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[Tinder Experiment] Ugly gymcel gets hot Tinder matches! [Spicy thread] [GTFIH]

I've made a lot of truly impressive and ingenious posts on here, but this might be my greatest post yet. ITT I will single-handedly end the "does gymcelling work?" debate.

The profile: 


That's right, I used the infamous horsefacecel for this experiment. I swiped right on every girl for 10 days (I was going to do two weeks until I saw my oneitis on Tinder, causing me to have a complete mental breakdown and forcing me to stop the experiment early.) So let's look at the facts" we've got a guy with a 2.5/10 face, he has ONE picture, presumably average height, and no real content in the bio. If you TRULY believe that physique doesn't matter, you will expect him to get zero matches besides an odd landwhale or goblin shark here and there, right? Well my friends, feast your eyes upon this.

The results:






There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY he would get this level of results if he had an average physique. I would go as far as saying this experiment is indisputable proof that physique matters. Not as much as face of course, because someone with an 8/10 face and a 2.5/10 body would get infinitely better results. Still, this definitely shows that gymcelling and roidcelling DO WORK.

Now let's all take tren and ascend (manlets need not apply.)

tl;dr hideous roidcel gets hot Tinder matches and Framecel ends the gymcelling debate once and for all.

@weed @copinggymcel @itsover @justforlulzandkeks @blackpill_incel
zero tinder matches for me already man. my face is way worse than that guy's.

i appreciate the mention and experiment though. you work hard for this community and i thank you for that
Is that your area? If it is that is embarrassing for you man that this hideous deformed looking guy have more matches than you
NeverSubmit said:
Is that your area? If it is that is embarrassing for you man that this hideous deformed looking guy have more matches than you

Lol yes it is. He mogs me apparently.
lostcel said:

yeah it's fucking terrible man. it's a wonder i havent just killed myself already
Framecel222 said:
Lol yes it is. He mogs me apparently.
dude if this guy is doing this well then u should be able to blow him out of the water if u gymcel to his lvl. but keep in mind anywhere near that type of physique is unachievable without roids, so hop on tren asap boyo. i never believed the whole gymcelling thing but after this thread u have changed my mind serious
Good one. Gymcelling will definitely work with a small percentage of girls (and Tinder allows you to find them) even if your face is ugly.

A great body also compliments an above average face.


Recessed bones and still slays like crazy (know him from another forum that slayers use).
He face and body mogs to hell and back...
Redo this experiment with someone whos face is truly hideous. He still mogs people here which dosent make him that bad to begin with.
18 matches in 10 days is pretty good. Do you live in a big or small city?
I did a tinder experiment with him 3 years ago, i got matches but not one of them wanted to meet up. 18 matches in 10 days sucks especially if you swiped everybody. I set my location to somewhere in the US. I also set my height to 6'4". The guy is actually only 5'10" iirc
Lol i ever understand why the horsefaced dude is considered incel-tier, sure is weird looking but he's still average, why don't use the gross-nosed gymcel?
lostcel said:
dude if this guy is doing this well then u should be able to blow him out of the water if u gymcel to his lvl. but keep in mind anywhere near that type of physique is unachievable without roids, so hop on tren asap boyo. i never believed the whole gymcelling thing but after this thread u have changed my mind serious
Tren causes hairloss, so the net effect would lower your psl.
Did you use Tinder plus or not?
Ub2w said:
Lol i ever understand why the horsefaced dude is considered incel-tier, sure is weird looking but he's still average, why don't use the gross-nosed gymcel?
Gross-nose gymcel got a gf lol
/pol/cel said:
Redo this experiment with someone whos face is truly hideous. He still mogs people here which dosent make him that bad to begin with.

He is pretty fucking ugly.
Welcome back.

You always make high quality threads which is great. Too bad that I'm too depressed for gymceling.Maybe there is hope for some of the users here after all
CopingGymcel said:
He is pretty fucking ugly.

His eye area is nowhere near bad. And he has clear skin.

Also yeah, a Tinder experiment without any actual real dates set up really proves that "just lift bro" will get you laid. The fucking copers on this site I swear.
/pol/cel said:
Redo this experiment with someone whos face is truly hideous. He still mogs people here which dosent make him that bad to begin with.

He does not mog most people here lol. What's the point of doing it with a deformed 1/10? We already know that he'd get nothing. If you're sub-2 NOTHING will save you.

rickvanderhammer said:
I did a tinder experiment with him 3 years ago, i got matches but not one of them wanted to meet up. 18 matches in 10 days sucks especially if you swiped everybody. I set my location to somewhere in the US.

I'm not saying he's slaying but this is WAY better than he'd do with an average physique. You can't tell me that someone with a 20 foot long midface would get any matches otherwise.
rickvanderhammer said:
I did a tinder experiment with him 3 years ago, i got matches but not one of them wanted to meet up. 18 matches in 10 days sucks especially if you swiped everybody. I set my location to somewhere in the US. I also set my height to 6'4". The guy is actually only 5'10" iirc

18 is a lot more than 0. If he keeps Tindering and messaging girls, he will get a date.
lostcel said:
dude if this guy is doing this well then u should be able to blow him out of the water if u gymcel to his lvl. but keep in mind anywhere near that type of physique is unachievable without roids, so hop on tren asap boyo. i never believed the whole gymcelling thing but after this thread u have changed my mind serious

Tren causes neurological damage,raises LDL Cholesterol and therefore triggers the progression of atherosclerosis. It's a bad idea and some guy had a blocked coronary artery just after one year of tren with a fairly low dosage
I can't help but kek at the people who say he isn't that ugly. This guy is universally shit on for lifting as a super ugly man. "Haha look at this coping idiot, he busts his ass and still isn't gonna get any pussy!" People on this forum, Lookism, Reddit, and a bunch of other places absolutely shit on him and used him as the example of how lifting won't work if you're ugly. Now that it's been proven that some women are attracted to him, people backtrack and say "well he actually isn't that ugly."

It's the same as what happened with the other gymcel. Everyone eviscerated him and said he wouldn't get laid, then lo and behold...

Niice OP and welcome back. See if you can get away with sexually assertive/aggressive game, such as "hey hey, let's skip all the games and fuck" (BB.com misc T529 opener)

blackpill_incel said:
zero tinder matches for me already man. my face is way worse than that guy's.
i appreciate the mention and experiment though. you work hard for this community and i thank you for that

Are you a roidcel or just a gymcel? Post a pic of your physique.

The key is an ELITE physique, so gymcelling only works for those with elite anabolic genetics. Most people will need ROIDS to achieve extreme muscular hypertrophy w/ low BF%. Hence why I've mentioned:

subsaharan said:
  • gymcelling inconsistently works for subhumans (unreliable)
  • roidcelling works for subhumans provided you're able to achieve an elite physique
subsaharan said:
LOL @ all of the unawares
Beckham said:
The guy below is uglier than Invisible Facially and still picks up a cute/average white British girl:
This also proves Invisible is a Fakecel since he says women in the UK reject him on sight.
This is a lie since the guy above is Uglier than him and gets bitches
lmfao u faggot, Mark Okafor (https://www.instagram.com/markokaforfitness/) aka "Big Muscles on Campus" (https://thetab.com/uk/manchester/2013/04/16/big-muscles-on-campus-113) fka Bishamon (on BB.com misc):
  1. Roided up & 6'3"
  2. Paraded that very same picture of him w/ that 5/10 white girl for MONTHS (maybe even at least a YEAR) on the misc -- he's no slayer by any means
  3. Although Bishamon would post that pic to rustle jimmies on the Misc, he repeatedly openly acknowledged his RACE puts him at a disadvantage when it comes to dating. He mostly attracted cucks, MILFs and cougars
  4. This is his most recent Ig pic:
  5. ^-Unrevealing caption so unclear if gf -- but even so, this is TELLING as to the quality a BBC w/ an elite ROIDED up physique can pull
Invisible is at least a decade older and is unlikely to have anywhere near the physique.
But no shit roids can get you chicks. Our (the misc's) other roided up subhuman unintentional Troll, T529, was already proof of that. Every week on the misc he would post a "look at this new chick I just smashed" brag thread like https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=174328431:
T529 said:
Title. Update about my Friday night. Decided to forget about another chick earlier, and went to my back up plan to enjoy the night. How were y'all nights?
- inb4 everything


Another BB.com T529 bolobrah roidcel example: https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=174483161&page=1

T529 said:
Title. I srsly don't want to spend any $$$$ on this chick. Just want to smash. 





(he ended up smashing on the first date)
Arrange a date with somebody and you've proven your point. Also worth mentioning it would take years of going to the gym 4 times a week and steroids for most people to achieve that.
LeagueEuW said:
Ub2w said:
Lol i ever understand why the horsefaced dude is considered incel-tier, sure is weird looking but he's still average, why don't use the gross-nosed gymcel?
Gross-nose gymcel got a gf lol
And i happy for him, however he was a TRUE GYMCEL by all the definitions, the dude in op experiment is pretty normie for me, so i'm curious in how the results may be for him.
Framecel222 said:
I can't help but kek at the people who say he isn't that ugly. This guy is universally shit on for lifting as a super ugly man. "Haha look at this coping idiot, he busts his ass and still isn't gonna get any pussy!" People on this forum, Lookism, Reddit, and a bunch of other places absolutely shit on him and used him as the example of how lifting won't work if you're ugly. Now that it's been proven that some women are attracted to him, people backtrack and say "well he actually isn't that ugly."

Matches are one thing, but set up a real date and then we'll talk.
VLÖ said:
Matches are one thing, but set up a real date and then we'll talk.

rickvanderhammer said:
Arrange a date with somebody and you've proven your point.

I'm too beta to message girls on a Tinder experiment.

rickvanderhammer said:
Also worth mentioning it would take years of going to the gym 4 times a week and steroids for most people to achieve that.

Worth it if the end result is escaping inceldom.
Twisted said:
Question is, how many right swipes did you do?

I've never actually counted how many it lets you do per day, although @copinggymcel says it would've been 1000.
Framecel222 said:
I can't help but kek at the people who say he isn't that ugly. This guy is universally shit on for lifting as a super ugly man. "Haha look at this coping idiot, he busts his ass and still isn't gonna get any pussy!" People on this forum, Lookism, Reddit, and a bunch of other places absolutely shit on him and used him as the example of how lifting won't work if you're ugly. Now that it's been proven that some women are attracted to him, people backtrack and say "well he actually isn't that ugly."

It's the same as what happened with the other gymcel. Everyone eviscerated him and said he wouldn't get laid, then lo and behold...


What makes this even more insane is the fact that his gf is hot as fuck and not his looksmatch
Did you expect to get any matches at all?
Twisted said:
So like a 2% success rate?

Not really lifefuel when experiments with Chico get like 40-50/100 matches

Keep in mind that's assuming any of them even want to actually go on a date or aren't bots.
Twisted said:
So like a 2% success rate?

Not really lifefuel when experiments with Chico get like 40-50/100 matches

2% with a face like that is pretty high. Without his body, he would have gotten maybe 1-2 matches.

VLÖ said:
Keep in mind that's assuming any of them even want to actually go on a date or aren't bots.

Not a lot of bots on Tinder these days. Their algorithm is pretty good.
Twisted said:
Not really lifefuel when experiments with Chico get like 40-50/100 matches

How is it not lifefuel? He went from getting 0 matches to a slightly above average match rate just with roidcelling. Literally nothing on Earth will make you near Chico's level so stop thinking about that.
Framecel222 said:
How is it not lifefuel? He went from getting 0 matches to a slightly above average match rate just with roidcelling. Literally nothing on Earth will make you near Chico's level so stop thinking about that.

Imagine if you had Tinder Plus and could swipe unlimited, and swiped 1000 a day instead.
Twisted said:
CopingGymcel said:
So like a 2% success rate?
Not really lifefuel when experiments with Chico get like 40-50/100 matches
supposedly the average white male gets something like ~0.6% raw match rate (right swipe all, including bots). 2% is good
Why not use a faceless guy skiing for "additional pics" then one of a random dog?

1st pic- horse faced guy
2nd pic- skiing down a slope
3rd pic- hand petting a dog
Lol @ the "they wouldn't actually meet him" cope. 4 girls messaged him first, just stop coping lol.
Yeah this seems impressive and all, but keep in mind if you want to achieve his level of body you need to work on that for years and be incredibly strict about your diet and absolutely never skip a day of working out.

In otherwords, you'll never achieve that.
CopingGymcel said:
Imagine if you had Tinder Plus and could swipe unlimited, and swiped 1000 a day instead.

He would definitely get laid doing that, no doubt.
Framecel222 said:
Lol @ the "they wouldn't actually meet him" cope. 4 girls messaged him first, just stop coping lol.

Then set up a date you and stop patting yourself on the back you fucking autist.
VLÖ said:
Then set up a date you and stop patting yourself on the back you fucking autist.

I already explained, I'm too beta to message girls.
VLÖ said:
Yeah this seems impressive and all, but keep in mind if you want to achieve his level of body you need to work on that for years and be incredibly strict about your diet and absolutely never skip a day of working out.

In otherwords, you'll never achieve that.

It's not like you need to be that muscular to impress girls with your body.

Lean + above average musculature + good lighting = good to go.

Framecel222 said:
I already explained, I'm too beta to message girls.


Me too  :S 
CopingGymcel said:
It's not like you need to be that muscular to impress girls with your body.

Well then this experiment really proves nothing. We need someone who has an ugly face and a reasonably buff body and then see how many matches he gets.

Framecel222 said:
I already explained, I'm too beta to message girls.

Dude, it's a fucking catfish. They don't know it's really you behind that profile, just say something. Are they gonna crack your IP address and send a SWAT team after you?
CopingGymcel said:


Me too  :S 

We just need to write macros that automatically message them and then we will ascend.

VLÖ said:
Dude, it's a fucking catfish. They don't know it's really you behind that profile, just say something. Are they gonna crack your IP address and send a SWAT team after you?

If my catfish gets rejected then I'll feel bad (dead srs.)

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