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This is what the average TheRedPill user looks like

incelman said:
Actual alpha. Walking like a boss with his cumdumpster.

The girl in the video is about 6 inches taller than "alphadestiny"
CopingGymcel said:
He is playing Arnold in a movie coming out.

This explains it.

slackbum said:
The girl in the video is about 6 inches taller than "alphadestiny"

Im just realized his last name is Von Mogger.
chudur-budur said:
Another TRP self proclaimed alpha male GayLubeOil is a gymcel manlet, not a single pic with a woman.


He has, on previous locations, extolled the virtues of pumping testosterone. Even his name is a reference to it. 
He's a pathetic stuttering low T autist.
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]“We like cuddling! Muscles are disgusting! We don’t like men who are obsessed with the gym! We want to look better than the man!” they would say.[/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]At this point, I started getting annoyed with their behavior, and asked them the following question:[/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]“What type of man are you looking for?”[/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]They paused for a second, and replied “Well, obviously a nice guy that’s going to treat us with respect, and who can communicate in a way that does not offend us.”[/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]At this moment, I had a big smirk on my face, knowing damn well that what I was about to say next would cause them to flip out.[/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]“So then why do you cheat on your boyfriends for asshole guys like me?” I exclaimed.[/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]They were silent for a few seconds, and then suddenly went full bitch mode.[/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]“You’re such an asshole, Alex! You don’t talk to a lady like that! Go fuck yourself! You don’t know what a woman likes!” they screamed.[/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Of course, their words didn’t faze me.[/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]I just sat there in a calm and collected fashion, as I sipped on my cool glass of lemonade.[/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]After about 5 minutes of them ranting at me, I cut them off and said “So when are we fucking? Next Tuesday or next Saturday?”[/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]They quickly glanced at each other, as their eyes and mouths widened.[/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]“What did you just say???” they barked.[/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]“You heard me. Are we fucking next Tuesday or next Saturday?”[/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Interestingly enough, they started giggling and eventually began playing my game.[/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]They would say things like “You are so bold! You are so bad! You are something else!”[/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Just as expected, they were coming on to me.[/font]

Actual quote from the autist himsellf
slackbum said:
Actual quote from the autist himsellf

This takes coping to the next level. Not only it's incoherent af, it's also hilarious pictruting him saying this stuff to girls.
kek all the comments on his instagram are from other guys. Gymcel is ultimate cope.
existentialhack said:
kek all the comments on his instagram are from other guys. Gymcel is ultimate cope.

He is invisible to women
incelman said:
He actually looked Normie tier before going bear mode.


lol wtf. He was Chadlite before he went gymcel. Women *do not* find bodybuilders attractive. They *do not* like bulk.
incelman said:


He goes by the name "AlphaDestiny" because lifting and shaving you head is so ALPHA RAWWWR. The guy is the most pathetic autist I have ever seen. He actually believes he is an
alpha male and that looking like a bear is what the ideal man should look like. JFL. He also tries to sound cool and alpha in his videos which only makes him sound even more autistic
than he is.

This guy is so dellusional that he identifies as a MALE MODEL. This is what TheRedPill can do to you boyos. He is convinced that being buffat is the epitomy of male perfection and that
Looks=Muscles. He needs to go to a upper class frat party with basketball and football jocks and get mogged into oblivion for a reality check.

Just lol at this:


I also browesed his fb and instagram. There is NOT A SINGLE picture of him with a woman. In most pics he is all alone either lifting or eating. And the worst thing of all is that despite all
the effort he puts into lifting and bulking up his muscles pale in comparison to those of Chad rugby players. These guys are pure muscle while our coping gymcel is just fat. I mean,
look at his arms. They are just chubby and not really that big for what he lifts. If you are low T don't fucking bother with bulking up. It won't do you any good.

He actually thinks he looks sexy:


And while he wastes his time being alpha and lifting, guys like this https://i.imgur.com/6oYtEfE.jpg   are getting drunk at clubs and go home with 3 prime Stacies. You are either born
a Chad or not. No amount of gains can compensate for bad genetics.

Seriously I love these posts because I think we are very possibly in the middle of the gymcel industry collapsing. These guys go into gyms and legitimately bust their asses thinking it will help, but they're starting to see the writing on the wall that this is all wasted time.

In my opinion it's a noble endeavor and a prime directive for incels to spread blackpill truths about the time men are wasting in gyms today. How many hours a week, how much regret for wasted time these men will have when they get older.

sepelion said:
Seriously I love these posts because I think we are very possibly in the middle of the gymcel industry collapsing. These guys go into gyms and legitimately bust their asses thinking it will help, but they're starting to see the writing on the wall that this is all wasted time.

In my opinion it's a noble endeavor and a prime directive for incels to spread blackpill truths about the time men are wasting in gyms today. How many hours a week, how much regret for wasted time these men will have when they get older.


The sooner you stop gymcelling the better. You could just fuck hokers with all that money.

existentialhack said:
incelman said:
He actually looked Normie tier before going bear mode.


lol wtf. He was Chadlite before he went gymcel. Women *do not* find bodybuilders attractive. They *do not* like bulk.

He ruined his face which is the only thing that matters.
incelman said:
The sooner you stop gymcelling the better. You could just fuck hokers with all that money.

He ruined his face which is the only thing that matters.

By bulking.
existentialhack said:
By bulking.

As I said in the post, being low T and lifting will not do you any good. You will just get fat.
Just lol @ this fucking chud. He claims to pull 10s but probably gets rejected by hambeasts on the regular. I wonder why he uses chemicals on his face and not his balding head.
Issa M I N D S E T
Its_OVER said:
Just lol @ this fucking chud. He claims to pull 10s but probably gets rejected by hambeasts on the regular. I wonder why he uses chemicals on his face and not his balding head.
Issa M I N D S E T

I cringe when he says alpha.
existentialhack said:
incelman said:
He actually looked Normie tier before going bear mode.

lol wtf. He was Chadlite before he went gymcel. Women *do not* find bodybuilders attractive. They *do not* like bulk.

Notice how young he looks here? Because it's before he used anabolics and minoxidil on his face. He aged terribly. Remember that he is only 21 years old now, 18 at the time of that video. He lies about his age to hide that he only lifts for a couple of years and has no experience or business to shill $60 broscience programs whatsoever. He is a complete fraud.
slackbum said:
Notice how young he looks here? Because it's before he used anabolics and minoxidil on his face. He aged terribly. Remember that he is only 21 years old now, 18 at the time of that video. He lies about his age to hide that he only lifts for a couple of years and has no experience or business to shill $60 broscience programs whatsoever. He is a complete fraud.

He needs to redirect his energies. He's working so hard for nothing. If he cut his bodyfat and switched to a natural diet he'd look a lot better.
slackbum said:
Notice how young he looks here? Because it's before he used anabolics and minoxidil on his face. He aged terribly. Remember that he is only 21 years old now, 18 at the time of that video. He lies about his age to hide that he only lifts for a couple of years and has no experience or business to shill $60 broscience programs whatsoever. He is a complete fraud.

Can confirm. I used to work for a guy who started on the steroids big time. His face aged 10 years in the space of 18 months. It killed him in the end. Been dead of multiple organ failure at 30 for 2 years. That shit will kill you. I know another 2 body builders who have been hospitalised with serious health issues at less than 40 years old from steroids. The one has had a pace maker fitted and the other has serious issues with his kidneys.
incelman said:
I cringe when he says alpha.

Couldn't agree more man. Just be confident, just lift bro and alpha are the worst fucking memes. I fucking hate The Cope Pill and the fags that post there trying to shill their chicken shit products and programs.
Its_OVER said:
Couldn't agree more man. Just be confident, just lift bro and alpha are the worst fucking memes. I fucking hate The Cope Pill and the fags that post there trying to shill their chicken shit products and programs.

I find it entertaining tbh. The worst part is that if ONE of them scores a girl, they will say that it's all thanks to their mehtods and that the Cope Pill is legit and if it doesn't work then you are doing it wrong.
a-virgin-nigger said:
Isn't he like 5'4" as well? It's so over for him.

Yea he said 5'5 in his videos.
commander_zoidberg said:
Can confirm. I used to work for a guy who started on the steroids big time. His face aged 10 years in the space of 18 months. It killed him in the end. Been dead of multiple organ failure at 30 for 2 years. That shit will kill you. I know another 2 body builders who have been hospitalised with serious health issues at less than 40 years old from steroids. The one has had a pace maker fitted and the other has serious issues with his kidneys.

You're slinging fucking bullshit. TRT is low dose roiding, prescribed by doctors. The difference between TRT and hardcore juicing is TRT is about 125mg and a blast is a good bit more, but both use the same substances, a test Ester like test-cyp most commonly with TRT. 

If you know some guys who died from actual abuse, it's likely because they were actual fucking Darwin award retards who were juicing on shit gear, who were endlessly blasting, who were blasting for years and never even cruising, etc.

You're gonna die if you're a fucking retard who takes ten times a TRT dose endlessly for a year plus and downing 500g of protein daily. People who die on steroids are actual fucking retards. 

Look at Joe Rogan, whose been on TRT for a decade now and says he feels great. Just cruising at a TRT dose drastically changes your quality of life, which is why it is so heavily marketed now. 

And TRT is just low dose roiding, literally...

Those "bodybuilders" who are muscular-obese are abusing insane doses and eating so much fucking protein that yeah, unless you have great genes to endure that, you're gonna be fucked. Even Jay Cutler sounds like a braindead retard.

In this video he admits to being a shy awkward gamer all his life and even references his old videos as proof of it. Goes from that to "I have been about being as alpha as possible all my life" in 1 minute.

Basicly admits that since he started the channel the only thing he has ever done is talking out of his ass and even if he became better at talking out of his ass and selling products based on it he is still doing it.

Fcking lol these gymcel autists still suck up all of it and spend money on his broscience pdfs.
incelman said:
I find it entertaining tbh. The worst part is that if ONE of them scores a girl, they will say that it's all thanks to their mehtods and that the Cope Pill is legit and if it doesn't work then you are doing it wrong.

Get rejected a lot? GO LIFT! Girls wince at you? GO LIFT! You're a subhuman with shitty genetics? GO LIFT! True "Alphas"/Chads don't need shit like the Cope Pill and just lol @ those cucks if they think they can become Chad.
Its_OVER said:
Get rejected a lot? GO LIFT! Girls wince at you? GO LIFT! You're a subhuman with shitty genetics? GO LIFT! True "Alphas"/Chads don't need shit like the Cope Pill and just lol @ those cucks if they think they can become Chad.

Their problem is that they won't accept their natural role and believe that men should contend things that were never meant for them
incelman said:
Their problem is that they won't accept their natural role and believe that men should contend things that were never meant for them

A lot of men have no place in the modern world. Time of the harvest: Uber rich people and poor hordes wagecucking to pay rent, and sexually-rich harem king Chads with Tinder as Amazon prime vagina while a majority of men are jerking off to porn. 

The prominence of porn in our society as a daily coping drug is akin to the statistics that 90% of Americans are using caffeine (whether through drinks or pills). Nobody talks about that because caffeine helps wagecucks grind harder and porn keeps them complacent.

I'm honestly surprised more men aren't radicalized today politically. They must see sooner or later that they are living a wasted and lonely hopeless life.
I found alphadestiny pretty annoying. He preaches muh full body, chains, and bands; you really don't fucking need that to get bigger, and stronger. Just fucking, simply use a barbell and continuously add more weight to the bar, you'll get plentiful stronger, and even bigger...

He also claims his last name to be "Leonidas" and I found that to be pretty bullshit, hardly anyone has a last name like that. He also claims to be half Italian and half Greek, I suspect his ethnicity to be Macedonian, or from one of the Balkan countries.
idkwattodowithlife said:
I found alphadestiny pretty annoying. He preaches muh full body, chains, and bands; you really don't fucking need that to get bigger, and stronger. Just fucking, simply use a barbell and continuously add more weight to the bar, you'll get plentiful stronger, and even bigger...

He also claims his last name to be "Leonidas" and I found that to be pretty bullshit, hardly anyone has a last name like that. He also claims to be half Italian and half Greek, I suspect his ethnicity to be Macedonian, or from one of the Balkan countries.

I'm Italian and Greek and he's a cunt. An Italian or Greek today trying to borrow credit on prestigious names of dead eras just looks like a needy loser. It'd be like if Hitler and the NS called themselves the Bismarck Revivalists.
He looks so goofy lmao, plus he's short as fuck so it's over for him.
slackbum said:
Lol @ virgin self improver being a skullcell and wearing shoe lifts

Just a few inches and millimeters man.

he has some good points though, building muscles in your traps, shoulders, upper back, calves and just focusing on those areas can make you look more intimidating in person, wearing your clothes. but sadly girls aren't into that kind of physique. they like to see abs and a small waist, skinny.

in photos, going for the bearmode look with your shirt off is offputting and you look fat, but in person it's intimidating.
A few thoughts/remarks/pieces of info borrowed from my life experience:

> Girls like a little muscle but they don't like too much, just ask them (TRP are too afraid to ask and have their dreams crushed).

> Being too ripped makes you look like criminal or low IQ / overcompensating for something.

> TRP is still bluepill, it's the chiral/mirror image of the bluepill (everything is behavior but instead of nice you need to be an autistic nasty piece of work).

> I was once member of a forum where a few male members were competing to be the best Casanova. The one who slayed the most was the slim, tall guy who worked in advertising, the TRP short gymcel was not getting any.

> This short gymcel ended up in a LTR with a single mother and took it as proof of his success.

> There is no gym for your face.

> Scientific study has actually confirmed that women attach more importance to face than body in males (I'll search the link if anybody is interested).

> As a rule never believe any TRP on his private life and slay record. These guys very often lie or delude themselves for motivational purposes, since gymcelling requires very high motivation.

> In real life I've never even met a TRP gymcel, these guys are hikikomoris/this is a marginal internet phenomenon.

> In real life guys with a GF are nice, well-adjusted, polite and don't have any inferiority complex / superiority complex. They mostly have a normal body, a bit ripped if they're into sports, but not too ripped. Some are very skinny. They're social and like people.
this guy is a total fag lol
I bet he’s like 5’5” or some shit. Doesn’t matter what the fuck he ever does to himself, he cannot grow taller. It’s over, kid.
sepelion said:
A lot of men have no place in the modern world. Time of the harvest: Uber rich people and poor hordes wagecucking to pay rent, and sexually-rich harem king Chads with Tinder as Amazon prime vagina while a majority of men are jerking off to porn. 

The prominence of porn in our society as a daily coping drug is akin to the statistics that 90% of Americans are using caffeine (whether through drinks or pills). Nobody talks about that because caffeine helps wagecucks grind harder and porn keeps them complacent.

I'm honestly surprised more men aren't radicalized today politically. They must see sooner or later that they are living a wasted and lonely hopeless life.

Well siad. Most men are lost causes but they won't realize it. The only guy who is alpha is the Chad who fucks a different girl every day. All these patchetic copers are nothing but incels in denial.

Porn, has not destroyed out brains but it has also empowered women because nowdays every girl is aware of the fact that men are going to jerk off to females that look like her so she knows that she has lots of appeal whic boosts her ego.
kino said:
he has some good points though, building muscles in your traps, shoulders, upper back, calves and just focusing on those areas can make you look more intimidating in person, wearing your clothes. but sadly girls aren't into that kind of physique. they like to see abs and a small waist, skinny.

in photos, going for the bearmode look with your shirt off is offputting and you look fat, but in person it's intimidating.

Disregard women, intimidate pedestrians
idkwattodowithlife said:
I found alphadestiny pretty annoying. He preaches muh full body, chains, and bands; you really don't fucking need that to get bigger, and stronger. Just fucking, simply use a barbell and continuously add more weight to the bar, you'll get plentiful stronger, and even bigger...

He also claims his last name to be "Leonidas" and I found that to be pretty bullshit, hardly anyone has a last name like that. He also claims to be half Italian and half Greek, I suspect his ethnicity to be Macedonian, or from one of the Balkan countries.

I think it's a nickname. Alexader and Leonidas were both warriors and he thinks that he is some alpha warrior himself so he took both names cause why not? He looks Bulgarian.

kino said:
he has some good points though, building muscles in your traps, shoulders, upper back, calves and just focusing on those areas can make you look more intimidating in person, wearing your clothes. but sadly girls aren't into that kind of physique. they like to see abs and a small waist, skinny.

in photos, going for the bearmode look with your shirt off is offputting and you look fat, but in person it's intimidating.

it's not intimitating when you are sort and have prey eyes.
incelman said:
I think it's a nickname. Alexader and Leonidas were both warriors and he thinks that he is some alpha warrior himself so he took both names cause why not? He looks Bulgarian.
@Sepelion, being of an Italian, and Greek descent, found it to be disrespectful.

Yes, he could be Bulgurian, or from one of the Eastern-bloc countries for all we know.
Fontaine said:
A few thoughts/remarks/pieces of info borrowed from my life experience:

> Girls like a little muscle but they don't like too much, just ask them (TRP are too afraid to ask and have their dreams crushed).

> Being too ripped makes you look like criminal or low IQ / overcompensating for something.

> TRP is still bluepill, it's the chiral/mirror image of the bluepill (everything is behavior but instead of nice you need to be an autistic nasty piece of work).

> I was once member of a forum where a few male members were competing to be the best Casanova. The one who slayed the most was the slim, tall guy who worked in advertising, the TRP short gymcel was not getting any.

> This short gymcel ended up in a LTR  with a single mother and took it as proof of his success.

> There is no gym for your face.

> Scientific study has actually confirmed that women attach more importance to face than body in males (I'll search the link if anybody is interested).

> As a rule never believe any TRP on his private life and slay record. These guys very often lie or delude themselves for motivational purposes, since gymcelling requires very high motivation.

> In real life I've never even met a TRP gymcel, these guys are hikikomoris/this is a marginal internet phenomenon.

> In real life guys with a GF are nice, well-adjusted, polite and don't have any inferiority complex / superiority complex. They mostly have a normal body, a bit ripped if they're into sports, but not too ripped. Some are very skinny. They're social and like people.

Very nice points man. I can confirm these myself.
incelman said:
Well siad. Most men are lost causes but they won't realize it. The only guy who is alpha is the Chad who fucks a different girl every day. All these patchetic copers are nothing but incels in denial.

Porn, has not destroyed out brains but it has also empowered women because nowdays every girl is aware of the fact that men are going to jerk off to females that look like her so she knows that she has lots of appeal whic boosts her ego.

Stop you fucking bastard. I've read this whole thread, I just woke up, browsed my phone in bed without getting up fully for 45 minutes. My day is already ruined from the black pill.

Fuck you, but I also love these threads.
Gymcel said:
Stop you fucking bastard. I've read this whole thread, I just woke up, browsed my phone in bed without getting up fully for 45 minutes. My day is already ruined from the black pill.

Fuck you, but I also love these threads.

Don't you like the beauty of the devil?

The blackpill isn't something you will accept in one day. It grows in you in small increments.
Coping midget TRPer, no suprise here. No gym for your face, no mindgames to make up your ugly face.
Damn, strong bump.
Honestly he kind of looks like a closeted homo :/
And that's actually more insulting to homosexuals to call him like that lmao

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