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RageFuel this is i hate chads as much as foids.



5'7 LDARing Neet Truecel
Sep 30, 2019
Imagine having a sweet beautiful girlfriend that like you so much, that she offers her sister virginity for you to take. He probably smash other holes on the side too. I never understood cels that defend chads. They are living like kings while we live in sewers like rats.

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Imagine having a sweet beautiful girlfriend that like you so much, that she offers her sister virginity for you to take. He probably smash other holes on the side too. I never understood cels that defend chads. They are living like kings while we live in sewers like rats.

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I wish I were a chad.
I hate foids more than chads, that doesn't mean I don't hate chads as well.
This is proof that women only want to lose their virginity to a Chad and give incels the leftovers when they're post-wall in their 30s.
I wish I were a chad.
I hate foids more than chads, that doesn't mean I don't hate chads as well.
Chads are merely the foids cheif instrument of torment. As such, they are abominable but less so than their foid masters
This might just be stolen from some Frozen fanart.
This is proof that women only want to lose their virginity to a Chad and give incels the leftovers when they're post-wall in their 30s.
Also, females exhibit mate choice copying. When virgin females are shown other females copulating with a certain type of male, they tend to copulate more with this type of male afterwards than naive females (which have not observed the copulation of others).
In other words, non-independent mate-choice is when a female's sexual preferences get socially inclined toward those of its fellow female.[1] This behavior is speculated to be one of the driving forces of sexual selection and the evolution of male traits.[1] It is also hypothesized that mate-choice copying can induce speciation due to the selective pressure for certain, preferred male qualities

Tldr: women have the same sexual maturity and intelligence as a fucking fruit fly.
i hate simps most of all ngl. but yeah your pic is erfuel
I neither hate or defend them. It's a waste of energy tbh. You just gotta accept things for what they are and move on.
I don't hate chads. I see them as willing pawns who don't know better. Whether or not I consider them enemies depends on the circumstances.

Tldr: women have the same sexual maturity and intelligence as a fucking fruit fly.
Males are enslaved to the evolutionary constructs that created us. Chad is just the male that was born lucky enough with the right genes for females to select him. The culprit isn't chad, but foids and their selection mechanisms. Chad is similar to a cop or soldier who enforces laws. He gets the hate thrown at him, but the real power is in the judges, prosecutors, generals, academics, etc (foids). Foids are the ones who control humanity's evolutionary path, not chad.

As I always say, the solution is to replace women.

Promiscuous Chads CHOOSE to fuck more women than they need. That's their free CHOICE. They could easily leave some foids for incels, but they CHOOSE not to. They have more free will than foids but don't give a shit eitherway.
Is that a female or a gay guy?
Chad is just the male that was born lucky enough with the right genes for females to select him. The culprit isn't chad, but foids and their selection mechanisms. Chad is similar to a cop or soldier who enforces laws. He gets the hate thrown at him, but the real power is in the judges, prosecutors, generals, academics, etc (foids). Foids are the ones who control humanity's evolutionary path, not chad.

As I always say, the solution is to replace women.
They CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE to fuck TONS of foids below their looksmatch, NOT because of their genes. Yes foids are the ones who spread their legs, but chad is just as much of an enabler. Also even if would be only due to their genes, it's like a slave that is starving is looking at the king who enslaved him, "that's ok if he eat all the food and we starve to death because he was born with royal blood".

He could reject them and settle down with one girl from hs and be faithful to his looksmatch until they grow old and die.

Nope, instead they choose to have a wife, a girlfriend that they share, a couples of side chicks on the sides, random hookups whenever they go, plus Tender, plus Snapchat, and some prime jb virgin on the low.

They are the logs that you put in the hypergamy fire to keep it going. How the fuck could you defend what cause half of our inceldom. :feelsugh:
Promiscuous Chads CHOOSE to fuck more women than they need. That's their free CHOICE. They could easily leave some foids for incels, but they CHOOSE not to. They have more free will than foids but don't give a shit eitherway.
Exactly this my dude.
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There is no choice for some. Chad didn't choose his genes nor the reactions females have to him. If I were to wipe your mind and put you in a chad body from birth, would you even know what the blackpill is or what incels even are outside of media coverage? No. All you would see would be foids constantly being nice to you. If you were a naive and bluepilled chad, which many are, they would think women act like that with everybody. If you were a more evil chad, you would know that it hurts other men. I definitely believe the latter chad should be punished, but the naive, bluepilled chad/chadlite doesn't know any better.
Yes foids are the ones who spread their legs
They are the ones most at fault as they drive evolution. 90% of malicious human behavior is driven by their hypergamy.
He could reject them and settle down with one girl from hs and be faithful to his looksmatch until they grow old and die.
It still wouldn't solve the hypergamy issue though. Your looksmatch will NEVER "love" you like she does chad. They will constantly betray males. See arranged marriages for examples of what I'm talking about. And since you can't trust every chad to reject tons of free pussy, the system breaks.
They are the logs that you put in the hypergamy fire to keep it going. How the fuck could you defend what cause half of our inceldom.
I don't. They are a conditional enemy, much like the police and military are. Sometimes they are neutral (the chad that settles with stacy), sometimes they need to be liquidated (the chad that fucks around). It depends on whether they hurt their fellow males on purpose or not.
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There is no choice for some. Chad didn't choose his genes
If you were a naive and bluepilled chad, which many are
the naive, bluepilled chad/chadlite doesn't know any better.
you can't trust every chad to reject tons of free pussy
It depends on whether they hurt their fellow males on purpose or not.
Of course the poor thing who fuck foids left and right growing up is just so innocent, of course it's not his fault if he fuck everything that move, and that your looksmatch shit on you. Poor chad, i bet he doesn't even know what damage he does. Would somebody think of the chad please :(
of course it's not his fault if he fuck everything that move
If he is bluepilled and naive, no. When you were in middle school and high school, did you think about what other males were doing? If you were chad, would you even think about the ugly guys sitting alone at the lunch table? Who sets up the dominance hierarchy? If foids don't want to associate with you, other males begin to associate you with foid repellent, hence they shit on you and socially isolate you. Foids manipulate males to do things to each other.
that your looksmatch shit on you
Its literally not his, or any other male's fault. It is the foid's and the foid's alone. Don't remove agency from the foid. She is an evolved master social manipulator. That is her main way of survival. Your looksmatch is making a decision rooted in her prehistoric mating pattern. Its not your fault and its not chad's fault that she thinks its 20000 BC.
Poor chad, i bet he doesn't even know what damage he does. Would somebody think of the chad please
Poor bluepilled normies, I bet they don't even know how much damage they do to all males with their simping and cucking to foids.

See how that retarded that sounds? Why do we hold chads to higher standards than other males when they were raised and made in the same gynocentric paradigm we and normies were?
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If he is bluepilled and naive, no.
Its literally not his, It is the foid's and the foid's alone. its not chad's fault
Why do we hold chads to higher standards than other males
"Bluepilled and naive chad" Jfl, do you know how retarded that sound?
Why do you hold chad from any accountability of their shitty actions? As soon as he gets female attention the innocence go away. It take two to tango. You are defending the ones who made you an incel.
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Why do you hold chad from any accountability of their shitty actions?
Because then I would have to hold 90% of males accountable for being bluepilled retards that enable the evil that is feminism. I would have to hold people, who have been brainwashed, by their own mothers in many cases, to hate their own gender, accountable for that. I can't do that because I know better. I know that if you tell a lie to child from birth he will never question it unless personal trauma or experience forces him to.
As soon as he gets female attention the innocence go away.
No. Read my posts. Just because Chad fucks 10 or 20 different woman doesn't mean he thinks about the consequences of those actions. How many chads do you know of even know what hypergamy is? This is not to excuse malicious chads who do things on purpose, similar to how I won't excuse bluepilled ITcucks who rabidly defend women. Both of these groups of men should be eliminated as gender traitors.

Every single institution in the west has told every male, including chad, the same lie. Chads, like simp normies, do damage to every male with their activities. But they do so unknowingly in many cases. This is why spreading the blackpill is important. Women would rather fuck each other or dogs before they fuck an incel. Evolution has set the system up like this. In order to fix the problem permanently, we have to change the system.

Tldr: women have the same sexual maturity and intelligence as a fucking fruit fly.

This reminds me of how females will dump their boyfriends because of their friends not approving of him even if she didn't have any problems with him before. Females are the definition of herd mentality personified. Women are herd animals this is why the greatest aphrodisiac is female approval and why taken men are more attractive than single men who are perceived as undesirable.
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Because then I would have to hold 90% of males accountable for being bluepilled retards that enable the evil that is feminism.
Just because Chad fucks 10 or 20 different woman doesn't mean he thinks about the consequences of those actions. How many chads do you know of even know what hypergamy is?
You should because the majority are fucking bluepilled cucked simps.

"That's right, it's not because i fucked 100's different womens and took the virginity of many prime jb that i'm a bad guy, i didn't even know about the consequences of my actions, i didn't even know about hypergamy.

I swear NoCopeNoHope, i'm a good guy, now if you excuse me, i'll go fuck my wife and mistress in a threesome, now be a nice guy and keep defending me on incel forums thanks."
we should castrate polygamists
I hate chads more than anything else, they're the source of all our problems
Incels who defend chads are just cucks who are trying to live vicariously through the chads they worship.
we should castrate polygamists
I hate chads more than anything else, they're the source of all our problems
They can't just settledown love and remain faithful to one girl, nope that not good enough. They need to pump and dump every holes that move and remove the chance of lower tier men to have a chance. They deserve to be castrated by being hanged by their balls.
Incels who defend chads are just cucks who are trying to live vicariously through the chads they worship.
This tbh. Fuck chad and fuck foids.
girls are way too possessive over chads i call bs
Western "families" @chudur-budur
girls are way too possessive over chads i call bs

You'd be surprised. I've seen similar stories of girls sharing their boyfriends with their friends.
Its 4chan, its automatically LARP.

Fucking dumbcels
I like chads who disrespect women.

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