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Serious This site has a chad problem

  • Thread starter Deleted member 16582
  • Start date
Deleted member 16582

Deleted member 16582

Jan 5, 2019
I mean for the 6ft white chads here to put themselves on the level of a 2/10 5'6 ricecel or a currycel is a fucking slap in a face to people like them. The top 2 posters here are 6ft. This is why i am proposing a special subsection of the forum: truecel section, where you need face pic verification of trueceldom to enter. The larper chads here had social validation, friends, went to parties, etc, and can easily get a fucking noodle or lower tier white chick but are mad they can't get a looksmatch. FUCKING LOL. Think about us autistcels and truecels who never had a single friend our entire life and had 0 social interaction and were completely shunned, fuck it makes me boil.
We need a FBI section where you have to show your FBI badge to post there.
2 ethnicoping threads in a matter of 15 minutes. Btw now sure how tall @Cuyen is but if I remember him correctly he is not white.
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You don’t know the tall man’s circumstances. It takes more than just height to attract a woman. You need an attractive face, a charming personality with no social awkwardness, high level education, a good job, and money.
Yes bro?

Describes me perfectly tbh
how tho? did you grow up in the netherlands or something? if you're 6'1 and a blonde white guy you should've had 0 problems making friends lol, @pp183 has literally told me u look like a chadlite, why do u larp so hard man
I'm ugly and autistic
Just dox yourself to be accepted by losers theory
For the record, I’m 6’3”-4” and I’m a truecel. I have several members here and on discord that will vouch for my diseased sperg ass.
how tho? did you grow up in the netherlands or something? if you're 6'1 and a blonde white guy you should've had 0 problems making friends lol, @pp183 has literally told me u look like a chadlite, why do u larp so hard man
I’m autistic and low T / feminine. Perfect target for bullying

Just make assumptions about something you know nothing about theory
how tho? did you grow up in the netherlands or something? if you're 6'1 and a blonde white guy you should've had 0 problems making friends lol, @pp183 has literally told me u look like a chadlite, why do u larp so hard man
Yeah he is really good looking but wants to hang around with subhuman short ugly ethnics
I’m 6’3”-4” and I'm a truecel
Confused Christian Bale0

I’m autistic and low T / feminine. Perfect target for bullying

Just make assumptions about something you know nothing about theory
and u never tried gymmaxxing? you are some weights and a surgery or 2 away from ascending j.f.l. try being a mixed race guy is a 90% white school like me, while also being diagnosed with aspergers, while also being a couple inches below u
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Short incels think it is impossible to be incel being tall.
Bald incels think same for being hairy.
Ethnic incels think being white is a guaranteed escape ticket from inceldom.

You have to understand bro - everyone here has his own struggles. You don't end up on incel forum without solid reason.
Being tall doesn't make you a Chad, but being short disqualifies you from being one for sure. I'm a 5'8 framelet so what do I know?
try being a mixed race guy is a 90% white school like me, while also being diagnosed with aspergers, while also being a couple inches below u
bro you wouldn't last a day as a dravidian curry
fuck man, i respect currycels so hard, legit a discriminated class, how have you coped and made it this far?
I have coped through discord and this forum. I also watch some movies as well. I want to rope but I am scared of death and my parents wouldn't want that.
5"10-6"1 is really nothing inpressive nowadays. Its pretty average now for young people to be that tall. I think it has to be correlated with food abundance and female hypergamy. Back when I was a child I only ate beans and corn. Little to no meat because we were poor. Nowadays meat is cheap.

Even foids are getting as tall as 5'10.

The Chad height cut off starts at 6'3 and it'll increase an inch each 5 years til humans are like 7'1 cancer and back problem ridden freaks
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I am 6ft but ugly as hell, very receded chin, poor eye area, balding and with gynecomastia... My height means shit, I could be 6'4" and it would still makes no difference!
I legit think autism + technology + increased female pickiness = death sentence for even normie whites with decent height

Technology is making autism and hypergamy even worst. Funny because it's suppose to make life easier.
You don’t know the tall man’s circumstances. It takes more than just height to attract a woman. You need an attractive face, a charming personality with no social awkwardness, high level education, a good job, and money.
Short incels think it is impossible to be incel being tall.
Bald incels think same for being hairy.
Ethnic incels think being white is a guaranteed escape ticket from inceldom.

You have to understand bro - everyone here has his own struggles. You don't end up on incel forum without solid reason.
Implying that everyone white here is “alt right”

Implying that everyone white here is “alt right”

Confused Christian Bale0

actually no, it is the nazi pfp that gave it away :feelstastyman: /pol/ is that way, don't infest this forum with your cope lmao
I'm a 6ft 2/10 ricecel. Where does that put me OP
5"10-6"1 is really nothing inpressive nowadays. Its pretty average now for young people to be that tall. I think it has to be correlated with food abundance and female hypergamy. Back when I was a child I only ate beans and corn. Little to no meat because we were poor. Nowadays meat is cheap.

Even foids are getting as tall as 5'10.

The Chad height cut off starts at 6'3 and it'll increase an inch each 5 years til humans are like 7'1 cancer and back problem ridden freaks

Sometimes I feel like I see 6ft foids everywhere in the West
View attachment 141048
actually no, it is the nazi pfp that gave it away :feelstastyman: /pol/ is that way, don't infest this forum with your cope lmao
As oppose to infesting this forum with your autistic, self hatred and ethnic coping delusions :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
As oppose to infesting this forum with your autistic, self hatred and ethnic coping delusions :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

my truthpills. you're coming into a random thread about chad larpers and posting your cope...kek
As oppose to infesting this forum with your autistic, self hatred and ethnic coping delusions :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
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View attachment 141050
my truthpills. you're coming into a random thread about chad larpers and posting your cope...kek
“Posting about my cope” =/= pointing out you’re a delusional white worshipping retard who copes by telling himself muh shitskin and muh Ethnic is why I can’t get laid.

Sorry, 1 billion Asians and 1 billion Indians all reproducing at astonishing rates shatters your cope, sadly. If ethnics can’t get laid why is the world filled with ethnic manlets all reproducing? :feelstastyman::feelstastyman:

If you think being white and 6 feet tall automatically makes you Chad, you’re a retard, simple as that. Nothing else to discuss because it’s impossible to take you seriously.

“Posting about my cope” =/= pointing out you’re a delusional white worshipping retard who copes by telling himself muh shitskin is why I can’t get laid.

Sorry, 1 billion Asians and 1 billion Indians all reproducing at astonishing rates shatters your cope, sadly. If ethnics can’t get laid why is the world filled with ethnic manlets all reproducing? :feelstastyman::feelstastyman:

If you think being white and tall automatically makes you Chad, you’re a retard, simple as that.

It's not that faggot, it's the fact that you came into a thread that had nothing to do about race at all and started spewing about your ethnic shit again. That's why nobody likes you fags.
> you think being white and tall automatically makes you Chad, you’re a retard
+ Imagine being on a forum specifically designated for subhumans who can't get laid and spewing your superior race shit...:lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:(altho tbh whites do mog ethnics hard), but you of all whites are the last who should be speaking of such things.
Sorry, 1 billion Asians and 1 billion Indians all reproducing at astonishing rates shatters your cope, sadly. If ethnics can’t get laid why is the world filled with ethnic manlets all reproducing? :feelstastyman::feelstastyman:
china and india are racially homogeneous countries bro... not the first time ive seen you use this arugment
That makes you a situational Chad!

And ?
How does that invalidate the original claim ?
It doesn’t invalidate anything, this is just how ethnics cope. They can’t conceive a world in which the reason they don’t get laid isn’t their race.

They tell whites to go to Asia and get laid but if you suggest that they go back to their homeland to get laid like the billions of others ethnic manlets getting laid there, their heads explode.

“Just go to SEA you white fakecel!”

“Just go back to curryland and have sex like the other dirt poor ethnic manlets there shitting out 5 kids a piece”

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How does that invalidate the original claim ?
the guy suggested that being ethnic doesnt make dating harder using the population growth rates in china and india (racially homogeneous countries) as examples. op lives in the US (racially heterogeneous) you cant compare the two this way: race is not a factor when it comes to dating in racially homogeneous countries
It doesn’t invalidate anything
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“Just go to SEA you white fakecel!”

This cope has been debunked into oblivion tbh.

op lives in the US (racially heterogeneous) you cant compare the two this way: race is not a factor when it comes to dating in racially homogeneous countries
OK, I get your point.
However, if you take the fact that white population is dropping while mixed-race population is increasing, that is further proof that ethnics get laid (arguably easier than whites) in racially heterogeneous countries.
OK, I get your point.
However, if you take the fact that white population is dropping while mixed-race population is increasing, that is further proof that ethnics get laid (arguably easier than whites) in racially heterogeneous countries.
birth rates/population size are influenced by other factors such as immigration, financial stability and more. statistics from dating sites should be more accurate if you want to make the argument that ethnics have it easier than whites
Short incels think it is impossible to be incel being tall.
Bald incels think same for being hairy.
Ethnic incels think being white is a guaranteed escape ticket from inceldom.

You have to understand bro - everyone here has his own struggles. You don't end up on incel forum without solid reason.
Short incels think it is impossible to be incel being tall.
Bald incels think same for being hairy.
Ethnic incels think being white is a guaranteed escape ticket from inceldom.

You have to understand bro - everyone here has his own struggles. You don't end up on incel forum without solid reason.
Oh great another gatekeeping thread. Seriously nobody here much less truecels would dox themselves just to fit into a part of the forums. Also what is with this newcel @Silverandgold who let him in?
You don’t know the tall man’s circumstances. It takes more than just height to attract a woman. You need an attractive face, a charming personality with no social awkwardness, high level education, a good job, and money.
"Charming personality, high level education, a good job and money.". JFL at all of this, Chad doesn't need any of this betabux/cope shit besides from his height & face.
Coping mechanism
face pic verification
Fuck off FBI

Oh great another gatekeeping thread. Seriously nobody here much less truecels would dox themselves just to fit into a part of the forums. Also what is with this newcel @Silverandgold who let him in?

"Charming personality, high level education, a good job and money.". JFL at all of this, Chad doesn't need any of this betabux/cope shit besides from his height & face.
Chad needs it because sooner or later he's going to get cucked. Don't forget foids always want the best they can get and that affects everything from looks to muh puhrsonaliteeh.

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