They won't, no woman anywhere wants a weeb around unless he's a Chad which guys like that sure as hell aren't.They'll have to dial the weeb shit back hardcore to even stand a chance and even then it likely wont happen.
They know this, it's all cope. I doubt most will ever go over to Japan in the first place. If they do they wont be staying long since emigrating to Japan is very difficult. So bye bye waifu once you gotta return back to the west.
There's enough weebs and otakus over in Japan as it is for Jap foids to choose from. Most girls over there are holding out for a tourist chad not some western weeb.
All these guys will be over there pathetically trying to NTmaxx and running foreigner game in the hopes of landing some Jap chick. There will be no mention of anime out of these guys over there cause they know that shit is girl repellent. In the end they'll probly, out of desperation, hit up an escort and get a limp handjob one day before they fly back to the west dissapointed.
Truthfully like I said it's all just cope. No ones going anywhere , no ones getting a "waifu", no ones ascending in Japan. It's over.