>It seems like women are4 always getting laid but men don't which makes no sense at all if there are equal numbers of men and women about
Have you heard of Pareto's Principle? 80% of the effects are caused by 20% of the problem, or applicable to this case: 80% of the women are fucking 20% of the men.
This is because feminism and modern western leftism has brainwashed our society. They have convinced our men that women deserve complete freedom and should have no childrearing duty, and have also convinced the men themselves that fatherhood isn't important. They have convinced the women that they should have said freedom, and that sluttery and sleeping around is justified.
What this has done is skewed the sexual marketplace, because our biology and society have not caught up with the (((brainwashing))). Women's value in the marketplace has skyrocketed exponentially, while mans' has steadily declined. Women no longer need men anymore, because they have been given undeserved freedoms and no longer have interest in childbearing. Women hold all the cards nowadays, socially speaking. Back in the good-ol'-days, women needed men, and our society was better because of it. We allowed only men to make decisions and hold certain titles and offices, because they are the only qualified people to do it. Men were the only ones allowed to work because women could not be trusted to be faithful and chaste if they were allowed outside the home. These things no longer exist, and our society still gives women the "helpless" halo even though they are allowed to do anything a man can.
When I refer to biology in the paragraph above, I refer to the notion that women are the selector sex. Biologically speaking, a woman should be careful who she has sex with, as she may end up carrying a kid for 9 months and then raising it for 18 more. Men don't have such a "recharge" time and can usually have another go after a few hours. This is the biological basis for the argument of the 80/20 rule. Women only have sex with the highest tier of men because they are literally bioligaclly programmed to do so. Men will fuck anything due to having a low "recharge" time, compiled with much higher testosterone levels. Additionally, women release oxytocin during sex, which attaches her to her partner, meaning that she is going to want a genetically fit man to be with.