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Serious What exactly do you hope this "spread of the incel influence" will achieve?



Post like the FBI is watching.
May 6, 2018
Look! A new blackpilled forum!

Look! They said "Chad" on the cover of New York Magazine!


First of all, I don't know how "widespread" this can be considered. New York Magazine is technically just local rag. And one more lookism forum? That doesn't necessarily mean new blackpilled people. Most of these forums are created by people who were incel beforehand. But if this IS spreading? I'm not as enthusiastic as everyone else. Because I don't think a viral takeover is the answer.

But maybe I'm wrong. What do you think this is supposed to result in? Men waking up to injustice and underrepresentation in social justice matters? Okay, then what? What is the goal? How do we know we've "won?" Do we all rise up and deny women our bodies or something like some kind of sex strike? Modern feminism has been around since... let's say the days of Margaret Fuller. 170-something years. And they're no closer to a successful "sex strike" than we are. And the world LOVES feminism. The absolute highest any of us here should be shooting for is whatever victories feminism has achieved. To get what the women got, but for men. Attention to social injustices. More pro-male voices in the media. New legislation that stops the exploitation of fathers. Maybe someday we get to complain about "The Matriarchy" and "toxic femininity." But if you think THIS is gonna happen...

I'll just say this. I don't think a viral takeover will make that happen.
I had hoped more and more men would get blackpilled and this would foment some kind of change or at least awareness. I'm not that hopeful anymore but let's see, incels could hit mainstream pieces again at any moment through diffERent means...
Until people are genuinely out there protesting with whats happening a few media mentions here in there will only bring a couple more users to the forum.
It's good to be skeptical, the blackpill is one of the best things out there. Anyone thats not retarded can benefit from it and the clarity that it brings to the world. If you can start evaluating yourself in the hierarchy of life and the unfairness that it brings than you can bring on true equality.
I had hoped more and more men would get blackpilled and this would foment some kind of change or at least awareness. I'm not that hopeful anymore but let's see, incels could hit mainstream pieces again at any moment through diffERent means...

What kind of change? What specific things do you hope to see?
incels will always be at the bottom and considered trash by normies
I don’t know, why do average joes play b-ball at the rec center, this is a pastime and not really a “mission” for most.
What kind of change? What specific things do you hope to see?
More and more men getting blackpilled, refusing to help foids, working less and less, the idea that foids shouldn't vote going back to the Overton's window, etc.
I'm very pessimist, so I think they would take the blackpill and try to bluepilled it and the ppl will agree that atraction is equal to looks... SO society and media will blame males for be UGLYS so I think is worst that the system administer the blackpill.
If anything, the greater public exposure of incel culture has made things worse for us, "incel" has become a go-to insult on the intenet used to shutdown any young man who questions the sexual dynamics of modern society. It doesn't help that literal psychos give us a bad name.
More and more men getting blackpilled, refusing to help foids, working less and less, the idea that foids shouldn't vote going back to the Overton's window, etc.

If all you want is "Lots of men who are blackpilled," we kinda already have that. Is there a specific amount of blackpilled men you're shooting for? A specific landscape you're hoping to see? How do you know when enough men are blackpilled?

It doesn't happen overnight. It takes time and happens slowly. As more and more men wake up, they become more and more hostile and apathetic towards women. Women are only queens today because of the extensive support they receive from cucked men. The goal of the incel movement should be to uncuck men and wake them up by educating them about their own indignation and slavery. As we increasingly take away support from women, they will eventually fall.

What is "it" though? What specifically are you hoping will happen?

If anything, the greater public exposure of incel culture has made things worse for us, "incel" has become a go-to insult on the intenet used to shutdown any young man who questions the sexual dynamics of modern society. It doesn't help that literal psychos give us a bad name.

This is what I'm thinking will happen. The 2018 Incel Scare was a dark time, but it's mostly over now. If more incel panic starts up, people aren't gonna be like "Okay so what do these incels actually want," they're gonna be like "This again? Okay, this is a problem and we need to take whatever drastic measures necessary to make it stop. It doesn't matter how these men feel, every one of them is a terrorist."
I have no doubt that if the blackpill ever becomes mainstream, society will never see women with the same eyes ever again. Just like every other blackpilled individual. I have no idea of what will happen next, but I'm sure it will be interesting.
I have no doubt that if the blackpill ever becomes mainstream, society will never see women with the same eyes ever again. Just like every other blackpilled individual. I have no idea of what will happen next, but I'm sure it will be interesting.

Not even feminism could get the world to hate all men entirely though.
So people become more self aware and stop defending females like they have something to gain from it
Nothing. They'd use it as a joke in their movies/tv shows.
So people become more self aware and stop defending females like they have something to gain from it

How many people though? We're people, and we're self-aware. Are we enough people?
Not even feminism could get the world to hate all men entirely though.
While yes, that's true. Feminism and blackpill aren't one and the same.

Feminism is more political, thus achieving political gains. The blackpill however, is scientific in nature and exposes a deeper, darker truth of the (female) human mind.

So how many is enough? What specifically are you hoping for?

While yes, that's true. Feminism and blackpill aren't one and the same.

Feminism is more political, thus achieving political gains. The blackpill however, is scientific in nature and exposes a deeper, darker truth of the (female) human mind.

Feminism deals in science too. It deals in every matter where a woman feels she isn't getting the right shake from society. Or where a white heterosexual man is getting too much shake.
If all you want is "Lots of men who are blackpilled," we kinda already have that. Is there a specific amount of blackpilled men you're shooting for? A specific landscape you're hoping to see? How do you know when enough men are blackpilled?
Majority would be a good goal. Right now I don't think even 10% of men are blackpilled. Not even on places like imageboards are most guys blackpilled.
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i dont think we will ever get accepted in society by blackpilling people
i just want this community to extend like the mormons or freemasons and help each other if we meet in the streets or at work
i dont think we will ever get accepted in society by blackpilling people
i just want this community to extend like the mormons or freemasons and help each other if we meet in the streets or at work

Okay, this is a specific goal. To reach the point where you can identify an incel in the wild and either help that incel or be helped by that incel, like a fraternity.
I don't give a fuck to be honest with you. spreading the incel influence won't change the fact that nobody likes me
I don’t know, why do average joes play b-ball at the rec center, this is a pastime and not really a “mission” for most.

because they're incel

i say this because i play a lot too
Feminism deals in science too. It deals in every matter where a woman feels she isn't getting the right shake from society. Or where a white heterosexual man is getting too much shake.
The objective of the blackpill isn't to give incels rights or take aways women's rights. It's to show the truth to the biggest number of men possible. It's not here to change anything but perception. And because it has literally everything backing it up, things could get quite drastic.
But what does that look like? How will we know when we have a majority of blackpilled men?
We won't know the exact proportion of course, but we will sense that the ranks are growing through the things I said before in my first answer, among others.
women wont be showered from attention from thirsty cucks, although this is likely never going to happen.
We won't know the exact proportion of course, but we will sense that the ranks are growing through the things I said before in my first answer, among others.

But what does that look like? "We don't help women anymore, etc." Lots of men already do that. What would the world look like once we reach enough men doing that? What specific, observable state of things should we be able to see?

women wont be showered from attention from thirsty cucks, although this is likely never going to happen.

All men everywhere? No woman will ever get attention again?

The objective of the blackpill isn't to give incels rights or take aways women's rights. It's to show the truth to the biggest number of men possible. It's not here to change anything but perception. And because it has literally everything backing it up, things could get quite drastic.

So what is the result of that truth? What specific results are we hoping for? How do we know when we've won?
To answer the question in the title of the thread: More rights for men, harsh punishments for women who falsely claim rape and ruin men's lives. Widespread awareness of the blackpill will bring about change societal norms and rules, etc
To answer the question in the title of the thread: More rights for men, harsh punishments for women who falsely claim rape and ruin men's lives.

So new legislation that penalizes women who ruin men's lives. Yes, that's a specific goal.
But what does that look like? "We don't help women anymore, etc." Lots of men already do that. What would the world look like once we reach enough men doing that? What specific, observable state of things should we be able to see?

All men everywhere? No woman will ever get attention again?

So what is the result of that truth? What specific results are we hoping for? How do we know when we've won?
what i meant was that women won't get attention for doing absolutely jack shit, men wouldn't perform favors and give them money for doing nothing.
So what is the result of that truth? What specific results are we hoping for? How do we know when we've won?
The result of that truth is that women will never be held in high regards just by the virtue of having a vagina.

We'll know we have won when the cucks disappear (they won't really disappear, just side with us).
I think Beta Uprising is happening within my lifetime. Especially if there's an accelerant like a world war or major catastrophe.

Basically our only option is to move abroad and buy sex and, ideally, companionship. There's no way you'll get a fair shake in the West unless you plan on dumpster diving.
what i meant was that women won't get attention for doing absolutely jack shit, men wouldn't perform favors and give them money for doing nothing.

And this is all men everywhere?

The result of that truth is that women will never be held in high regards just by the virtue of having a vagina.

We'll know we have won when the cucks disappear (they won't really disappear, just side with us).

No cucks anywhere?

I think Beta Uprising is happening within my lifetime. Especially if there's an accelerant like a world war or major catastrophe.

Basically our only option is to move abroad and buy sex and, ideally, companionship. There's no way you'll get a fair shake in the West unless you plan on dumpster diving.

But why would the Beta Uprising happen? How many violent uprisings have there been in modern history that actually stuck?
Bring back traditional family values
Bring back traditional family values

What exactly does "Bring back traditional family values" mean? Lots of people today already believe in traditional family values.
And this is all men everywhere?

No cucks anywhere?

But why would the Beta Uprising happen? How many violent uprisings have there been in modern history that actually stuck?
there will still be some men who are cucks, that cannot be avoided. But hopefully it will have decreased to where a foid cant take pictures of her feet and make a living equal to doctors selling them on patreon.
I don't think it would change much. Sure as hell it won't change my miserable condition in the sex market, but I think that the blackpill spreading can do no harm
And this is all men everywhere?

No cucks anywhere?

But why would the Beta Uprising happen? How many violent uprisings have there been in modern history that actually stuck?

It's a cliche to say it but nothing lasts forever. This sexual free market where we are getting mogged isn't actually free. It's the way it is because the government has intervened and become daddy. That's why the top 20% of men are renters of foids and never get to own.

When betas become a more reliable survival guarantee than the state, that is when you cease to hear about height, face and all the other things that don't traditionally matter for men. There was a a long stretch of time where betas ran everything and Chad's were not taken seriously and didn't get to fuck women unless he actually married her, thus taking him off the market. Chad's used to be seen as non-serious suitors for women - they were considered jokes.

Since the 1960's there hasn't been any period of history better for Chad. That can easily be upended if governments fall. Do you think foids in Venezuela are swiping left on Tinder right now with "must be over 6 feet" in her profile description? They are literally sucking dick for toilet paper and scraps of food.
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Power of pussy is too strong. "Blackpilled" normie will forget about blackpill in seconds and kill his familly if feminoid give them one little sign of interest
there will still be some men who are cucks, that cannot be avoided. But hopefully it will have decreased to where a foid cant take pictures of her feet and make a living equal to doctors selling them on patreon.

Okay, so, no more foot porn? Once that happens, we've won?

That would be preferable, but it isn't feasible. Make them a 1 in 300 men thing and it should be good enough.

How do we know that's not the case right now? The think about arbitrary numbers like that is, they're just numbers. I'm asking for specific things you would see in life that would be proof that the battle is won. What does "Only 1 out of 300 men are cucks" actually look like? That's still about 25 million men. I'm asking what specific scenario or scenarios would come up in a world with only 25 million cucks.

It's a cliche to say it but nothing lasts forever. This sexual free market where we are getting mogged isn't actually free. It's the way it is because the government has intervened and become daddy. That's why the top 20% of men are renters of foids and never get to own.

When betas become a more reliable survival guarantee than the state, that is when you cease to hear about height, face and all the other things that don't traditionally matter for men. There was a a long stretch of time where betas ran everything and Chad's were not taken seriously and didn't get to fuck women unless he actually married her, thus taking him off the market. Chad's used to be seen as non-serious suitors for women - they were considered jokes.

Since the 1960's there hasn't been any period of history better for Chad. That can easily be upended if governments fall. Do you think foids in Venezuela are swiping left on Tinder right now with "must be over 6 feet" in her profile description? They are literally sucking dick for toilet paper and scraps of food.

It's not just women in Venezuela who are suffering. It's everyone. That's not a "Beta Uprising," that's just widespread poverty. But are you hoping for a Beta Uprising, or a society that's like the 1950s?
I'll just say this. I don't think a viral takeover will make that happen.
"Viral" suggests quick. This isn't a quick thing. There is no overnight success, there is no get-rich-quick scheme. But, the word alone has exploded in the general vocabulary in the past 5 years. More and more young men are realizing that they are not alone, in fact they are part of a huge thing. A lot of zoomers are still in that period of life where they can bluepill themselves, but over the next 10 years that generation is graduating college and entering the real world and dealing with its bullshit. There are big swaths of the world that are just now joining or establishing an internet culture, and e.g. Chinese men are incel scum and low-class proles by default. There's a lot of room for this to grow, and it requires a constant presence and spreading of the word.
To answer your question, what will it achieve? I don't know. Possibly nothing, but there's no doubt that awareness of the problem is the first step towards any change that might happen. Imagine a world in 2025 where literally a billion men from different cultures, different races, men who might not have anything else in common with each other and see each other as almost alien because they're so foreign to one another, but they all are very consciously aware of the fact that society is rigged against them and expects them to simply quietly make the gears turn for the ruling class. There is explosive potential there.
"Viral" suggests quick. This isn't a quick thing. There is no overnight success, there is no get-rich-quick scheme. But, the word alone has exploded in the general vocabulary in the past 5 years. More and more young men are realizing that they are not alone, in fact they are part of a huge thing. A lot of zoomers are still in that period of life where they can bluepill themselves, but over the next 10 years that generation is graduating college and entering the real world and dealing with its bullshit. There are big swaths of the world that are just now joining or establishing an internet culture, and e.g. Chinese men are incel scum and low-class proles by default. There's a lot of room for this to grow, and it requires a constant presence and spreading of the word.
To answer your question, what will it achieve? I don't know. Possibly nothing, but there's no doubt that awareness of the problem is the first step towards any change that might happen. Imagine a world in 2025 where literally a billion men from different cultures, different races, men who might not have anything else in common with each other and see each other as almost alien because they're so foreign to one another, but they all are very consciously aware of the fact that society is rigged against them and expects them to simply quietly make the gears turn for the ruling class. There is explosive potential there.

By "viral" I don't mean "quick," I mean widespread just for the sake of spreading.

And by "hope" I mean, what are you trying to achieve with this? And is it likely?
And by "hope" I mean, what are you trying to achieve with this? And is it likely?
See the second half. Likely? I dunno. More likely than ever before, though, that's for sure, and the discontent is clearly growing. A lot of people are acutely feeling the fact that modern life is not fulfilling for them, and their copes aren't working like they used to. There's a possibility for chaos to erupt.
See the second half. Likely? I dunno. More likely than ever before, though, that's for sure, and the discontent is clearly growing. A lot of people are acutely feeling the fact that modern life is not fulfilling for them, and their copes aren't working like they used to. There's a possibility for chaos to erupt.

You said you didn't know what could happen, I wanna know what you want to happen. What you believe means the fight is over. Chaos?
I wanna know what you want to happen.
What I want to happen is for there to be a mass shooting/bombing every single day in every single city in the world, ideally targeted at politicians (and their lackeys), media conglomerates, and financial institutions. No one should be allowed to live in ignorance of how the other half lives. "Bring the war home".
What I want to happen is for there to be a mass shooting/bombing every single day in every single city in the world, ideally targeted at politicians (and their lackeys), media conglomerates, and financial institutions. No one should be allowed to live in ignorance of how the other half lives. "Bring the war home".

And you know that level of chaos has never happened in the history of history, even in humanity's darkest hours. You understand this is almost certainly not gonna happen?

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