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Too much race baiting on here now

  • Thread starter YouArentBlackPilled
  • Start date


Dec 21, 2023
You’re not ugly cause you’re not white(I’m proof)

Enough with the cope and bait

Most women in the west prefer their own race(but all want rich + tall attractive man)

We’re all here cause we’re ugly or short once again
Race threads >>>> inceldom discussion
You should've seen the earlier years jfl. This is nothing.
“earlier years”
JFL he shouldve seen this summer and spring
Those are technically earlier years too. It's 2 days until 2024, brocel.

Harsh reminder of the agepill btw. :feelsrope:
We need MORE racism instead of retarded Roblox threads!
Those are technically earlier years too. It's 2 days until 2024, brocel.

Harsh reminder of the agepill btw. :feelsrope:
Cope 2024 hasnt hit we’re in 2023 now shutup and stop speeding up the days
You should've seen the earlier years jfl. This is nothing.
kekekekekek I was lurking but wasn’t active since my deactivation in 2020. Was summer really that bad?
ik they all cherry pick their retarded images.
We need MORE racism instead of retarded Roblox threads
i used to lurk for years and was so confused when someone filled a thread with roblox forums posts, wtf are those?
Skin color is a part of lookism.

The JBW guys that mimic Incel TV do get annoying, though.
i used to lurk for years and was so confused when someone filled a thread with roblox forums posts, wtf are those?
he is intellau celistic, and he is too high iq for your dark somalian swarthy to comprehend.
A lot of it wouldn’t exist if the whites admitted to being privileged and stopped arguing with ethnics over the most basic scientifically backed blackpill shit.
he is intellau celistic, and he is too high iq for your dark somalian swarthy to comprehend.
hop off my cock pigskin, im basically the founder of early roblox you and your intellau cystic acne should be sucking my long somali cock you useless cumskin, i am the capt. now
Skin color is a part of lookism.

The JBW guys that mimic Incel TV do get annoying, though.
I do agree but hazel skin is literally ranked most attractive not even white, that’s just from raw data I’ll try to find. Also location matters for all that but yeah it’s just cope
A lot of it wouldn’t exist if the whites admitted to being privileged and stopped arguing with ethnics over the most basic scientifically backed blackpill shit.
We are privileged in other ways, not looks kekek an ugly man is an ugly man once again… that’s why women want the top 10% only

If they all wanted white then we wouldn’t be here
I don't see it changing tbh
Also too many people here give what anectode as proof
You’re not ugly cause you’re not white(I’m proof)

Enough with the cope and bait

Most women in the west prefer their own race(but all want rich + tall attractive man)

We’re all here cause we’re ugly or short once again
Race threads are the quickest way of escaping grayceldom since they bring the largest traffic.
hop off my cock pigskin, im basically the founder of early roblox you and your intellau cystic acne should be sucking my long somali cock you useless cumskin, i am the capt. now
Blablobleblvoecvo se heckin pegskin min bbc superior, GrAYnigger.
Well... I'm no race nationalist but race is center to one's identity. So with that said its obvious that low value men with nothing will obsess over it because thats all that they have.

Its why poor and low value incelibate men obsess over it. Add young, dumb, and full of testosterone to that mix and you get young neo nazi white males or muslim jihadists.

When one calls 911 and the dispatch asks what the suspect looks like they ask was he "white, black, hispanic, asian?".

When you meet a stranger you see their race first. Then when you get to know them you see them more as an individual but you still always take their race into account.

If the two interacting individuals are both high IQ and high class, they take race less into account. It has to do with trust. The problem is that the vast majority of people are dumb as fuck and trashy at least according to me or rather, relative to me.
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Every other post is something about niggers.

But then the post right under is something about how blackcels don't exist and BBC is all mighty and lots of other contradicting statements.

I don't get it either
Well... I'm no race nationalist but race is center to one's identity. So with that said its obvious that low value men with nothing will obsess over it because thats all that they have.

Its why poor and low value incelibate men obsess over it. Add young, dumb, and full of testosterone to that mix and you get young neo nazi white males or muslim jihadists.

When one calls 911 and the dispatch asks what the suspect looks like they ask was he "white, black, hispanic, asian?".

When you meet a stranger you see their race first. Then when you get to know them you see them more as an individual but you still always take their race into account.

If the two interacting individuals are both high IQ and high class, they take race less into account. It has to do with trust. The problem is that the vast majority of people are dumb as fuck and trashy at least according to me or rather, relative to me.
Well... I'm no race nationalist but race is center to one's identity. So with that said its obvious that low value men with nothing will obsess over it because thats all that they have.

Its why poor and low value incelibate men obsess over it. Add young, dumb, and full of testosterone to that mix and you get young neo nazi white males or muslim jihadists.

When one calls 911 and the dispatch asks what the suspect looks like they ask was he "white, black, hispanic, asian?".

When you meet a stranger you see their race first. Then when you get to know them you see them more as an individual but you still always take their race into account.

If the two interacting individuals are both high IQ and high class, they take race less into account. It has to do with trust. The problem is that the vast majority of people are dumb as fuck and trashy at least according to me or rather, relative to me.
I understand what you’re saying but race doesn’t have much to do with us being incels since most people prefer their own race anyways.

My point is we’re here cause we’re ugly or short literally kekek
Every other post is something about niggers.

But then the post right under is something about how blackcels don't exist and BBC is all mighty and lots of other contradicting statements.

I don't get it either
It’s cause they don’t generalize blacks with Tyrone like how they generalize us with Chad kekek
I just want more anti-nigger threads on here
Racebait threads have always existed here GrAY
Most women in the west prefer their own race(but all want rich + tall attractive man)
Dat riceist

I'd be angry af if I lived in a country full of brutal niggers, though. Every single retarded "b-but not all" can just go and fuck himself in a cottonfield, you're not owed shit or special consideration, I say it being a spic and laughing at how true is everything they say about the mongrel plague issue they got in muttland.
The JBW posts are very ignorant and annoying but fuck it, we're all here to vent!
hop off my cock pigskin, im basically the founder of early roblox you and your intellau cystic acne should be sucking my long somali cock you useless cumskin, i am the capt. now
Most based grAY
I understand what you’re saying but race doesn’t have much to do with us being incels since most people prefer their own race anyways.

My point is we’re here cause we’re ugly or short literally kekek
Stop coping grAY how many studies will it take for you to actually realize that race plays a huge factor in regards to dating. Go see my previous posts, plenty of studies that show that coomskins are the most sought after race. You are also confusing the word "prefer" with "settle". Most ethnic femgroids have to settle with their own race because other races don't find it attractive(No proven study but the amount of WMAF couples show this, could be an anecdote but many brocels will agree with me)

preference != settling grAY

JoinedDec 21, 2023Posts224
I understand what you’re saying but race doesn’t have much to do with us being incels since most people prefer their own race anyways.

My point is we’re here cause we’re ugly or short literally kekek
Muahh race doesn't play a role in our inceldom :soy: :soy:


Your race directly impacts your pheno, height and overall attractiveness level. It's literally the first thing you see when you see a person. It's literally determines how people will treat you. Like how the fuck can some people on .is admit that being tall is a halo, yet being white isn't? Yes JBW doesn't work in places where the majority of the population is white but it's very easy to remediate that, all you need to do is either start dating ethnics or passportmaxx, it isn't that hard and if you don't fucking use your passport than you're a volcel and you deserve to be lynched.

A 1/10 coomskin and 1/10 ethnic are in two totally different situations, unironically a 1/10 burn victim coomskin can still ascend if they would be willing to relocate to 3rd world shithole. A 3/10 indian janitor can't even relocate to a 3rd world shithole because he would appear as a local kek.

Read my past threads grAY and if you still think JBW is bullshit then you are no different from blue pilled cucks. Literally ignoring empirical evidence kek
It wouldnt be a bad thing if the posts would be somewhat high quality. But the vast majority of race baits are "Muh you are race XY and therefore you cant be incel" without elaborating further or have any arguments that speak for their thesis
Dat riceist

I'd be angry af if I lived in a country full of brutal niggers, though. Every single retarded "b-but not all" can just go and fuck himself in a cottonfield, you're not owed shit or special consideration, I say it being a spic and laughing at how true is everything they say about the mongrel plague issue they got in muttland.
I honestly don’t understand you brocel kekek
Stop coping grAY how many studies will it take for you to actually realize that race plays a huge factor in regards to dating. Go see my previous posts, plenty of studies that show that coomskins are the most sought after race. You are also confusing the word "prefer" with "settle". Most ethnic femgroids have to settle with their own race because other races don't find it attractive(No proven study but the amount of WMAF couples show this, could be an anecdote but many brocels will agree with me)

preference != settling grAY

JoinedDec 21, 2023Posts224
Brocel I deactivated in 2020, the studies you use are all flawed. Women still find most men unattractive… that’s THE REAL FUCKING BLACKPILL…… like I said you should be able to get your own race if anything but what’s your cope now retard, I’m white and ugly, why would I say my race makes me desirable when the average foid won’t look at me

It’s not your fucking race, you’re just ugly or short

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