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This is what the average TheRedPill user looks like

Deleted member 306

Deleted member 306

Incel Superior
Nov 8, 2017


He goes by the name "AlphaDestiny" because lifting and shaving you head is so ALPHA RAWWWR. The guy is the most pathetic autist I have ever seen. He actually believes he is an
alpha male and that looking like a bear is what the ideal man should look like. JFL. He also tries to sound cool and alpha in his videos which only makes him sound even more autistic
than he is.

This guy is so dellusional that he identifies as a MALE MODEL. This is what TheRedPill can do to you boyos. He is convinced that being buffat is the epitomy of male perfection and that
Looks=Muscles. He needs to go to a upper class frat party with basketball and football jocks and get mogged into oblivion for a reality check.

Just lol at this:


I also browesed his fb and instagram. There is NOT A SINGLE picture of him with a woman. In most pics he is all alone either lifting or eating. And the worst thing of all is that despite all
the effort he puts into lifting and bulking up his muscles pale in comparison to those of Chad rugby players. These guys are pure muscle while our coping gymcel is just fat. I mean,
look at his arms. They are just chubby and not really that big for what he lifts. If you are low T don't fucking bother with bulking up. It won't do you any good.

He actually thinks he looks sexy:


And while he wastes his time being alpha and lifting, guys like this https://i.imgur.com/6oYtEfE.jpg   are getting drunk at clubs and go home with 3 prime Stacies. You are either born
a Chad or not. No amount of gains can compensate for bad genetics.
Too much blackpill in one post.

Incelman, how do you keep up these long posts while having 1800+ total posts?
he looks good in the third pic
alsalsk said:
Too much blackpill in one post.

Incelman, how do you keep up these long posts while having 1800+ total posts?

I don't know tbh.

torujo said:
he looks good in the third pic

1.It's a cherrypicked pic

2.That's not a male model anyway
This guy mogs me.
He looks chad with his beard, should keep it tbt.
Unbearable2woman said:
He looks chad with his beard, should keep it tbt.

It hides the lack of jaw and forward growth but not the subhuman eye area.
He could get women easily

but he looks autistic and low IQ as fuck
insane levels of delusion. he isnt ugly but plastering malemodel hashtag in his pics is cringe af
NekoStance said:
He could get women easily

but he looks autistic and low IQ as fuck

This guy doesn't get anything. He just lifts and thinks that women like him but gains before hoes is what he think he does. He is one blackpill away from posting here.

Zyros said:
insane levels of delusion. he isnt ugly but plastering malemodel hashtag in his pics is cringe af

He thinks that he is a model because of his physique. Not only that but his physique isn't that good to begin with.
incelman said:
This guy doesn't get anything. He just lifts and thinks that women like him but gains before hoes is what he think he does. He is one blackpill away from posting here.

he is not incel tier but he is far from being even upper tier normie
Zyros said:
he is not incel tier but he is far from being even upper tier normie

There is no evidence he isn't an incel.
Anyone got the compilation of ugly guys with big muscles? You can't life a bad face away.
Berdea said:
Anyone got the compilation of ugly guys with big muscles? You can't life a bad face away.

Compilation of gymcels basically
incelman said:
There is no evidence he isn't an incel.

I meant from a pure looks point of view. he is around lower average tier normie but not ogre tier. He might be incel tho with that amount of delusion, sperging and cringe.
Zyros said:
I meant from a pure looks point of view. he is around lower average tier normie but not ogre tier. He might be incel tho with that amount of delusion, sperging and cringe.

If he is an incel then he is subhuman confirmed. Seriously, I browse his fb and instagram and not a single female has made any comments on him. I can't find any pictures of him with girlz either.
Isn't he like 5'4" as well? It's so over for him.
a-virgin-nigger said:
Isn't he like 5'4" as well? It's so over for him.

I don't understand how he is not aware of the situation. Doesn't he get out of his house?
incelman said:
I don't understand how he is not aware of the situation. Doesn't he get out of his house?

5'4? that changes everything. At that height and with that face he is incel
Sometimes I love your content gambler
Zyros said:
5'4? that changes everything. At that height and with that face he is incel

I searched his entire youtube history. There is not a single video where he is with a girl. I admire his determination. Lifting for 5 years without getting pussy is quite a challenge. Too bad no woman is going to admire that.
Gymcel here: I can confirm bitches do not give a shit about muscles. The only reason this lie is being perpetuated is because men are in denial and women stay silent in order to not crush men’s hopes. It’s the same shit as the personality meme. If you’re going to lift, just understand what you’re realistically going to get out of it. That’s what I did.

TRPers are delusional morons who will say shit like “lifting is the male version of make-up”. Yeah, as if busting your ass for several hours a week for years with minimal results is exactly the same as splashing a little bit of powder on your face and looking like a completely different person.
When TRP had a few blackpills spreading the mods posted a thread saying "dont talk about looks or ur banned"
I like his videos.
Anglo-Saxon said:
When TRP had a few blackpills spreading the mods posted a thread saying "dont talk about looks or ur banned"

Cause their subscribers would migrate to incels.
a-virgin-nigger said:
Isn't he like 5'4" as well? It's so over for him.

This is everything 

Lol @ misleading thread, simply this is the most vital information
CopingGymcel said:
I like his videos.

He actually looked Normie tier before going bear mode.


NegroKing said:
Gymcel here: I can confirm bitches do not give a shit about muscles. The only reason this lie is being perpetuated is because men are in denial and women stay silent in order to not crush men’s hopes. It’s the same shit as the personality meme. If you’re going to lift, just understand what you’re realistically going to get out of it. That’s what I did.

TRPers are delusional morons who will say shit like “lifting is the male version of make-up”. Yeah, as if busting your ass for several hours a week for years with minimal results is exactly the same as splashing a little bit of powder on your face and looking like a completely different person.

In addition to that, there is no body halo for men. A tranny can cause an erection with her tits while a buff dude won't cause a pussy to go wet with his gains.
A beta in alpha clothing
He is the hardest coping individual I ever encountered.
He also claimed that he was average height at 5'5.
Even more ridiculous is that he has developed a cult following of deluded blue pilled gymcels who pay for his ridiculous injury inflicting training advice while he takes their shekels.
KoolmercenaryKid said:
why would you ever need to lift 900 pounds

Cause you gotta pursue your goals man and not give a shit about there evil bitches. The more you lift the more you slay bro.

slackbum said:
He is the hardest coping individual I ever encountered.
He also claimed that he was average height at 5'5.
Even more ridiculous is that he has developed a cult following of deluded blue pilled gymcels who pay for his ridiculous injury inflicting training advice while he takes their shekels.

And these bluepillers admire him and actually think he is alpah and he slays. There is not a single female commetn in any of his youtube videos or his instagram photos.
incelman said:
KoolmercenaryKid said:
why would you ever need to lift 900 pounds
Cause you gotta pursue your goals man and not give a shit about there evil bitches. The more you lift the more you slay bro.

slackbum said:
He is the hardest coping individual I ever encountered.
He also claimed that he was average height at 5'5.
Even more ridiculous is that he has developed a cult following of deluded blue pilled gymcels who pay for his ridiculous injury inflicting training advice while he takes their shekels.
And these bluepillers admire him and actually think he is alpah and he slays. There is not a single female commetn in any of his youtube videos or his instagram photos.

We need to turn this into a massive exposing thread like the Blahino Thread Series on fitmisc.


Quick reminder that this autist has never shown up in public EVER. His whole thing is based on hiding how much of a pathetic short incel he is in real life. There are only very few pictures of him that show his full body. NEVER any of him next to normal people in a real life environment. In his videos he only records himself from his torso upwards.
slackbum said:
We need to turn this into a massive exposing thread like the Blahino Thread Series on fitmisc.


Quick reminder that this autist has never shown up in public EVER. His whole thing is based on hiding how much of a pathetic short incel he is in real life. There are only very few pictures of him that show his full body. NEVER any of him next to normal people in a real life environment. In his videos he only records himself from his torso upwards.

He is a massive fraud and more importantly a massive cope
Too much blackpill in one thread.

If you go through his insta NOT A SINGLE OUT OF 86 POSTS shows him side by side with another person!


These are the PUA claims he frequently used to make when he gave dating advice with as little as 0 evidence that he ever even held the hand of a woman. And the rabbithole goes much deeper on this guys delusion and fraud.
he should be posting here tbh

In one of the older videos he looked better than now (when he wasn't buffed like a retard), so, what gives?
He could get laid instantly if he wasnt such a self centered cunt

He's a solid 6.5/10
slackbum said:

If you go through his insta NOT A SINGLE OUT OF 86 POSTS shows him side by side with another person!


These are the PUA claims he frequently used to make when he gave dating advice with as little as 0 evidence that he ever even held the hand of a woman. And the rabbithole goes much deeper on this guys delusion and fraud.

Didn't I tell you? This guy has to be an incel. All evidence points towards that direction.
This is one of the few pictures you can find of him full size next to another person and it's always his only friend who runs a similar coping channel:



His friend is only 5ft11 and makes him look like a legit dwarf. Brutal
I look better than him facially, but if you are under 5'10" it's over.
Another TRP self proclaimed alpha male GayLubeOil is a gymcel manlet, not a single pic with a woman.

slackbum said:
This is one of the few pictures you can find of him full size next to another person and it's always his only friend who runs a similar coping channel:


His friend is only 5ft11 and mkes him look like a legit dwarf. Brutal

The ultimate cope:


chudur-budur said:
Another TRP self proclaimed alpha male GayLubeOil is a gymcel manlet, not a single pic with a woman.


Just lol at both of them

Imagine him doing a collab with Moger and standing next to him.
CopingGymcel said:
Imagine him doing a collab with Moger and standing next to him.

WTF? He looks like an advanced version of Arnold. High T slayer anyway.


Actual alpha. Walking like a boss with his cumdumpster.
incelman said:
WTF? He looks like an advanced version of Arnold. High T slayer anyway.

He is playing Arnold in a movie coming out.

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