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Discussion What are your unpopular incel opinions?



Disregard my larping efforts. I can’t change it.
Sep 26, 2019

sub8 theory is inaccurate. I always see normies with beckys and chadlites with stacylites


you don’t need to be white. Races like south Asian can decrease your SMV but black guys can easily be chads

18 year olds (and foids in their 20s) are way hotter than 13 year olds

I don’t care if I date a girl and I find out she’s a non-virgin

Men peak in their late 20s not early 20s

chads aren’t getting away with sex with jb foids. Where’s your proof that they are getting away with it? Chads aren’t as privileged as foids
Whites arent the only race having intercourse
I not against gay and trans rights overall, just against their radical and feministic part

sub8 theory is inaccurate. I always see normies with beckys and chadlites with stacylites


you don’t need to be white. Races like south Asian can decrease your SMV but black guys can easily be chads

18 year olds (and foids in their 20s) are way hotter than 13 year olds

I don’t care if I date a girl and I find out she’s a non-virgin

Men peak in their late 20s not early 20s

chads aren’t getting away with sex with jb foids. Where’s your proof that they are getting away with it? Chads aren’t as privileged as foids
If every foid was removed from the workforce the economy wont collapse - it will actually thrive
Enforced monogamy will not improve our life to the extent some user's here think.

Your wife will still not love you, will barely give you sex if any and that will also be starfish. You won't have lovely moments with her and she won't snuggle with you. She will always be bitchy and not show you any affection.
The trans bathroom thing goes too far imo
And so here problem, when children indoctrinated and forced by "progressive" parents to become trannies, and when not wanting tranny, because thats still gay, is "transphobia"
While Islam is right about women, it certainly doesn't solve inceldom. In fact it exacerbates it by polygamy and inbreeding(which causes physical and mental defects and imperfections).
being NT is very important
I do not believe in JBW theory. Tyrone can easily get laid too. I think Tyrone might even have a higher SMV than Chad these days considering the Just be Exotic theory.
While Islam is right about women, it certainly doesn't solve inceldom. In fact it exacerbates it by polygamy and inbreeding(which causes physical and mental defects and imperfections).
Cousin sex doesn’t always make problems
being NT is very important
Not unpopular
Ok then I agree many non whites get laid
I do not believe in JBW theory. Tyrone can easily get laid too. I think Tyrone might even have a higher SMV than Chad these days considering the Just be Exotic theory.
Tyrones prolly bang more than white chads
[Gentle] femdom is the ultimate maledom.

Reverse NTR is the chad fetish.

The USSR was worse than NS Germany, yet better than anything since (aside from the DPR of Korea)
Normies arent getting cucked and cheated on in their relationships as much as people here think they are
Normies arent getting cucked and cheated on in their relationships as much as people here think they are
Exactly. That’s just cope
More like moderate/centrist and logical opinions thread.
Pretty much agree with everything that has been said here.
More like moderate/centrist and logical opinions thread.
Pretty much agree with everything that has been said here.
Imagine @Colvin76 on here
:waitwhat: Can’t really think of anything
Ed Kemper had a bad face
Different times I guess? He was still a tall young white guy with hair , So girls probably thought he looked trustworthy enough
Never understood what’s attractive about him , He’s very normie looking. But I can understand Ramirez
That’s Ted bundy in his 30s imagine how he looked in his 20s
I think the sub8 rule is false in a broad sense, but when you look at it from the human nature perspective, a foids would rather fuck a 10/10 Chadius then be with a 7/10 normie
Don't hate foids, but am a misogynist.
I think the sub8 rule is false in a broad sense, but when you look at it from the human nature perspective, a foids would rather fuck a 10/10 Chadius then be with a 7/10 normie
But normies still get laid
I think that ethnics who can leave the west but don't are fakecels.
No man can keep a woman happy for long, regardless of how good looking or rich he is.
Most people in here aren't even trying
no one here is actually unattractive they just act like they are

with a few exceptions
Dick size is equally important to face and height.
Women should be treated well, but under enforced monogamy where they have no choice over who they are put with for the rest of their lives, and they should not be allowed to go anywhere where their activity cannot be monitored and they cannot be punished. However, they should only be help responsible for being actively destructive to men's ability to sustain women. Men exist to support women, women exist to make babies. Both should be shackled to one another. Women should receive pleasure and luxury, but not freedom. Men should receive freedom, but not pleasure nor luxury.

The tradcon myth that, "WoMeN aRe NaTuRaLlY sUbMisSiVe" is bullshit, women are NOT naturally submissive, they are naturally rebellious, and always shit-testing. They can't be reasoned with because that would get in the way of shit-testing. We should care about the future of society, creating a non-degenerate society, but a beta revolution (Betrev) is necessary to make this happen.

I hate the phrase, "act like men". No, women's job is not to be submissive to you. They should be allowed to explore who they are, be required to have sex with their provider once per day, and cuddle with him while he sleeps. That's it. JFL if you think it's reasonable to require anything else.

I ideologically believe that giving into the "female game" in our society is immoral. What that means is having sex with, dating, marrying, or even looking at, flirting with, or giving attention to women in any way is disgusting in my view, that being said I am not MGTOW either. I've only believed this in the last 2 years or so; before that I was bluepilled.

I am a revolutionary; I believe that a social revolution is necessary to overthrow hypergamy and institute enforced monogamy in which men get their pick, and a bureau evaluates men's overall "value" (factoring things like IQ, income, attractiveness, health, problem-solving, work ethic, moral compass, etc.) to society, and giving men their first pick in order of their "value". This is slightly different from the blackpill "looksmatch" shit.

I believe that to give in to women's "agenda" is to be disgusting. PUAs are some of the most disgusting people alive. MGTOW is retarded because they have no vision for humanity's future, and they generally don't give a shit and are also pro-porn, whereas I have a plan, give a shit, and am anti-porn. So you could call me a "volcel", but let's be real if I wasn't a volcel I'd be an incel, we both know it. MRAs are just "anti-identitarian" lolbertarians who call themselves the REAL feminists and would be totally satisfied with a "gender equal" society, which is stupid.

I don't believe in "ascending" through any method other than revolution, really. I call this ideology "Betrev" (short for Beta Revolution) and it follows in the footsteps of Elliot Rodger just as much as incels do.

A few more things: I have a bajillion fetishes (would be easier to name the fetishes I don't have TBH, all discoved on my own and NOT through porn). I am sexually masochistic/submissive, which is another reason why I believe myself to be incapable of attracting women. I believe that this should become socially acceptable, furthermore that it is in no way inferior to other types of sex. I have been diagnosed with severe depression by two officially licensed psychologists. All my teachers growing up said I had ADHD, but my conservative, Israel-loving parents believed that was liberal propaganda so they never got that checked out. I was really kind to everyone growing up, which led to so many situations that, looking back on it now, I got seriously manipulated by everyone around me because of my trusting, "gullible" nature. Am addicted to masturbation, but not porn. I believe incels focus too much on chin structure as well, and I believe that women have the following nature:

They make decisions based on their emotions and their social status.
They crave attention and validation at all costs
They want Chads and rich guys (survival and cocks+shit-testing+R-reproductive strategy)
They are ALWAYS shit-testing

I believe women literally constantly engage in an activity I call "societal shit-testing", in which they intentionally act evil to see what men will do about it. This is a huge reason for promiscuity, etc. This is why they cannot be trusted with ANYTHING, ever.

An ideal relationship, however, is one where the man does all the work including all the housework, then demands sex with his wife. If she refuses, he is authorized to punish her however he wishes, even through isolation in a dark room with nothing but a dark floor, no interaction, no bed, just a week of going insane in a room. Maybe even add daily torture devices to the room if that doesn't work. This is, of course, after relationships are chosen in the Betrev manner.

Women are attracted to the men who FEEL the most powerful, which includes a powerful jaw, douchebag nature, gangbanging, pump-and-dump kind of guy who is MOST LIKELY to pump and dump her. Why? A huge reason is shit-testing, another, horniness. Social status, attention, and validation can all come into play.

These men, described above are also some of the WORST men for society as a whole. Thus, Betrev (my ideology, I am OG) believes that incels do NOT necessarily have inferior genes, in fact we reject the whole notion that how much a woman is attracted to a man determines his worth at all. We DO believe breeding is necessary for a prosperous civilization, we are ultimately pro-fertility. We are also pro-progenics, which is the policy of peacefully using certain policies such as abolishing the welfare state and tax breaks for low-income people who don't breed, while having tax increases for high-income people who don't breed.

I disagree that hypergamy has to exist, at least in a way that has long-term effects. Betrev society would be extremely sexually restrictive. All men would have the option to "choose" a woman by age 15. The ritual of competition for certain women and comparison would occur, and then after that point, both partners would be locked in for life. At the end, the 15-year-old with the lowest quality genes would end up with the woman with the lowest quality genes (obviously choices only available in his age bracket), but would end up matched nonetheless. This process would be done by the state. And from this point on, divorce would be illegal and adultery punishable by prison time. Any and all sex outside of this long-term lifetime commitment with one person would be completely socially unacceptable, even MORE so than it was in Britain between 1500-1900. As such, no hypergamy, except for whatever dating and such happens prior to age 15, would occur. This is an ideal situation.

I believe that everyone one does in life should and could NOT be to gain respect of the same sex and impress the other, especially if one is an incel. One should not think of one's life in a hierarchical fashion, but rather quit the hierarchical game and do as I attempt to-do one's best to achieve a goal that one only has because that is the thing that motivates one to not kill oneself and continue to sustain one's existence, therefore one MIGHT AS WELL continue to sustain oneself, MAXIMALLY sustain oneself, and maximally pursue the POSSIBILITY that keeps one holding on to life. For me, that is Betrev, and I want it to be for many people on this forum as well. I also believe that every single thing about humans is entirely predetermined by genetics and environment, and thus pride, guilt, shame, and honor are all irrational emotions. Every single human in human history has ALWAYS done their best to do whatever it is that they want to do, tempered by genetic, environmental, and motivational factors. Motivation itself is also determined by genetics and environment. Therefore, blame, credit, guilt, and pride are all evil emotions that should be maximally repressed to orient oneself towards the scientific reality. That includes zero-sum-style hierarchical Jordan Petersonian lobster-type thinking.

Women are not capable of love in any way at any point.

Virgin women are no more valuable than non-virgin women.

I believe that white guys are not sex gods, and that black men in the USA have higher SMV than your average white guy. Worldwide, however, whites win.

If all men became millionaires, women would only date billionaires, if all men were 7' tall women would only date 8' and over. You CAN'T reduce the number of incels without either changing the gender ratio to be unbalanced with significantly more women than men, or taking women's rights away. Period.

If "Chad" or "Stacy" were born an incel, with our exact same genetics, upbringing, and social status growing up they would have done exactly what we have done-namely, some of them would kill themselves, and the rest would just be chronically depressed.

Incels are just a population group that happens to be treated like shit, there is no reason to assume we have more willpower than the average person.

JFL at not enjoying girls bullying you. If it's going to happen anyway...

It is in women's best biological interest to act in a way that actively hurts men, because they cannot hurt men who understand their nature. Men will stop them from destroying anything by maximally restricting them, they do not mind this. In order to truly destroy men, they must sustain some semblence of sanity-they must do some basic housework, childcare, etc. The bare minimum. After all, survival and reproduction IS a primary goal of theirs. In order for men to be maximally miserable, they must continue to exist and be miserable for the longest possible time frame. Further, they must believe that women are sweet angels to maximize their misery and disappointment. Women who constantly tried to destroy their own tribes were at an advantage because, when their tribe eventually became overrun by a stronger tribe, they would be the most advantaged in the new society and make the most babies/be most likely to become concubines in their new society.

This is why women will do anything to please and support the man they are not with, but once they are with him they will do anything to sabotage him. Because cucked men were more likely to be overrun, by being loyal to the stronger men they were more likely to survive well. But contrary to "red pill" ideas, women are NOT more likely to be loyal to strong men. Instead, they try to sabotage their husbands and whoever survives and is still able to reproduce with her and not kill himself is the "victor". Of course, the test is ongoing and never ends. They don't "like" strong men. They don't care about anything but survival. They're more like animals than they are like men.

Because men can control women, there is no disadvantage to acting "naughty"-all it means is that the men in her tribe will be selected for more harshly, that she will reproduce more if her tribe gets invaded, and since it turns men on it probably means she will make more babies. Also, if a woman gets too good at something, breeding may not become a priority for her and she may be used for her talent, so if she just acts like a bitch then she ensures she is seen as USELESS for anything other than breeding, to ensure that she breeds. And if she is degenerate, and makes men miserable if they attempt to work with her, then she will be sure to not be allowed to work, thus maximizing the number of babies she can make. The only "disadvantage" is she is locked in the home. Big deal. She still makes babies, so it makes zero difference from a reproductive standpoint.

If a woman acts in the opposite manner ("good"), she will have her chances of reproduction reduced in the same ways that her chances are increased if she acts in the above manner ("bad").

THAT is why women want to destroy. Though I do agree this concept you presented applies in general, I don't believe it is the reason for this specific anomaly.

I am no PUA. I think that it is degenerate and immoral to give women any attention, validation, dating, sex, relationships, or anything of the sort in this current society. I am not MGTOW, either, because MGTOW just wants men to leave with no plan for the future of humanity. I want to maximally support what it is that men most care about, which is to be loved and accepted for who we are. I have faith that, if we put everything we have into overturning this society and creating a new society in which men can access women and love and acceptance no matter their social status, a society that ignores egos and the dominance hierarchy in favor of production to sustain what we love, we have a slight chance. Our goal SHOULD be to be loved, to get women for ALL men, but IN ORDER to do this, we must have an unparalleled social revolution in which we do something never done before. In order to do this, we must completely ignore women and stockpile resources for now. This is my philosophy-Betrev, short for Beta Revolution, and it is neither MRA, nor MGTOW, nor PUA, nor incel/black pill. It is unique.

:feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman:For those of you who managed to get to the end.
Escortmaxxing is cucked as fuck and those partaking in giving money to a literal whore for something chad gets for free should be ashamed of themselves.

jbw is bullshit. In reality its just be Chad.
I'd say mine are:

- I don't believe in misogyny, misandry or racism of any kind
(however I DO NOT tolerate toxic feminism. Equal rights = Equal fights. If you want dignity, show it with pride.) In other words, an eye for an eye.

- I don't believe in violence, and strongly condemn it. I am a Paxcel (Peaceful Incel)
(however I completely understand why people like Elliot Rodger and Alek Minassian think and do the things they do. The Joker is a shining example of this. These men all had three things in common: Mistreated by society, lost the genetic lottery (Even though Rodge actually didn't look too bad surprisingly), and hatred.)

My message to all chads who look down upon us is this:

I find it laughable when people go around treating people like the scum of the earth for no other reason than to feel smugly superior, and then when they shoot up a school as a result, they act all shocked and play the victim card "oHIdOnTKNoWwHyTHeYWoUldeVerDoThIS". Fuck off. You just don't care to comprehend the situation at large, because that would be too much for your politically correct, sunshine and rainbows pea sized little brains to comprehend.

As a promoter of peace, I hate violence as much as you do. But do you ever stop to think why the fuck it happens at all? No the fuck you don't.
Be fucking decent to people, and maybe, just maybe, this shit won't fucking happen.
You think we're ugly? Well spare some fucking decency for all of us who have to wake up ugly and depressed every morning.
Stop fucking kicking us while we're down.

Open your damn eyes.
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