This is all contingent on a male-female dynamic where one doesn't exist without the other, obviously, and what are those girls telling us ?
I bet they love to spout feminist rhetoric on Reddit but look how they betray their real, extremely gendered worldview. They see men lifting weights and their brains go on ️mode man vs woman.
They are insecure over something they don't even have any real stake in and yet will tell men that they don't have the right to feel insecure over the same thing, despite their very wellbeing being at stake.
This lack of consideration and grace is so typical in those fucking whores.
You just know by their seething that if they somehow managed to "win" In their own eyes, they'd see it as a triumph over men, being better than men, outdoing men, and not as a fucking statement for equality.
But men are supposed to completely go along with it. I swear the modern man is like a prop for a woman's girl power fantasy.
We're at a point where society really tells you that if, for example, as a man, you got your ass kicked by a smaller woman in let's say a boxing match (like it happens in movies), feeling ashamed of it would solely be a result of toxic masculinity or some mal adjustment to the intellectual gifts of feminism or whatever bullshit

not because everyone around you would perceive it to be comical and humiliating due to it's gendered nature.
The mixed boxing match could be like a good allegory surrounding modern soyciety's bullshit about gender.