Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

"Volcel if you never approached a woman" is bullcrap.

Btw all of Tom Cruise's wives left him and he has been single ever since. His last wife, Katie Holmes, left him at 2012 the same year Tinder came out.. Oh and just in case you bring up another example of a famous dude (which is considered cherrypicking by default): https://incels.is/threads/status-is-beta.163127/

Leo DiCaprio also never kept a LTR going for very long, so?

It doesn't change the fact they are both pussy slayers
Leo DiCaprio also never kept a LTR going for very long, so?

It doesn't change the fact they are both pussy slayers
I'm going to say this again: you're bringing up famous people (which is a cherrypicking by default).
For two: Di Caprio is tall.
so you have never tried
People shit on each other all the time. Especially when they are in school. If you say "I've been shat on my whole life" I will tell you "People shit on each other their whole lives, especially at school". You just want an excuse to not try.
I'm going to say this again: you're bringing up famous people (which is a cherrypicking by default).
For two: Di Caprio is tall.

That's the point, fucking retard. Why are you saying Cruise can't keep his LTR due to his height, when men taller than him can't either?

Also LMAOing at you implying Tom would not have sex without fame. I know manlets who look better than him and can have sex no problem, face is everything, this place is filled with tallfag incels.
Why are you saying Cruise can't keep his LTR due to his height, when men taller than him can't either?
Did you imply that Di Caprio can't keep a LTR? He has been photographed having sex with many young 21-year-old girls. He doesn't have an LTR because he's not a simp.
this place is filled with tallfag incels.
Being tall means that you receive respect over a superficial trait so you end up losing direction in life and therefore ending up on incel forums. And if tallfags want to prove that they are ugly they can PM me a photo. Sure enough they won't get banned if they're truly ugly.
Did you imply that Di Caprio can't keep a LTR? He has been photographed having sex with many young 21-year-old girls. He doesn't have an LTR because he's not a simp.

Being tall means that you receive respect over a superficial trait so you end up losing direction in life and therefore ending up on incel forums. And if tallfags want to prove that they are ugly they can PM me a photo. Sure enough they won't get banned if they're truly ugly.

Both are not keeping LTRs, which shows your stupid "argument" that Tom Cruise won't keep LTRs because of his height is a bunch of bullshit. I will not explain this a 3rd time.
When did Tom Cruise get photographed with hot 20-year-old stacies?
Muh photos with Stacies!


He fucked Nicole Kidman in her prime, bitch, that's all you need to know.
I bet he can't get laid and is an incel just like us

Tom is old, his looks deteriorated, its called AGING you dumbfuck. In his prime he would outslay 95% of tallfags
You are just an ugly manlet who thinks his face is amazing
Nah, a tallfag would make Tom look like a kid when he stands next to him.

I know personally a GL man who is 5 inches shorter than me and had sex his whole life, quite literally. But keep coping.
I am zero inhib and approached 30 women in the last month. Guess how many said yes?

Also the average guy gets rejected 90% of the time, JFL if you're below that and think you have a snowball's chance in Hell.
Sorry to bring it to you but yes you are a volcel. If you havn't approached enough women to have a reasonable sample size you are a volcel until proven otherwise. I know volcels who self rate themselves as 2/10 so they can comfortably avoid putting any effort whatsoever hate to hear this.
Sorry to bring it to you but yes you are a volcel. If you havn't approached enough women to have a reasonable sample size you are a volcel until proven otherwise. I know volcels who self rate themselves as 2/10 so they can comfortably avoid putting any effort whatsoever hate to hear this.
False. Your normal interactions with females (close to your age****) at work & school is enough to know your incel status. If you already have bad interactions with females, approaching is a big waste of time.
False. Your normal interactions with females (close to your age****) at work & school is enough to know your incel status. If you already have bad interactions with females, approaching is a big waste of time.
Yeah, but you have to actively show interest and actually get a real rejection.

There is rougly three distinct categories
Chad: doesn't have to approach or do any work, women will flock him
Normies : actually have to put in work, get rejected and eventually beat the numbers game
Incel/truecel : can't get laid or get a relationship despite putting in the effort normies do
Volcel= Never tried any of the things normies do to get GFs, just gave up and didn't try because "chad didn't have too"

Within all these there is still a spectrum, so a low tier normie will have to put in more effort than a high tier normie.
Basically the worse looking you are the more effort you have to put in. And a truecel is while you still put effort and get 0 out of it
true, im ugly as fuck, whats the point of trying if i know i will fail
If you're deformed or disabled, approaching is utterly futile.

Some facial features might as well be considered a deformity at this point. State of the west.
If you're deformed or disabled, approaching is utterly futile.
100% true. Even if your condition is almost completely internal people will avoid you for it, it's just human nature.
Volcel if u didn't approach 1 million foids tbh
Zombie is 5'10", so that makes the other guy 5'5"
I find it consistently entertaining that someone always knows a 5'5" guy that has a high n-count. Anyway, I've said it before and I'm going to say it again: 50cent is black and rich, does that mean that all black men can get rich too? No. @zombie Your example is a cherrypick.
You gotta try once no matter what. I tried. Alot.
In fairness to the Tom Cruise situation, if the only people he wants to fuck don't want to fuck him, then he is indeed an incel.

After all, none of us are willing to fuck 100% of humanity.

Plus: you're not a celibate if you're raping sheep on a farm, so those are also non-pursued options which make us volcels.

If we are only incel in respect to not getting sex that we WANT, then Cruise would be incel so long as he is getting turned down from whatever minority of sexual partners he desires.

Perhaps he is just SUPER picky?

Where should we draw the line on when pickiness makes someone vol or invol? We can't.

Getting rejected actually felt good somehow since you feel closer to inceldom. It overall still fucking sucks so I get why you pussies wont do it
It depends on your looks really. If you're 2/10, you're right. If you're 4+, especially 5+ and never tried, than you're a volcel or at the very least a low-effortcel.
Plenty of Fish and OkCupid are good litmus tests for your SMV in general. Those places are filled with bottom-barrel obese single moms who are more than willing to settle for less. If not even they will show up to a simple coffee date with you, approaching offline will not be worth it for you even with slightly better odds.
the little approaching I did has never felt anything but creepy and strange and wrong. because that's what it is, especially if you live in a socially isolating, retreating and dying culture

wish @Player was still here
It depends on your looks really. If you're 2/10, you're right. If you're 4+, especially 5+ and never tried, than you're a volcel or at the very least a low-effortcel.
I find it consistently entertaining that someone always knows a 5'5" guy that has a high n-count. Anyway, I've said it before and I'm going to say it again: 50cent is black and rich, does that mean that all black men can get rich too? No. @zombie Your example is a cherrypick.

Because they exist and although height is important, its overrated.
If you've received only negative comments about your looks your entire life, you know you're ugly. Asking someone out is pointless. Prove me wrong.

Based and truecelpilled
Because they exist and although height is important, its overrated.
Yeah, I said:
Anyway, I've said it before and I'm going to say it again: 50cent is black and rich, does that mean that all black men can get rich too? No. @zombie Your example is a cherrypick.
Anyway. As per my original comment: Tinder is not a good way to try to have sex.
If you have to approach, you already lost.
Its worse if your didnt even approach but the foid perceived it that way and rejects you it hurts more.
If you have to approach it’s over
Lol ( laughing out loud ) I don't care whether or not people consider me a volcel just because i've never approached a female. They should approach me tbh ( to be honest ) i mean i'm magnificent after all, but those stupid foids just won't recognize my superiority.

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