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Serious University Degree Pill

University is next to useless unless you're going to be a doctor or engineer or something. Even business is a bunch of blow hard bullshit. I would know since I oversaw the exams for 3 years.
Universitypill strikes again. People who have degrees are ALWAYS the ones who go around telling everyone degrees are useless.
I think you're confusing university degrees with being an insufferable cock sucking normie when it comes to a criteria for success.

The reason all these people have success is they are the typical schmoozing narcissistic normies who pal around with others of their kind and are able to climb the corporate ladder. Not because of their degrees but because people like other people like them. The reason you haven't climbed the ranks into the corporate world is not because of your education but because your an autist with a highly disagreeable personality and while the normies aren't intelligent or self aware enough to put their fingers on it they know you're face doesn't fit. They know you won't suck cock like they will they know you won't go along with the cancerous narcissistic office culture they have.

I don't have a university degree either and I have actually had a fair few jobs and I've been around the "office" environment which does tend to be populated by the people who have their degree in "applied bollocks" or "colouring in" or whatever and honestly. Why would you want to work in an office with these people? Do you have any idea how insufferable they are? You wouldn't be able to do it.

You wouldn't be able to bite your tongue at half the bullshit that the bosses spout.

You wouldn't be able to go around screwing people all day long. Are you a sociopath? I actually do have some sociopathic tendencies and even i struggled with some of the things i was asked to do with 1 job i had. Which is why i don't work there.

You don't fit in. What are you going to talk about these motherfuckers with? Anything you say will be used against you.

Oh and you want a middle management job? Even if you dump as much as possible on your underlings do you want to be working 80 hours a week? I've done that and some of my managers were putting in even more hours than i was. Do you really think a modest middle class salary, a Mercedes and a mortgage on some awful townhouse or fancy hipster apartment is worth working every waking hour?

You know I've done all sorts. At one point i did industrial cleaning. I did everything from gutters, jet washing bins, pavement, cleaning ponds and unblocking drains and it really wasn't so bad because i could clock out go home and enjoy myself without taking my work home with me. No one calls me to make things my problem. My days off are mine. Most of these normie cock suckers do hardly anything but work and if they're not working their schmoozing with their den of vipers at a bar or restaurant sucking even more cock and creating drama.

I've seen this shit up close.

The fact is my friends. We above all else are outsiders. That isn't our world. We're not suited for it. There are plenty of other things to do for a living you just have to go easy when it comes to spending money. Don't eat or drink out. Drive a shitty old Toyota. Fix your own shit. Live modestly. It's what i do.
This guy knows what he's talking about.
I think you're confusing university degrees with being an insufferable cock sucking normie when it comes to a criteria for success.

The reason all these people have success is they are the typical schmoozing narcissistic normies who pal around with others of their kind and are able to climb the corporate ladder. Not because of their degrees but because people like other people like them. The reason you haven't climbed the ranks into the corporate world is not because of your education but because your an autist with a highly disagreeable personality and while the normies aren't intelligent or self aware enough to put their fingers on it they know you're face doesn't fit. They know you won't suck cock like they will they know you won't go along with the cancerous narcissistic office culture they have.

I don't have a university degree either and I have actually had a fair few jobs and I've been around the "office" environment which does tend to be populated by the people who have their degree in "applied bollocks" or "colouring in" or whatever and honestly. Why would you want to work in an office with these people? Do you have any idea how insufferable they are? You wouldn't be able to do it.

You wouldn't be able to bite your tongue at half the bullshit that the bosses spout.

You wouldn't be able to go around screwing people all day long. Are you a sociopath? I actually do have some sociopathic tendencies and even i struggled with some of the things i was asked to do with 1 job i had. Which is why i don't work there.

You don't fit in. What are you going to talk about these motherfuckers with? Anything you say will be used against you.

Oh and you want a middle management job? Even if you dump as much as possible on your underlings do you want to be working 80 hours a week? I've done that and some of my managers were putting in even more hours than i was. Do you really think a modest middle class salary, a Mercedes and a mortgage on some awful townhouse or fancy hipster apartment is worth working every waking hour?

You know I've done all sorts. At one point i did industrial cleaning. I did everything from gutters, jet washing bins, pavement, cleaning ponds and unblocking drains and it really wasn't so bad because i could clock out go home and enjoy myself without taking my work home with me. No one calls me to make things my problem. My days off are mine. Most of these normie cock suckers do hardly anything but work and if they're not working their schmoozing with their den of vipers at a bar or restaurant sucking even more cock and creating drama.

I've seen this shit up close.

The fact is my friends. We above all else are outsiders. That isn't our world. We're not suited for it. There are plenty of other things to do for a living you just have to go easy when it comes to spending money. Don't eat or drink out. Drive a shitty old Toyota. Fix your own shit. Live modestly. It's what i do.
While most of what you said is accurate, having a degree makes a big difference. In a lot of jobs you will literally not make it past HR without a degree. Cocksucking aside, a degree is the license you need to play the game at all.

Edit: I know you could argue that many people get good jobs through nepotism or networking (aka nepotism again) but I'm talking about the other 80% of the population.
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Not having a degree is a big setback in certain jobs. The amount of money you can make with good degree can't be ignored, they really do help.
My friend was working for a computer company for a long ass time, making about 50k a year. He had a bachelors degree. While he was working, he went back to college and got a masters degree in some advanced computer shit. When he came back to his job, he got a raise because of his new degree. His job was exactly the same, but he was getting more money because it was company policy to pay people more based on their education.

With degree inflation, nowadays you need a bachelors degree to do just about any mid level job that is going to make you serious money. Very sad that companies favor having a degree over actual skills, but everything now is about appearances and having a good facade so you can sell yourself. So its better for a company to have incompetent workers with a degree instead of skilled workers with no degree so they can say “We have 1000 employees who are experts in computer science with masters degrees!”

Tl;dr nuke the west get me out of this shithole
This is probably the hardest pill to swallow because a lot of people conclude that university degrees are useless after being unable to find a job when they finish school. However, contrary to what people say, having a university degree is absolutely essential and those who say otherwise all have university degrees which they take for granted.

Every job these days requires a bachelor's degree as a minimum. Furthermore, if you do find a job that accepts a lower credential, you will never move up in the company and you will get paid less. And it doesn't even matter what your degree is in. I graduated with a diploma from a polytechnical college but any political science or fine arts major is considered more employable than me.

Your degree doesn't have to be your career. In fact, most people's careers are not related to their degree at all. I am looking at people I went to school with 10 years ago on linkedin and it is absolutely devastating because they majored in history or something like that but then they went to a coding bootcamp and became software engineers pulling in six figures. You can switch careers like that with a degree but if you went to a vocational school like me you are considered a drooling retard that can only do one task for the rest of his life, under strict supervision from multiple managers.

And if that wasn't bad enough, if you are not Chad then not having a degree is an instantaneous REJECTION from any female because they all have university level education and will never date down. It gets worse: as a non-degree holder, I can't locationmaxx because my education isn't recognized internationally, it is recognized only within my shitty province, and maybe within Canada.

Being a near 30 year old man without a degree is absolutely BRUTAL. All doors are closed for you and you can't even ascend in SEA. I did about a year of university not too long ago because I wanted to redeem myself but I dropped out because I got depressed and lost motivation. It is absolutely brutal to spend all day every day studying as an oldfag and your brain starts to deteriorate after 25 anyway so it is OVER for me.

Right now I am posting this because I cannot focus on my job. I have been extremely depressed (unable to get up out of bed, can't focus, 0 motivation) now for months because I haven't done anything with my life and it's too late now. @LastGerman the degreepill is more important than the driverlicensepill. Imagine if you needed a license to BREATHE that is literally the same as the degreepill. A degree is basically a license to exist in the modern age and if you do not have one, you are actually subhuman.

Edit: added some whitespace because ppl are complaining.

Get a degree now.
because they majored in history or something like that but then they went to a coding bootcamp and became software engineers pulling in six figures.
I know my history degree will be useless, I'm just going along with it.
There's nothing I can do about it.
Yeah and I will be homeless too because I cannot stand my job anymore and it isn't even worth it. I am always feeling stressed and lazy. I lost all patience for this long ago. I can't have these boomers breathing down my neck anymore. Literally people who I graduated with who studied exactly the same things as me but had a degree that they got prior in an unrelated subject started off making more than I make after 3 yeard and they are in middle management now while I am doing jack shit. The degreepill is the final fucking pill before the cyanide tablet tbh.

Cant you get a degree ? Should be easy enough.
While most of what you said is accurate, having a degree makes a big difference. In a lot of jobs you will literally not make it past HR without a degree. Cocksucking aside, a degree is the license you need to play the game at all.

Edit: I know you could argue that many people get good jobs through nepotism or networking (aka nepotism again) but I'm talking about the other 80% of the population.

You won't make it past HR degree or not. Have you seen who is in the typical HR department? The one where i work is staffed by a bitter old spinster wine aunt who changes jobs every few years because she has spent 30 years failing sideways. Her deputy is the queen bitch of the universe who i believe is going through early menopause and her assistants are two cackling whore roasties one of who has a degree in art history. They have basically made a hash of almost everyone they have hired recently. Some of the job ads they have put out have been comical and generally in a crunch the department manager has had to intervene to hire someone often by promoting from within - partly how i got my current job.

I was actually #Metoo'd at work by this manipulative little whore who works in accounts and HR punished me by moving me to night shift. You would have had a fairer hearing from the god damned Spanish inquisition. As it turns out its actually the best thing that ever happened to me. There isn't a single fucking hole working on nights and its just a non stop party.

Honestly around where i live and among the people i know there aren't really many decent jobs to be had. Many people are sitting on welfare benefits. The average wage is probably £16,000, a lot of people are working low end jobs for corporations or for small businesses which can't afford to pay very much. Maybe its different in London or the South of England that are wealthier or maybe it feels different if you hang around the middle class sort of crowd who are more nepotistic.

This guy knows what he's talking about.

Through many years of bitter experience my friend. It's a tough racket out there.
You don't need a bachelors degree if you are attractive.
The reality is I am an Autist who can't even handle the social dynamics of a minimum wage job, I wouldn't last a week in a media job even if I was extremely lucky to find one.

Some may say that I could do a Masters degree but I don't have the IQ for it.
Totally relatable tbh.
I'm thinking about giving english classes TEFL because i'm considering myself not able to write anything for a Masters.
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However, contrary to what people say, having a university degree is absolutely essential

Here in Germany you only get low-wage slave-jobs without an university degree.
And i don't even have "Abitur" (the school degree you need to go to university).

It's fucking over.
Universitypill strikes again. People who have degrees are ALWAYS the ones who go around telling everyone degrees are useless.

Well I have a honours degree in philosophy. A huge problem is no one appreciates what a difficult degree that is and what someone can bring to the table with that mindset. Most people think 'oh you just make up shit and yadda yadda.' Well no. It's about thoroughly laying out the reasons for your propositions for one, and justifying them, considering alternatives, rebuttal, etc. And that's just reasoning and argumentation.

Most people are too stupid to even grasp how you are thinking. Most people don't have the mental ability or balls to go where philosophy takes your mind. Most people have no idea what it means to argue (hint: it's not who yells the loudest or gets a popular opinion).

Philosophy is the foundation of all academia. Math and science are rooted in formal logic. Political and legal systems are based on the earliest of ethics. The nature of reality and what can be known are based on the earliest forms of existentialism.

Philosophy is a degree unlike any because it often has no straight answer. And that bothers people. And the vast majority cannot handle that. I recall I was in a philosophy of mind class with a couple English majors who just took it because they liked the prof. When it came time to write some (to me basic) essays, they shit bricks and "had no idea" where to even begin.

The more your degree demands definite answers, the more it simply programs you like a machine. Philosophy is the antithesis to this. It will have the balls to question everything to the core; all other disciplines came from it after all.
Here in Germany you only get low-wage slave-jobs without an university degree.
And i don't even have "Abitur" (the school degree you need to go to university).

It's fucking over.

Realistically mate even if you had one no one will hire you for a decent job because they can sense something is "off" about you. Secondly i can almost guarantee you or most of the people on this forum would probably rope from working in the corporate world. None of you are equipped to deal with the kind of malignant narcissistic cock suckers who inhabit it or to deal with how ruthless and sociopathic the normies are in these sorts of environments. Then there is the constant stress and pressure those fuckers will dump on you every bloody day.

My advice would be to look into starting your own business if you need more income than what a menial job can provide.

For example if i wasn't in my current job i would buy a van and some jet wash equipment and some rods and go into business clearing drains or doing "deep clean" jobs where you clean up bodies and human excrement, hazardous waste and sewage. I might also do a bit of mobile mechanic work - doing mechanical work and servicing on peoples driveways. That sort of thing.
Well I have a honours degree in philosophy. A huge problem is no one appreciates what a difficult degree that is and what someone can bring to the table with that mindset. Most people think 'oh you just make up shit and yadda yadda.' Well no. It's about thoroughly laying out the reasons for your propositions for one, and justifying them, considering alternatives, rebuttal, etc. And that's just reasoning and argumentation.

Most people are too stupid to even grasp how you are thinking. Most people don't have the mental ability or balls to go where philosophy takes your mind. Most people have no idea what it means to argue (hint: it's not who yells the loudest or gets a popular opinion).

Philosophy is the foundation of all academia. Math and science are rooted in formal logic. Political and legal systems are based on the earliest of ethics. The nature of reality and what can be known are based on the earliest forms of existentialism.

Philosophy is a degree unlike any because it often has no straight answer. And that bothers people. And the vast majority cannot handle that. I recall I was in a philosophy of mind class with a couple English majors who just took it because they liked the prof. When it came time to write some (to me basic) essays, they shit bricks and "had no idea" where to even begin.

The more your degree demands definite answers, the more it simply programs you like a machine. Philosophy is the antithesis to this. It will have the balls to question everything to the core; all other disciplines came from it after all.

I have been trying to look into a little philosophy over the last few years. Though it doesn't come naturally to me as I'm a technical man. In my opinion philosophy is secondary only to mathematics as a discipline. Outside of mathematics nothing is certain and is subject to philosophical interpretation. Many physicists have defected into the realms of philosophy because at our present level of scientific understanding and technology it was the only place they could explore some of their ideas.

My interest in economics lead me somewhat into philosophy because many economists are also philosophers who ask profound questions. Especially some of the more Austrian school variety who focus more on human actions and behaviour rather than trying to model the economy scientifically like the Chicagoists or Marxists.
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It's over if you're in Canada, over half of Canadians have tertiary education.

Having a degree now is like having a high school diploma in the 1980s.
Getting a degree was a waste of my time, got me nowhere except in debt, and I could have spent that time playing video games or investing tuition money in bitcoin pre-boom
A degree isn't useful.

A degree is a requirement
I have a bachelor's degree in finance and I'm still neet.
Getting a degree was a waste of my time, got me nowhere except in debt, and I could have spent that time playing video games or investing tuition money in bitcoin pre-boom
That would've made us happier and age less too.
I have a bachelor's degree in finance and I'm still neet.

Take some online programming courses and put the languages on your resume. Apply to banks.
Mogs me . Respect.

You going for a professional qualification?
Thanks bro, I thought you had a degree too. I can take the CFA exam but I've lost a lot of motivation after not finding any job in my field yet.
Take some online programming courses and put the languages on your resume. Apply to banks.
High iq. I never did programming before, but if it can help me get a job in a bank then I'd give it a try if the online courses won't take too long.
Thanks bro, I thought you had a degree too. I can take the CFA exam but I've lost a lot of motivation after not finding any job in my field yet.

High iq. I never did programming before, but if it can help me get a job in a bank then I'd give it a try if the online courses won't take too long.

Try coursera. I hear you get accreditation for completing their courses. Stanford CS profs behind it.
Try coursera. I hear you get accreditation for completing their courses. Stanford CS profs behind it.
Must be expensive. It will be ragefuel if I fail. Might be too risky, unless learning programming interests me.
It must be expensive. It will be ragefuel if I fail. It might be too risky, unless learning programming interests me.

In that case try some free online resources to get a handle on programming basics (variables, conditionals, loops, strings, data types) before taking a deep dive.
In that case try some free online resources to get a handle on programming basics (variables, conditionals, loops, strings, data types) before taking a deep dive.
High iq. Better to study it on my own first and see if I like it before I sign up for courses and realize I hate it half way through. I'll give it a try because I've always wanted to learn about programming, since I heard it helps people get decent jobs.
High iq. Better to study it on my own first and see if I like it before I sign up for courses and realize I hate it half way through. I'll give it a try because I've always wanted to learn about programming, since I heard it helps people get decent jobs.

It's ten times better for your employment chances to have "Java, Python, C++" on your resume than "French, Spanish, Latin."
It's ten times better for your employment chances to have "Java, Python, C++" on your resume than "French, Spanish, Latin."
I probably don't even have to take the courses to do that. I can study it a little and say I know how to do it on the resume. I forgot how to use excel, but I still put it on my resume.
Thanks bro, I thought you had a degree too. I can take the CFA exam but I've lost a lot of motivation after not finding any job in my field yet.

High iq. I never did programming before, but if it can help me get a job in a bank then I'd give it a try if the online courses won't take too long.

If you've got the brains for it but more importantly motivation do both. CFA 1st than IT after that. That's my agenda however mine is accountancy first then IT after it. I put it in military terms (Royal Corps of Accountants [now disbanded however listed under AGC Corps], Signals [IT & Telecoms], Engineers & Mechanical Engineering & Air, Medical, Logistics & Intelligence Corps) etc. Weird & odd but that's how I look at it though.

Unfortunately for me no. Bad circumstances & no motivation took its toll.
Doing little by little steps to bring me back in.
It's ten times better for your employment chances to have "Java, Python, C++" on your resume than "French, Spanish, Latin."

Thanks for the advice.
In that case try some free online resources to get a handle on programming basics (variables, conditionals, loops, strings, data types) before taking a deep dive.

Interesting & thanks. Mathematics being the basic common denominator I take it.
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If you've got the brains for it but more importantly motivation do both. CFA 1st than IT after that. That's my agenda however mine is accountancy first then IT after it. I put it in military terms (Royal Corps of Accountants [now disbanded however listed under AGC Corps], Signals [IT & Telecoms], Engineers & Mechanical Engineering & Air, Medical, Logistics & Intelligence Corps) etc. Weird & odd but that's how I look at it though.

Unfortunately for me no. Bad circumstances & no motivation took its toll.
Doing little by little steps to bring me back in.
High iq, doing both would be ideal. Since I'm not sure if I'm ready for programming yet, I can study it on the side while studying for the CFA. But it's going to be tough and I need lots of mental energy to get started. I have bad circumstances too because I recently got some pets who take at least two hours of my time a day, and I don't have that much motivation to go through more schooling since I couldn't find a job after getting a degree that took me the majority of my life to receive. Hopefully things get better and I find the drive to get into study mode again.
It's over if you're in Canada, over half of Canadians have tertiary education.

Having a degree now is like having a high school diploma in the 1980s.
This is exactly what I'm talking about.
This is exactly what I'm talking about.

Same as UK. Distance learning & evening classes on the weekdays & weekends are our only hope tbh.
High iq, doing both would be ideal. Since I'm not sure if I'm ready for programming yet, I can study it on the side while studying for the CFA. But it's going to be tough and I need lots of mental energy to get started. I have bad circumstances too because I recently got some pets who take at least two hours of my time a day, and I don't have that much motivation to go through more schooling since I couldn't find a job after getting a degree that took me the majority of my life to receive. Hopefully things get better and I find the drive to get into study mode again.

Know how that feels.
Same as UK. Distance learning & evening classes on the weekdays & weekends are our only hope tbh.

Know how that feels.
But in Canada there aren't any reputable distance learning degree programs. I think the only one might be Athabasca University which is a fucking joke. Even the name sounds like the University of American Samoa Law School from Better Call Saul.

Over the years I spent trying to rectify my mistakes I have come to learn that people don't want uneducated adults to elevate themselves. The Canadian education system is predatory because it sets people up to fail from an early age. The Ontario K-12 system is split into an "applied" and "academic" stream. If your performance is poor, a guidance counselor or teacher recommends your parents to enroll you in the "applied" stream. At this point you are basically condemned to be a member of the lower caste because kids who did the "appied" stream in high school are not permitted to go to university. No university will accept you if you studied in the "applied" program in school under any circumstance, and if you do want to go to university your only option is to start high school from the beginning.
But in Canada there aren't any reputable distance learning degree programs. I think the only one might be Athabasca University which is a fucking joke. Even the name sounds like the University of American Samoa Law School from Better Call Saul.

Over the years I spent trying to rectify my mistakes I have come to learn that people don't want uneducated adults to elevate themselves. The Canadian education system is predatory because it sets people up to fail from an early age. The Ontario K-12 system is split into an "applied" and "academic" stream. If your performance is poor, a guidance counselor or teacher recommends your parents to enroll you in the "applied" stream. At this point you are basically condemned to be a member of the lower caste because kids who did the "appied" stream in high school are not permitted to go to university. No university will accept you if you studied in the "applied" program in school under any circumstance, and if you do want to go to university your only option is to start high school from the beginning.

That's bad. I'm in the UK so it's different here.

Surely there should be something you can go into?
It’s important in my country
That's bad. I'm in the UK so it's different here.

Surely there should be something you can go into?
Usually people that study the "applied" stream in K-12 go to college like me (which is what polytechnical schools are referred to here), and while college graduates do have high employability, they hit a wage ceiling very quickly and will always be overlooked for promotion in favor of degree-holders. It doesn't help that if you go to a college, half of your classmates are going to be 25 year old degree holders that want to broaden their skillset so when you graduate you're no better off because now you're competing with the same university degree holders who also have the marketable skills you get from a polytechnical school. Now they are degreefags on steroids basically.
Usually people that study the "applied" stream in K-12 go to college like me (which is what polytechnical schools are referred to here), and while college graduates do have high employability, they hit a wage ceiling very quickly and will always be overlooked for promotion in favor of degree-holders. It doesn't help that if you go to a college, half of your classmates are going to be 25 year old degree holders that want to broaden their skillset so when you graduate you're no better off because now you're competing with the same university degree holders who also have the marketable skills you get from a polytechnical school. Now they are degreefags on steroids basically.

Yeah I here you. It's not as bad as in the UK ONLY because you can go to University BUT they still frown upon "Mature Students/Older Learners" in the work place.
doesn't matter if you have money. find a way to make money and cucked company politics are a thing you'll no longer have to deal with.
who do you think is the bigger winner? 50k in student debt 100k in mortgage cuckold with degree at some lgbt feminist company working for 50k a year and getting bossed around or making 200k with no debt no paper?
@LastGerman the degreepill is more important than the driverlicensepill.

yeah cus a girl will totally go up to a guy and be like "ooooh nice degree" like she does when she goes up and sees a dude with a nice powerful car.
Does the degree give acess to the social situations? does the degree make you look more like a man?
No. It makes you look like a tryhard cuck and we all know that as fact.
A car means access to life. Like i always say: No car means chilling in your room for ever. A car means you can have fun, take people around.
I feel like im restating myself these days but people are more inclined to not be horrible to you if you have a nice car! And its straight facts boys. Ive seen a 2psl truecel get invited to a party because he could take a group there

Eitherway with a degree you earn shit... barely any racks or bands and certainly no stacks.
And if you're fucked in the face youve got lower chances of climbing professional ladders anyway. Basic blackpill bucko.

Nice ferrari daddy, noooo nice fucking bachelors papi!
lol gtfo here degree pill ding dong just neet and whip and fuck

tell me that - government benefits neet whip fuck - isnt the dream
If a foid is physically attracted to you, she will not reject you because you don't have a college degree.
If she's not attracted to you, then your college degree will only interest her to extract some financial gain from you, ie if you want to betabuxx.
Either way, just say you have a college degree. Shit, tell her you have a doctorate from MIT or something.

As for jobs, it's true... but climbing up a corporate ladder is only one way to financial stability.
And if you're looking to get rich, here's universities that spawned the highest number of billionaires:
1st place - Harvard
2nd place - University of No College Degree
High IQ. If a degree is truly what is stopping you from ascending you could just lie about it. Try to lie about having a degree and if you are still an incel then the degree is not the reason.

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