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Blackpill [Two studies] Women frequently participate in gang rapes as perpetrators, and in the US, there's a gang rape done just by women every 3 days

  • Thread starter WorthlessSlavicShit
  • Start date
So it seems feminists call men rapists to hide their own rape. Projections me.
Quite interesting.

However, it does seem quite unusual, but a lot of stuff like this is in the shadows and kept in the dark. For one instance in society, we tend to turn our heads away from mothers conducting infanticides.

Anyway getting back to topic... Ummm, I'm just rather confused. Do the woman that do the raping tend to have more of a lesbian orientation? IIRC, there are women on dating apps looking for another female partner to add in to satisfy their Chad boyfriends FFM threesomes, and usually in those types of relationship the second female partner tends to get abused the most.
Quite interesting.

However, it does seem quite unusual, but a lot of stuff like this is in the shadows and kept in the dark. For one instance in society, we tend to turn our heads away from mothers conducting infanticides.

Anyway getting back to topic... Ummm, I'm just rather confused. Do the woman that do the raping tend to have more of a lesbian orientation? IIRC, there are women on dating apps looking for another female partner to add in to satisfy their Chad boyfriends FFM threesomes, and usually in those types of relationship the second female partner tends to get abused the most.
Turn out heads away? Dude. People are protesting in the street to make it a legal right for a foid to murder her baby. Soyciety praises the murder of children, but god forbid you make them cum.
IT wouldn't dare touch this. :feelswhat:
Never let a foid lie to you about how paedophilia or rape is bad, foids are infamous for these 2 acts yet never have their lives ruined over this.
This is something I've discovered some time ago, at first seeing it as just another random study I found before realizing just how crazy it actually was, and now, with the kind of stuff talked about on the internet:

View: https://twitter.com/Cooperstreaming/status/1786682681197216119#m

I think it's a pretty good time to bring this to the attention of both the based users and soy lurkers and infiltrators here.

Here's the two studies I'm gonna be talking about:

Deconstructing Incidents of Female Perpetrated Sex Crimes: Comparing Female Sexual Offender Groupings

Multiple Perpetrator Rape Committed by Female Offenders: A Comparison of Solo, Duo, and 3+ Group Offenders

Mostly this is about the former, which is a US study, while the latter is Dutch. Basically, both of those studies looked at the types of sexual assaults/rapes women do when they do some, by type. Unsurprisingly to anyone who's not completely high on the "women-are-wonderful" kool aid, women do in fact participate in gang rapes in roles other than the victim one. In fact, compared to how often they do it alone, they are a part of a rapist group quite frequently.

From the first study:

So, to summarize, according to this study's data:

A solo female rapist: 29,238 instances.
One female and one male rapist: 11,112 instances.
A larger mixed-gender group of rapists: 4,268 instances.
An all-female group of rapists: 2,669 instances.

Over a 21 year period in the USA. Doing the math, that means that there was an incident involving an all-female group of rapists, probably trying to make the backstory for Living Sex Toy Delivery a reality, every 2.87 days, not even every three days:worryfeels::fuk::dafuckfeels:. For attacks involving a mix of male and female perpetrators, they happen not even every two days, and the rest of course happen even more frequently.

Here comes the best part though. That is all based on incomplete data. As in, deeply incomplete. The second study, which of course was done since American data =/= world data, elaborates on this:

They got numbers like that while not including data from high-crime, high-population places like NYC:feelskek::feelskek:. Just imagine what it would've been like if they included those as well:feelsbadman:.

Some other interesting finds there:

- If you thought that the duo perpetrators, one male and one female, are two people in a relationship committing those crimes, you are obviously right. And if you deduced that those two are mostly parents sexually assaulting and abusing their own children, you are still obviously right. The two studies found their fair share of differences, but this was one of the things that was the same in both countries, that duo offenders were more likely to attack their victims indoors, to have younger victims and to attack those victims multiple times, because most of those assaults were done by parents on their own children, which just further shows us just how great personalities sexhavers in general havem and why we will never find love, because we lack wonderful personalities like those duo offenders have.

- I may have been a bit too quick to say that the all-female rape groups are those making Living Sex Toy Delivery a reality. Apparently, those groups, similarly to duo offenders, are more likely to have female and intrafamilial victims. It is actually the solo female offenders who are more likely to go after males and strangers. Which, honestly, just shows you how much "truth" (none at all) there is to feminist claims that all women live in fear of men or whatever:feelskek::feelskek:. Women are so scared of men, and have such empathy towards each other, that lone women have no problem sexually preying on men and female gang rapists often gang up to assault their own sisters, daughters, nieces and so on:feelskek::feelskek:.

- As could be expected, the mixed-gender rape gangs seem to be the most violent and most likely to assault strangers, and the authors are trying hard to convince themselves that that's solely because of the men in those groups, because even when women join violent rape gangs, some people still find it hard to believe that they could be violent themselves:feelskek::feelskek::feelsugh::feelsugh:.

@Ron.Belgrade @SupremeGentleCel @GeckoBus @based_meme @To koniec @LesscoBlob @Stupid Clown @DarkStarDown @Copexodius Maximus @Mortis @Epedaphic @_meh @Puppeter @decafincel @InceldianWarrior @NeverEvenBegan @Pajeetsingh

Turbobased thread+bookmarked for possible future refERences.

"Le empathetic gender" strikes once again, who could have thought? :feelsjuice::society:

This would also correlate with some of my other recent findings, such as the ones in these threads here:

- If you thought that the duo perpetrators, one male and one female, are two people in a relationship committing those crimes, you are obviously right. And if you deduced that those two are mostly parents sexually assaulting and abusing their own children, you are still obviously right.
I'm not trying to excuse the behavior of the males here, but I imagine that a lot of the times, the foid in the relationship plays a heavy hand in manipulating & "steering" the male towards engaging in these acts with her.

Remember, foids prefrontal cortex is mostly white matter, which they utilize in order to lie.
Great thread. Men have a need to worship foids so they will ignore all the facts and believe that all evil comes from men. If foids had penis and strength of a man, numbers would be much, much worse. They are obsessed with rape, they cant shut up about it.
If foids had the physical strength of men, virtually every foid would be a rapist, I'm certain of it.
They do this with every study. Whenever it contradicts the women-are-wonderful effect, they add some caveat why women are actually victims and not proactive perpetrators. As you know, this is so prevalent that studies have been made on this phenomenon alone. I made a thread on this, you probably know it.
Can you link it?

And absolutely they would shift studies to advance their narrative, similar to what happened with the COVID "vaccines"
The other thing is that I have seen a very similar phenomenon with violence against the elderly in nursing homes. It was a study or something. They said the same thing, that the women were just tagging along while the guys were the actual evil ones. They like tortured some old person half to death and the women took part in it.
If anything, it's the guys who are "tagging along"

It just makes sense: Men want women attention, which requires their approval, and most men think earning that is due to "personality" :feelsjuice:
I'll be looking forward to that:feelsokman:.
Thanks mang!:feelsautistic::feelsautistic::feelsautistic:

Some of them will be quite long, but I think it may be worth it.
As could be expected, the mixed-gender rape gangs seem to be the most violent and most likely to assault strangers, and the authors are trying hard to convince themselves that that's solely because of the men in those groups, because even when women join violent rape gangs, some people still find it hard to believe that they could be violent themselves:feelskek::feelskek::feelsugh::feelsugh:.
Such a clownly gay-ass world we live in :smonk::feelsugh:
the bear/man meme became huge jfl

if i was alone with a foid in a forest i would still do everything i can to avoid her bc she would be disgusted by me


good read :feelsokman:

hope that cooperfoid gets raped then mauled to a slow and painful death by that bear
that bear shit is nothing more than a tool for gaslighting simps to become more feminist.

In reality females go with random men who is a stranger, to a random place just to have sex if the said man is tall and attractive.
This is something I've discovered some time ago, at first seeing it as just another random study I found before realizing just how crazy it actually was, and now, with the kind of stuff talked about on the internet:

View: https://twitter.com/Cooperstreaming/status/1786682681197216119#m

I think it's a pretty good time to bring this to the attention of both the based users and soy lurkers and infiltrators here.

Here's the two studies I'm gonna be talking about:

Deconstructing Incidents of Female Perpetrated Sex Crimes: Comparing Female Sexual Offender Groupings

Multiple Perpetrator Rape Committed by Female Offenders: A Comparison of Solo, Duo, and 3+ Group Offenders

Mostly this is about the former, which is a US study, while the latter is Dutch. Basically, both of those studies looked at the types of sexual assaults/rapes women do when they do some, by type. Unsurprisingly to anyone who's not completely high on the "women-are-wonderful" kool aid, women do in fact participate in gang rapes in roles other than the victim one. In fact, compared to how often they do it alone, they are a part of a rapist group quite frequently.

From the first study:

So, to summarize, according to this study's data:

A solo female rapist: 29,238 instances.
One female and one male rapist: 11,112 instances.
A larger mixed-gender group of rapists: 4,268 instances.
An all-female group of rapists: 2,669 instances.

Over a 21 year period in the USA. Doing the math, that means that there was an incident involving an all-female group of rapists, probably trying to make the backstory for Living Sex Toy Delivery a reality, every 2.87 days, not even every three days:worryfeels::fuk::dafuckfeels:. For attacks involving a mix of male and female perpetrators, they happen not even every two days, and the rest of course happen even more frequently.

Here comes the best part though. That is all based on incomplete data. As in, deeply incomplete. The second study, which of course was done since American data =/= world data, elaborates on this:

They got numbers like that while not including data from high-crime, high-population places like NYC:feelskek::feelskek:. Just imagine what it would've been like if they included those as well:feelsbadman:.

Some other interesting finds there:

- If you thought that the duo perpetrators, one male and one female, are two people in a relationship committing those crimes, you are obviously right. And if you deduced that those two are mostly parents sexually assaulting and abusing their own children, you are still obviously right. The two studies found their fair share of differences, but this was one of the things that was the same in both countries, that duo offenders were more likely to attack their victims indoors, to have younger victims and to attack those victims multiple times, because most of those assaults were done by parents on their own children, which just further shows us just how great personalities sexhavers in general havem and why we will never find love, because we lack wonderful personalities like those duo offenders have.

- I may have been a bit too quick to say that the all-female rape groups are those making Living Sex Toy Delivery a reality. Apparently, those groups, similarly to duo offenders, are more likely to have female and intrafamilial victims. It is actually the solo female offenders who are more likely to go after males and strangers. Which, honestly, just shows you how much "truth" (none at all) there is to feminist claims that all women live in fear of men or whatever:feelskek::feelskek:. Women are so scared of men, and have such empathy towards each other, that lone women have no problem sexually preying on men and female gang rapists often gang up to assault their own sisters, daughters, nieces and so on:feelskek::feelskek:.

- As could be expected, the mixed-gender rape gangs seem to be the most violent and most likely to assault strangers, and the authors are trying hard to convince themselves that that's solely because of the men in those groups, because even when women join violent rape gangs, some people still find it hard to believe that they could be violent themselves:feelskek::feelskek::feelsugh::feelsugh:.

@Ron.Belgrade @SupremeGentleCel @GeckoBus @based_meme @To koniec @LesscoBlob @Stupid Clown @DarkStarDown @Copexodius Maximus @Mortis @Epedaphic @_meh @Puppeter @decafincel @InceldianWarrior @NeverEvenBegan @Pajeetsingh

How does female gang rape even work? Do they rape men? Do they beat them up a bunch then tie them up and sit on their dick or something?
How does female gang rape even work? Do they rape men?
Some of them at least are bound to. It mentions that the all-female groups are "more likely" to assault women, but that doesn't at all mean that they don't target men as well, they are just a minority of their victims.

Do they beat them up a bunch then tie them up and sit on their dick or something?
Probably. And don't forget, the mixed-gender groups are the most violent, so in those cases they also have men helping them out.
This is something I've discovered some time ago, at first seeing it as just another random study I found before realizing just how crazy it actually was, and now, with the kind of stuff talked about on the internet:

View: https://twitter.com/Cooperstreaming/status/1786682681197216119#m

I think it's a pretty good time to bring this to the attention of both the based users and soy lurkers and infiltrators here.

Here's the two studies I'm gonna be talking about:

Deconstructing Incidents of Female Perpetrated Sex Crimes: Comparing Female Sexual Offender Groupings

Multiple Perpetrator Rape Committed by Female Offenders: A Comparison of Solo, Duo, and 3+ Group Offenders

Mostly this is about the former, which is a US study, while the latter is Dutch. Basically, both of those studies looked at the types of sexual assaults/rapes women do when they do some, by type. Unsurprisingly to anyone who's not completely high on the "women-are-wonderful" kool aid, women do in fact participate in gang rapes in roles other than the victim one. In fact, compared to how often they do it alone, they are a part of a rapist group quite frequently.

From the first study:

So, to summarize, according to this study's data:

A solo female rapist: 29,238 instances.
One female and one male rapist: 11,112 instances.
A larger mixed-gender group of rapists: 4,268 instances.
An all-female group of rapists: 2,669 instances.

Over a 21 year period in the USA. Doing the math, that means that there was an incident involving an all-female group of rapists, probably trying to make the backstory for Living Sex Toy Delivery a reality, every 2.87 days, not even every three days:worryfeels::fuk::dafuckfeels:. For attacks involving a mix of male and female perpetrators, they happen not even every two days, and the rest of course happen even more frequently.

Here comes the best part though. That is all based on incomplete data. As in, deeply incomplete. The second study, which of course was done since American data =/= world data, elaborates on this:

They got numbers like that while not including data from high-crime, high-population places like NYC:feelskek::feelskek:. Just imagine what it would've been like if they included those as well:feelsbadman:.

Some other interesting finds there:

- If you thought that the duo perpetrators, one male and one female, are two people in a relationship committing those crimes, you are obviously right. And if you deduced that those two are mostly parents sexually assaulting and abusing their own children, you are still obviously right. The two studies found their fair share of differences, but this was one of the things that was the same in both countries, that duo offenders were more likely to attack their victims indoors, to have younger victims and to attack those victims multiple times, because most of those assaults were done by parents on their own children, which just further shows us just how great personalities sexhavers in general havem and why we will never find love, because we lack wonderful personalities like those duo offenders have.

- I may have been a bit too quick to say that the all-female rape groups are those making Living Sex Toy Delivery a reality. Apparently, those groups, similarly to duo offenders, are more likely to have female and intrafamilial victims. It is actually the solo female offenders who are more likely to go after males and strangers. Which, honestly, just shows you how much "truth" (none at all) there is to feminist claims that all women live in fear of men or whatever:feelskek::feelskek:. Women are so scared of men, and have such empathy towards each other, that lone women have no problem sexually preying on men and female gang rapists often gang up to assault their own sisters, daughters, nieces and so on:feelskek::feelskek:.

- As could be expected, the mixed-gender rape gangs seem to be the most violent and most likely to assault strangers, and the authors are trying hard to convince themselves that that's solely because of the men in those groups, because even when women join violent rape gangs, some people still find it hard to believe that they could be violent themselves:feelskek::feelskek::feelsugh::feelsugh:.

@Ron.Belgrade @SupremeGentleCel @GeckoBus @based_meme @To koniec @LesscoBlob @Stupid Clown @DarkStarDown @Copexodius Maximus @Mortis @Epedaphic @_meh @Puppeter @decafincel @InceldianWarrior @NeverEvenBegan @Pajeetsingh

Who tf are they raping Future chads and chadlites? Cuz definetely not me
Who tf are they raping Future chads and chadlites?
Pretty much. I'd love to see a breakdown on what types of men are most likely to be victims in those cases.
- I may have been a bit too quick to say that the all-female rape groups are those making Living Sex Toy Delivery a reality. Apparently, those groups, similarly to duo offenders, are more likely to have female and intrafamilial victims.
Or maybe I haven't been:feelsahh:? Searched the study yesterday on Sci-Hub, if I'm reading those tables right, it's very close but all-female groups of rapists are slightly more likely to have male victims than female.


46.9% female victims, 48.1% male victims, 5% victims of both genders. Also, the study's authors focused on this particular group of perpetrators being the most likely to attack their victims in jails (because women are extremely empathetic and stick together, so of course if some bitch insults one of them their entire squad gets together to put her in her place), but interestingly, those groups are also more likely than the other groups to attack their victims in schools. Which doesn't surprise me that the study's authors didn't comment on that, because that's a bit harder to explain than jail rape gangs:feelshaha:.

In addition to that, this offender group is more likely than solo female offenders to assault their victims outdoors, though less likely to do so than the other groups, and while they do have a higher number of intrafamilial victims than the other groupings, they also have a higher number of extrafamilial victims than all of those, at 20,1% and 69.8%, respectively, and just like with the outdoors-type attacks, they are more likely than solo females, though less likely than the two mixed-gender groups, to assault strangers.

Also, the differences between the various places of assault are barely meaningful anyway, considering that all of those types of offenders are by far the most likely to assault their victims at home.
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At wageslave rn, but will read when i get off: Kind of reminds me about that study i saw showing boys are more likely than foidlets to be victims of child molestation.

Almost done with (((finals))) so soon, i will have tons of time to make the threads I want & finish-off what I’ve been working on. :feelscomfy:
Giga based but antisemitism
You have to understand the psychology of Queer society where rape is trivialized on minors .If you put the most vile disgusting things out there, suddenly Troons become the norm. The normies get past the shock and keep around long enough to normalize.
With attacks on all sides , half breed Niglets , queerism , pedophilia , raping troons they are turning us quick into Sodom & Gomorrah.
Young males today have no protection against the perverts raping Troons and whilst distracted with that,
suddenly Troonism is the norm. There is no such thing as some evil is ok. It is all bad , all of it.
No peace with Pedo Troons ever . Destroy it
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