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Serious University Degree Pill



wyattu cokku onry
Nov 17, 2017
This is probably the hardest pill to swallow because a lot of people conclude that university degrees are useless after being unable to find a job when they finish school. However, contrary to what people say, having a university degree is absolutely essential and those who say otherwise all have university degrees which they take for granted.

Every job these days requires a bachelor's degree as a minimum. Furthermore, if you do find a job that accepts a lower credential, you will never move up in the company and you will get paid less. And it doesn't even matter what your degree is in. I graduated with a diploma from a polytechnical college but any political science or fine arts major is considered more employable than me.

Your degree doesn't have to be your career. In fact, most people's careers are not related to their degree at all. I am looking at people I went to school with 10 years ago on linkedin and it is absolutely devastating because they majored in history or something like that but then they went to a coding bootcamp and became software engineers pulling in six figures. You can switch careers like that with a degree but if you went to a vocational school like me you are considered a drooling retard that can only do one task for the rest of his life, under strict supervision from multiple managers.

And if that wasn't bad enough, if you are not Chad then not having a degree is an instantaneous REJECTION from any female because they all have university level education and will never date down. It gets worse: as a non-degree holder, I can't locationmaxx because my education isn't recognized internationally, it is recognized only within my shitty province, and maybe within Canada.

Being a near 30 year old man without a degree is absolutely BRUTAL. All doors are closed for you and you can't even ascend in SEA. I did about a year of university not too long ago because I wanted to redeem myself but I dropped out because I got depressed and lost motivation. It is absolutely brutal to spend all day every day studying as an oldfag and your brain starts to deteriorate after 25 anyway so it is OVER for me.

Right now I am posting this because I cannot focus on my job. I have been extremely depressed (unable to get up out of bed, can't focus, 0 motivation) now for months because I haven't done anything with my life and it's too late now. @LastGerman the degreepill is more important than the driverlicensepill. Imagine if you needed a license to BREATHE that is literally the same as the degreepill. A degree is basically a license to exist in the modern age and if you do not have one, you are actually subhuman.

Edit: added some whitespace because ppl are complaining.
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Degreepill only applies to non chads
Degreepill only applies to non chads
Yeah so it applies to me. Uneducated Chad can be an underwear model, pro sports player, or DJ. I can't do shit except kill myself because everything requires a degree.
Cope of the week. You don't need a degree to immigrate or make money
Cope of the week. You don't need a degree to immigrate or make money
Motherfucker I bet you have a degree. Tell me you don't. This is what I am telling you all you fuckers say degrees are useless when you already got yours. You don't know what it's like to be an oldfag without a degree. You are literally a second class citizen at that point.

Edit: I listened to fuckers like this when I was a kis. "Oh you don't need a degree because this famous person dropped out of college and became a gazillionaire! Degrees are useless, employers only care about experience bro!" I suspect this is intentionally some kind of tactic to encourage people like me to drop out of the competition. Well it worked fucker, now my life is ruined due to the degreepill.
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If a foid is physically attracted to you, she will not reject you because you don't have a college degree.
If she's not attracted to you, then your college degree will only interest her to extract some financial gain from you, ie if you want to betabuxx.
Either way, just say you have a college degree. Shit, tell her you have a doctorate from MIT or something.

As for jobs, it's true... but climbing up a corporate ladder is only one way to financial stability.
And if you're looking to get rich, here's universities that spawned the highest number of billionaires:
1st place - Harvard
2nd place - University of No College Degree
Post needs formatting.
High IQ op.
Obviously degrees have become oversaturated since every moron has one, but they are still essential if you want to get a good job.
But the true secret is networking. If you some friendless incel that graduates with a degree, you probably wont get any job.
But if your a guy that has tons of connections, a degree can give you limitless opportunities
Degrees are expensive, Uni is brutal for incels
If a foid is physically attracted to you, she will not reject you because you don't have a college degree.
If she's not attracted to you, then your college degree will only interest her to extract some financial gain from you, ie if you want to betabuxx.
Either way, just say you have a college degree. Shit, tell her you have a doctorate from MIT or something.

As for jobs, it's true... but climbing up a corporate ladder is only one way to financial stability.
And if you're looking to get rich, here's universities that spawned the highest number of billionaires:
1st place - Harvard
2nd place - University of No College Degree
Climbing the corporate ladder is "one way" to financial stability but you neglect to mention that it is the path to financial stability taken by the majority of people in the middle class. Not everyone has the capital to start their own business. I am not talking about becoming a billionaire, I am saying in general you have absolutely 0 career options without a degree in 2020 except starting a business or accepting your place and wageslaving forever.
It is absolutely brutal to spend all day every day studying as an oldfag and your brain starts to deteriorate after 25 anyway so it is OVER for me.

I'll be 37 this year and I'm still actively learning. I'm constantly reading (mostly philosophy) and I'm learning new programming languages, even though I'll probably never write in the languages professionally. I feel sharper than I was at 25 - much sharper. This is probably a placebo and it's very likely that I'm objectively slower than I was almost 12, but it doesn't feel like it at all.

It's proven that if you read and write regularly that your probability of developing Alzheimer's is dramatically reduced. You can see the effect with academicians who, in their old age, are still very sharp (Penrose, Susskind). Though this may be sampling bias in the case of those two, since they were sharp to begin with.
I don't care because i'm a neet and i will homelessmaxx in the future
Lmao i have chronic fatigue i can't work and i won't receive neetbuxx so i will go homeless in the future :feelsrope:
Yeah and I will be homeless too because I cannot stand my job anymore and it isn't even worth it. I am always feeling stressed and lazy. I lost all patience for this long ago. I can't have these boomers breathing down my neck anymore. Literally people who I graduated with who studied exactly the same things as me but had a degree that they got prior in an unrelated subject started off making more than I make after 3 yeard and they are in middle management now while I am doing jack shit. The degreepill is the final fucking pill before the cyanide tablet tbh.
Yeah and I will be homeless too because I cannot stand my job anymore and it isn't even worth it. I am always feeling stressed and lazy. I lost all patience for this long ago. I can't have these boomers breathing down my neck anymore. Literally people who I graduated with who studied exactly the same things as me but had a degree that they got prior in an unrelated subject started off making more than I make after 3 yeard and they are in middle management now while I am doing jack shit. The degreepill is the final fucking pill before the cyanide tablet tbh.
I think going homeless will push me to rope so it's a good thing in the end, i will end my miserable existence
I think going homeless will push me to rope so it's a good thing in the end, i will end my miserable existence
If you don't have a good job and you are homeless how will you kill yourself? The only suicide methods that will be available to you will be the most painful and highly visible, increasing the possibility that you might be saved and end up crippled or retarded. Jumping under a train, jumping from a bridge, drinking antifreeze, these are not good ways to die. The degreepill is that even to kill yourself comfortably and reliably you need a good job so you can buy drugs or an exit bag and do this on a vacation or something after fucking two hookers at the same time.
I have a useless degree, a Media production degree from 6 years ago, I couldn't have done a high tier degree as I didn't get the school grades, for example in school Biology I got a D grade (graded A-F), I got C in Geography and A in ICT but the teacher had to help me a lot to get that grade.

It is very difficult to get work in media production because you are competing against people with no degrees but loads of experience and they are going to get work before someone with a degree and no experience. It would be easier to get a job in science because you are only competing against other people with degrees which is less people overall.
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If you don't have a good job and you are homeless how will you kill yourself? The only suicide methods that will be available to you will be the most painful and highly visible, increasing the possibility that you might be saved and end up crippled or retarded. Jumping under a train, jumping from a bridge, drinking antifreeze, these are not good ways to die. The degreepill is that even to kill yourself comfortably and reliably you need a good job so you can buy drugs or an exit bag and do this on a vacation or something after fucking two hookers at the same time.
I will rope myself before going homeless or i will try to get decapitated by a train, there are rails where are very few people close to where i live tbh
I have a useless degree, a Television production degree. I couldn't have done a high tier degree as I didn't get the school grades, for example in school Biology I got a D grade (graded A-F), I got C in Geography and A in ICT but the teacher had to help me a lot to get that grade.
Yet the reality is that if you actually put a little effort you could easily make a lot more money and garner more respect than me. It is fucking enraging that normalfags actually go through university barely passing with Ds and partying every week and then they get into the workforce and compete for the same job with me. Then in a year I get a tiny raise and the normie with the environmental studies degree is my boss. JFL.
Climbing the corporate ladder is "one way" to financial stability but you neglect to mention that it is the path to financial stability taken by the majority of people in the middle class. Not everyone has the capital to start their own business. I am not talking about becoming a billionaire, I am saying in general you have absolutely 0 career options without a degree in 2020 except starting a business or accepting your place and wageslaving forever.
What field are you working in and what are you good at?
Yet the reality is that if you actually put a little effort you could easily make a lot more money and garner more respect than me. It is fucking enraging that normalfags actually go through university barely passing with Ds and partying every week and then they get into the workforce and compete for the same job with me. Then in a year I get a tiny raise and the normie with the environmental studies degree is my boss. JFL.
The reality is I am an Autist who can't even handle the social dynamics of a minimum wage job, I wouldn't last a week in a media job even if I was extremely lucky to find one.

Some may say that I could do a Masters degree but I don't have the IQ for it. My cousin did a Photography degree and is doing a Computer Science masters degree which makes no sense, how could you qualify for a computer science masters when you didn't do the bachelors degree?
The reality is I am an Autist who can't even handle the social dynamics of a minimum wage job, I wouldn't last a week in a media job even if I was extremely lucky to find one.

Some may say that I could do a Masters degree but I don't have the IQ for it. My cousin did a Photography degree and is doing a Computer Sciene degree which makes no sense, how could you qualify for a computer science masters when you didn't do the bachelors degree?
I am saying that you do not even need to have a relevant degree to have a good job, you just need any degree. I have seen people with liberal arts and engineering degrees doing administration and programming. The reality is that unless you go to a really specialised program like medicine or engineering, most of your career-related skills will come from training by your employer, not from your school. However, if you have no university degree, no employer is going to train you. They will only trust you to clean toilets, or if you are like me and you got a non-degree education, you might be allowed near a computer as long as you report daily to your boomer boss.

And if you do decide to pursue further education, already having a degree gives you more options. Around here there are some universities offering accelerated 2-year computer science degrees that are only available to people who already have a degree.
I have a Master's degree and it is useless.

Ironically I am learning to code now, and I should have just became NEET at 18 and learned programming on my own to build up a portfolio instead of wasting money on (((university)))
What field are you working in and what are you good at?
I don't want to dox myself but let's just say my job is tangentially related to industrial design. I was good at my job (I still am I guess) but I lost passion for it and grew to hate the company I work at. I want to do something else but not having a "real" education is preventing me from changing careers and if I stay here, I will probably rope before I get a promotion because corporations would rather hire someone off the street who has a degree in "business administration" or "project management" instead of promoting a rank and file employee with a diploma or certificate level education into a managerial role.
Yeah so it applies to me. Uneducated Chad can be an underwear model, pro sports player, or DJ. I can't do shit except kill myself because everything requires a degree.

True. However, for chads and most normies, going to college isn't just about education. It's also a social experience, which is something we incels don't get.
@LastGerman the degreepill is more important than the driverlicensepill.

Well, I have nothing of it. I cannot drive and I have no degree.
I hated schools of any kind with a passion, so i never went further then high school.
i didn't even get my high school degree
Brootal, are you going to homelessmax in the future?
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This is probably the hardest pill to swallow because a lot of people conclude that university degrees are useless after being unable to find a job when they finish school. However, contrary to what people say, having a university degree is absolutely essential and those who say otherwise all have university degrees which they take for granted.

Every job these days requires a bachelor's degree as a minimum. Furthermore, if you do find a job that accepts a lower credential, you will never move up in the company and you will get paid less. And it doesn't even matter what your degree is in. I graduated with a diploma from a polytechnical college but any political science or fine arts major is considered more employable than me.

Your degree doesn't have to be your career. In fact, most people's careers are not related to their degree at all. I am looking at people I went to school with 10 years ago on linkedin and it is absolutely devastating because they majored in history or something like that but then they went to a coding bootcamp and became software engineers pulling in six figures. You can switch careers like that with a degree but if you went to a vocational school like me you are considered a drooling retard that can only do one task for the rest of his life, under strict supervision from multiple managers.

And if that wasn't bad enough, if you are not Chad then not having a degree is an instantaneous REJECTION from any female because they all have university level education and will never date down. It gets worse: as a non-degree holder, I can't locationmaxx because my education isn't recognized internationally, it is recognized only within my shitty province, and maybe within Canada.

Being a near 30 year old man without a degree is absolutely BRUTAL. All doors are closed for you and you can't even ascend in SEA. I did about a year of university not too long ago because I wanted to redeem myself but I dropped out because I got depressed and lost motivation. It is absolutely brutal to spend all day every day studying as an oldfag and your brain starts to deteriorate after 25 anyway so it is OVER for me.

Right now I am posting this because I cannot focus on my job. I have been extremely depressed (unable to get up out of bed, can't focus, 0 motivation) now for months because I haven't done anything with my life and it's too late now. @LastGerman the degreepill is more important than the driverlicensepill. Imagine if you needed a license to BREATHE that is literally the same as the degreepill. A degree is basically a license to exist in the modern age and if you do not have one, you are actually subhuman.

Edit: added some whitespace because ppl are complaining.

Worthless for mentalcels
I think you can get an applied bachelors degree if you did two more years
I think you're confusing university degrees with being an insufferable cock sucking normie when it comes to a criteria for success.

The reason all these people have success is they are the typical schmoozing narcissistic normies who pal around with others of their kind and are able to climb the corporate ladder. Not because of their degrees but because people like other people like them. The reason you haven't climbed the ranks into the corporate world is not because of your education but because your an autist with a highly disagreeable personality and while the normies aren't intelligent or self aware enough to put their fingers on it they know you're face doesn't fit. They know you won't suck cock like they will they know you won't go along with the cancerous narcissistic office culture they have.

I don't have a university degree either and I have actually had a fair few jobs and I've been around the "office" environment which does tend to be populated by the people who have their degree in "applied bollocks" or "colouring in" or whatever and honestly. Why would you want to work in an office with these people? Do you have any idea how insufferable they are? You wouldn't be able to do it.

You wouldn't be able to bite your tongue at half the bullshit that the bosses spout.

You wouldn't be able to go around screwing people all day long. Are you a sociopath? I actually do have some sociopathic tendencies and even i struggled with some of the things i was asked to do with 1 job i had. Which is why i don't work there.

You don't fit in. What are you going to talk about these motherfuckers with? Anything you say will be used against you.

Oh and you want a middle management job? Even if you dump as much as possible on your underlings do you want to be working 80 hours a week? I've done that and some of my managers were putting in even more hours than i was. Do you really think a modest middle class salary, a Mercedes and a mortgage on some awful townhouse or fancy hipster apartment is worth working every waking hour?

You know I've done all sorts. At one point i did industrial cleaning. I did everything from gutters, jet washing bins, pavement, cleaning ponds and unblocking drains and it really wasn't so bad because i could clock out go home and enjoy myself without taking my work home with me. No one calls me to make things my problem. My days off are mine. Most of these normie cock suckers do hardly anything but work and if they're not working their schmoozing with their den of vipers at a bar or restaurant sucking even more cock and creating drama.

I've seen this shit up close.

The fact is my friends. We above all else are outsiders. That isn't our world. We're not suited for it. There are plenty of other things to do for a living you just have to go easy when it comes to spending money. Don't eat or drink out. Drive a shitty old Toyota. Fix your own shit. Live modestly. It's what i do.
Do they will statusmaxx with it
I mostly agree with you, simply because the vast majority of people, including myself, have mediocre IQs. If you are intelligent enough, to doing something as skilled as learning how to program on unreal engine and build video game prototypes by yourself, you probably don't NEED a degree, but if not, you absolutely need a degree, and it's better to overperform than underperform in that pursuit. That is to say, waay too many people are being told to go into STEM, when they really have only the intellect to barely scrape by in the field, and end up in a mediocre, unfulfilling cubicle job doing more paperwork filing than innovating.

Also post-corona virus the degree, and the barrier that it creates to job paths will dwindle. That, and dreams of border hopping. The future will increasingly be about skills, connections, and virtualized identity.
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Don't have one. Probably will never get one
I could have had one now if I didn't go for the hardest shit possible while being low iq. I dont think I'll ever finish but I still feel like Im too far in to change. Also i dont really care because working sucks anyways and a degree does squat for my smv.
Brutal posts op. Women also want you to have a degree to betabuxx them not just for the money, it's for the status. If she has a degree (even if it's something dumb) she will see men with no degree as lower than her and cannot deal with the embarrassment of being with a man with no degree while her friend's husbands have degrees.

I dropped out because after switching majors and becoming blackpilled, I fucked up my schedule, was running out of time and motivation and didn't feel like doing 3 years of work in 2. Going to work in a warehouse part time since being a NEET is getting boring and I will be low on money by november. I also want to have the money to have my car around all year.

It sucks to be 30 but at least in the US you can just buy your way into university. If I wanted to apply to university again, the government would put me at a disadvantage against first timers and I would have to go back to high school to boost my grades. It will all end up taking me like 6 - 7 years and I'm 23 right now.
My University degree didn't do shit for me. I still enlisted in the military to find a stable job that pays somewhat decent.
Can't relate, I'm 20 doing my Masters in Mathematics :feelsgah: :feelsthink::feelsLSD::dab:
That's very good. In what area?
Studying Algebraic Geometry, but my interests are in Local Langlands of GLn I'm very weak in Representation Theory so it will take some time.
Studying Algebraic Geometry, but my interests are in Local Langlands of GLn I'm very weak in Representation Theory so it will take some time.

Way outta my league. I have a cursory, surface level understanding of Galois theory.

Good luck, buddy boyo.
This is probably the hardest pill to swallow because a lot of people conclude that university degrees are useless after being unable to find a job when they finish school. However, contrary to what people say, having a university degree is absolutely essential and those who say otherwise all have university degrees which they take for granted.

Every job these days requires a bachelor's degree as a minimum. Furthermore, if you do find a job that accepts a lower credential, you will never move up in the company and you will get paid less. And it doesn't even matter what your degree is in. I graduated with a diploma from a polytechnical college but any political science or fine arts major is considered more employable than me.

Your degree doesn't have to be your career. In fact, most people's careers are not related to their degree at all. I am looking at people I went to school with 10 years ago on linkedin and it is absolutely devastating because they majored in history or something like that but then they went to a coding bootcamp and became software engineers pulling in six figures. You can switch careers like that with a degree but if you went to a vocational school like me you are considered a drooling retard that can only do one task for the rest of his life, under strict supervision from multiple managers.

And if that wasn't bad enough, if you are not Chad then not having a degree is an instantaneous REJECTION from any female because they all have university level education and will never date down. It gets worse: as a non-degree holder, I can't locationmaxx because my education isn't recognized internationally, it is recognized only within my shitty province, and maybe within Canada.

Being a near 30 year old man without a degree is absolutely BRUTAL. All doors are closed for you and you can't even ascend in SEA. I did about a year of university not too long ago because I wanted to redeem myself but I dropped out because I got depressed and lost motivation. It is absolutely brutal to spend all day every day studying as an oldfag and your brain starts to deteriorate after 25 anyway so it is OVER for me.

Right now I am posting this because I cannot focus on my job. I have been extremely depressed (unable to get up out of bed, can't focus, 0 motivation) now for months because I haven't done anything with my life and it's too late now. @LastGerman the degreepill is more important than the driverlicensepill. Imagine if you needed a license to BREATHE that is literally the same as the degreepill. A degree is basically a license to exist in the modern age and if you do not have one, you are actually subhuman.

Edit: added some whitespace because ppl are complaining.

Yes I know. I hope to get back to being on a distance Undergraduate Degree course & acquiring one. Then a post graduate.
Yet the reality is that if you actually put a little effort you could easily make a lot more money and garner more respect than me. It is fucking enraging that normalfags actually go through university barely passing with Ds and partying every week and then they get into the workforce and compete for the same job with me. Then in a year I get a tiny raise and the normie with the environmental studies degree is my boss. JFL.
I think you're confusing university degrees with being an insufferable cock sucking normie when it comes to a criteria for success.

The reason all these people have success is they are the typical schmoozing narcissistic normies who pal around with others of their kind and are able to climb the corporate ladder. Not because of their degrees but because people like other people like them. The reason you haven't climbed the ranks into the corporate world is not because of your education but because your an autist with a highly disagreeable personality and while the normies aren't intelligent or self aware enough to put their fingers on it they know you're face doesn't fit. They know you won't suck cock like they will they know you won't go along with the cancerous narcissistic office culture they have.

I don't have a university degree either and I have actually had a fair few jobs and I've been around the "office" environment which does tend to be populated by the people who have their degree in "applied bollocks" or "colouring in" or whatever and honestly. Why would you want to work in an office with these people? Do you have any idea how insufferable they are? You wouldn't be able to do it.

You wouldn't be able to bite your tongue at half the bullshit that the bosses spout.

You wouldn't be able to go around screwing people all day long. Are you a sociopath? I actually do have some sociopathic tendencies and even i struggled with some of the things i was asked to do with 1 job i had. Which is why i don't work there.

You don't fit in. What are you going to talk about these motherfuckers with? Anything you say will be used against you.

Oh and you want a middle management job? Even if you dump as much as possible on your underlings do you want to be working 80 hours a week? I've done that and some of my managers were putting in even more hours than i was. Do you really think a modest middle class salary, a Mercedes and a mortgage on some awful townhouse or fancy hipster apartment is worth working every waking hour?

You know I've done all sorts. At one point i did industrial cleaning. I did everything from gutters, jet washing bins, pavement, cleaning ponds and unblocking drains and it really wasn't so bad because i could clock out go home and enjoy myself without taking my work home with me. No one calls me to make things my problem. My days off are mine. Most of these normie cock suckers do hardly anything but work and if they're not working their schmoozing with their den of vipers at a bar or restaurant sucking even more cock and creating drama.

I've seen this shit up close.

The fact is my friends. We above all else are outsiders. That isn't our world. We're not suited for it. There are plenty of other things to do for a living you just have to go easy when it comes to spending money. Don't eat or drink out. Drive a shitty old Toyota. Fix your own shit. Live modestly. It's what i do.

This is Universe level IQ commentary.

It resonated with me a to an uncomfortable degree.
Can't relate, I'm 20 doing my Masters in Mathematics :feelsgah: :feelsthink::feelsLSD::dab:

20? Are you in the US? Normally you need to be at least 21 after a 3 year undergraduate.

Good luck & congratulations.
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Yes I know. I hope to get back to being on a distance Undergraduate Degree course & acquiring one. Then a post graduate.

This is Universe level IQ commentary.

It resonated with me a to an uncomfortable degree.

20? Are you in the US? Normally you need to be at least 21 after a 3 year undergraduate.

Good luck & congratulations.

No not in US, I was fastracked 2 years, I graduated HS at 16.
It only works the way it should depending on the major you got a degree in. A CS major will go more far than a gender studies major ever will. But yet again, you're not guaranteed a job, and H1-B visa holders are just making shit harder for us.
Low IQ thread. Any non-specific degree means jack shit. Those people that got those jobs were just able to socialmaxx.

Also about the only thing a degree in general is good for now is going to a graduate program at a college. Four years of university just to go for another year or two at college for a specific subject. College is where the jobs are at. University is next to useless unless you're going to be a doctor or engineer or something. Even business is a bunch of blow hard bullshit. I would know since I oversaw the exams for 3 years.

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