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Venting Today is my 22nd birthday and I want to die



Apr 9, 2018
It's over boys. I looked back at my life - I'm a loser that's different from everyone else and I know there's nothing that could make me happy. Women are soulless NPCs, men are their worshippers, I don't have a friend in this world. I used to have dreams, inspirations, I thought this world offered something worthwhile. It doesn't. It's a shithole full of retarded brainless pieces of shit that deserve an eternity in hell. Only you guys are a breath of fresh air. Otherwise, everything is the same and will always remain so - this life is a worthless low IQ scam that we have to fucking escape asap. I'll be roping soon. All of you hopelesscels - rope too. Only salvation is in death.
Happy birthday boyo. But don't tell others to kill themselves, JFL. Makes me lose sympathy for anyone.
im 22 years old and still a virgin. ive never even kissed a girl
It's over boys. I looked back at my life - I'm a loser that's different from everyone else and I know there's nothing that could make me happy. Women are soulless NPCs, men are their worshippers, I don't have a friend in this world. I used to have dreams, inspirations, I thought this world offered something worthwhile. It doesn't. It's a shithole full of retarded brainless pieces of shit that deserve an eternity in hell. Only you guys are a breath of fresh air. Otherwise, everything is the same and will always remain so - this life is a worthless low IQ scam that we have to fucking escape asap. I'll be roping soon. All of you hopelesscels - rope too. Only salvation is in death.

You're only 22 dude. Nothing stays the same...you have your whole life ahead of you. I know this sounds bluepilled bullshit but you still have time...don't waste it like I did.
I will commit suicide on February 14th
Happy birthday. You've reached ER age - should celebrate with a nice vanilla latte.
As an Arab Muslim cel, die in jihad. You'll get 72 virgins.
Elliot Rodger died at 22. How do you feel now?
It is over, friend.
Happy birthday brothER
Soon I'll be 57. I never had sex.
i have the same exact feels OP. life and reality legit sucks, stare into the abyss and the abyss stares into you.

wish i was an autistic anime spamming tard, back in the day when "watch all t he anime" and "play all the games" was my bucket list goals and now i dont even care about that shit any more

ready 2 rope
for most people, birthdays are a time of celebration.

for incels, it's a reminder of missed love
happy b-day OP.
365 days closer to death
happy birthday, Hope you have a wondERful day
Happy birthday boyo take some shekel:soy::soy::soy:
Happy belated birthday. I turned 22 3 days before you, on Monday.

We were born 3 days apart in different parts of the world, and ended up in the same place and situation. Always find that fascinating.
From now your real cruel and miserable life just begun, Happy Birthday.
As an Arab Muslim cel, die in jihad. You'll get 72 virgins.
Is that widely believed amongst Muslims? liberals say it's just a poorly sourced hadith.
It's over boys. I looked back at my life - I'm a loser that's different from everyone else and I know there's nothing that could make me happy. Women are soulless NPCs, men are their worshippers, I don't have a friend in this world. I used to have dreams, inspirations, I thought this world offered something worthwhile. It doesn't. It's a shithole full of retarded brainless pieces of shit that deserve an eternity in hell. Only you guys are a breath of fresh air. Otherwise, everything is the same and will always remain so - this life is a worthless low IQ scam that we have to fucking escape asap. I'll be roping soon. All of you hopelesscels - rope too. Only salvation is in death.
Happy B.D. Not sure what to say other than don't give up so soon and easily. At least fuck some escorts and indulge fully in everything else that brings you pleasure before you think about roping.
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Damn, happy birthday. Then again, incels can't be happy so I'll take off that part.

Have a birthday.

Many people here say that 22 is a cutoff point which unfortunately agree with. It's pretty much over now. I'm almost your age.
Happy bday man
I hope things well be good for u today. No one needs the world shitting on them all the time. We are here for u as well! Dont let them win!
hope something good happens to you.
At least you're young, healthy (I hope for you).
i have the same exact feels OP. life and reality legit sucks, stare into the abyss and the abyss stares into you.

wish i was an autistic anime spamming tard, back in the day when "watch all t he anime" and "play all the games" was my bucket list goals and now i dont even care about that shit any more

ready 2 rope
Same thing happened to me I will be 21 soon and as days go by anime and vidya seems to lose its charm. Stopped watching anime about a year ago. Can't bear to watch more then two episodes even if I try to give it a shot. Still play decent amount of vidya but hate myself for it. But vidya doesn't seem to be cheer me up either.
You do know that after 22 your chances for getting foid just keeps on decreasing exponentially. If I am still a virgin by the time I am 22 I will probably throw the towel and go MGTOW a.k.a Copemaxxing for the rest of the life.
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It's over boys. I looked back at my life - I'm a loser that's different from everyone else and I know there's nothing that could make me happy. Women are soulless NPCs, men are their worshippers, I don't have a friend in this world. I used to have dreams, inspirations, I thought this world offered something worthwhile. It doesn't. It's a shithole full of retarded brainless pieces of shit that deserve an eternity in hell. Only you guys are a breath of fresh air. Otherwise, everything is the same and will always remain so - this life is a worthless low IQ scam that we have to fucking escape asap. I'll be roping soon. All of you hopelesscels - rope too. Only salvation is in death.
I could have written that. happy birthday.
You're only 22 dude. Nothing stays the same...you have your whole life ahead of you. I know this sounds bluepilled bullshit but you still have time...don't waste it like I did.
You're only 22 dude. Nothing stays the same...you have your whole life ahead of you. I know this sounds bluepilled bullshit but you still have time...don't waste it like I did.
Whats ur age
The cake is a lie. Don't eat it op.
happy birthday im 19years khhv im going to 20 life sucks
It's over boys. I looked back at my life - I'm a loser that's different from everyone else and I know there's nothing that could make me happy. Women are soulless NPCs, men are their worshippers, I don't have a friend in this world. I used to have dreams, inspirations, I thought this world offered something worthwhile. It doesn't. It's a shithole full of retarded brainless pieces of shit that deserve an eternity in hell. Only you guys are a breath of fresh air. Otherwise, everything is the same and will always remain so - this life is a worthless low IQ scam that we have to fucking escape asap. I'll be roping soon. All of you hopelesscels - rope too. Only salvation is in death.
See you tomorrow.
It's over boys. I looked back at my life - I'm a loser that's different from everyone else and I know there's nothing that could make me happy. Women are soulless NPCs, men are their worshippers, I don't have a friend in this world. I used to have dreams, inspirations, I thought this world offered something worthwhile. It doesn't. It's a shithole full of retarded brainless pieces of shit that deserve an eternity in hell. Only you guys are a breath of fresh air. Otherwise, everything is the same and will always remain so - this life is a worthless low IQ scam that we have to fucking escape asap. I'll be roping soon. All of you hopelesscels - rope too. Only salvation is in death.

Most people are NPCs. This world does have things to offer, just not what you expected. Not a wife, not a girlfriend, maybe not real friends. Once you've accepted that you can start exploring for other forms of entertainment (maybe not happiness but at least entertainment). There is sometimes joy in trolling NPCs.... You can have a phone/voice relationship with a foid by chadfishing for example. Or you could troll a bunch of landwhales to show up to some place all at the same time, with pizza, with a fake chad profile. Then filming them gorging on pizza and put it online.

Just.... if you are completely ready to die, that means you are free to do anything, because no matter how bad it turns out you could always rope later. At least have some fun trolling or whatever. Being willing to die is freedom to do anything, to go yolo.
Try drugs before you rope. Srs. You'd be surprised how bearable they can make life seem.
I evy you. I'll be 34 in less than a month
Psychedelics are the way.
I ended up in the ER with my parents after doing acid, no joke. Didn't remember shit from dropping until then. I might as well have popped 10 Xanax. Occasional opiate use is the way (srs),

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