pre tribulation rapture

4th is the two witnesses in the tribulation period revelation 11

5th is revelation 20 first ressurection within the millenial reign of christ in earth bodily when he raise the believers who got martyred because they didnt accept 666 aka the mark of the beast (mark of the worship of antichrist whos the son of the dragon or the serpent leviathan of the sea aka satan spiritually)

6th is the saints from the law period daniel chapter 12 verse 12
(folks like jeremiah, haggai, isaiah,samson,solomon, david etc.)

and finally 7 (god operate by 7ths) is the great white throne judgment ressurecting the people that are in hades to be judged by the heavenly father (not jesus) and no, the dead didnt go to the fire yet they are still in hades (or what we know as hell which is a different and dark dimension sort of)
Ressurection and rebirth/reincarnation are not the same
Ressurection and rebirth/reincarnation are not the same
ik what you mean, only form of a carnation we got in the bible is INcarnation of the lord jesus christ not REincarnation so yes you would be correct on that one
If you are born again and a new creature in Jesus Christ you will go to paradise forever!
2nd corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
I think there will be nothing. Think about it: Before we were born there also was nothing so why should it be different after we are dead? In fact, even when we are in deep sleep and we don't dream there is "nothing", so in why should our consciousness be preserved after we die? It does not make any sense at all.
most high iq Comment here
I think there will be nothing. Think about it: Before we were born there also was nothing so why should it be different after we are dead? In fact, even when we are in deep sleep and we don't dream there is "nothing", so in why should our consciousness be preserved after we die? It does not make any sense at all.
But you forget the part that there was a time when there was "nothing" yet you are somehow miraculously here. How did that happen?

Personally I believe in cycle of birth. If "you" can be born once, what makes you think it couldn't happen again.

Although it isn't "you" being reborn but rather the consciousness attaches to another living being, and "you" are just the one who happens to go through the experience.
Will I still get to experience the material world in any way after death? Will I be in a dream like world? Or will it really be nothing. I hope there is an after life similar to this but not shit. Like a real paradise. And hope we all go to it. What do you guys think. Or should we get rid of all attachment to this world and not hope that we get a similar life after.

Existence is inevitable, sooner or later the stars will align correctly for you to be born again as a conscious being, it doesn't matter how many trillions of years that will take because time does not exist in state of death so it is instant like passing from binary 0 to 1, there is no state in-between, death is an illusion.
Your soul floats up out of your body into a black void where you feel completely at peace and more alive than you’ve ever felt here on earth.

Then you see a light off in the distance in the form of a man standing upon a rock.

The man is of course the lord Jesus Christ and it is the bema seat ie judgement seat of Christ and sheep gate you are taken to or transported before him at to be judged worthy to enter Heaven or unworthy and sent to Hell.
But you forget the part that there was a time when there was "nothing" yet you are somehow miraculously here. How did that happen?
I don't know.
Personally I believe in cycle of birth. If "you" can be born once, what makes you think it couldn't happen again.
True but meaningless because I would not remember anything. It's basically if you have a computer with some RAM and open an app and then it "lives" and then close it and then it "dies". If you then open another app it can be opened in the same area of RAM or in another one, but it doesn't remember anything from the app before, so it's meaningless whether it uses the same location or not.

So yes, essentially the "location" used for my consciousness could be re-used, but it would not make any difference. I don't remember anything from any previous life, so I have no reason to assume that I would remember anything from this life in my next life.
2nd corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
Same thing before you were born.
What are you talking about ? Christianity doesnt believe in rebirth, thats Buddhism and Hinduism
There are two resurrections in the Bible,the first for the righteous and the second for the wicked!
Eternal rest.
There are two resurrections in the Bible,the first for the righteous and the second for the wicked!
thats more simplified brother, there is 7 of them, but in the context of daniel 12 there is two, one to the saints, who are likely the law period saints like haggai,solomon,samson etc., even the context in all of daniel requires it to be about them and the millenial reign, the second is the wicked folks in sheol who will be ressurected (everlasting contempt) and judged by our heavenly father in the great white throne of judgment which would be picturing in mind people like king nebuchadnezzar in the earlier chapters of daniel
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thats more simplified brother, there is 7 of them, but in the context of daniel 12 there is two, one to the saints, who are likely the law period saints like haggai,solomon,samson etc., even the context in all of daniel requires it to be about them and the millenial reign, the second is the wicked folks in sheol who will be ressurected (everlasting contempt) and judged by our heavenly father in the great white throne of judgment which would be picturing in mind people like king nebuchadnezzar in the earlier chapters of daniel
I had never heard that ,I always thought Daniel 12 was a prequil to revelation.

21 Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,”[a] for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. 2 I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. 3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4 ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’[b] or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

5 He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”

6 He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life. 7 Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children. 8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”

I'd see it more of this being an elaboration of Da.12
You can finally rest and don't worry about inceldom or kikes from space
I had never heard that ,I always thought Daniel 12 was a prequil to revelation.

21 Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,”[a] for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. 2 I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. 3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4 ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’[b] or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

5 He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”

6 He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life. 7 Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children. 8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”

I'd see it more of this being an elaboration of Da.12
i disagree but its alright, revelation 20 includes the first ressurection to the righteous (martyred of second half of the trib as well as law saints, and the wicked are the ones judged as sheol by the father at the end of revelation 20)
i disagree but its alright, revelation 20 includes the first ressurection to the righteous (martyred of second half of the trib as well as law saints, and the wicked are the ones judged as sheol by the father at the end of revelation 20)
this is what daniel 12 is about
i disagree but its alright, revelation 20 includes the first ressurection to the righteous (martyred of second half of the trib as well as law saints, and the wicked are the ones judged as sheol by the father at the end of revelation 20)
I don't disagree there ae different types of Saints in the Kingdom ,I was talking of the general point that the Righteous and wicked are resurrected at different times and have different fates
Where does data go if you permanently delete it? No where.... it just stops existing. The same happens to us and until some bloke can come up with a better cope than trust me bro, there is something after this, then I'm gonna keep believing that nothing happens after death.
Honestly it'd be neat to have an afterlife, but sadly this is the only thing you've got. There is nothing after this life, just darkness.
Where does data go if you permanently delete it? No where.... it just stops existing. The same happens to us and until some bloke can come up with a better cope than trust me bro, there is something after this, then I'm gonna keep believing that nothing happens after death.
Honestly it'd be neat to have an afterlife, but sadly this is the only thing you've got. There is nothing after this life, just darkness.
That's the worry that's what stops me from ending it but it's a miserable existence when you know this is all you get and it's this shit
That's the worry that's what stops me from ending it but it's a miserable existence when you know this is all you get and it's this shit
Word. If this is all we have we should really treat life like a "precious gift". I know that it sounds very normie tier however I think that there is a high degree of truth to that. You make the best of what shitty fate chance assigned to you.
We get recycled lmfao

Have fun being a curry or chink in next life
I’m a Pascal’s wager type nigga I think I’ll be religious so I can avoid any bullshit in the afterlife
I think its a black/white void for all the living beings in universe
personally I don’t think there is some sort of afterlife but that is a heated topic
the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death
I feel like I am a lot of those things,.is this why I am an incel and my life.is shit
I don't think it matters. Try and keep yourself from antagonizing people and maybe you won't go to hell. Either way, get very religious during the last years of your life.
I don't think it matters. Try and keep yourself from antagonizing people and maybe you won't go to hell. Either way, get very religious during the last years of your life.
Why do you go to hell for arguing with people?, I argue with a lot of people
Why do you go to hell for arguing with people?, I argue with a lot of people
Antagonism meaning deliberating harming in a non-reciprocal way. Bullying, essentially. Doing that will make you enemies. These enemies, if pushed far enough and given the power to do so, might try and kill you. So you should not do that. And in doing so, it's also a double-whammy in not pissing off God (if he exists), keeping you from hell (at least partly), after you die.

That's what I'm saying.
I’m a Pascal’s wager type nigga I think I’ll be religious so I can avoid any bullshit in the afterlife
I think in religions, islam specifically that a non believer is worse than a child rapist so by that pascals wager does not really work

I dont think religion is real anyway, stuff like this was probably used as an intimidation to indoctrinate genuine good hearted people who fence sat on the issue
our brains act as a conduit for consciousness.

what makes us individuals is that our brains and physiology are different.

but the consciousness that we have is the same consciousness that an electron, single cell organism, worm, or mammal has.

as far as we know a really complex electrical storm on a gas giant can house consciousness for brief moments millionths of a second. or some kind of intense cosmic activity like a gamma ray burst. so for those brief moments of a millionth of a second, that electrical storm on a distant planet is as much of a conscious sentient individual just as much as you are.

when you die thats it. your consciousness going into a different conduit is just speculation. it could theoretically happen.

i'm sure in the distant future we'll be able to house our consciousness temporarily in a device and move it back to a cloned body or something. or hell, remove the need to have it in a body altogether as bodies/brains are weak and frail.

we all think of aliens as green/grey humanoids but most likely advanced aliens are bodiless/invisible floating astral bodies. they don't need food or civilizations. most people are too stupid to comprehend this and look at the future from a technology/western bias viewpoint. if you look at aliens from a consciousness standpoint, civilizations are totally unnecessary. there are no "advanced" civlizations out there because if they were advanced they wouldnt be civilizations in the first place.
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Antagonism meaning deliberating harming in a non-reciprocal way. Bullying, essentially. Doing that will make you enemies. These enemies, if pushed far enough and given the power to do so, might try and kill you. So you should not do that. And in doing so, it's also a double-whammy in not pissing off God (if he exists), keeping you from hell (at least partly), after you die.

That's what I'm saying.
Everyone is a fat pussy in England, nobody is gonna kill me for saying bad stuff to them, and I hope they did anyway so I can die and be done with this place

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