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Hypocrisy Transgenderism x pedophilia



May 2, 2018
Feminists/liberals/progressives oppose any kind of pedophile practice (even peck-kissing 17 yo foids as an adult male, which qualifies as pedophilia for them) with the argument that such relationships cause trauma.

But what about the transgender shit they want to push onto little children? It's well-known that transgenders have a MUCH bigger suicide rate than average, even than people who were in relationships with adult people while underage.




Data suggests that being a transgender is worse psychology-wise on average than having been part on a pedophilic relationship, at the younger end of it.

They can say shit like "oh, but transgenders are only killing themselves so much because of prejudice from society!" To which I respond, couldn't it also be that the supposed trauma of the underage girls who had relationships with adult men was caused by society's reaction to it? If so, you'd be furthering such trauma with all the talk regarding it as something heinous.

They will then probably say, "but transgenderism is something consensual while pedophilia is not". First off, is pushing transgenderism onto impressionable young children consensual? How do you know some who wouldn't normally become transgender won't do it after being exposed to such shit?

Also, if a 17 yo girl can't consent, do you really think a person who is mentally ill enough to do this (warning: NSFW) to himself can? I think the 17 yo girl is on average in a MUCH better mental state to make important decisions. Even a foid much younger than that is, tbh.
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They can say shit like "oh, but transgenders are only killing themselves so much because of prejudice from society!" To which I respond, couldn't it also be that the supposed trauma of the underage girls who had relationships with adult men were caused by society's reaction to it? If so, you'd be furthering it with all the talk regarding it as something heinous.
Giga mega iq
Giga mega iq

I should have done this thread on "inceldom discussion" for more views in hindsight, but I wanted to follow the proper division of the forums.
I tried to make a comprehensive post elaborating on the mass psychotic decompensation that is the 20th century establishment of religion that is the Sex Cult, but it was too large to get through and I lost it. I guess I will need to introduce it pieces at a time. I will start with the general premise:


A professor at Stanford University, Robert Sapolsky, has said that religion is a mental illness, and that the behaviours exhibited by ‘prophets’ in religious texts are diagnosable acts.

The self-described atheist, who is also a neuroendocrinologist, argues that religion is comparable to a shared schizophrenia.

An introduction to an identified convergence of cognitively anosognosic schizophrenics:


A growing tribe of troubled minds

Mental health professionals say the narrative has taken hold among a group of people experiencing psychotic symptoms that have troubled the human mind since time immemorial. Except now victims are connecting on the internet, organizing and defying medical explanations for what’s happening to them.

The community, conservatively estimated to exceed 10,000 members, has proliferated since 9/11, cradled by the internet and fed by genuine concerns over government surveillance. A large number appear to have delusional disorder or schizophrenia, psychiatrists say.

Yet, the phenomenon remains virtually unresearched.

For the few specialists who have looked closely, these individuals represent an alarming development in the history of mental illness: thousands of sick people, banded together and demanding recognition on the basis of shared paranoias.

They raise money, hold awareness campaigns, host international conferences and fight for their causes in courts and legislatures

Perhaps their biggest victory came last year, when believers in Richmond, Calif., persuaded the City Council to pass a resolution banning space-based weapons that they believe could be used for mind control. A similar lobbying effort is underway in Tucson.

And then an introduction to the early modern era Sex Cult:


Since the early 1980s, with the breakdown of the Communist empire, sex abusers have become the most common persecutors for paranoids.


At trial, Dr. Noblitt testified about the existence of cults using ritual abuse and of organized satanic networks engaged in wide-ranging criminal enterprises including child abuse. The picture painted by Dr. Noblitt in his testimony at trial is one where criminal cults are common across the United States, and that these alleged cults typically engage in torture and murder of both adults and children. Furthermore, Dr. Noblitt opined that these cults are experts in a form of mind control or brainwashing in which victims are so heavily traumatized that they develop total and complete amnesia until the victim enters therapy and recovers the memory. His descriptions of these cults involved rape, murder, torture, grave robbing, and ceremonial animal and human sacrifice. Furthermore, he alleged that these activities took place at churches, involved police officers and other professional individuals. Lurid media coverage of this issue at the time additionally invoked the specter of widespread cannibalism. In order to explain the lack of physical evidence for these outrageous crimes, Dr. Noblitt explained to the jury that these cults will frequently lead their victims to believe in something preposterous, so that if they ever told of their tortures the stories would involve elements that would be so far-fetched that the victims would necessarily be disbelieved. This, according to Dr. Noblitt, was done intentionally by the cults as part of the mind control programming in order to discredit their victims.

In an interview shortly after the trial in a local newspaper, Dr. Noblitt was described as having been the prosecution expert witness in many ritual abuse cases, including the Keller case (Dickinson, 1993). He stated in that interview that Dan Keller, while in court, used a mysterious hand signal to mind-control people within the courtroom. Further, he asserted that cults use severe torture on victims and that all memory of the torture is repressed. In a direct quote from this news article, Dr. Noblitt stated: “I believe they use a technique of mind control unknown in legitimate psychology. It’s akin to hypnosis, created through abuse…the state of shock is so severe that it sends the victim into a deep trance state. Then cult members use different signals or triggers…” to control the victims.


In 1983, Judy Johnson, of California, accused a teacher at her son’s preschool of raping him, said faculty members had sex with animals and even claimed the teacher could fly.

Johnson was hospitalised with paranoid schizophrenia
and died before the end of the preliminary hearing from problems related to alcoholism. But LA’s Children’s Institute International then interviewed several hundred children about the alleged incident.

The students were coerced through suggestive interview techniques into making bizarre claims including the existence of secret tunnels under the school in which the alleged abuse took place; orgies supposedly conducted in car washes and airports; disturbing games in which children were allegedly photographed nude; mutilation of corpses; blood drinking; baby sacrifice and a flying teacher.

Pazder was consulted by the prosecution as an expert on Satanic ritual abuse and corroborated the claims. All parties in the McMartin preschool trial were acquitted of all charges in 1990.


Victorian-style devil outrage reached a fever pitch in the family-values 1980s. In his 2015 book We Believe the Children: A Moral Panic in the 1980s, author Richard Beck tells the story of a series of allegations of ritualized Satanic child abuse in daycare centers around the country. Through painstaking elicitation, police, prosecutors, and investigators managed to get children to testify to all sorts of unthinkable violations. Not just sexual assault: There were allegations of gamified animal torture and vast networks of child porn production and distribution. And, of course, the devil.

I asked Beck if in all his exhaustive research he had been able to track down a single instance of verified Satanic ritual child abuse. “No,” says. “My editor and I joked that the book would sell better if I could find an actual case, but as far as I could find it never happened.” Since they didn’t occur in reality, the infernal elements had to be products of adult interpretation and suggestion. Yet whole municipalities managed to convince themselves that there were hidden networks of devil worship and child abuse in their own backyards. How did they accomplish such a feat?


A 1979 profile in New York magazine quoted Mayor Edward I. Koch as saying that she was ''one of those seminal forces, original, a go-getter.'' He said there were ''few people who can claim as many accomplishments.''

Dr. Densen-Gerber's success at getting government help became her downfall when the state investigated her use of public funds in the early 1980's and found irregularities. She resigned as executive director of Odyssey House in 1983, but remained active in affiliated programs.

Her influence extended to areas like child pornography. In 1977, her testimony that there were 264 monthly publications devoted to the subject helped persuade the House of Representatives to unanimously pass a bill to regulate it.

IPT, the publication of the Institute for Psychological Therapy, reported in 1992 that later government investigations proved her estimates to be exaggerated by ''several orders of magnitude.''

Dr. Densen-Gerber also commented on many other hot issues from a psychiatric point of view.

In 1991, she went to Omaha to testify in court that her interview with a man convinced her he had witnessed four satanic ritual killings. She characterized herself as an expert at deprogramming survivors of satanic cults.


The Origin of the Myths

In 1976 Robin Lloyd, correspondent for NBC, published For Money or Love: Boy Prostitution in America (Out of Print)(Out of Print).18 In the book, for which a U.S. senator had written an introduction, Lloyd claimed that a huge network of prostitution involving 300,000 boys existed. The notion that child pornography trade is big business was initiated in this book. Yet, nowhere in the book is there any empirical basis for the number 300,000. Indeed, Lloyd admitted that it was a working hypothesis which he had suggested to a number of experts to test their reactions.19 This didn't prevent Judianne Densen-Gerber, director of Odyssey House, a chain of residential treatment clinics for drug addicts, from taking over the figure as if it represented a reliable statistic. She set about to mobilize public opinion against child pornography to which, she said, Lloyd had alerted her.

The media followed the stories of child exploitation in detail. In the national periodicals during 1977 nine articles appeared.20 The New York Times, a paper known to avoid sensationalism, printed 27 articles that year compared to one in the two years before. When in May, 1977 the highly popular television series Sixty Minutes devoted a program to child pornography, a tidal wave of letters to politicians resulted.21 That spring a subcommittee of the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives held a series of hearings on the subject which lasted until autumn, keeping child pornography in the news in the U.S.A. A platform was established by crusaders against child pornography, and in the prevailing climate of moral panic their cries for stronger measures received wide political support.

The chairman of the committee was Representative John Conyers Jr., who had organized the hearings to pass judgment on the proposal of Representatives Kildee and Murphy for a first Federal law against child pornography. It was this series of hearings that would make the question of child pornography a national issue. The first hearing was dominated by the appearance of Judianne Densen-Gerber. Equipped. with some child pornography magazines, she shocked congressional representatives with her claim that she had, together with Robin Lloyd, counted 264 comparable publications that, according to her, appeared monthly (an exaggeration by a factor of several orders of magnitude as we shall see). The figures which Robin Lloyd had mentioned as a working hypothesis were repeated by Densen-Gerber as fact:

Lloyd's book documented the involvement of 300,000 boys, aged 8 to 16, in activities revolving around sex for sale.22

She then multiplied the number by two, because her intuition told her that 300,000 girls were also involved in such activities. She then multiplied it again by two since, according to Lloyd, the real figure was "twice what he (could) statistically validate,"23 and this lead to something like a million children. The chairman Conyers multiplied this again by two since, he reasoned, America had not only one million runaways but another one million school drop outs. In this way the contours of a national disaster were drawn. According to Conyers:

"So we have somewhere possibly in the neighbourhood of 2 million kids who form a ready market for sexual exploitation from pornographers and the like."24

Densen-Gerber could not agree more. The Kildee-Murphy proposal was made law without any opposition: 401 for, 0 against.

The Spread of Rumors

In 1986 the Senate Commission33 under the chairmanship of William V. Roth, Republican from Delaware, came to the same conclusion as the ILIC report. Nevertheless, neither the Roth report nor the ILIC report were able to dampen the spread of rumors about an enormous trade. Even in 1986, the claims of Lloyd and Densen-Gerber continued to come up as facts in official reports: the Meese Commission, initiated by the Reagan administration to prepare a drastic sharpening of the anti-pornography laws, uncritically took over these claims.34 According to the Meese Commission, Congress had discovered that child pornography and child prostitution "have become highly organized, multi-million dollar industries that operate on a nationwide scale."35 The monthly appearance of 264 magazines (Densen-Gerber) was again reported as truth, alongside the 30,000 exploited children of Los Angeles (Lloyd Martin).

The U.S. Supreme Court took over these claims in their first child pornography case, New York v Ferber (1982), saying that child pornography comprised, "highly organized multimillion dollar industries that operate on a nationwide scale."36 The otherwise dignified court was so upset by the alleged extent of the problem that the solicitor for the accused, Herald Price Fahringer, lost his composure and fled the sitting as fast as he could.37

The claims of Lloyd and Densen-Gerber also appeared outside the U.S.A. The report, Exploitation of Child Labour, which was submitted in 1981 to the Commission for Human Rights of the United Nations, claimed: "In the United States there are at least 264 pornographic magazines specializing in pornography concerning children."38 It was claimed that in 1977, 15,000 slides and 4,000 films of child pornography had been intercepted by the police, which was, according to the report, 5% of the total stock in circulation.

According to the United Nations report, the value of trade in child pornography in 1977 was estimated at $500 million. Such estimates are not based on any kind of empirical evidence, and are easy to refute. If these claims were true then the allegedly intercepted slides and films would have had a value of thousands of dollars each.39 In reality, these films were sold for much less, which can be checked with reference to the advertisement brochures of Deltaboek, publisher of homosexual pornography and literature. From here it is apparent that the Golden Boys film series, produced by COQ in Denmark, cost 85 guilders each, which is about $35.

In 1986, Defence for Children International prepared a report on child prostitution in which they claimed: "Estimates on the number of child prostitutes vary from 300,000 to several millions for the U.S. and Canada."40 A year later these figures were taken over by the Norwegian Ministry of Justice.41 This report was later submitted to the Ministers of Justice of the member countries of the Council of Europe. Within the Council of Europe a report on child exploitation was written in which it was claimed that: "A study of boy prostitutes had suggested that there were 300,000 boy prostitutes in the United States, many of whom are designated runaways."42 The claims of the United Nations report were also repeated. As late as 1988 the Dutch language world development magazine, Onze Wereld (Our World), claimed that: "The American (sic) periodical43 Child Abuse and Neglect reported that in the United States at least 264 different child pornography magazines are in circulation. The kiddieporn stars are drawn from the numerous American runaway teenagers."44 The same article made similar exaggerated claims about alleged illicit trade in donor organs obtained from children killed for the purpose. The story about donor organs had also appeared in the report of the Council of Europe, although there was never any evidence and the story was not credible from the beginning.45

The alleged size of the child pornography trade and the many children said to have been involved, are little more than myths. They are the result of the arbitrary multiplication of arbitrary numbers of alleged victims made by a journalist. The claims had taken on a life of their own. The fact that these claims had by 1980 been rejected by thorough official investigations was insufficient to prevent the claim from reappearing, not only in the media but also in other official circles, including the United States Senate, the United States Supreme Court, a Commission of the American Justice Department, the United Nations and the Council of Europe. After the number had been cited in the Hearings of the House of Representatives, it became associated with an ostensibly reliable source. The fact that the original source was anything but reliable was forgotten.


It is disheartening that we have to return to pseudosciences that have been debunked decades ago, because they continue to linger despite being eviscerated by scientific scrutiny. Belief systems and myths have incredible cultural inertia, and they are difficult to eradicate completely. That is why belief in astrology, while in the minority, persists.

Professions, however, should be different. A healing profession should be held to a certain minimum standard of care, and that standard should be based upon something real, which means that scientific evidence needs to be brought to bear. Professionals are not excused for persisting in false beliefs that have long been discredited.

The 1980s saw the peak of an idea that was never based on science, the notion that people can suppress memories of traumatic events, and those repressed memories can manifest as seemingly unconnected mental health issues, such as anxiety or eating disorders. The idea was popularized mostly by the book The Courage to Heal (the 20th anniversary edition was published in 2008), in which the authors took the position that clients, especially women, who have any problem should be encouraged to recover memories of abuse, and if such memories can be dredged up, they are real.


Recovered memory syndrome was a massive failure on the part of the mental health profession. The ideas, which were extraordinary, were never empirically demonstrated. Further, basic questions were insufficiently asked – is there any empirical evidence to support the amazing events emerging from therapy, for example? Is it possible that the recovered memories are an artifact of therapy and are not real?


While there is some legitimate controversy over whether or not it is even possible to repress such memories and accurately recall them later, there is no question that the massive repressed memory industry of the 1980s and 90s was not evidence-based and was essentially an industry of creating false memory syndrome. The fact that a controversial idea was put into practice so widely, despite the risks to patients and their families, indicates, in my opinion, a systemic lack of self-regulation within the mental health profession.

More disappointing is the fact that recovered memory therapy is still ongoing today, which is completely unacceptable. Even if you wish to adhere to the minority opinion among memory experts that repressed memory is possible, the evidence does not justify putting it into practice. The potential for harm is more than sufficient to suspend the practice pending further evidence (if you wish to be a holdout).


A recent article demonstrates that recovered memory therapy still has the potential to completely destroy innocent lives. The article details the case of a father accused of long-term sexual abuse by his daughter who “recovered” the memories while being treated for depression and an eating disorder. He was eventually cleared, but only after his life was shattered. Child Protective Services actually took the “recovered memory” claims seriously, which is yet another failure.


In the 1980s and early 1990s the United States witnessed an outbreak of bizarre ‘‘daycare abuse’’ cases in which groups of young children levelled allegations of sexual and Satanic abuse against their teachers. In the present study, quantitative analyses were performed on a total of 54 interview transcripts from two highly publicised daycare cases (McMartin Preschool and Kelly Michaels) and a comparison group of child sexual abuse cases from a Child Protection Service (CPS). Confirming the impression of prior commentators, systematic analyses showed that interviews from the two daycare cases were highly suggestive. Compared with the CPS interviews, the McMartin and/or Michaels interviewers were significantly more likely to (a) introduce new suggestive information into the interview, (b) provide praise, promises, and positive reinforcement, (c) express disapproval, disbelief, or disagreement with children, (d) exert conformity pressure, and (e) invite children to pretend or speculate about supposed events


The legacy of implanted Satanic abuse ‘memories’ is still causing damage today

When 21-year-old nurse Carol Felstead went to her doctor complaining of repeated headaches, she wasn’t just prescribed painkillers. Instead, she was referred for psychotherapy that would ultimately involve hypnosis to “recover” so-called repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse. Carol subsequently came to believe that her parents were the leaders of a Satanic cult and that her mother murdered another of her children, sat Carol on top of the body and then set fire to the family home.

But these allegations were untrue and the memories they were based upon were incorrect. Today, almost 30 years on, “recovered memory therapy” has been discredited by the scientific and academic community and is known to implant false memories, apparent memories for events that never actually happened.

Experimental psychologists have repeatedly demonstrated the ease with which false memories can be implanted in a sizeable proportion of the population under well-controlled laboratory conditions. But it is also undoubtedly the case that such false memories can arise spontaneously as well as in the context of psychotherapy.

Although we are typically not consciously aware of it, we often have to judge whether an apparent memory is real. Is it based upon mental events that were purely internally generated (for example, by imagination or a dream) or based upon events which really took place in the external world?
Implanting false memories

One of the techniques that has been shown to result in false memories is asking people to imagine events that never actually took place. It appears that, eventually and especially in people with good imaginations, the memory of the imagined event is misinterpreted as a memory for a real event. The use of hypnotic regression is a particularly powerful means to implant false memories.


Malpractice cases

During the late 1990s, there were multiple lawsuits in the United States in which psychiatrists and psychologists were successfully sued, or settled out of court, on the charge of propagating iatrogenic memories of childhood sexual abuse, incest, and satanic ritual abuse.[35]

Some of these suits were brought by individuals who later declare that their recovered memories of incest or satanic ritual abuse had been false. The False Memory Syndrome Foundation uses the term retractors to describe these individuals, and have shared their stories publicly.[36] There is debate regarding the total number of retractions as compared to the total number of allegations,[37] and the reasons for retractions.[38]

The end result is:


Most controversially, he believes society needs to tackle the taboo subject of ASD and paedophilia. Speaking ahead of World Autism Awareness Day today, he suggested that many inmates in sex offender units, including those convicted of child pornography offences, show signs of Asperger’s or ASD.


Mr. Mahoney said Mr. Lundberg's case is one of many nationwide in which people with autism are prosecuted for child pornography offenses without proper understanding of their mental struggles.


Autism and schizophrenia may be two sides of the same coin, suggests a review of genetic data associated with the conditions. The finding could help design complementary treatments for the two disorders.

Though autism was originally described as a form of schizophrenia a century ago, evidence for a link has remained equivocal. One theory puts the conditions at opposite ends of a developmental spectrum.


Religion and Autism, are they together or apart?
Recent studies suggest today's autistics tend to reject organized religion.

There is a ton of detail in the middle that I neglected though, as I have literally like 100,000 words of information capturing this 20th century establishment of religion, and it is hard to present such a huge volume of sometimes thickly technical and multidisciplinary information in a coherent manner, particularly on a forum -- and especially given post length limitations.

A quick look at the organized psychotics today:

[lost citation]

“These cases involve real-life abuse and assault of children. Every time an image is viewed, it’s like the assault happened again,” said Andrew M. McLees, special agent in charge of the Newark office of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Homeland Security Investigations.


“merely having possession and viewing images such as this does victimize and hurt the individual portrayed in the image.” This is some mystical religious thinking. Like in Voodoo. And note, this was said by a respectable lawyer to appease a judge. And this logic is used over and over, for example by Australian Government web sites.


"... every time somebody looks at that image it's like the crime is taking place all over again…"


"we hear that in court that they feel like they are victimized every single time someone downloads their videos or looks at their videos they feel like they are being raped all over again,” said Canonico


The children might feel like being raped time and again when someone watches it.
Cucktears is going to use this topic as a leverage to demean us further, not like it matters though since we're like the most hated group in existence. Still no matter the arguments you bring, the same arguments will be thrown at you, "that's a child" or "you just want to prey on little girls" the same usual NPC dialogue you'll keep hearing. It's pretty useless to reason with NPCs. Also side note 17 is the age of consent in my state. Go figure.
The children might feel like being raped time and again when someone watches it.
I didn't read everything you posted yet, but I have one simple question: how will they know someone downloaded it?
I didn't read everything you posted yet, but I have one simple question: how will they know someone downloaded it?

Child porn violates the no-communication theorem


"we hear that in court that they feel like they are victimized every single time someone downloads their videos or looks at their videos they feel like they are being raped all over again,” said Canonico



In physics, the no-communication theorem or no-signaling principle is a no-go theorem from quantum information theory which states that, during measurement of an entangled quantum state, it is not possible for one observer, by making a measurement of a subsystem of the total state, to communicate information to another observer. The theorem is important because, in quantum mechanics, quantum entanglement is an effect by which certain widely separated events can be correlated in ways that suggest the possibility of instantaneous communication. The no-communication theorem gives conditions under which such transfer of information between two observers is impossible. These results can be applied to understand the so-called paradoxes in quantum mechanics, such as the EPR paradox, or violations of local realism obtained in tests of Bell's theorem. In these experiments, the no-communication theorem shows that failure of local realism does not lead to what could be referred to as "spooky communication at a distance" (in analogy with Einstein's labeling of quantum entanglement as "spooky action at a distance").
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Transgenderism today, pedophilia tomorrow. Just wait and see.

So when people made a community on Orkut (old social media site, popular in Brazil) making fun of one of my pics when I was 17, I felt bad every time someone looked at that and made fun of me? I only saw it once and decided not to go there again.

Also: "because they know that those images and videos are on the internet and they can’t walk down the street without wondering has this person seem my videos"

I'd say the possibility of someone recognizing an adult person by having seen a video of the person when he or she was 7 for example is very, very low. Also, that much would be solved by only downloading international underage porn, kek.
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You suck at irony.
I admit you got me with that one. Since I don't know anything about physics I didn't want to be imperious and say it's all bullshit (what I was thinking).
You seem to take the position that I am attacking you, when in reality I am attacking the Sex Cultists. The Sex Cult is a 20th century establishment of religion consisting of individuals manifesting socially convergent cognitively anosognosic schizophrenic psychotic decompensation. Only in their delusional imaginations are they combating the mythical booming multi billion dollar CP industry to prevent the supply demand driven skyrocketing child sexual abuse rates associated the production of the magically cursed imagery that causes the depicted individuals to feel raped all over again over and over again every single time it is viewed. They are literally a New Religious Movement -- their most recent iteration of mass psychotic decompensation was triggered by a convergence of diagnosed schizophrenics who thought that magical flying schoolteachers were sexually abusing their children in the name of Satan.

The viewing of child pornography was outlawed due to the fraudulent testimony of a grant embezzling Satanic cult expert, and persists to this day primarily because the United States congress and supreme court were essentially converted to this 20th century religious establishment. They react in actual reality to a fantasy narrative that has been developing over several decades now in a likewise themed collection of fictitious materials.
You seem to take the position that I am attacking you, when in reality I am attacking the Sex Cultists. The Sex Cult is a 20th century establishment of religion consisting of individuals manifesting socially convergent cognitively anosognosic schizophrenic psychotic decompensation. Only in their delusional imaginations are they combating the mythical booming multi billion dollar CP industry to prevent the supply demand driven skyrocketing child sexual abuse rates associated the production of the magically cursed imagery that causes the depicted individuals to feel raped all over again over and over again every single time it is viewed. They are literally a New Religious Movement -- their most recent iteration of mass psychotic decompensation was triggered by a convergence of diagnosed schizophrenics who thought that magical flying schoolteachers were sexually abusing their children in the name of Satan.

The viewing of child pornography was outlawed due to the fraudulent testimony of a grant embezzling Satanic cult expert, and persists to this day primarily because the United States congress and supreme court were essentially converted to this 20th century religious establishment. They react in actual reality to a fantasy narrative that has been developing over several decades now in a likewise themed collection of fictitious materials.
Oh, now I understand everything. I was yet to read everything you had posted before, but your way of posting before was kinda ambiguous as well. High IQ anyway, very interesting shit. I'll read it all when I finish my fight against the Brazilian university SISU system here, I have to enroll in the uni I want but I gotta f5 all the time to try having the page load for me.
Arguing with pedophobes is just futile in a lot of cases. Obviously, yeah if both parties agreed to an act as simple as sex at any age over another, there is little to no reason to think they would just be traumatized by it completely outside of the societal confines placed on them.

And lol at the consent argument that they use to justify every discrimination, they just think they need to screech this ''they can't consent!'' slogan and that's it. What do they mean is not even clear most of the time, but either way it's non-sensical, sometimes they mean they can't legally consent, which is the complete retard way to argue by just appealing to the law of course, obviously just because something is illegal it is not bad, or else they'd also have to look down people drinking alcohol in Saudi Arabia if something being illegal makes it wrong.

Or they mean they literally can't consent, in which case I wonder how they think any interaction with a person under the holy age is even possible, I'm certain children consent, assent, agree or whatever you want to call it (it's irrelevant, it's ultimately about the process) to a lot of things all the time, let's say eating ice cream, driving a bicycle or even physical contact like hugging if it's not with an older person in a sexual context, I'm sure they already accept all that despite children being so incapable of consenting to anything.

How come they can consent to pretty much everything except inherently damaging things like drinking hard liquor maybe because we recognize it isn't inherently damaging, but not to a sexual encounter? The burden of proof is placed on the pedophobe if they think a child can consent to at least one thing in this entire existence, at that point they are the ones that claim a child cannot consent to something, although we have already established that yes, a child can at least consent to something if there is no intrinsic harm in the activity they consent to, otherwise interacting with them would be impossible if you're not going to value what children indicate to prefer in any way.
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You can't change genders. You can only mutilate yourself to the point of no return.

But on the other hand that's why you get shrinkscreened.

These topics are just so ideologically charged up on both mainstream sides. I really see no honest approach to them in the next few years.

It's over.

It's the same with rape and sexual generosity btw to a certain degree. May be socially constructed.
I'd love to read your posts, but paraphrase a bit more pls, because reading your posts is a chore for me currently. No offense. Thanks.
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Tbh very high IQ thread

@Mainländer I was wondering if you'd still post your threads here or stay at NL's sites. Glad to see you posting.

Although I haven't heard you talk much about transage much recently? I thought it was quite interesting.
Tbh very high IQ thread

@Mainländer I was wondering if you'd still post your threads here or stay at NL's sites. Glad to see you posting.

Although I haven't heard you talk much about transage much recently? I thought it was quite interesting.
Thanks. Yeah it feels bad that Nathan is gone from here but I missed the bigger movement and all my bros from here.

I quit talking about transage stuff because I thought people were sick of that topic and honestly I couldn't find much more to say about it.
It's a complicated matter that really cannot be done justice with less than literally a short book written regarding the matter. The summary is essentially that neurotypicals are literally psychotic and cognitively anosognosic, and they believe in themed fiction materials that describe fantasy worlds that are nonexistent in actual reality, and make reference to them through the fiction materials that describe them, as if they were making reference to actual reality.

The Sex Cult is literally a 20th century establishment of religion, based on the belief of such socially convergently psychotic neurotypicals in a stereotyped themed genre of fiction material that they are incapable of distinguishing from actual reality -- much in the manner of creationists and so forth.
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