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SuicideFuel Was in Berlin today and almost had a nervous breakdown on the train

fucking christ, that train deserved a good ER by the sounds of it.
Asian girls are the cutest tho. I'd rather have a cute Asian gf than done German thot.
go er, seriously. i would not have been able to endure that
anything non white.

Whites are literally at the bottom of the sexual hierarchy here. Even white giga chads resort to dating 3-5/10 ethnic women while below average looking ethnics score prime white German pussy.

Ethnic rapefugees are definitely at the top of the totem pole here, closely followed by niggers and then Asians.

It´s funny how being Asian is a sexual death sentence in the US, but here in Germany Asian men are much more desirable than white men to women.

The women here are incredibly racist, they would reject a white 7/10 and rather go for a 4/10 ethnic.
Just to clarify, when you say Asian you mead middle Eastern types, Pakistan etc... Right, not sea correct?
racebait tbh. :woke: Im ethnic and i get jackshit 0 matches on tinder, only rejections in rl
meanwhile a guy in my class, white, blond, and overweight ( good face ) gets german girls left and right
or maybe its because im not a refugee :feelsbadman:
so you are an older immigrant or 2nd gen? Look brown? German guys still win? What city? Logic says your right
By Asian do you mean ricecel or Paki/currycel?
Berlin is by far the worst city in Germany.
doesn't really represent the east, tho. it's a hellhole.

should be nuked tbh
a nuke isnt helping anything in germany dude. we had that before lmao
How talll was the avarage white male and female German? Gimme some suicide fuel.
How talll was the avarage white male and female German? Gimme some suicide fuel.
Last time I was in Toronto, 14yo males were reaching 6ft 5 inches tall!
Good thing we saved the west from Hitler
should ve taken a picture for us. they were making a show in front of you.
Germany? That's not how to spell "cuckistan".

You dumb fucks. You elected a woman to rule you, and then she cucked all of you by importing sand niggers.

Go eee aah.
so you are an older immigrant or 2nd gen? Look brown? German guys still win? What city? Logic says your right
Im 22 and im slightly brown not fulll brown. I wont name city for dox reasons
couldnt agree more. I m also ethnic in germany and ethnics dont get shit,well except their own cousins through arranged marriage.

Yeah neever could understand that meme
How talll was the avarage white male and female German? Gimme some suicide fuel.
Male:178.1 cm (5' 10") Female:165 cm (5' 4.9")
35CECC7F FCFA 4426 B2CA 295CA01882EB
Thugmaxing for german girls is legit. One arab guy who was registered on here ascended by being an alpha arab in Germany.
Are Arabs Germany's blacks?
Yes exactly
How talll was the avarage white male and female German? Gimme some suicide fuel.
I think they are shorter in East Germany but tall as fuck in northern Germany. Average height in Hamburg is 6'1
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I´m getting surgery tomorrow in Berlin so I involuntarily had to go sightseeing today with my parents. I walked around for hours today at all the famous sights, here is what I observed:

General observations about Berlin
- Eastern Germans are much uglier than Western Germans on average, I only saw one chad and two chadlites all day. Here in Western Germany I saw chads everywhere.
- couples were somewhat rare
- I shit you not, 80% of the couples I saw were racemixed, it was always either an Asian/ethnic male and a white female or a German guy with an Asian/ethnic girlfriend.
- literally all the cute, young 6/10+ white German girls were dating ethnics, either Asian males or ethnic refugees. The males were manlets, chubby and facially average or below average looking and yet they were all dating thin, cute prime German JBs.

I literally didn´t see a single German male with an above average looking German girl. All the German males were dating ethnic or Asian women, while all the German women were dating ethnic/Asian males. It was so surreal to see. Almost nobody was dating within their race. All the German men, despite race mixing were dating way down in terms of looks and all the ethnic males were dating way up.

The train story
Long story short I was on the train sitting with my parents. Literally right in front of us there was a short, facially average, balding ethnic guy passionately making out with his German gf. The girl was atleast a 7. I was fuming with rage. Looking back I wished I had taken a pic because the ethnics on here will think I´m larping, but I´m not. They were right in front us making out the whole time on the train. This went on for about 30 minutes. I could see the disappointment in my parents face when they realized their own son never had a gf and is a failure with women.

It gets worse. Two seats next to me there is a black baby crying so loud the whole time I thought my ears were gonna explode. Of course the mother was white and there was no father in sight. Then some young people got on the train and they were speaking English. I eavesdropped on the conversation and the roastie was talking about how this female friend she knew is now in an open relationship with her boyfriend. She said she gave her boyfriend rules and proposed she wants to see other men. He agreed willingly with her. Couldn´t make this shit up even if I wanted to.

The whole time I felt Michael Douglas in the opening scene of Falling Down. I witnessed rapefugees stealing my women, white single mothers with Tyrones baby crying in my ear the whole time and I overheard conversations literally about cuckolding. I wanted to grab an axe from somewhere and kill everyone on that train.

I fucking hate my life so much.
Berlin in general is a melting pot of degeneracy and multicultural shithole. I was once there but i can't stand the people especially all the hipsters there.
l will tell you something :

l have never seen a blond-blond couple :)
yeah, europeans hate ethnics with a burning passion

this is why I dont believe what American incels say about America. Even though Ive never even been there. I dont buy blacks have it good in USA or there is "SJW" rule everywhere.

I see same shit said for Germany like OP does, and that couldnt be further from the truth.

This forum is nothing but bunch of average looking shut-ins/autists with 0 life experience. I aint taking advice from bunch of spastics. Neither should you.

This forum spammed "le liberal germany" meme so hard, people like mainlander came here with unreasonable hopes. Only to get disappointed and go back home.
And the guy living in parallel reality spews cop eshit out of his mouth again...

We're autists and shut ins, but that doesnt stop us from always seeing short fat Asians and Arabs with cute white girls everywhere.
l will tell you something :

l have never seen a blond-blond couple :)

Lemme tell you why, people are naturally programmed to feel good. Okay. A blonde either female or male is going to be flattered by ethnic all the time real life god experience. thats not gonna happen in blonde-blonde match. This is valid theory in most cases.
Can anyone explain to me why you are all anti-race mixing here, even though you are Incels? As Incels, we should be happy if there are any women out there who want to be with us no matter what ethnicity they belong to.
I´m getting surgery tomorrow in Berlin so I involuntarily had to go sightseeing today with my parents. I walked around for hours today at all the famous sights, here is what I observed:

General observations about Berlin
- Eastern Germans are much uglier than Western Germans on average, I only saw one chad and two chadlites all day. Here in Western Germany I saw chads everywhere.
- couples were somewhat rare
- I shit you not, 80% of the couples I saw were racemixed, it was always either an Asian/ethnic male and a white female or a German guy with an Asian/ethnic girlfriend.
- literally all the cute, young 6/10+ white German girls were dating ethnics, either Asian males or ethnic refugees. The males were manlets, chubby and facially average or below average looking and yet they were all dating thin, cute prime German JBs.

I literally didn´t see a single German male with an above average looking German girl. All the German males were dating ethnic or Asian women, while all the German women were dating ethnic/Asian males. It was so surreal to see. Almost nobody was dating within their race. All the German men, despite race mixing were dating way down in terms of looks and all the ethnic males were dating way up.

The train story
Long story short I was on the train sitting with my parents. Literally right in front of us there was a short, facially average, balding ethnic guy passionately making out with his German gf. The girl was atleast a 7. I was fuming with rage. Looking back I wished I had taken a pic because the ethnics on here will think I´m larping, but I´m not. They were right in front us making out the whole time on the train. This went on for about 30 minutes. I could see the disappointment in my parents face when they realized their own son never had a gf and is a failure with women.

It gets worse. Two seats next to me there is a black baby crying so loud the whole time I thought my ears were gonna explode. Of course the mother was white and there was no father in sight. Then some young people got on the train and they were speaking English. I eavesdropped on the conversation and the roastie was talking about how this female friend she knew is now in an open relationship with her boyfriend. She said she gave her boyfriend rules and proposed she wants to see other men. He agreed willingly with her. Couldn´t make this shit up even if I wanted to.

The whole time I felt Michael Douglas in the opening scene of Falling Down. I witnessed rapefugees stealing my women, white single mothers with Tyrones baby crying in my ear the whole time and I overheard conversations literally about cuckolding. I wanted to grab an axe from somewhere and kill everyone on that train.

I fucking hate my life so much.
What a fucking dystopian travesty. To think that in only 3 generations the kikes/communists/leftists have utterly destroyed the former greatest civilization known to mankind.
What a fucking dystopian travesty. To think that in only 3 generations the kikes/communists/leftists have utterly destroyed the former greatest civilization known to mankind.
Yeah thanks to fucking usa, uk and french cunts. Should have sided with hitler against the commies in ww2 instead of fighting him.
should have gone ER on the train
Yeah thanks to fucking usa, uk and french cunts. Should have sided with hitler against the commies in ww2 instead of fighting him.

That, or just remain neutral. Fucking Japanese mongoloids just had to interfere and instigate war with the US unfortunately.
- Eastern Germans are much uglier than Western Germans on average, I only saw one chad and two chadlites all day. Here in Western Germany I saw chads everywhere.
- couples were somewhat rare
- I shit you not, 80% of the couples I saw were racemixed, it was always either an Asian/ethnic male and a white female or a German guy with an Asian/ethnic girlfriend.
- literally all the cute, young 6/10+ white German girls were dating ethnics, either Asian males or ethnic refugees. The males were manlets, chubby and facially average or below average looking and yet they were all dating thin, cute prime German JBs.

I literally didn´t see a single German male with an above average looking German girl. All the German males were dating ethnic or Asian women, while all the German women were dating ethnic/Asian males.

Germany (FRG) is done... This is why I despise women. They are frauds, betraying white men and do racemixing.

Necroposting: Don't revive old threads (last reply > 1 month ago) without a good reason.

Ohh... Is being mad about this situation a good reason?
(I deleted the last post then)
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Germany (FRG) is done... This is why I despise women. They are frauds, betraying white men and do racemixing.
  • Necroposting: Don't revive old threads (last reply > 1 month ago) without a good reason.
Seriously? I need to go try my luck there then. Fuck that sounds promising
I hope your surgery was successfull.
Literally right in front of us there was a short, facially average, balding ethnic guy passionately making out with his German gf. The girl was atleast a 7. I was fuming with rage. Looking back I wished I had taken a pic because the ethnics on here will think I´m larping, but I´m not.
You should have. Your entire OP is pure larp and you are copemaxxing boyo.
Seriously? I need to go try my luck there then. Fuck that sounds promising
Dont get your hopes up. OP is larping out of his ass.
Ah those raging moments. The worst thing I did was punch through a wall leaving a big hole. From your story it sounds like a living hell.
Makes sense the east is uglier they have more slav dna after all.
wait a fucking min.. shouldnt it be lifefuel if you see other subhumans getting gf's ?
did you mog that ethnic ?
I am also from Cuckmany. I rarely see interracial couples. Today I saw one, a black man (he was very tall) and a white woman. But as I said, that's rare. Most Non-White men have a hard time here with girls (espacially white girls) in my experience.
Nice LARP, OP.
Makes sense the east is uglier they have more slav dna after all.
But then the women should be better looking as well, Slavic women are seen as the prettiest.
wait a fucking min.. shouldnt it be lifefuel if you see other subhumans getting gf's ?
did you mog that ethnic ?
I´m white and saw subhuman refugees with cute white girls everywhere while all the white chads were dating subhuman ethnic girls.

how is it lifefuel, knowing that even if I were chad I could only get ugly ethnic girls?
But then the women should be better looking as well, Slavic women are seen as the prettiest.
True I should of specified it was men I was talking about.
The only times I have ever seen ugly/average ethnic guys with white girls their score or above were thugmaxxed ethnic guys, usually drug dealers or similar such criminals, who were able to score these foids that way. Were these ethnic men criminal/shifty looking @Getlooksordie?

For the average law-abiding ethnic male, life is very bleak in European countries, same as for law-abiding white guys. But the difference is that ethnics have more disdain for the society and are more likely to get involved in crime, while a lot of white guys are cucks who want to preserve this feminist society (JFL).

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