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Serious What exactly do you hope this "spread of the incel influence" will achieve?

Normies on the other hand are the ones we should focus the BlackPill influence on. They aren't Chads, nor do they like to be abused like the betas cucks. They want pussy, but they don't want to humiliate themselves to the foids like the cucks do.

They however are very afraid of group thinking and social validation. As such they are very afraid of being branded radicals or nazis, or Incels or Buddhists. The Normies are afraid of being seen as different, of being seen as not normies.

As such, to win the normies, we need to normalize the BlackPills. The feminists and female movements won the normies by hammering them everyday for decades that feminism was normal and acceptable and empowering wormen was the "normal thing to do."

I guess the idea is that the more men realise the futility of pursuing women, the less power women will ultimately have and thus the less they'll get away with being greedy.

At the most I suppose it might adjust womens attitudes, although this is unlikely, but at the least it'll at least punish them with less slaves to exploit and force them to fend for themselves instead of relying entirely on men (of course many women will still able to rely on chad, but for the uglier women they'll be fucked).

If it can make womens lives slightly more miserable I'm content with that even if incels don't get anything in the end.

What I mean is, what specific thing are you trying to see?

Like, say for instance I was crusading against racism. I don't want racism in America. How will I know that I've won? Uhhhhh, if we can get a black President. If America will elect a black President, racism is at a level of weakness that I can live with. But what about us and this whole "blackpill influence" thing? What specific thing do we need?
And you know that level of chaos has never happened in the history of history, even in humanity's darkest hours. You understand this is almost certainly not gonna happen?
Bullshit, it's just more localized. The current situation in Syria and Yemen is beyond what I'm describing, even. And speaking of the world in general, nothing that's happening right now has ever happened. This is an unnatural time, humans are interacting with each other in ways unlike the previous millenia of our existence. You're crazy/bluepilled if you think bombings and shootings aren't going to get more and more common. Who knows if it'll lead anywhere, but make no mistake, violence is definitely going to rise. Get used to it. Let go of your hope that maybe you'll be able to eeeek by.
Even though the blackpill spreading is a good thing, it can also be a bad thing because the majority of the world puts women on a pedestal and some governments would probably make a worldwide incel warning or euthanize incels or something similar.
What specific thing do we need?
Incel president, I guess. Lol. Seriously, though, even a discussion of gender dynamics and the social (not sexual) market on a political scale would be a step in the right direction for me. That's why I'm happy when there's stuff about incels, even though it's always (always) a hit piece written by some 5/10 cuck or foid about how we're the most dangerous people in the world.
Okay, so, no more foot porn? Once that happens, we've won?

How do we know that's not the case right now? The think about arbitrary numbers like that is, they're just numbers. I'm asking for specific things you would see in life that would be proof that the battle is won. What does "Only 1 out of 300 men are cucks" actually look like? That's still about 25 million men. I'm asking what specific scenario or scenarios would come up in a world with only 25 million cucks.

It's not just women in Venezuela who are suffering. It's everyone. That's not a "Beta Uprising," that's just widespread poverty. But are you hoping for a Beta Uprising, or a society that's like the 1950s?
The fact that he foid is able to make money off of selling feet pics is representative of a much larger problem in society that needs to be taken care of.
Bullshit, it's just more localized. The current situation in Syria and Yemen is beyond what I'm describing, even. And speaking of the world in general, nothing that's happening right now has ever happened. This is an unnatural time, humans are interacting with each other in ways unlike the previous millenia of our existence. You're crazy/bluepilled if you think bombings and shootings aren't going to get more and more common. Who knows if it'll lead anywhere, but make no mistake, violence is definitely going to rise. Get used to it. Let go of your hope that maybe you'll be able to eeeek by.

That's what I mean though. You said shootings and bombings in every city every day. It has never been like that. Not every place in the world is Syria. And not every place in the world can be Syria. That's the thing about wishing for without-rule-of-law conditions on a global scale. That can't happen because there exist in the world people in power with money and resources. Companies and such. The reason Syria is the way it is is because it lacks the things our civilized world has. The things that keep this kind of widespread chaos from kicking off. You can 9/11 a building or two, but it can't last. Eventually terrorists are brought in and/or killed.

Incel president, I guess. Lol. Seriously, though, even a discussion of gender dynamics and the social (not sexual) market on a political scale would be a step in the right direction for me. That's why I'm happy when there's stuff about incels, even though it's always (always) a hit piece written by some 5/10 cuck or foid about how we're the most dangerous people in the world.

So a discussion of the injustices men face from a social justice perspective. A discussion held by politicians & legislators. Once we have that, we have succeeded in our mission? That's a specific goal, yeah.

Less rights and less privileges to females.
No rights and no privileges, like in the past, is impossible. Feminism is the kind of genie that once out of his bottle it's impossible to put him back in.

But we don't take rights away. Don't let yourself be fooled. What we do is enforce protections. So no one's gonna take rights away for the sole purpose of depriving someone of something they like. Also, I need a specific vision. What is it women shouldn't be able to do that will signify that we've won? Some people might call the Alabama abortion bill the sign that we've won.


Let me elaborate. Less rights and less privileges to females is the signal that the BlackPill and Incels are achieving their goals.
What rights? Voting and working. How to do it? In my previous post I already said that ending those rights is impossible
But what we can do is make them "unattractive" to the females. (like us kek)

Something like, "you can only vote if you have served in the military for at least 1 year."
"Those unwilling to serve and protect the country, have no say in how it should be governed".

Having to conscript has always been a requisite to being able to vote. Many countries have that today. Unfortunately America is not one of them. Females will lose the will to vote if they need to do anything more beside standing up and walking to the voting booth.
------------------------------------------------ Skip this part if you dislike politics --------------------------------------------------------------
No female voter base = less people voting Democrat. Less Democrats = less socialism and feminist laws.

The Democrats, after losing political power due to a diminished voter base, would focus their propaganda in their second cattle voter base: blacks, ethnics and the poor. Or BEP for short.
How do we make working unattractive to females? Are you kidding me? Females already hate work, they just want easy desktop, HR, fake "psychologist", facebook all day, using smartphone tinder all day "jobs".

Have you ever seen a foid working? They don't work, they hate it. They always count on a beta provider to give them money. Or a cuck husband or government welfare.

So this is hard, how to prevent beta cucks from giving money to the foids? How to stop government welfare, thus forcing the foids to actually going out and working real jobs?

I don't know. I still don't know a way to prevent twitch whores and cam whores from making a lot of money from the beta cucks.

So a law that says in order to vote, you must serve in the military? It's a specific goal, but women will absolutely do some kind of reserves thing if it means keeping the right to vote.

As your nick suggests, you want a solution. The problem is very complex and the solution is 10x more complex.

Females need to go back to being part of something. Today they have the individualist mentality. Many men have that mentality too, but oh boy, females take it to a whole other level.

Males have the concept of self sacrifice, and to work hard for something or someone else. Females lack that entirely, since other people always catered to their every need one way or another.

"Me work my ass for someone else? Never! I am a princess, I am a queen, I am unique, everyone tells me that everyday!"

But lo and behold, there is but one men for which the foids do everything: Chad Thundercock. For him, the foids suck cum out of a dead dog's asshole. For him the foids lie, betray, kill, steal and die.

What we need is a way to use that to correct society.

I just wanna know what specifically people hope to see. You wanna see more women in the workplace? What would be the sign of that?
A place to belong.
It doesn't happen overnight. It takes time and happens slowly. As more and more men wake up, they become more and more hostile and apathetic towards women.

This, I've read recently there has been a cultural change to where many men would refuse to intervene to save women and even children, men are becoming apathetic towards society itself, the more and more men who get black pilled, the less and less men will be helping society survive

We don't need normie males to join our side, we just need them not to side with normies anymore, they will find a middle ground, but that middle ground is essentially our ground anyways, they just won't realize it.
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A place to belong.

You mean like a club?

This, I've read recently there has been a cultural change to where many men would refuse to intervene to save women and even children, men are becoming apathetic towards society itself, the more and more men who get black pilled, the less and less men will be helping society survive

We don't need normie males to join our side, we just need them not to side with normies anymore, they will find a middle ground, but that middle ground is essentially our ground anyways, they just won't realize it.

But what specific thing are we hoping to see? What exact sign?
Incels are a small subset of virgins who are actually aware of the injustices of the dating market and women's nature. As long as cucks and simps are deluded and manipulated into believing that serving their feminist masters will lead to sex, they will always be enemies. Women do not care about the plight of low status males. Even academic post wall roasties can never truly be on our side because they are alpha widowed and see incels as a new market to push their bullshit onto. The only way things will change is if a majority of male virgins cast off their cuckditioning and accept the blackpill as truth.
Incels are a small subset of virgins who are actually aware of the injustices of the dating market and women's nature. As long as cucks and simps are deluded and manipulated into believing that serving their feminist masters will lead to sex, they will always be enemies. Women do not care about the plight of low status males. Even academic post wall roasties can never truly be on our side because they are alpha widowed and see incels as a new market to push their bullshit onto. The only way things will change is if a majority of male virgins cast off their cuckditioning and accept the blackpill as truth.

But what are you hoping will come from that?
lifefuel for plastic surgeons
No more ugly guys doing favors for foids. Or at least their number will dwindle dramatically. Nothing more.
Acknowledgement by society that the system is rigged and there will be no cucks. Men would know their worth and dignity, putting women back in their place, and create a more proper dating market. Abolishment of PUA, bluepills, and other things that delude men
Society crumbles and beta uprising by incels protesting that sexual needs is important, which leads to final war with feminism
But what are you hoping will come from that?
Reversal of sexual freedom and normies accepting that the blackpill is real. Making it so that women can not be sluts without serious societal and social consequences. These forces would make it so that women can't slut around with chads and ruin their pair bonding mechanisms, and make it easier for incels to find long-term lookmatches.
No more ugly guys doing favors for foids. Or at least their number will dwindle dramatically. Nothing more.

Okay, so what specific sign should I look out for if their numbers "dwindle dramatically?" What exact thing should I see?

Also, what is a "favor?" Would men not do anything for women? Why would they not do things with women, but would do things with men?

Acknowledgement by society that the system is rigged and there will be no cucks. Men would know their worth and dignity, putting women back in their place, and create a more proper dating market. Abolishment of PUA, bluepills, and other things that delude men
Society crumbles and beta uprising by incels protesting that sexual needs is important, which leads to final war with feminism

What does "acknowledgement" look like? Is there a particular person that would have to be talking about it? What specific sign should I be looking out for to know that this has been acknowledged?

Reversal of sexual freedom and normies accepting that the blackpill is real. Making it so that women can not be sluts without serious societal and social consequences. These forces would make it so that women can't slut around with chads and ruin their pair bonding mechanisms, and make it easier for incels to find long-term lookmatches.

So when no woman can be a slut without serious consequences, that's when we know we've won? What are these consequences?
What does "acknowledgement" look like? Is there a particular person that would have to be talking about it? What specific sign should I be looking out for to know that this has been acknowledged?
When biased laws, double standards, and bluepilled theories are removed. That's the acknowledgement. More so if patriarchy are brought back and degeneracy is once again shamed. Basically when laws and social norms are adjusted in a sense of understanding women's behaviour, so they'll be put in their place and control them
When biased laws, double standards, and bluepilled theories are removed. That's the acknowledgement. More so if patriarchy are brought back and degeneracy is once again shamed. Basically when laws and social norms are adjusted in a sense of understanding women's behaviour, so they'll be put in their place and control them

Okay laws, that's quantifiable. You can know when a law is changed because you can look up what the law is. But social norms, I need a specific example of something that should happen that will be the sign that things have changed.
As Inceldom rises, and the sexual market and hypergamy continue to get worse and worse, and hopefully as Incel communities and such also rise, this will lead to political change/revolution in our favor, as it has in the past.
The blackpill helps one realize how pointless and meaningless the physical 3-d reality is.

Then the spiritual gets realized as that's our only hope regardless if you're Chad, normie, or incel.
What exactly does "Bring back traditional family values" mean? Lots of people today already believe in traditional family values.

hahaha nah. Lots of people believe in Chad's 12" penis.
As Inceldom rises, and the sexual market and hypergamy continue to get worse and worse, and hopefully as Incel communities and such also rise, this will lead to political change/revolution in our favor, as it has in the past.

What political changes and revolutions specifically?

The blackpill helps one realize how pointless and meaningless the physical 3-d reality is.

Then the spiritual gets realized as that's our only hope regardless if you're Chad, normie, or incel.

But what specific thing are you hoping to see? What specific thing could I go outside and be able to see that is the sign that we've won?

hahaha nah. Lots of people believe in Chad's 12" penis.

That's true too. Lots of people believe in Chad's foot long penis. But lots of people don't. That's why I asked for specific conditions. Because it's too vague to say "Lots of people upholding traditional values." "Lots of people" isn't a specific number. It isn't a specific sign. I'm asking what specifically must happen.
Okay laws, that's quantifiable. You can know when a law is changed because you can look up what the law is. But social norms, I need a specific example of something that should happen that will be the sign that things have changed.
-shaming of foids fucking around
-men are expected to work while women are doing the housework (I mean society encourage women to be a housewife instead of careermaxxing
-gender roles are appreciated and strengthened (women would be looked up if she's feminine. There will be only 2 genders, anything else is degeneracy. Non binary, transgenderism, etc are looked down by society
-normal dating system are expected (society would shame polyamory, fucking at the first date, and harems)
-shaming of foids fucking around
-men are expected to work while women are doing the housework (I mean society encourage women to be a housewife instead of careermaxxing
-gender roles are appreciated and strengthened (women would be looked up if she's feminine. There will be only 2 genders, anything else is degeneracy. Non binary, transgenderism, etc are looked down by society
-normal dating system are expected (society would shame polyamory, fucking at the first date, and harems)

Okay so what specifically is the sign of these things? "Gender roles are appreciated," that's still vague. I could point out a family that appreciates gender roles and the binary gender system and monogamy and say "There, have we won yet?" But one family probably doesn't mean we've won. I need a specific sign. One family isn't a sign.
What political changes and revolutions specifically?
If you mean in the past, many primitive civilizations/kingdoms had an extreme level of primitive hypergamy and Inceldom, the worst Inceldom is today, is how bad it was thousands of years ago, in certain tribes and kingdoms. Chieftans/Kings/Royalty, Depending on where or what time period you were, had access to the majority of women, while the majority of men had nothing.

This forced men who couldn't compete with pure violence/status to band together and devise systems to gurantee their genetic future. Overthrowing the tribe leader/king/etc, implemented more systems/governments in place that benefited all men.

Traditionalist Religions/Governments which encouraged monogamy and guranteed basically all men could breed, was a result of these revolutions over hundreds to thousands of years, when these Religions/Governments/Systems got destroyed in the last 100 years or so, culturally speaking we have destroyed thousands of years of cultural evolution that our ancestors have developed to allow us to breed and thrive, but luckily history tends to repeat itself, the only problem is the elites are much more powerful with much more advanced methods of keeping us from rising up.
If you mean in the past, many primitive civilizations/kingdoms had an extreme level of primitive hypergamy and Inceldom, the worst Inceldom is today, is how bad it was thousands of years ago, in certain tribes and kingdoms. Chieftans/Kings/Royalty, Depending on where or what time period you were, had access to the majority of women, while the majority of men had nothing.

This forced men who couldn't compete with pure violence/status to band together and devise systems to gurantee their genetic future. Overthrowing the tribe leader/king/etc, implemented more systems/governments in place that benefited all men.

Traditionalist Religions/Governments which encouraged monogamy and guranteed basically all men could breed, was a result of these revolutions over hundreds to thousands of years, when these Religions/Governments/Systems got destroyed in the last 100 years or so, culturally speaking we have destroyed thousands of years of cultural evolution that our ancestors have developed to allow us to breed and thrive, but luckily history tends to repeat itself, the only problem is the elites are much more powerful with much more advanced methods of keeping us from rising up.

No, I mean what specific thing should I be able to go out and see today?
Okay so what specifically is the sign of these things? "Gender roles are appreciated," that's still vague. I could point out a family that appreciates gender roles and the binary gender system and monogamy and say "There, have we won yet?" But one family probably doesn't mean we've won. I need a specific sign. One family isn't a sign.
The things I wrote in the brackets are the specific signs for the point written before each one of them.

For "gender roles are appreciated", society will shame men for being beta white knight cucks like they shame us.

I don't really get your point about family. I didn't mention anything about a single family being the measurement that we've won.
No, I mean what specific thing should I be able to go out and see today?
Hypothetically if Inceldom gets worse and noticeable enough for a majority of men, you would actually start to see Incel politicians/leaders and groups in the hundreds of thousands/millions.
I don't really get your point about family. I didn't mention anything about a single family being the measurement that we've won.

I know, but I'm asking for a specific, observable, quantifiable measurement that we've won. A specific goal that you can point at.

Hypothetically if Inceldom gets worse and noticeable enough for a majority of men, you would actually start to see Incel politicians/leaders and groups in the hundreds of thousands/millions.

Like this, this is a goal. An incel politician. If we can see an incel politician, that means we've gained enough legitimacy that someone can run on an incel platform. That's a specific thing you can observe.
Do not want to look like chad. Want chads tp be exterminated
Do not want to look like chad. Want chads tp be exterminated

Unfortunately that's not gonna happen. The last time we rounded up and murdered people just for being the people that they are was in WWII.
I know, but I'm asking for a specific, observable, quantifiable measurement that we've won. A specific goal that you can point at.
The thing I've described should be practiced by 90% of families at minimum in each country
The thing I've described should be practiced by 90% of families at minimum in each country

But what would that look like? What specific sign should I be able to point to as proof that the goal has been achieved?
But what would that look like? What specific sign should I be able to point to as proof that the goal has been achieved?
You'll see unmarried girls are looked down
I hope more people will be aware of the plight of Incels. If any female is worth shit, they would love an incel. One less incel (ascension, not death) equals one less unhappy person.
You'll see unmarried girls are looked down

No, I mean a specific thing. I could point to someone looking down on unmarried girls today. Those people exist already. Just not to the extent people might wish they did. I need a specific thing to point out that shows that enough people are looking down on unmarried girls. Like, for instance, no new TV shows will feature premarital sex anymore, I dunno. Something specific that proves the fight is won.

I hope more people will be aware of the plight of Incels. If any female is worth shit, they would love an incel. One less incel (ascension, not death) equals one less unhappy person.

So what would be the sign that enough people are aware of and care about the plight of incels?
So what would be the sign that enough people are aware of and care about the plight of incels?
Good question. I’m going to say when there are parades/fundraisers/etc. for incel awareness, in the same manner as Black Lives Matter, gay pride parades, etc.
No, I mean a specific thing. I could point to someone looking down on unmarried girls today. Those people exist already. Just not to the extent people might wish they did. I need a specific thing to point out that shows that enough people are looking down on unmarried girls. Like, for instance, no new TV shows will feature premarital sex anymore, I dunno. Something specific that proves the fight is won.
Unmarried girls being portrayed in TV shows like incels are now. Also government will give chaste education for girls, like sex educations are given nowadays.

When we won you wouldn't be able to look for PUA company or bootcamps online or offline. You would browse dating strategies on the internet and find blackpilled articles dominate, rather than bluepills nowadays.
Bring back traditional family values
Cope. Women have been the ones in charge of sexual selection since human society existed, historical evidence points to hypergamy going back even to the neolithic period.
I want a mass awakening of virgin men that will result in a revolt against the jewish establishment
The best thing to hope for is mainstream acknowledgement of how important looks are when it comes to female sexuality. It's one of the few sexual taboos that still stands.
Look! A new blackpilled forum!

Look! They said "Chad" on the cover of New York Magazine!

First of all, I don't know how "widespread" this can be considered. New York Magazine is technically just local rag. And one more lookism forum? That doesn't necessarily mean new blackpilled people. Most of these forums are created by people who were incel beforehand. But if this IS spreading? I'm not as enthusiastic as everyone else. Because I don't think a viral takeover is the answer.

But maybe I'm wrong. What do you think this is supposed to result in? Men waking up to injustice and underrepresentation in social justice matters? Okay, then what? What is the goal? How do we know we've "won?" Do we all rise up and deny women our bodies or something like some kind of sex strike? Modern feminism has been around since... let's say the days of Margaret Fuller. 170-something years. And they're no closer to a successful "sex strike" than we are. And the world LOVES feminism. The absolute highest any of us here should be shooting for is whatever victories feminism has achieved. To get what the women got, but for men. Attention to social injustices. More pro-male voices in the media. New legislation that stops the exploitation of fathers. Maybe someday we get to complain about "The Matriarchy" and "toxic femininity." But if you think THIS is gonna happen...

I'll just say this. I don't think a viral takeover will make that happen.
Among other things it will achieve anihilation of the world as we know it.
Cope. Women have been the ones in charge of sexual selection since human society existed, historical evidence points to hypergamy going back even to the neolithic period.

That's not what he's saying will happen, it's what he hopes will happen. It's the goal.

I want a mass awakening of virgin men that will result in a revolt against the jewish establishment

What would a "revolt" look like?

The best thing to hope for is mainstream acknowledgement of how important looks are when it comes to female sexuality. It's one of the few sexual taboos that still stands.

Depending on your definition of "mainstream," this is something we do acknowledge. Just not like we acknowledge the inverse. Not like we acknowledge the struggled of ugly women.

Among other things it will achieve anihilation of the world as we know it.

But how likely is annihilation of the world? A thing that has never happened before?
That's not what he's saying will happen, it's what he hopes will happen. It's the goal.

What would a "revolt" look like?

Depending on your definition of "mainstream," this is something we do acknowledge. Just not like we acknowledge the inverse. Not like we acknowledge the struggled of ugly women.

But how likely is annihilation of the world? A thing that has never happened before?
It happened many times before. World civilisations were destroyed not once.

But now we live in very peculiar times. Now due to internet young men achieve knowledge of futiliy of existence very easely and fast - unlike tp meddeval faustus- wich make them very hostile to it and as result reluctant to uphold it if not to say more.
Due to nihilism and social unequality we see the rise of violence everywhere. We witness omnipresent spiritual unemployment and growing desperate rage of millions of young people.
In addition to it the modern high tech world became very fragile very dependant on global control of its multuple parts wich are falling down apart now.
There can be NO PEACE until we have the foids under control again.
We will keep spreading the blackpill until we are legion.
Then we will overthrow this oppressive, feminist, jew licking regime.
What I hope for: total societal collapse leading to 97% of humanity perishing
What I expect: nothing really
It happened many times before. World civilisations were destroyed not once.

But now we live in very peculiar times. Now due to internet young men achieve knowledge of futiliy of existence very easely and fast - unlike tp meddeval faustus- wich make them very hostile to it and as result reluctant to uphold it if not to say more.
Due to nihilism and social unequality we see the rise of violence everywhere. We witness omnipresent spiritual unemployment and growing desperate rage of millions of young people.
In addition to it the modern high tech world became very fragile very dependant on global control of its multuple parts wich are falling down apart now.

But ideas of nihilism have existed and spread for a long time, it's just that people reject the idea that life is meaningless.

There can be NO PEACE until we have the foids under control again.
We will keep spreading the blackpill until we are legion.
Then we will overthrow this oppressive, feminist, jew licking regime.

What does it mean exactly to be "legion?" What does it mean to have women "under control again?"
But ideas of nihilism have existed and spread for a long time, it's just that people reject the idea that life is meaningless.

What does it mean exactly to be "legion?" What does it mean to have women "under control again?"
Suicide rate grows day by day
Enormous amount of suicide just enormous
But maybe I'm wrong. What do you think this is supposed to result in? Men waking up to injustice and underrepresentation in social justice matters? Okay, then what? What is the goal? How do we know we've "won?" Do we all rise up and deny women our bodies or something like some kind of sex strike?
Women uses our(non-chads) bodies for labour not for sex, they depend on our strength and intelligence to survive and that is our leverage that we have over them. Today they don't get everything directly from their husband like the old days but from the state which is funded collectively by all men.

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