Same observations. It's baffling to me how they are often perceived as metaphysically superior beings.
Exactly. It's because they have totally flipped the idea of what being 'mature' means. First through jokes like, 'men are so simple', then goyslops studies that state, 'foids mature faster'.
Men's innocent activities like jigsaw puzzles, video games, Gunpla, card collections, and childish competitions are seen as signs of immature man-children.
I like writing scripts, DIYing my custom tech solutions, finding exploits. I have helped my acquaintances numerous times with my tech expertise. Yet, the value of a tech expert has been diluted so much in the last decade, by the same people who cannot install an OS to save their lives. Subconsciously, they do it because it's a male domain. If you cannot shame them, just dilute their importance.
Yet, foids' excessive indulgences like clothing, makeup, frequent travels, meaningless decorations are seen as signs of a mature adult. Foids pushing the boundary of greed or breaking apart the family for their selfish whoredom life are seen as 'practical' choices in life.
I abhor this pus-dripping rotten soyciety (foids) that demonize the innocence of humanity so much.