I've made a lot of truly impressive and ingenious posts on here, but this might be my greatest post yet. ITT I will single-handedly end the "does gymcelling work?" debate.
The profile:
That's right, I used the infamous horsefacecel for this experiment. I swiped right on every girl for 10 days (I was going to do two weeks until I saw my oneitis on Tinder, causing me to have a complete mental breakdown and forcing me to stop the experiment early.) So let's look at the facts" we've got a guy with a 2.5/10 face, he has ONE picture, presumably average height, and no real content in the bio. If you TRULY believe that physique doesn't matter, you will expect him to get zero matches besides an odd landwhale or goblin shark here and there, right? Well my friends, feast your eyes upon this.
The results:
There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY he would get this level of results if he had an average physique. I would go as far as saying this experiment is indisputable proof that physique matters. Not as much as face of course, because someone with an 8/10 face and a 2.5/10 body would get infinitely better results. Still, this definitely shows that gymcelling and roidcelling DO WORK.
Now let's all take tren and ascend (manlets need not apply.)
tl;dr hideous roidcel gets hot Tinder matches and Framecel ends the gymcelling debate once and for all.
@weed @copinggymcel @itsover @justforlulzandkeks @blackpill_incel
The profile:

That's right, I used the infamous horsefacecel for this experiment. I swiped right on every girl for 10 days (I was going to do two weeks until I saw my oneitis on Tinder, causing me to have a complete mental breakdown and forcing me to stop the experiment early.) So let's look at the facts" we've got a guy with a 2.5/10 face, he has ONE picture, presumably average height, and no real content in the bio. If you TRULY believe that physique doesn't matter, you will expect him to get zero matches besides an odd landwhale or goblin shark here and there, right? Well my friends, feast your eyes upon this.
The results:

There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY he would get this level of results if he had an average physique. I would go as far as saying this experiment is indisputable proof that physique matters. Not as much as face of course, because someone with an 8/10 face and a 2.5/10 body would get infinitely better results. Still, this definitely shows that gymcelling and roidcelling DO WORK.
Now let's all take tren and ascend (manlets need not apply.)
tl;dr hideous roidcel gets hot Tinder matches and Framecel ends the gymcelling debate once and for all.
@weed @copinggymcel @itsover @justforlulzandkeks @blackpill_incel