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Serious What are your thoughts on Atheism?



May 8, 2022
Please tell me your thoughts on atheism. I am questioning my beliefs right now.
I don't want to go to Hell, so I reject atheism.
no thoughts whatsoever
It seems to be overused, however, it is tough to believe in God when foids reject you because of your genetics (which are given to you buy God).
Leads people to nihilism, moral relativism and hedonism, so it's bad
Atheism = :blackpill:
Agnosticism = :redpill:
Theism = :bluepill:
Atheism is based
Atheism is correct if you go purely by logic, but I think the benefits of religion when used as a social and or emotional tool are often understated
I feel like certain events in my life are meant to happen for a reason, either if it's to learn some wisdom or if it's to toughen me as a person, but right now I feel as though my life has reached a crossroads.

I've been in a constant loop for the past three years, and I've tried breaking out of this cycle several times, but nothing has ever really stuck.

To be honest, I've been thinking about what I would do if my life stayed this way, and if it does end up that way, then I think that I'd prefer to end it before I become trapped here forever.

Recently though, it seems like that second chance might actually happen, and if it does then it would be nothing short of a miracle, I would have no doubt in my mind that I might have some sort of purpose in existing.
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I used to think and care about it back when I was a youngcel. But these days I don't really care what others are or believe, and also I have warmed to the ideas of religious structure in life like enforcing monogamy and keeping oneself away from pursuing self destructive temptations.

Atheism = :blackpill:
Agnosticism = :redpill:
Theism = :bluepill:

Theism optionally could be :whitepill:
Atheism is probably correct.
Doesn't convince me. There has to be some kind of divine intervention for this rigged life.
Atheism is probably correct.
It seems to be overused, however, it is tough to believe in God when foids reject you because of your genetics (which are given to you buy God).
Atheism is correct if you go purely by logic, but I think the benefits of religion when used as a social and or emotional tool are often understated
my opinion on it guys is that a "god" as in some higher dimensional being who is higher level beings has to exist. i mean, there cant just be a infinite number of beings that are higher level than each other, eventually youll have to reach the highest tier. and thats whats refered to as god.

the thing is about it though, we are probably controlled by a "lesser god", like we are some game made by a very low-tier creation of god. the "true god" is probably billions of tiers higher level then where we are at now. so the next higher level to us controls us, but its not "the real god". and even if you ask "the real god" for help from the tortures, i dont think he gives a fuck because of how far down we are.
The odds that this universe and the complexity of it and all the life occurred just by chance are basically zero. Quite laughable to think that would be possible. Even if you don’t ascribe to a certain religion there obvious is some sort of supernatural creator.
god doesn't exist, that' s why the world sucks and is inherently unfair
atheism is more compatible with the incel world view than theism is. theist will say that everything is caused by god, and that he is responsible for their looks, it also helps them cope by giving them hope in an afterlife. when in reality atheism presents the COLD, BRUTAL and depressing truth that attraction dictated by the forces of natural selection and not a god. theism is a :bluepill: cope
Very, very based. Just like antinatalism. I personally consider it a part of the blackpill.
Browsing R/ATheism made me hate them.I am more of a agnostic tbh
Which hell? Pascal's wager is a shit argument
[UWSL]I believe Catholicism is more likely to be true than Islam[/UWSL], for example. Or more likely to be true than protestantism...
[UWSL]I believe Catholicism is more likely to be true than Islam[/UWSL], for example. Or more likely to be true than protestantism...

JFL, the guys who disrespect the Bible are the ones more likely to be right?

Look at the sins your leader condones
Aside from that, even if god does exist how you can worship this faggot for making you a literal subhuman? You must be cucked to not hate him as a sub8 male:feelsrope:
If society were more Christian, the suffering of incels would be greatly reduced. It's because of sins like your atheism that people suffer.

One of the very principles of catholicism is the veneration of images.
What is the problem with honoring, respecting and valuing images of holy individuals?
[UWSL]Lust, compared to hatred and pride, is less grave. That's what the pope said. You will still go to Hell if you commit lust.[/UWSL]

What is the problem with honoring, respecting and valuing images of holy individuals.
disrespects the Bible

[UWSL]Lust, compared to hatred and pride, is less grave. That's what the pope said. You will still go to Hell if you commit lust.[/UWSL]
What's the point of minimizing it?

Also, it's not his first time spreading progressivist propaganda, you can search and see it by yourself
How? JFL.
Yeah a christian soyciety :society:would totally turn you a rich tall gigachad :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
[UWSL]Just pray to jesus bro and take cold showers:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:[/UWSL]
First, people in general would be kinder to us. Those IT idiots are a result of a society that doesn't value the love of the neighbor. Foids would treat us better too.

We would have governments that would value the quality of life of the population, including incels.

Foids would also understand that there are more important things in life than physical appearance.

Foids would be more selfless and would marry people like Elliot to try to avoid murders and suicides.

Foids would be monogamous and wouldn't be having sex with different people.

And incels could also have as a cope that, regardless of what your life is like here on Earth, you can still have an eternity of happiness one day.
What's the point of minimizing it?
He was just teaching the truth of things. Preaching God's word.

Sex is the way God has decided that humans should reproduce. And there is nothing wrong with Catholic sex education: people must understand that sex outside of marriage is a sin, that masturbation is a sin...

Also, it's not his first time spreading progressivist propaganda, you can search and see it by yourself
I don't like Pope Francis. But why are sinful popes arguments against Catholicism? Judas was an apostle, pope Peter denied Jesus 3 times...
Jesus never promised a sinless clergy.


How can something come from nothing that's the only question I have
And incels could also have as a cope that, regardless of what your life is like here on Earth, you can still have an eternity of happiness one day.
You're too optimistic. :incel:
I don't want to go to Hell, so I reject atheism.
And that's the only reason your Christian. The fear of going to hell. You were nurtured into believing in God. And they put fear inside you. Believe in God Or Burn In Hell.
Jfl at christcucks
Which hell? Pascal's wager is a shit argument
Atheist cope. Saying that because there are multiple religions makes Pascal's wager completely pointless is fallacious. For starters, not every religion has an eternal hell. If you do look at the religions with an eternal hell, it comes down to between Islam and Christianity in the modern world. So even if you assume they have an equal chance of being real, you're still covering some risk by following a certain religion, which gives you better odds than atheism.
Atheism is unironically reason why society gone to shit, you don't have to be religious to see, you just need to have a functioning brain
It becomes cringe and fedora when one becomes zealous about it but otherwise it is a reasonable position.
Atheism is unironically reason why society gone to shit, you don't have to be religious to see, you just need to have a functioning brain
Half inclined to agree that many humans are too short sighted to keep their shit together when sense of responsibility religion gives to them is lifted from their shoulders.
Nihilism, moral relativism and hedonism is good.
Nihilism yes, moral relativism is just being objective about how full of shit social morals are but hedonism I'm on the verge.
On one hand mindless indulgence rarely ends well, on the other hand it's not like the cucked unjust society is giving us anything to work with in this cursed incel life.:incel:
Browsing R/ATheism made me hate them.I am more of a agnostic tbh
Same ngl. Redditors can't stop themselves from ruining anything.:feelsugh:
Are you religious? If you don't mind me asking
What you mean by religious? If I strictly follow all the principles? No.

Though I believe that most of them are beneficial to incels, if widely adopted by society.

If we lived in a real christian society, inceldom levels would be way lower
Half inclined to agree that many humans are too short sighted to keep their shit together when sense of responsibility religion gives to them is lifted from their shoulders.
Atheism is built on outdated promise from XVIII century that humanity have reached sufficient maturity to make its own morality and laws using reasons without appeal to higher entities, but that's false, as humans are irrational beings. Majority need guidence as they are unable to control themselves. They need the external agent to restrain them, as without it they just fall into hedonistic indulgency. Mere apeal to reason isn't enough, as most people disregard any reasonable argument if it agianst thier agenda, that's why the state has no use force to impose its rules. Any argument withuout force behind is worthless, however, most people, atleast once in thier life, entertain the idea that they might be wrong and may go to hell. Institutionalisation of this fear is the most effectve way to control human behviour, as not only you have a tool to impose proper discipline, they will also subconsciously restrain themselves out of fear of not just temporal punishment, but also eternal one.
At least they admit they don't believe in God. Unlike agnostics who are too high-inhib/low-IQ/low-T to give a straight yes or no answer.
And that's the only reason your Christian. The fear of going to hell. You were nurtured into believing in God. And they put fear inside you. Believe in God Or Burn In Hell.
Jfl at christcucks
I also believe there is a reasonable possibility that Catholicism is true and that the world would be a better place if everyone were devout Catholics.


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