Im just another ole regular Larping Faggot
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I'm talking entirely from a gameplay, content, and immersion perspective. The Trinity of what makes games good from a GAMEplay perspective. People who enjoy video games for reasons such as story or other reasons of course will disagree, but they're not speaking from a gameplay perspective, thus their opinion should be treated as a gamers perspective. For example if I enjoy a book for the pictures or how the pages feel instead of the story that's not really from a readers perspective I enjoy the game.Smooth gameplay, a whole new concept of gameplay or more financial backing and technological advancement doesn't say anything about its quality itself imo. If you mean that.
Complete sociopathy does not exist, sociopathic tendencies, or as it is medically defined "Antisocial personality disorder" does exist. It does allow you to see things from a much more rational perspective. I do not claim to be 100% emotionless, just that my emotions are dull'd, and since i'm also aware of Estrogen and Testosterone levels, aswell as other factors combined with this I am very confident in my ability to view things from a non emotional perspective.Non emotional/socipathic is a meme and does not exist in a medical way. Funny that we claim to have the same approach to this topic though. A lot of games content got objectively shrunken down or they became outright skinners boxes and I am not even against streamlining. Your stance really baffles me.
Games have absolutely gotten bigger, unless you're talking about things like text adventures or isometric RPGs which aren't really gameplay focused experiences, they might have the story, and content, but the medium in which you interact with said content is not really from an immersive gameplay perspective. It's from a non real time third person perspective on average, which is much more akin to a visual novel, or a choose your own adventure novel, than to a video game, or a simulation.
There is nothing in the past for example which has the gameplay and content admixture that modern games of the past 5-10 years have, and this admixture is important.
I am not talking about Indies no.Maybe we just mean the same thing. If you would look at a graph, yes things go uphill, but overall games stay back behind their capabilities and while improving in certain sectors, quality goes down in others, (imo this has to do with checkbox development akin to hollywood production methods and normiefication overall, just a sidenote). Yes or no? We are not talking about indies here, right? Or did it improve in the last years? I didn't play for a while? My last up to date PC was from 2012, I think? I get the timeline fucked up. To much LDAR.
Fallout 4 is a very controversial game, from my perspective, which I believe to be pretty objective, in terms of a proper admixture of different factors it lacks below Skyrim, however in comparison to previous Fallouts, yes all of them, and even including Skyrim, they improved gameplay and added so much content, that really made up for it. You cannot name a single game, that has the quality of gameplay and content admixture in a better form than Fallout 4. You can find games that have more and better content but worse gameplay, and you can find games that have better gameplay but less content. Video games are like food, this gets made fun of on /v/ with the whole fool analogy thing, but Bethesda are like a sandwich dealer, everyone else is like an ingredient dealer. ID Software might make the best cheese in the world, Rockstar games might make the best lettuce, another company might make the best bread, etc you get the point, but the Bethesda is pretty much the only company attempting to combine all the ingredients together, they might not be the BEST ingredients but they're the only combination of said ingredients, the only vendor selling sandwiches, instead of sandwich ingredients, with the only attempts to mimic them coming from the developers of Kingdom Come Deliverance and CD Project Red.If that's not the case give me some more examples, please. What do you think about the new Fallout?
Fallout 4 is not my favorite game by any means, but to deny how great it is because it lacks in story or dialogue options is ridiculous, because from a gameplay and content perspective nothing can compare. There's this phrase that gets thrown around, "Jack of all trades, master of none" this phrase would have more weight to it if there were other Jacks of all trades, and they weren't constantly trying to improve. Fallout 4's core combat and gameplay had assisted development from people who worked at Machine games, ID Software, and Bungie, to pretend that the gameplay is mediocre or bad is retarded, it's nothing spectacular, but it doesn't have to be, it's a vast improvement. Also with its modding capabilities, an advertised official feature, you can customize the game to play it however you wish. Whether you want to mod the game to be a survival sim that rivals the likes of Stalker, and where you actually fear death, or something else.
I have ADHD aswell, i'm not sure that's the issue here.Maybe this has just to do with my ADHD and my perfectionism and the changes don't affect rather "normal" people.
Copeall those games are horrible