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News Update on Australian ER



Former Wagecuck turned Neetbuxmaxxer. Gymcel
Aug 24, 2023
In case you dont know some 40 year old guy in chadstralia went ER.

He targetted only foids and 1 male security guard who probably got in the way of him attempting to stab foids to death.

I honestly suspected it was at frustration of foids or whatever the moment I saw it happen, and then with all the videos you can see him being pretty indifferent to guys, only acknowledging their presence if they got very close or in his way.

View: https://youtu.be/D682Fgfhm4U?si=1WIYGj5VdwiFfsbF&t=29

Video is timestamped but the reporter asks his father

"Do you have any reason to understand why he would have targetted women?"

The father responds

"Yes, because he wanted a girlfriend, and he has no social skills and he was frustrated out of his brain."

So yeah this guy was an escort and he looks alright so I dont think he was a complete incel, I guess he is kind of like an escortcel too in a way lol.

But he definitely had some issues with attracting foids, I think the news report here in chadstralia said he lived with his parents until 35 as well so thats not a good sign.

He may have been schizofrenic but he clearly had enough sense to be frustrated with foids to the point of indiscriminately targetting and murdering them.

I honestly think its possible he perhaps browsed blackpilling stuff online causing this, he would post on facebook asking people to hang out with him or meetup with him so its safe to say he was lonely and on the internet like many of us, I do think he probably did just decide to go ER. I dont think the police have given it an official motivation other than that he may have intentionally targetted foids.

His escort profile showed he was a 5'7 manlet on top of being non NT so its fair enough to say it was over for him, he may have been decent looking and white, but let me tell you they call it CHADstralia for a reason.

What happened was sad but until the root causes of this are adressed and fixed your going to keep having stuff like this happen on occasion, I guess lifefuel for shortcels like me that can safely walk around as my incel brothers will instantly identify my manletism IRL and I will be immune to being targetted while he goes and murders stacies and beckies.

also @kay' upon seeing more pictures of the guy and stuff I think some photos do kind of match up with the video, the phone and cctv footage when he was attacking people made him look a little ethnic for some reason, combined with his shorter than average stature too.
It's just the beginning. All the sjw fags or any one in the media who has been ridiculing incels and lonely men in general in the last few years will soon shit their pants and realize how serious this crises actually is.

It will take time but this world can't function like this. They trying to change something very basic and internal. Men need women , if enough men don't have access to females they gonna show their anger in another form.

All we can do for now is to watch this whole motherfucking hedonistic female and chad worshiping world burn to fucking dust. :feelsjuice:
it was a faggot

I dont think hes bad looking.

Hes a manlet but hes white with good features.

He could have easily gotten a gf. If not in australia then somewhere else, but he does look like hes abit stupid ive seen some photos from his facebook he looks like a bluepilled idiot, he has this dumb looking face in many photos, he thought being nice/soft for 35 years will get him a gf or being a wageslave all his 20s and half his 30s will be for a better life.

Clown world syndrome hit him hard when he realized hes 35, alone and still lives with his parents.

The dude BECAME mentally ill.
He was not mentally ill, clown world made him become mentally ill.

Ironically he reminds of me ER, but a stronger version.

ER is even worse because he had more materials to work with and still miserably failed in everything he did.

Everyone should try to develop some social skills, no matter how they look.

0 social skills => loner => home shut in => mental illness => ER
It's just the beginning.
Yeah I agree, in this case the individual was mentally ill, but ultimately the cause was foids and shit we talk about here, if some foid just sucked his dick 6 more people would be alive right now, I feel like it will be commonplace for some lonely guy to do stuff like this every now and then. Guess the only good thing about being so short is that the people going ER will realise its ovER for me due to my manletism and I will not be brutally stabbed to death.
All the sjw fags or any one in the media who has been ridiculing incels and lonely men in general in the last few years will soon shit their pants and realize how serious this crises actually is.
Yeah, all the bluepill media fags are calling it cowardice to target foids, it's not an act of cowardice though, it's just complete indifference and frustration, its sick but I kind of hope shit like this happens more so they realise. Even then they will still just call the murderer disgusting for doing this, which to be fair you shouldnt be killing random people, I feel like targeted strikes on individuals you used to know are better so you can kill genuinely awful people, I can't really get behind stabbing a 9 month old.
It will take time but this world can't function like this. They trying to change something very basic and internal. Men need women , if enough men don't have access to females they gonna show their anger in another form.

All we can do for now is to watch this whole motherfucking hedonistic female and chad worshiping world burn to fucking dust. :feelsjuice:
Yep, just watching and enjoying personally :feelscomfy: I have watched more mainstream jew media the past 2 days than I have for the entire year
I dont think hes bad looking.
Nah not at all, he is slightly above average at minimum
Hes a manlet but hes white with good features.
5'7 is manlet here in chadstralia, white is good, but the fact that he is short and non NT thats an incel sentence here in chadstralia kind of like it was for myself
He could have easily gotten a gf. If not in australia then somewhere else
Yeah, he possibly could have geomaxxed to SEA or something if he was blackpilled earlier
but he does look like hes abit stupid ive seen some photos from his facebook he looks like a bluepilled idiot, he has this dumb looking face in many photos, he thought being nice/soft for 35 years will get him a gf or being a wageslave all his 20s and half his 30s will be for a better life.

Clown world syndrome hit him hard when he realized hes 35, alone and still lives with his parents.

The dude BECAME mentally ill.
He was not mentally ill, clown world made him become mentally ill.
Yeah he was mentally ill, his parents say he started showing sings at 16/17

I guess since at that age you subconciously know its over, if you havent had sex by 17 you are definitely no chad.

I honestly do think clown world syndrome hit him hard, I think he was a lonely man that would browse the internet, this blackpill stuff got more and more popular and he realised just how over it is for him at 40 years of age and he just couldnt take it anymore.

So he combined his new found hatred of foids with his autistic fascination of knives and went and stabbed a bunch of foids.
Ironically he reminds of me ER, but a stronger version.

ER is even worse because he had more materials to work with and still miserably failed in everything he did.

Everyone should try to develop some social skills, no matter how they look.
Yeah this guy was double ER's age, idk if this guy could have worked on his social skills very much I think he was just fundamentally autistic and short.
based manletcel hopefully he stabbed only tallfags and spared other fellow manletcels.

He looks like a good dude, a guy i would drink a beer or two with if I ever encountered him in a bar too bad that he had no one to vent to, should have seriously discovered this forum.
Feminism caused this. Feminism caused the attack.

If women had normal realistic standards and this ERcel had a loving girlfriend who gave him affection, this 100% would not have happened.
based manletcel hopefully he stabbed only tallfags and spared other fellow manletcels.

These are all the victims, he killed only foids kek, the man in the bottom left was a security guard so I think he just killed him because he probably was interfering with him trying to kill as many foids as possible.

The foid in the bottom right was some stacy about to get married, her father is worth hundreds of millions so I would say he scored a pretty good blow with killing that stacy if the attack was incel motivated, I cant even feel bad she died, her life experience at 25 mogs everyone on this forum.

Middle foid on the bottom was a roastie who just became a mother, I can't really get behind stabbing a 9 month old though, maybe the baby was a foid kek.

Top are just 2 old foids and some noodlewhore with a fake filtered pic.

He didnt kill any tallfags although he should have, if you watch the clips he seems pretty indifferent to all the men around him, the moment I saw it happen I just knew intuitively it had to be related to incels somehow.
He looks like a good dude, a guy i would drink a beer or two with if I ever encountered him in a bar too bad that he had no one to vent to, should have seriously discovered this forum.
I think thats the thing lol, he was a lonely man on the internet, like us he eventually discovered places like this, I think none of these people would have never died if it wasnt for the blackpill.

If he discovered this forum or well a place like it a decade or 2 ago perhaps he could have been blackpilled enough to not die for nothing and he could have geomaxxed to SEA years ago.
SHOULD have taken the blackpill earlier
So happy to know that he is incel motived. This one's probably an faggot, but he redeemed himself by targeting an Jewish area and being as good as a sushi chef slicing down sushi rolls
It's just the beginning. All the sjw fags or any one in the media who has been ridiculing incels and lonely men in general in the last few years will soon shit their pants and realize how serious this crises actually is.

It will take time but this world can't function like this. They trying to change something very basic and internal. Men need women , if enough men don't have access to females they gonna show their anger in another form.

All we can do for now is to watch this whole motherfucking hedonistic female and chad worshiping world burn to fucking dust. :feelsjuice:
These scum governments could made housing more affordable. Or at least make renting more cheaper for lonely males.
Because adult males living with their parents isn't good for anyone.
SHOULD have taken the blackpill earlier
I think this would have saved the lives of both the victims and the perpretrator
So happy to know that he is incel motived. This one's probably an faggot, but he redeemed himself by targeting an Jewish area and being as good as a sushi chef slicing down sushi rolls
I think it is, the media will never admit it outright though, they have mentioned briefly that he targetted only foids but they just called him a coward.

The bondi area is known for having chads and stacies and being a playground for them which may be why he ended up targetting that specific area, he actually passed up 2 other areas, one that has more ethnics and one that has more country white people that are not really chads.

I think he was motived by

1. Autistic non nt fascination of knives

2. Hating foids

These scum governments could made housing more affordable. Or at least make renting more cheaper for lonely males.
Housing is unbelievably fucking expensive and he was living out of a storage unit or something thats meant to store old possessions, I didnt even think about it but that is definitely another reason he went ER
His parents can cope all they like, saying that the guy wanted a girlfriend. The fact is that he was selling his ass as an escort. He was a faggot.
One of the foids he took out was going to get married, ah well she ain't entitled to get married
The rugby league outfit is funniest thing to me. Seems so wild, but I guess its easy to judge someone so deeply broken. It's hard out there for single guys. If it weren't for their mums, there probably would be tens of millions of ERs.
IT cucks are gonna have a field day with this. They're probably happy about this bc it gives them more reddit karma :soy:.
The foid in the bottom right was some stacy about to get married, her father is worth hundreds of millions so I would say he scored a pretty good blow with killing that stacy if the attack was incel motivated, I cant even feel bad she died, her life experience at 25 mogs everyone on this forum.
JC killed more foids and of higher standing with a knife than ER with his 9mm.
JC scored big, indeed.
His parents can cope all they like, saying that the guy wanted a girlfriend. The fact is that he was selling his ass as an escort. He was a faggot.
Yeah, well who knows, it seemed like he lived a shit life when he left his parents house living in a storage unit so maybe he just sold his ass for cash but he wanted a girlfriend and was straight, who knows.
The rugby league outfit is funniest thing to me. Seems so wild, but I guess its easy to judge someone so deeply broken. It's hard out there for single guys. If it weren't for their mums, there probably would be tens of millions of ERs.
Lol yeah, he lived in a storage unit or something so it was probably all he had and its better than wearing nothing.
autistic men are dangerous terrorists!!! :soy::foidSoy:
Yeah, well who knows, it seemed like he lived a shit life when he left his parents house living in a storage unit so maybe he just sold his ass for cash but he wanted a girlfriend and was straight, who knows.
The following is what was written on his escort profile: "Let me gently massage all of your body, and have me in any and every way!"
He was undoubtedly a faggot.
Hapa whores dominating Chadstralia population.
Yeah, well who knows, it seemed like he lived a shit life when he left his parents house living in a storage unit so maybe he just sold his ass for cash but he wanted a girlfriend and was straight, who knows.
guy was begging for companions on facebook or something for surfing. if only he'd known about this forum, a lot of his sufferings would be validated and most likely assuage them to the point that he wouldn't commit such an act. tragic stuff.
So happy to know that he is incel motived. This one's probably an faggot, but he redeemed himself by targeting an Jewish area and being as good as a sushi chef slicing down sushi rolls
Faggot but an honorary incel:feelsYall:
He was a fag due to homelessness and shit, still a fag, but you guys are missing the fact that he was pushed to faggotry due to FOIDS. I blame the foids.
He's a hero. May Allah elevate his status.
It's their own fault if they got stabbed.
He could sense their insecurity.
In case you dont know some 40 year old guy in chadstralia went ER.

He targetted only foids and 1 male security guard who probably got in the way of him attempting to stab foids to death.

I honestly suspected it was at frustration of foids or whatever the moment I saw it happen, and then with all the videos you can see him being pretty indifferent to guys, only acknowledging their presence if they got very close or in his way.

View: https://youtu.be/D682Fgfhm4U?si=1WIYGj5VdwiFfsbF&t=29

Video is timestamped but the reporter asks his father

"Do you have any reason to understand why he would have targetted women?"

The father responds

"Yes, because he wanted a girlfriend, and he has no social skills and he was frustrated out of his brain."

So yeah this guy was an escort and he looks alright so I dont think he was a complete incel, I guess he is kind of like an escortcel too in a way lol.

But he definitely had some issues with attracting foids, I think the news report here in chadstralia said he lived with his parents until 35 as well so thats not a good sign.

He may have been schizofrenic but he clearly had enough sense to be frustrated with foids to the point of indiscriminately targetting and murdering them.

I honestly think its possible he perhaps browsed blackpilling stuff online causing this, he would post on facebook asking people to hang out with him or meetup with him so its safe to say he was lonely and on the internet like many of us, I do think he probably did just decide to go ER. I dont think the police have given it an official motivation other than that he may have intentionally targetted foids.

His escort profile showed he was a 5'7 manlet on top of being non NT so its fair enough to say it was over for him, he may have been decent looking and white, but let me tell you they call it CHADstralia for a reason.

What happened was sad but until the root causes of this are adressed and fixed your going to keep having stuff like this happen on occasion, I guess lifefuel for shortcels like me that can safely walk around as my incel brothers will instantly identify my manletism IRL and I will be immune to being targetted while he goes and murders stacies and beckies.

also @kay' upon seeing more pictures of the guy and stuff I think some photos do kind of match up with the video, the phone and cctv footage when he was attacking people made him look a little ethnic for some reason, combined with his shorter than average stature too.


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