You (are) on your own...
No one has your back.
No one gives a shit about you.
You spend everyday alone.
No one reaches out to you.
When you reach out, you get punished for it.
Money is a major part of all "relationships"
(All communications are part of a business transaction)[UWSL]Y Yet, you cannot "buy" friends or companionship with drugs or alcohol if they must go to your home to enjoy it. But at a pub, you can buy them booze but as soon as you're broke they're gone.[/UWSL]
No one, not even family, calls or visits you. Not even on holidays. Unless they want money.
Your neighbors hide when you are in your yard.
The clerks my ask "did you find everything today?" (They are required tovask that) But they freeze on you with "the dead eye" when you say anything in return.
You get the "dead eye" from everyone. Like they stepped in shit and it's you.
People think your "contagious!" Long before cowvid, people treat you like your radioactive and toxic sewage.
People laugh at you're life.
People do not consider that you exist, unless you are right in front of them. And often not even then.
A person that you've known for decades will ignore you in public. (Stores, gas stations, restaurants etc...)
I could go on and on and on and on, etc....
The point is...
A truecel is 100% on his own!
When you die you're,
"Lonely death"
Only the cleaners will know or care that you've died.
So you goddamned motherfucking kids that live at home think your a truecel? You might be a doomed freak but you're not a truecel. At best you are a truecelite. And that's if you're only communication is only from one parent. Otherwise, people care about you. And you are not "on your own." You have backup! Truecels don't.
It's not the lack of sexy love relationship that cuts my soul...
It's the simple horrible fact of