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Blackpill [Brutal]Males Are More Likely to Be Sexually Assaulted at A Younger Age.



nevER lose your smile⚡⚡
Nov 20, 2022
Before delving into the findings, consider the following from the article:

Indeed, the literature contains numerous prevalence studies that vary widely and lack consistency. The variety of definitions of CSA, cultural factors, legal regulations, and methods used to collect data are the major contributors to this lack of consistency. Rates based on CSA cases reported by survivors, especially those reporting retrospectively, tend to be much higher than those of cases that are reported to authorities.
Effectively, this serves to confirm many of our views:
-Foids will overreport SA in many cases
-Certain areas will have more "lose" definitions for what counts as sexual assault

We see this further confirmed here:

For example, estimates of CSA based on a review of 217 studies conducted between 1998 and 2008 found rates based on self-reports to be approximately 30 times higher than rates based on official reports (law enforcement and child protection) (12.7% vs 0.4%, respectively)
It is clear to many of us why many young males who are assaulted will not report it: However, this study which I stumbled across on another thread here perhaps can shed some light

The gender stereotype that says “boys don’t cry” is being perpetuated implicitly by mothers more than fathers, a new University of Guelph study has revealed.

Prof. Kristel Thomassin found mothers may be more gender-biased than fathers when it comes to encouraging or discouraging their child’s expression of sadness and anger.

However, mothers likely aren’t even aware they have these gender biases.
Ah, of course, who could have guessed. :feelsjuice:

Foids, in a way, are accountable for this misfortune: Clearly, they integrate gender norms more so than the father figure or other males, and thus, are a probable reason as to why boys whom are sexually assaulted may not come forward.

A few studies have not supported the finding that the rates of CSA among girls are higher than among boys. For example, one study using South African students found that the prevalence of CSA for boys, at 60%, was approximately 7% higher than for girls, at 53.2% [37]. Another study using Portuguese parents found the prevalence of CSA for boys and girls to be approximately the same, at 2.7% [38]. The difference between boys and girls in reporting may be due to the reluctance of males to disclose experiences of CSA.
It seems that generally, the amount of assaults reported is actually quite equal.

However, the most interesting find was this:

Male children are more likely to be sexually abused at a younger age,
Male survivors were two times more likely than female survivors to experience their first sexual assault in childhood.

Whilst foids were more likely to be assaulted at an older age, which just so happens to correlate with the fact that this is when they enter their whore phases: Amounting to concede, that males are more likely to be victims of actual sexual assault instead of "sexual assault." :feelsjuice:

Tag roulette:

@based_meme @LeFrenchCel @Logic55 @My Name Jeff @WorthlessSlavicShit @To koniec @Mortis @Copexodius Maximus @Biowaste Removal @Stupid Clown @Chudpreet @GeckoBus
I remember that my ethnic friend which i can;t mention who said that was assaulted by one his uncle in his childhood
Every Kiketholic priest has singlehandedly deduced the Christian sect to the infamous pedophilic assertion of fiddling children, mostly males for a reason.
would be intERresting to see the sexual orientation of the pERpetrators :bigbrain:
Isn't every foid teacher a pedo?
I remember that my ethnic friend which i can;t mention who said that was assaulted by one his uncle in his childhood
That’s brutal as fuck; you’re own family doing that to you. :feelsbadman::feelsbadman:
would be intERresting to see the sexual orientation of the pERpetrators :bigbrain:
Every Kiketholic priest has singlehandedly deduced the Christian sect to the infamous pedophilic assertion of fiddling children, mostly males for a reason.
Yup, I forgot to mention how faggotry & the agenda behind it.
Isn't every foid teacher a pedo?
Seems like it, based on how frequently you see it in the headlines.
:bigbrain: :bigbrain: :bigbrain: good thread!

I love this:

However, mothers likely aren’t even aware they have these gender biases.
For anyone reading this - whenever studies find stuff that contradicts women-are-wonderful effect, sentences like this pop up.
They try to explain the behavior away somehow.

We even have research mentioning this phenomenon at this point, see the thread here:

Examples include the one already mentioned and these:

1. In this paper they found female body count doubled in fake lie detector tests. Quote:
"This pattern should be interpreted cautiously because the overall interaction between participants sex and testing condition was not significant."
2. In my psychopathy thread I showed two papers. One found that women get pleasure form seeing their partner in pain. The other reported female arousal from lesbian and animal sex, despite what they claimed about their sexual preferences. The quotes:

a) “Lead researcher Shiri Cohen of Harvard Medical School explained why women's brains showed a positive reaction to seeing their husband or partner upset. She said: 'It could be that for women, seeing that their male partner is upset reflects some degree of the man's investment and emotional engagement in the relationship, even during difficult times.”

Ah yes my young buck, feeling sadistic glee as your better half writhes in agony is a sign of love, don't you see?

b) "There's the possibility that genital response for women is not necessarily imbued with meaning about her sexual interests," says Chivers. She also emphasized that her findings do not imply women harbor a latent desire for lesbian sex or bestiality."

So, the pussy getting wet is not a sign of arousal, but they do show male sex offenders pics of kids to determine whether they have pedophile tendencies:

No comment.
Again, keep an eye out for this type of language when reading anything that could reflect badly on women.
The gender stereotype that says “boys don’t cry” is being perpetuated implicitly by mothers more than fathers
This is 100% true. These fucking demonic creatures
I think its related to the fact that males can't garner much empathy, even when they are children. I remember reading some pretty gruesome data about how most violence against babies is being committed against male babies. Even as a literal baby, you don't get as much sympathy and care as your female counterparts. And as the male baby gets older, the empathy gap gets even wider.

Of course later in life males start to get more masculine and formidable so that's probably when the sexual harassment stops. After all, nobody (not even foids) find masculinity attractive. Ain't no woman attracted to men with DHT traits like balding etc. And sexually harassing someone who looks like they could fight back is obviously a threshold not many people would take. I guess that's why women enjoy sexually harassing children, because kids are helpless victims. Its obviously not about them finding the children attractive, its the power they seek.

Also I'm not surprised about the fact that mothers were more sexist than fathers. Foids are literally like vampires, unable to see their own image in the mirror. Even when they act in the most sexist ways against men, they still think that men are somehow more sexist and that the world is against them and that they are oppressed, when that clearly isn't the case.

Nature created foids to exploit men, since they couldn't survive alone in the wild. Of course to exploit someone, you can't see them as a full-fledged human being and have empathy towards them, therefore it is beneficial for women's own survival not to feel empathy or attachment towards any particular male. That's why women have no problem using men as providers, and that's why women are the ones initiating 80% of divorces. That's why women have no problems with having sex with a man who just murdered her boyfriend/husband. And that is the very reason why they can't love men. Because they can't see us as beings worth of empathy, care and kindness. They are not equipped with empathy towards males.
Before delving into the findings, consider the following from the article:

Effectively, this serves to confirm many of our views:
-Foids will overreport SA in many cases
-Certain areas will have more "lose" definitions for what counts as sexual assault

We see this further confirmed here:

It is clear to many of us why many young males who are assaulted will not report it: However, this study which I stumbled across on another thread here perhaps can shed some light

Ah, of course, who could have guessed. :feelsjuice:

Foids, in a way, are accountable for this misfortune: Clearly, they integrate gender norms more so than the father figure or other males, and thus, are a probable reason as to why boys whom are sexually assaulted may not come forward.

It seems that generally, the amount of assaults reported is actually quite equal.

However, the most interesting find was this:


Whilst foids were more likely to be assaulted at an older age, which just so happens to correlate with the fact that this is when they enter their whore phases: Amounting to concede, that males are more likely to be victims of actual sexual assault instead of "sexual assault." :feelsjuice:

Tag roulette:

@based_meme @LeFrenchCel @Logic55 @My Name Jeff @WorthlessSlavicShit @To koniec @Mortis @Copexodius Maximus @Biowaste Removal @Stupid Clown @Chudpreet @GeckoBus
Women will pretend to be all about gender neutrality and removing stereotypes, but push them extra hard on males. Another day another proof that fathers are better parents than mothers.

Do you know what retards will say to this? “bUt iT’s mOsTlY mAlEs RaPiNg OtHeR mALeS”

I remember that my ethnic friend which i can;t mention who said that was assaulted by one his uncle in his childhood
Retards here will say he’s a fakecel
Effectively, this serves to confirm many of our views:
-Foids will overreport SA in many cases
-Certain areas will have more "lose" definitions for what counts as sexual assault
The black pill being confirmed by normtards again and again.
Good read. Read every single pixel :feelswhere:
Before delving into the findings, consider the following from the article:

Effectively, this serves to confirm many of our views:
-Foids will overreport SA in many cases
SA and "rape" are status symbols for foids. Many women also report SA when they are approached by undesirable men or to destroy the reputation of a man she dislikes. Women freely abuse the system meant to protect them without remorse. False rape accusations still yield no punishment for the accuser in most parts of the world. Muhh women aren't believed enough :soy::soy::soy::feels::feels: No, it's the complete opposite.
-Certain areas will have more "lose" definitions for what counts as sexual assault
We see this further confirmed here:

It is clear to many of us why many young males who are assaulted will not report it:
Nobody takes men seriously. We don't have any sexual value (which is what matters most ultimately).

We are tools to be used & abused.

Men don't report abuse because no one will believe us. Social workers will have no sympathy for us. The world is a cruel & merciless place for males.

Foids have immense power due to their looks and sexual value. Even if women refuse to reproduce (modern day feminism) men will still simp over/protect them from danger.
However, this study which I stumbled across on another thread here perhaps can shed some light

Ah, of course, who could have guessed. :feelsjuice:

Foids, in a way, are accountable for this misfortune: Clearly, they integrate gender norms more so than the father figure or other males, and thus, are a probable reason as to why boys whom are sexually assaulted may not come forward.

It seems that generally, the amount of assaults reported is actually quite equal.

However, the most interesting find was this:


Whilst foids were more likely to be assaulted at an older age, which just so happens to correlate with the fact that this is when they enter their whore phases: Amounting to concede, that males are more likely to be victims of actual sexual assault instead of "sexual assault." :feelsjuice:
Reminds me of a study that found out that the biggest enforcers of women's "oppressive" beauty standards are in fact, other women
society just hates men. this is all the fault of the progressives
However, mothers likely aren’t even aware they have these gender biases.
More like foids likely aren't even self aware period.

Once again the empathetic gender is proven to be the abuser.
By faggots mostly too which is the worst part. Id rather be sexually assaulted by a woman than a homosexual

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