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[Tinder Experiment] Ugly gymcel gets hot Tinder matches! [Spicy thread] [GTFIH]

I've made a lot of truly impressive and ingenious posts on here, but this might be my greatest post yet. ITT I will single-handedly end the "does gymcelling work?" debate.

The profile: 


That's right, I used the infamous horsefacecel for this experiment. I swiped right on every girl for 10 days (I was going to do two weeks until I saw my oneitis on Tinder, causing me to have a complete mental breakdown and forcing me to stop the experiment early.) So let's look at the facts" we've got a guy with a 2.5/10 face, he has ONE picture, presumably average height, and no real content in the bio. If you TRULY believe that physique doesn't matter, you will expect him to get zero matches besides an odd landwhale or goblin shark here and there, right? Well my friends, feast your eyes upon this.

The results:






There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY he would get this level of results if he had an average physique. I would go as far as saying this experiment is indisputable proof that physique matters. Not as much as face of course, because someone with an 8/10 face and a 2.5/10 body would get infinitely better results. Still, this definitely shows that gymcelling and roidcelling DO WORK.

Now let's all take tren and ascend (manlets need not apply.)

tl;dr hideous roidcel gets hot Tinder matches and Framecel ends the gymcelling debate once and for all.

@weed @copinggymcel @itsover @justforlulzandkeks @blackpill_incel
Holy shit! I read all of the 8 pages and most guys who commented here are lowIQ fuck


• Matches means SHIT! A girl will match with tens of dudes and go out with only one. This guy got 18 matches but how many dates?

• The OP did a half assed shitty experiment "muh matches" he didn't even texted any of the girls. I bet 10/18 would ghost this guy. This is such a lowIQ thread I swear.

• Also JFL at guys posting pics of ugly gymcel OUTLIERS with their girlfriends. They are an exception not the rule.

• You will never get that physique without PEDs. And PEDs will cause premature balding and acne. Which one would you pick: Full head of hair or Extra 20 kg muscles?

• Does gymceling work? Yes, but only for 5 or 5+ looking guys. If you are 5+ and not lifting weight then you are stupid as fuck.

tldr: @Personalityinkwell there is no gym for your face if you are Sub4 and exception is not the rule.
The game is rigged. Average looking guys have to gymcel for years and get minor surgeries and have extremely low levels of body fat all year round, worry about bloat all the time( @Zyros) and on top of that get rich all of that just to match and date some non virgin 28 year old ready to settle roastie. JFL meanwhile an average women just have to EXIST. Just Exist, click selfies and try tinder. It's that fucking easy for them. This is the most brutal part of the Blackpill.

Men spend 1000+ hours looksmaxing just to get 5% of what women gets with just exist mode.

It's so over.
Incels should definitely try gymceling for the mental benefits if nothing else.
To get to where that guy is would probably take you more than 5 years with roids (I don't think that physique is possible natty), but good news is that's not even the most attractive body type to women. You can probably max out your body in 2 years without roids with strict nutrition and discipline unless you're looking to appeal to muscle fetishists.
If you are not fat rn (which is volcel btw) and have average genes for muscle building, a nice natty base would take 1 year with a careful diet, after that his body is possible with 1 year of roid (Test E+ Aromasin +Proviron).

But its not worth it to fuck your endocrine system just to get few matches that may or may not fuck you.

Roids only worth it if you already have decent features like Zyzz (6'1 and an above average face) and want to slay beckies.
PEDs will cause premature balding and acne
Don't forget about:

Destroyed heart and/or possible heart attack,
destroyed kidneys,
destroyed liver,
high blood pressure,
permanent reduced natural testosterone production.
Steriods suck

Permanent life decission, permanent side affects, TEMPORARY muscle/strength gains.

Steroids are stupid. Don't do them.
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If you are not fat rn (which is volcel btw) and have average genes for muscle building, a nice natty base would take 1 year with a careful diet, after that his body is possible with 1 year of roid (Test E+ Aromasin +Proviron).
I know hundreds of gym rats, lots of them roided and none of them were looking like this guy after 2 years. Maybe those pro bodybuilders who were already genetically gifted but the average guy, I'd be really impressed if someone had a body like that after 2 years no matter what they're taking.
Don't forget about:

Destroyed heart and/or possible heart attack,
destroyed kidneys,
destroyed liver,
high blood pressure,
permanent reduced natural testosterone production.
View attachment 291705
Permanent life decission, permanent side affects, TEMPORARY muscle/strength gains.

Steroids are stupid. Don't do them.
I know hundreds of gym rats, lots of them roided and none of them were looking like this guy after 2 years. Maybe those pro bodybuilders who were already genetically gifted but the average guy, I'd be really impressed if someone had a body like that after 2 years no matter what they're taking.
Damn, I seen short term transformations with roids in .me , most were improved greatly. I didnt know there were guys who couldnt do that with roids. Truly bad news than :feelsbadman:
Damn, I seen short term transformations with roids in .me , most were improved greatly. I didnt know there were guys who couldnt do that with roids. Truly bad news than :feelsbadman:
Well it just takes a bit longer. Besides if you're doing it for foids, you don't have to get anywhere near that level of muscle/leanness to max out your body in terms of attractiveness.
You will never get that physique without PEDs. And PEDs will cause premature balding and acne. Which one would you pick: Full head of hair or Extra 20 kg muscles?
Unfortunately a lot of people are so used to ig "natties", wrestlers, sports players and jacked hollywood actors that they won't believe you
Holy shit! I read all of the 8 pages and most guys who commented here are lowIQ fuck


• Matches means SHIT! A girl will match with tens of dudes and go out with only one. This guy got 18 matches but how many dates?

• The OP did a half assed shitty experiment "muh matches" he didn't even texted any of the girls. I bet 10/18 would ghost this guy. This is such a lowIQ thread I swear.

• Also JFL at guys posting pics of ugly gymcel OUTLIERS with their girlfriends. They are an exception not the rule.

• You will never get that physique without PEDs. And PEDs will cause premature balding and acne. Which one would you pick: Full head of hair or Extra 20 kg muscles?

• Does gymceling work? Yes, but only for 5 or 5+ looking guys. If you are 5+ and not lifting weight then you are stupid as fuck.

tldr: @Personalityinkwell there is no gym for your face if you are Sub4 and exception is not the rule.

you can get that physique naturally it will just take you about a decade or more of consistent never taking a day off type of work, which is impossible to do unless you have the time and money to do such things
This was probably mentioned already but in those pics one of the messages he got read “why the long face” FUCKING LOL
This was probably mentioned already but in those pics one of the messages he got read “why the long face” FUCKING LOL
imagine being so ugly girls match with you only to make fun out of you :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:

Holy shit! I read all of the 8 pages and most guys who commented here are lowIQ fuck


• Matches means SHIT! A girl will match with tens of dudes and go out with only one. This guy got 18 matches but how many dates?

• The OP did a half assed shitty experiment "muh matches" he didn't even texted any of the girls. I bet 10/18 would ghost this guy. This is such a lowIQ thread I swear.

• Also JFL at guys posting pics of ugly gymcel OUTLIERS with their girlfriends. They are an exception not the rule.

• You will never get that physique without PEDs. And PEDs will cause premature balding and acne. Which one would you pick: Full head of hair or Extra 20 kg muscles?

• Does gymceling work? Yes, but only for 5 or 5+ looking guys. If you are 5+ and not lifting weight then you are stupid as fuck.

tldr: @Personalityinkwell there is no gym for your face if you are Sub4 and exception is not the rule.


although one thing to add: while matches on their own dont mean anything for the reasons you have stated, MATCH RATE does mean something.
if a normie-uggo gets 50 matches over the course of three months, and an above-average guy gets 50 matches in a week, that above average guy will get greater reactions from his matches and maybe there will be a few matches who wont ghost him.

it really all comes down to MATCH RATE = ELO for all dating apps. your MATCH RATE is your LOOKS-SCORE. you dont need a certain amount of matches, but your MATCH RATE needs to be high enough.

a decent match rate would probably be something like 20%, so if you swipe right 100 times, you get 20 matches.
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although one thing to add: while matches on their own dont mean anything for the reasons you have stated, MATCH RATE does mean something.
if a normie-uggo gets 50 matches over the course of three months, and an above-average guy gets 50 matches in a week, that above average guy will get greater reactions from his matches and maybe there will be a few matches who wont ghost him.

it really all comes down to MATCH RATE = ELO for all dating apps. your MATCH RATE is your LOOKS-SCORE. you dont need a certain amount of matches, but your MATCH RATE needs to be high enough.

a decent match rate would probably be something like 20%, so if you swipe right 100 times, you get 20 matches.
20% match rate is Chadlite tier. Most normies have 1-2% match rate. Online dating is fucked up. It's strictly for the top5%
95/5 rule in action.

The problem is not "x matches or y swipes" the main problem that most people are overlooking is that 40 years ago literally no one cared about bodybuilding and lifting metal unless their were pro competitors but still most of them had fulfilling relationships and sex life.
Why now all of sudden we are here virgins on a internet forum discussing about muscles and elite physiques? What happened?

My theory is that
With the increasing influence of online dating and social media I fear that 80/20 rule of today will be the 95/5 rule of tomorrow. It's fucked up tbh if you think about it and it's only the beginning. Apps like Tinder and Instagram have been around for only 7-8 years imagine dating scene in 2030 or 2040 when literally everyone is using Instagram and Tinder and young kids are roiding up and moneymaxing just to secure a landwhale. Female standards are at it's all time peak. Back in 70s dad bod were enough and now people are using roids lol

People are glued to their phones. Men are paying for porn and women are selling their pictures for money imagine this in 2030 market is over saturated and everyone is depressed and anhedonic

Sub8 rule is starting to make sense now

The collapse is near.

This reminds of that scene from the movie 2012 where that crazy lonely hobo tells the protagonist about doomsday and the ship and no one believes. It's so hilarious.

I'll have to moneymaxx quick before this happens or else I'm fucked.

Haha it's so fucking OVER
Unfortunately a lot of people are so used to ig "natties", wrestlers, sports players and jacked hollywood actors that they won't believe you
It's over for them. Anyone who cares about these fake natties are low tier normies themselves. No Chad worrys about his muh protein or muh BCAAs when they are already doing fine with women and dating with thier skinny twig physique.

Everyone lifts for girls so it's natural that the guy who gets all the girls without lifting doesn't care about his gains and the guy who's a bluepilled Norman trash will worry about his lifts and range of motion. These normans are the biggest copers I've even seen.
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Lifefuel + bookmarked + I go full steroids in september and kms if I fail
Everyone lifts for girls
I very well know girls don't care if I add 5-15lbs to my conventional deadlift 1-rep-max in my basement gym. :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: . Impossible to call that "lifting for girls".

Only the bodybuilding faggots who train soley for size/physique are the ones lifting for girls.
I very well know girls don't care if I add 5-15lbs to my deadlift 1-rep-max in my basement gym. :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: . Impossible to call that "lifting for girls".

Only the bodybuilding faggots who train soley for size/physique are the ones lifting for girls.
Everyone here means everyone who is blue pilled and redpilled
I've made a lot of truly impressive and ingenious posts on here, but this might be my greatest post yet. ITT I will single-handedly end the "does gymcelling work?" debate.

The profile:


That's right, I used the infamous horsefacecel for this experiment. I swiped right on every girl for 10 days (I was going to do two weeks until I saw my oneitis on Tinder, causing me to have a complete mental breakdown and forcing me to stop the experiment early.) So let's look at the facts" we've got a guy with a 2.5/10 face, he has ONE picture, presumably average height, and no real content in the bio. If you TRULY believe that physique doesn't matter, you will expect him to get zero matches besides an odd landwhale or goblin shark here and there, right? Well my friends, feast your eyes upon this.

The results:






There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY he would get this level of results if he had an average physique. I would go as far as saying this experiment is indisputable proof that physique matters. Not as much as face of course, because someone with an 8/10 face and a 2.5/10 body would get infinitely better results. Still, this definitely shows that gymcelling and roidcelling DO WORK.

Now let's all take tren and ascend (manlets need not apply.)

tl;dr hideous roidcel gets hot Tinder matches and Framecel ends the gymcelling debate once and for all.

@weed @copinggymcel @itsover @justforlulzandkeks @blackpill_incel

Why censor the locations and other information?
20% match rate is Chadlite tier. Most normies have 1-2% match rate. Online dating is fucked up. It's strictly for the top5%
95/5 rule in action.

The problem is not "x matches or y swipes" the main problem that most people are overlooking is that 40 years ago literally no one cared about bodybuilding and lifting metal unless their were pro competitors but still most of them had fulfilling relationships and sex life.
Why now all of sudden we are here virgins on a internet forum discussing about muscles and elite physiques? What happened?

My theory is that
With the increasing influence of online dating and social media I fear that 80/20 rule of today will be the 95/5 rule of tomorrow. It's fucked up tbh if you think about it and it's only the beginning. Apps like Tinder and Instagram have been around for only 7-8 years imagine dating scene in 2030 or 2040 when literally everyone is using Instagram and Tinder and young kids are roiding up and moneymaxing just to secure a landwhale. Female standards are at it's all time peak. Back in 70s dad bod were enough and now people are using roids lol

People are glued to their phones. Men are paying for porn and women are selling their pictures for money imagine this in 2030 market is over saturated and everyone is depressed and anhedonic

Sub8 rule is starting to make sense now

The collapse is near.

This reminds of that scene from the movie 2012 where that crazy lonely hobo tells the protagonist about doomsday and the ship and no one believes. It's so hilarious.

I'll have to moneymaxx quick before this happens or else I'm fucked.

Haha it's so fucking OVER

ye i agree, the dating market gets tougher as times goes on and there are only a few limitations for hypergamy. the dating market is hypercapitalistic because there are only few regulations, so in the end a small percentage of men win in that market. no one is telling foids: "you cant have a body count greater than 4, your 4th guy must be the guy you settle down with". no regulations = hypercapitalism = chad gets it all. on top of that the standards of foids increase through dating apps and social media, the chaddiest chad a foid fucked with is her new standard.

i noticed the same with gymmaxxing, the fitness industry going through the roof is a direct consequence of unleashed hypergamy and social media. if you watch music videos or whatever from the 2000s, all the 18-24 year olds are skelly. carrying an unnatural amount of muscle mass wasnt a necessity back then.

at this point the best thing to do is to accelerate this system and hope for a crash asap. ideally even incels should maxx out, and simp and compete so that the normie pieces of shit have a harder time to get a crumb of pussy. a collapse that results in removing women rights and getting them back in the kitchen is the best case scenario.

feminism, promiscuity, popularity of social media, hypergamy etc. it all has progressed so far, that fighting against this system makes no sense any more. play along, accelerate and CRASH the system.
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Just give up 5 hours of your week to lift heavy objects bro whilst Chad had to give up none.
JFL Chad's only workouts are his copulation rituals with Staceys. In those 5 hours of working out Chad has already had 5 rounds of his "workout" with Stacey except he didn't use the weights. It's truly over :feelsrope::feelsrope:

Unfortunately a lot of people are so used to ig "natties", wrestlers, sports players and jacked hollywood actors that they won't believe you
There are so many normies that unironically believe those hollywood bodies are achievable through 100% natural means without already having the genetics for it. It's hilarious and sad at the same time


although one thing to add: while matches on their own dont mean anything for the reasons you have stated, MATCH RATE does mean something.
your MATCH RATE is your LOOKS-SCORE. you dont need a certain amount of matches, but your MATCH RATE needs to be high enough.
This. I don't understand why normies unironically believe matches equate to actual meetings, dates, and hookups? Assuming you make it that far without getting ghosted, you have quite a bit of work to do to even get in her pants and even then, you could go through all that trouble, spend all that time and money on dates and still have her escort you out the door without any pussy for the night. Matches truly don't matter.
I know hundreds of gym rats, lots of them roided and none of them were looking like this guy after 2 years. Maybe those pro bodybuilders who were already genetically gifted but the average guy, I'd be really impressed if someone had a body like that after 2 years no matter what they're taking.
Yeah this is not 1yr of living the life on roids, this is still 3years +, even with all the PED, sleep, and diet
There are so many normies that unironically believe those hollywood bodies are achievable through 100% natural means without already having the genetics for it. It's hilarious and sad at the same time
Oh yeah they do. I've been told "it's the coaches bro, they're hiring elite coaches that's why they're able to put on dozens of pounds of pure muscles in months"

jfl at thinking some coach out there can give you special advice that will speed up muscle building by several times :feelsseriously:
Oh yeah they do. I've been told "it's the coaches bro, they're hiring elite coaches that's why they're able to put on dozens of pounds of pure muscles in months"

jfl at thinking some coach out there can give you special advice that will speed up muscle building by several times :feelsseriously:
Images 20
Images 19

"She trained hard bro, she ate lots of meat bro" "it was the revenge bro" "estrogen is an incelish term bro" "just train hard and eat right bro" " you sound like an incel bro"

Screenshot 20200724 1425002

Screenshot 20200724 1425142

Screenshot 20200724 1425332

And my personal favourite

Screenshot 20200724 1424502

"and probably some supplements"

is it 2005-2010 bb.com again? :feelstastyman: muh whey and creatine
like everyone under 40 is sitting on a giant tub of whey protein by now.

do they look any different? nope, still a bloated mess.
"and probably some supplements"

is it 2005-2010 bb.com again? :feelstastyman: muh whey and creatine
like everyone under 40 is sitting on a giant tub of whey protein by now.

do they look any different? nope, still a bloated mess.
LMAO exactly. Not a single whey protein enthusiast I've seen IRL has the same tone and definition that I've seen on whey protein ads. The whey protein beef cakes I've seen IRL look awful. It looks like they're carrying around more fat than they are actual muscle. They have no muscle definition whatsoever and honestly look worse than the average legit "natty".
My friend who doesn't lie tried this and it doesn't work.
zero tinder matches for me already man. my face is way worse than that guy's.

i appreciate the mention and experiment though. you work hard for this community and i thank you for that

trias from planescape torment
I've made a lot of truly impressive and ingenious posts on here, but this might be my greatest post yet. ITT I will single-handedly end the "does gymcelling work?" debate.

The profile:


That's right, I used the infamous horsefacecel for this experiment. I swiped right on every girl for 10 days (I was going to do two weeks until I saw my oneitis on Tinder, causing me to have a complete mental breakdown and forcing me to stop the experiment early.) So let's look at the facts" we've got a guy with a 2.5/10 face, he has ONE picture, presumably average height, and no real content in the bio. If you TRULY believe that physique doesn't matter, you will expect him to get zero matches besides an odd landwhale or goblin shark here and there, right? Well my friends, feast your eyes upon this.

The results:






There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY he would get this level of results if he had an average physique. I would go as far as saying this experiment is indisputable proof that physique matters. Not as much as face of course, because someone with an 8/10 face and a 2.5/10 body would get infinitely better results. Still, this definitely shows that gymcelling and roidcelling DO WORK.

Now let's all take tren and ascend (manlets need not apply.)

tl;dr hideous roidcel gets hot Tinder matches and Framecel ends the gymcelling debate once and for all.

@weed @copinggymcel @itsover @justforlulzandkeks @blackpill_incel
Fuaaaark i gotta start doing some fork putdowns and hit the gym.
@Colvin76 won't touch this
@Colvin76 won't touch this
Doesn't apply to me or any gymcel here.

He physique mogs me and the entire forum hard.

edit: Also look at Page 8 of this thread. I've already posted in this thread lol.
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Doesn't apply to me or any gymcel here.

He physique mogs me and the entire forum hard.

edit: Also look at Page 8 of this thread. I've already posted in this thread lol.
What type of things do say to holes on tinder? Hit em with some pimp talk see if that works. Call em "bitch" pervasively and so on. Urban swag in tandem with your physique might be what'll get em fetishizing you and you can ascend at last.
What type of things do say to holes on tinder? Hit em with some pimp talk see if that works. Call em "bitch" pervasively and so on. Urban swag in tandem with your physique might be what'll get em fetishizing you and you can ascend at last.
:feelsseriously: :feelsseriously: :feelsseriously: :feelsseriously: :feelsseriously: :feelsseriously: I don't get matches, retard.
I thought you could send them messages regardless. I'm a retarded amishcel apparently.
You can't. You can't message to foids on Tinder unless you match with them (impossible for a gigatruecel manlet ethnic like me)
You can't. You can't talk to foids on Tinder unless you match with them (impossible for a gigatruecel manlet ethnic like me)
What type of pictures do you use for Tinder? Same as the gym"cel" in the opening post?
This thread is lifefuel. Need to get to single digit body fat asap
also is this dude even natty? @Colvin76

I got ZERO matches on tinder after thousands of swipes.
bro. seriously zero?? i got 5 matches with this pic
9CD1A15D F0DD 4923 ACA7 DE6582968682
For truecels like myself who can't gain weight it's impossible. Over before it began.

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