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Blackpill To Those That Are Religious - Your God Even Made Getting To Heaven Easier For Chad & Stacey

Incels are forced to cope with degenerate shit like porn and drugs for their whole lives.
It was over before you were even born
high iq as fuck

to religious just-world copers here: You got rekt, boyos
Many beautiful people are religious though, you're suggesting that beauty drives one away from God. Not at all.

I was suggesting, that pride and a heart filled with earthly things are not the best conditions for sparking the motivation the search for truth. Some wisdom about that is pictured in OT:
7 Two things I ask of you; deny them not to me before I die:
8 Remove far from me falsehood and lying; give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with the food that is needful for me,
9 lest I be full and deny you and say, “Who is the LORD?” or lest I be poor and steal and profane the name of my God.

Prv 30:7-9

A beautiful person is more likely to believe the world is fair and therefore believe in an all loving god.
Ok, but even the most stupid beautiful person will recognize, at least nowadays with global media news 24/7, that this world is not fair. And the poorer countries and the people in poverty from birth to death (also not fair) are probably more religious than the white rich countries - although one probably has to take into account or the accusation will be made that the lower religiousness is there (only) because of lower education. (Higher Education = lower religion perhaps the topic of the video. didn't watch the video yet, from the thumbnail)

Note: The questions is, where do you get from, that God is all-loving? The image of a all-loving God is revealed by Jesus first, which also means, you need no other places to look for. No person ever will get the full and right picture of how God is, by looking only at this world (of which Satan is the ruler). - which doesn't mean that all things can put childishly in the two categories: Bad thing happened - Satan, Good thing - God did it.
"But the one who did not know, and did what deserved a beating, will receive a light beating

This only reminds me about something even more ridiculous about Christianity


If the religion was concerned with saving as much souls as possible from hell (which an ACTUALLY GOOD RELIGION WOULD BE ABOUT) nobody would have heard about Christianity, it would have been this secret society pull strings behind the scenes to turn people away from sin, but making sure nobody found out about it so that they wouldn't go to hell

Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more." (Lk 12:48)

Key word is GIVEN, I was not born rich or good looking, I was born in a poor household that became a "sustainable" household over time. When I become wealthy in the future due to my own efforts, nobody can fucking tell me the wealth was given to me, that's complete BS, its completely illogical to attribute everything you think is good to God making it happen, but when its bad the Devil did it

The bible actually says you aren't supposed to gamble YET WHEN SOME IDIOT CHRISTIAN WIN'S THE LOTTERY THEY THANK GOD (are they ironically just thanking the devil and they are not aware of it, and God is angry at them for participating in an act of sin). You see God doesn't actually talk to you, nor does the Devil, so there is no way to confirm who is doing what and when, there are probably good things that happened to you in life because the Devil made it so because it would lead you to sin, and bad things that happen to you in life because God made it so because it would keep you away from sin, there's no way to tell because its all arbitrary

God gives nothing about charity when the heart is not right

Let me guess, its your specific version of Christianity that's right and you know the exact criteria by which God judges someones heart, how convenient, if you donated blood to save a life that would be good right, your heart is in the right place?, except in some denominations its basically a sin to donate blood, but no fuck those other guys, its definitely you that's right for some reason

Ok, but even the most stupid beautiful person will recognize, at least nowadays with global media news 24/7, that this world is not fair. And the poorer countries and the people in poverty from birth to death (also not fair)

They will just rationalize that as the work of the devil and they must thank God for their blessings, and that if people prayed more and abided by God's law things would change, they were chosen by God to try and spread his message and live a Godly life, so who are you to tell them anything, like Christians like to say "only God can judge me"
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This post is all cope

Believen in god boyos
Imagine actually worshipping a God that made your life miserable
A while back the Catholic Church said you could literally pay your way to be forgiven to and still go to heaven lol

Sucks to be a peasant huh?

Other guys like dr Zakir naik that are masters in comparative religion

Naik is not a master of anything, let alone "comparative" religion.

And i'm not saying this because he is a Muslim i think Salafi are all very low IQ in general and i consider the movement to be a degeneration within the religion. Same goes for the Wahabi.

As for the topic of this thread, i will argue that it makes much more sense for an incel to be a believer than the other way around. Not at first, sure, but eventually the existential cul-de-sac that is atheism will have to become obvious, ESPECIALLY when your own life is already a dead end.
God gives nothing about charity when the heart is not right.
When some Christ is doing surgery, that should be not out of vain; some may argue cosmetical surgery is in any case a sin, since our body and face is the gift of God. (analog to "Life" as gift and suicide as sin, independant how cruel this life may be)
The Christian life should not be about looking for benefits for ourselves anymore, which means less and less, but serving others and the Lord. And like I said: The Spirit of God can change people. Sin may not appealing anymore (like before at least) or have the power like before. Worldy indulgence does not glorify God and bring growth and blessing only by detours. Some need more time, some less for changing in different fields, at least in heaven they will see that this was vain.

jesus Christ

are you suggesting that looksmaxxing surgeries are sins? what a tyrant, if my face is gods will, then I deny him, he has no right to deny the only means to the one wish I hold dear, to be beautiful.

Once, every night, I used to pray to the heavens, wishing that some form of god would hear, of course, either I didn’t pray hard enough or god cares little for my menial struggle, it fell to deaf ears, but make no mistake, I neither curse nor blame him. Now though, I only recite the surgeries I need, if god cannot fulfil my dreams then I will do it myself.

And do not recite the usual script of spiritual enlightenment and how that lead some sort of heightened fulfilment. In this meagre life, I care only for my own pride and vanity. Which is to say my own beauty and the fulfilment of my narcissism, and if this journey deviates from the trajectory leading to paradise/heaven/nirvana where all life originated where all life return, then so be it, if I can become beautiful then the abyss can have me.

I will gladly perish amidst god’s wrath...embracing a mirror
jfl if you think that they are not tested.
this world is not heaven, and if they cant resist their inner urges(e.g. alcohole, premarital sex etc.), they will be punished on the other side. That's what religioncels believe you faggot
A while back the Catholic Church said you could literally pay your way to be forgiven to and still go to heaven lol

The Quran teaches the same thing, it's not about being saved, but about doing penance. Give your money in alms if you can't make the prayers, the Catholic system of indulgences worked on the same principle.

In Hinduism, there's three different paths in religion. The first is the path of Jnana, the path of pure knowledge. You realize the divine within yourself because knowing is being.

The second is the path of Bhakta, the path of "love", which is the path of devotion and "experiencing" the divine directly. Christianity focuses a lot on this.

The last is what they call "karma yoga", the path of works, which includes alms, penances, good deeds, etc, which is the path for the majority, the NPCs who can't achieve the higher states the first two paths lead to. And the system of indulgences belongs to this category, as does the practice of confession.
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Jfl at religiouscels
jfl if you think that they are not tested.
this world is not heaven, and if they cant resist their inner urges(e.g. alcohole, premarital sex etc.), they will be punished on the other side. That's what religioncels believe you faggot
they can easily repent you fucking moron. Did you not read the first post?
Your God has practically almost set in stone that he's sent you to hell, even before you were born and were being formed in the womb, because by being unattractive God has set you up for a life where you will be "chasing sin and degeneracy" into your old age, while Chad and Stacey have already "sowed their wild oats" and thoroughly enjoyed degeneracy and are now moving on to living a "Godly Life".
Kiss my ass
JFL dude stop lying, basically every fucking Christian couple TODAY had sex before marriage and "played the field", there are like zero "sex after marriage" Christian couples alive today except for those who are in their 70's to 90's, so you are outright lying, the majority of Christians today have had sex lives before marriage, seriously I've never seen a statement more blatantly and obviously false

You must live in some remote village or something, I'd ask where you got an internet connection to use this website, because most Christians today have ACTIVE SEX LIVES WAY BEFORE MARRIAGE, so maybe your experience includes you not even interacting or talking to other people

Let me guess your next response is basically a "No True Scotsman" fallacy - "They weren't REAAAAAL Christians"

I'm done, keep believing your delusions, but that Chad that bullied you in school is going to be sitting right next to you in heaven with a big grin on his face and there's going to be nothing you can do about it
Good topic, agree with this point. Way late to this party, but since this thread already got bumped today, wth...

Reminds me of this news piece from an entire decade and half ago which reported on a study that showed that even 88% of people born in the 1940's had pre-marital sex (that's folks in their late 70's now :whatfeels: :whatfeels: :whatfeels: ). Of course these numbers have risen with each generation since then and goodness knows it's probably up to 99% now (with us and permanently disable people being about the only exclusions).

I can't find the link right now, but I recall reading another more recent study by the Barna Group, which is a Christian research firm, which proved there was no statistically significant difference between the rates of pre-marital sex between Christians and non-Christians. JFL at anyone who thinks church girls aren't sluts too.

As you said too, I witnessed some of these same people firsthand who slutted and man-whored around for years until they finally ran out of steam (and potential LTR partners) as they moved into the latter part of their 20's, who then 'repented', got married, etc., and were absolutely GLORIFIED by the church in the process, which absolutely fusses over them at every turn. Sickening tbh.

Perhaps they are drawn to 'repent' because sex gets boring after banging 100 different people. I wouldn't know, so I can only guess. Plus for foids, once they get close to that wall, I mean, what else is to do other than offer a meek apology and saddle up for that beta you need to pay your bills. The carousel slows down on its own after all... and they can either get off the easy way or the hard way...so may as well step off looking good, pure, and sweet, right?

It's just another one of those things that society just chuckles at as Chad 'get it out of his system' and then is honored as a 'great' husband and father as his sex drive and testosterone naturally wanes with age while we are mocked, and pissed on the entire time. Hard not to be resentful about it tbh.
Once, every night, I used to pray to the heavens, wishing that some form of god would hear, of course, either I didn’t pray hard enough or god cares little for my menial struggle

Every christian - "You didn't REALLY pray, and your heart wasn't in it" JFL
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this got necroed like 4 times lmao
Giphy 1

There's layers...or rather hierarchies of the existence to heaven and hell. At the very deepest layer of hell and at the very highest realm of heaven the two realms meet and merge into one, or rather; - are one realm. "The being" that inhabits the deepest layer of hell is necessarily the very same "being" that inhabits the highest realm of heaven. The two realms are one and no longer distinct from one another. The being that resides within this realm must be the ultimate evil (power of chaos, destruction) and the ultimate good(order, creation). The being that reflects the chaotic and orderly fascets of nature and reality; the chaotic and the orderly merely become infinite transformation. The being possesses the power to create with infinite complexity and to destroy with infinite indifference - rather transforming its creation into different expressions of itself. This being is flux or fire, change itself. That is, - its very nature; NOT good or evil - rather transformation, becoming, self-devouring and emerging.

If one looked into the eyes of such a being - if it even had eyes to be looked at for long enough, since the nature of this creature is in constant flux and transformation. One could not be certain if he looked into the eyes of the highest and noblest of angels or the most damned, grotesque creatures of hell.


No normalfag, no chad, no stacy, no becky(all lowercase filth) will ever venture anywhere close to the peaks of existence, the depths of hell or the lofty heights of heaven. These filthy dull pigs belong in the mud - far, far away from the higher and respectively deeper realms of existence (which are all closer to the core, to the center of existence). Only to blackpilled incel; the gates of heaven and hell are only open to him and those like him, - namely the creature or the individual that is the most damned, the most forgotten, the most in pain and the most abandoned by "God" , - is in effect the creature/individual the most loved and blessed, since for God or Nature there is no love, no hate... only transformation and the tools of transformation are pain and suffering.

Those that suffer the most, those that live on the cross all of their lives, for those for whom there is no light but only darkness in life.. only for those select few souls do the higher realms of heaven and hell open, leading the center of existence.

View attachment 215820

There's layers...or rather hierarchies of the existence to heaven and hell. At the very deepest layer of hell and at the very highest realm of heaven the two realms meet and merge into one, or rather; - are one realm. "The being" that inhabits the deepest layer of hell is necessarily the very same "being" that inhabits the highest realm of heaven. The two realms are one and no longer distinct from one another. The being that resides within this realm must be the ultimate evil (power of chaos, destruction) and the ultimate good(order, creation). The being that reflects the chaotic and orderly fascets of nature and reality; the chaotic and the orderly merely become infinite transformation. The being possesses the power to create with infinite complexity and to destroy with infinite indifference - rather transforming its creation into different expressions of itself. This being is flux or fire, change itself. That is, - its very nature; NOT good or evil - rather transformation, becoming, self-devouring and emerging.

If one looked into the eyes of such a being - if it even had eyes to be looked at for long enough, since the nature of this creature is in constant flux and transformation. One could not be certain if he looked into the eyes of the highest and noblest of angels or the most damned, grotesque creatures of hell.


No normalfag, no chad, no stacy, no becky(all lowercase filth) will ever venture anywhere close to the peaks of existence, the depths of hell or the lofty heights of heaven. These filthy dull pigs belong in the mud - far, far away from the higher and respectively deeper realms of existence (which are all closer to the core, to the center of existence). Only to blackpilled incel; the gates of heaven and hell are only open to him and those like him, - namely the creature or the individual that is the most damned, the most forgotten, the most in pain and the most abandoned by "God" , - is in effect the creature/individual the most loved and blessed, since for God or Nature there is no love, no hate... only transformation and the tools of transformation are pain and suffering.

Those that suffer the most, those that live on the cross all of their lives, for those for whom there is no light but only darkness in life.. only for those select few souls do the higher realms of heaven and hell open, leading the center of existence.


Cope, and ironically none of what you are saying even sounds christian, sounds like some new age BS

You are going to get to heaven and Chad is going to be holding hands with your earthly crush, then you'll rope and respawn right back in heaven

I've always said that hell is just the "physical hell", heaven is going to be the "psychological" hell, its just another hell

You really think the average person is going to be able to go around smiling all carefree knowing that friends and family members are screaming their lungs out getting tortured for eternity? JFL

Sorry I don't buy it, unless God does some kind of mind erase fuckery or reprograms everyone to be sadists, that shit isn't going to fly, there will be another rebelliion in heaven shortly after everyone gets there, nobody is going just leave family and friends to suffer for eternity, especially not these emotional normies
Cope, and ironically none of what you are saying even sounds christian, sounds like some new age BS

You are going to get to heaven and Chad is going to be holding hands with your earthly crush, then you'll rope and respawn right back in heaven

I've always said that hell is just the "physical hell", heaven is going to be the "psychological" hell, its just another hell

You really think the average person is going to be able to go around smiling all carefree knowing that friends and family members are screaming their lungs out getting tortured for eternity? JFL

Sorry I don't buy it, unless God does some kind of mind erase fuckery or reprograms everyone to be sadists, that shit isn't going to fly, there will be another rebelliion in heaven shortly after everyone gets there, nobody is going just leave family and friends to suffer for eternity, especially not these emotional normies

I was just self promoting I don't argue with children, women and bluepillers.
This post is all cope

Believen in god boyos
how is this thread coping? Religion is a gigacope, it says you will be redeemed and your suffering will be made up and avenged
What about a religion like Buddhism where there is no god ?
These chads and stacies, to me at least, commit prayer and all that but they don't believe in it. They are obsessed with the material realm and they don't have any signs. So that would mean a lot of them are classed as hypocrites, doomed to be in the deepest depths of hell.
High IQ thread, I can't see how Christians can cope around this one. Unless they just admit Chad does have an easier path but everyone still has a chance, even if its unfair.
Jfl at religiouscels becoming 'godly' after their years of hardcore degeneracy. The irony is comical
Every degenerate does that tho they act like that to hide their evil
I don't think you get what I'm saying, the sinister thing about this shit IS THAT THEY AREN'T FAKING IT, they genuinely feel bad, and want to turn their lives around, and want to stop being degenerate, that's whats so convenient about it, they've had their fill, and they get to now be tired of it BECAUSE THEY'VE HAD THEIR FILL.

That's the fucked up irony of this all, they've found a loophole and not being aware of that gets them into heaven, they are PASSIVELY AND UNCONSCIOUSLY DECEIVING GOD.

Anybody here ever watch Code Geass (anime), well if you haven't long story short the main character has the ability to give a single command (only once) to anyone that looks into his eye when his geass is activated, they follow the command no matter what. Now in an episode he is going up against a mind reader, guess how he beats the mind reader, he uses the power on himself while looking in a mirror and makes himself forget the plan he came up with to defeat him and had his partners execute it behind the scenes.

Do you get what my point is with this little story, if not i'll get to the point, the normies, chads and stacies that lived degenerate lives are the main character, the "geass trick" they use on themselves is religion, God is the mind reader, so see it doesn't matter if God knows your thoughts if your thoughts are genuinely changed. The difference in this scenario though is that they don't consciously change their thoughts, they do it passively, without even knowing.

They aren't thinking - "ha ha I'm gonna enjoy having threesomes for a few more years and then stop doing these things and trick God into liking me lol"

They legitimately become "children of God" and stop sinning, that's the thing you're scared to admit to yourself because it destroys your entire world few, this "Just World" fallacy a lot of us here are still attached to

The thing you don't want to admit to yourself is that normies, chads and stacies as the years go by will genuinely want to "find God" and "be a good person", they will change their lives, and they will become individuals that God acknowledges as "his children", and like that they'll get into heaven even while living lives of pure ecstasy that we can only dream of, this world is a rigged game JFL.
The last part where normies try 'finding themselves' is fucking ragefuel. No matter how better of a person they become I will always despise them. They is no god tbh.
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I meditate from time to time but that's about it. I read about origins of religion but all seem too suspect to follow. Religion is for normies to get married and have a bunch of kids living productive lives.

I think spirits exist but the God of the bible is mostly made up and exaggerated. Sumerian creation myths have a more realistic story when interpreted correctly. Genesis is a distortion of Sumerian creation myth. God was a group of beings, the serpent was another group (actually the good guys of the Bible because they wanted humans to learn.) Most singular entities in Genesis were actually representative of groups. 7 days of creation were actually evolution periods matching quite closely to modern science.

War in Heaven was actually a war in space. Star Wars OT is pretty close to the history of this battle because George Lucas was actually well versed in mythology. A planet was destroyed to create the asteriod belt. A group of rebels hid out on mars underground while false intel was given to destroy Tiamat water planet. The Moon is actually artificial (that's no moon) and similar to the death star. Earth is kind of like a prison.

God is just a happy story to make you feel better when reality is pretty shit. The funny thing is, if you read the Bible, the overall message is that this is a prison planet watched over by a sadistic host of entities. Jesus gave the parable of the ten talents where the chad that had 10 to start and only increased 1 was rewarded over the poor fuck who only had 1 and was too "lazy" to increase his stock any more. So what happened? Jesus' dad takes that talent from him and gives it to chad. In reality, 10% increase of 1 would be part of a talent, but since this rounds to zero, it looks like the loser neet wasn't working. Chad just benefitted from the principle "you need to have money to make money". And the evil god rewarded him and stole from the incel. Basically Biblical Logic 101
Agree with this, I do believe in a spiritual realm. But everything else is just a theory to me.
It warms my heart that some brocels get it. Nice thread.:feelsaww:

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