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Venting Latinos and Hispanics Are Racist Shitheads + a menace to civilization and I hate them even more than negroes and almost as much as ((((them))))))

Yes, I hate burger women, I want to rape & decapitate one one day before I die, 'merika's matriarch.
I never encountered white women IRL before. Are they as racist and hateful as Hispanic men?
I never encountered white women IRL before. Are they as racist and hateful as Hispanic men?

Some of them are, but they're sneaky and cowardly with it, they like to hide behind their pussy men. What country do you live in?
My guess is that negroes don’t even care enough to fight back. And before muh Hispanics are ruthless and high t :feelsLSD:

That doesn’t explain why white biker gangs fight off Latino criminals here and there easily when they are not as high t as Aztec savage killers either. And the El Paso guy was nowhere near as scary as the average crip or blood:feelskek::feelsokman:

And before you say blacks aren’t savage?
Have you seen Idi Amin or the Rwandan Massacre or Haiti or blacks from Latin America?
Those dudes are easily as savage, if not even more than Mexicans :feelskek:
African tribal culture can be absolutely ruthless but the blacks in the US were overwhelmingly descended from the bottom rungs of the society that sold them into slavery, they were more likely to be the exploited ones not the ones committing the obscene acts of violence to enforce their rule if that makes more sense.
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African tribal culture can be absolutely ruthless but the blacks in the US were descended from the bottom rungs of the society that sold them into slavery, they were more likely to be the exploited ones not the ones committing the obscene acts of violence to enforce their rule if that makes more sense.
Even if that were the case then why do Mexicans sometimes fear whites? I don’t think whites are necessarily more cruel than negroes
Aren't beaner males voting for the same guy that called them rapists due to his "masculine appeal"? Wetbacks are fucking retarded, and would've made better and more docile slaves than blacks. I bet there'd still be Jim Crow if they were enslaved instead as they would've of done nothing to fight back.
Jesus Christ are they really that cucked? I just thought that they would like him because he was also anti-crime. I didn’t think they would vote for him due to his masculine appeal? Jesus Christ if that’s true Mexicans are beyond saving.

Like you said,I believe god created these people for slave labor. They were not meant to be used for any other purpose or set free to own guns and terrorize others.

But tbh, I feel like they should all be deported tbh.

Curries and whites can be used to replace the work that they do sometimes occasionally do, but those two races cause far less trouble. :feelsYall:
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Jesus Christ are they really that cucked? I just thought that they would like him because he was also anti-crime. I didn’t think they would vote for him due to his masculine appeal? Jesus Christ if that’s true Mexicans are beyond saving.

Like you said,I believe god created these people for slave labor. They were not meant to be used for any other purpose or set free to own guns and terrorize others.

But tbh, I feel like they should all be deported tbh.

Curries and whites can be used to replace the work that they do sometimes occasionally do, but those two races cause far less trouble. :feelsYall:

Yes, even dark skinned beaners consider themselves "white" in the States. BTW, how do you not see white bitches living in the USA?
Yes, even dark skinned beaners consider themselves "white" in the States. BTW, how do you not see white bitches living in the USA?
I live in a non white ethnics only enclave but I presume whites are probably more racist than Hispanics but at least it’s more understandable why whites hate us than when Latinos or Mexicans do:feelsugh::feelskek:
:feelsLSD:Latinos and Hispanics are some of the most racist motherfuckers on this planet. Every time my dad and I drive around the city to run errands, these sp$c teen retards would always drive around in their stupid shitty cars and honk at us at intersections or cut us off and not signal. They would also laugh at us from their cars and give us stupid menacing looks whenever we made eye contact. :lasereyes::lasereyes::feelsLightsaber::society:

I even recall a situation once where my friend who is a ricecel just like me would tell me how this one Hispanic teacher bitch would always intentionally mark down Asian students while giving Hispanic kids better grades unfairly, simply because of their race.:reeeeee::reeeeee::feelsree::reeeeee:

I experienced a lot of hatred from these people for my race even back in middle school and high school. I remember a Hispanic kid saying that our white old boomer teacher was a racist prick and I pointed out that he never discriminated against me. He then claimed it was because I was a CHING CHONG ASIAN. :lasereyes:Another Hispanic kid in that class called me “Asian kid” menacingly in another class when he thought I broke one of his items, as if my race somehow had something to do with it.:feelsugh:

Another time in high school, this Hispanic guy I was eating lunch with offered me some school food, which was better than the Asian food I was eating tbf. I wouldn’t have thought anything of it until he said that he would let me eat real food instead of “Vietnamese Shit” as if my food was “shit” solely for its racial origin. :feelswhat:

Even my Mexican neighbors were racist prick criminal degenerates. I live next to an old alright Mexican dude who is poor so he likes to rent his home out to random Hispanic guests who move in to live with him. Right now he rented it to some Hispanic women who are cleaning and taking care of his home. These people and the old man aren’t problematic, but the former tenants were a pain in the ass.:feelsdevil:

They were very racist and would never say hello or give courtesy to any Asian person or neighbor who walked nearby or even insincerely smile. :feelsdevil:

My parents would always have to clean up after them after they party and intentionally throw their empty drink cups and garbage onto our side of the house and my mother would literally have to go out and clean it up herself because they ain’t gonna do it obviously.:feelsclown: They also stole one of my birdhouses that I put in my garden which I made as a kid and put it right in front of our window in their garden shamelessly:lasereyes::feelsclown:

My parents actually considered hiring one of the neighborhood park managers who was also a handyman to build a fence between our house and theirs but we knew they would obviously try to kick it down:feelsclown:,but they would never do that to their own kind or anyone else’s obviously,only ours:lasereyes::feelsLightsaber::society:

One of them even went as far as to bring his bike in between the driveway of their home and our house, leaving a huge scratch on our home wall where his bike cut into the wood on the side of our house.

I asked my mom if I could talk to the guy about it, but my mother,of course knowing how these “people” are,:feelsclown: warned me not to as they would accuse me of falsely incriminating them and gang up on me and beat me unconscious,which I am more sure to an not they would do,considering their past clownoid behavior :feelsclown::reeeeee::reeeeee::lasereyes:

Again,they only do this to our people or sometimes other races,but never their own:feelsdevil:

They are also a huge criminal element and a menace to society.

In my neighborhood, I always see this one fat mestizo dude in his stupid green car with two tailpipes driving at 70+ mph between the driveways between our homes in the block. Imagine if there were innocent little kids riding bikes or playing outside,they would have gotten manslaughtered:feelswhat::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::lasereyes::feelsclown:

90+% of the crime in my city is also caused by these subhumans jfl:feelskek:

They only make up 65% of my city’s populous but make up 80-90% of all violent offenders in any juvenile or federal jail/prison in my area.:feelsLSD:

I have even told my family members that I am too afraid to ride the VTA bus to my local college to take a bike ride outside with my own bicycle or even drive a e-scooter around the city streets due to my 90% chance of being beaten,robbed,stabbed,and or shot for my race/money/heritage and/or belongings by these subhumans.

Well that’s about it. I know I wrote a lot but that’s because these subhumans do a lot of bad things :feelskek::feelsclown::feelsLightsaber:

And before anyone mentions negroes at least they were enslaved and brought here against their will and born here legally.:feelsdevil:

Even trump mentioned this and negroes are also far less likely to take over America via immigration and child birth and are also less annoying in the way the talk and look and act although their attitude problem is slightly worse:smonk::smonk::feelsLSD::dab::feelsdevil::lasereyes::feelsping::feelsree::reeeeee::feelsclown:
Asians (SEA) and mestizos look oddly similar
I went to Cancun once and I swore I was in vietnam
Lmao because they were probably rice tourists everywhere.Cancun is nice. Latin America has a lot of nice beaches,cities,art,hot girl,music,and culture.

Only them mens are the problem mang :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
Lmao because they were probably rice tourists everywhere.Cancun is nice. Latin America has a lot of nice beaches,cities,art,hot girl,music,and culture.

Only them mens are the problem mang :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
Nah they were legit mexicans
@Lizard King
Yeah most mudbloods are loud... It's because they cannot think, so they cover "they" mental static with jewish media filth.
Moron blancos do it too
Ah yes annoying moron white dudes. I’ve never actually met one irl but people say they are insufferable. But then a lot of people say false things, like that Hispanics are chill and respectful, when they definitely aren’t :feelskek:
Ironically, browns (hispanics, arabs, indians) tend to be the most pretentious and arrogant out of all the races. Far more than blacks, asians and sometimes whites. The most pretentious one I knew was a brown. Kid played basketball in high school and currently in college believed he was so cool for god knows what reason.
Ah yes annoying moron white dudes. I’ve never actually met one irl but people say they are insufferable. But then a lot of people say false things, like that Hispanics are chill and respectful, when they definitely aren’t :feelskek:

Working class white trash are pretty loud spoken and arrogant, especially "new money" types that only became middle class because of military service or trades giving them a spring board into middle class living.
Working class white trash are pretty loud spoken and arrogant, especially "new money" types that only became middle class because of military service giving them a spring board into middle class living.
Are they as arrogant as hispanics or kangz?
You can spot them easily driving big, shiny new pickups.
svgmn1's guide to common ricers and beaners mentality summarized in 4 points only:

1-hate wy peepo for "stealing their culture" and "historical fued" (which doesn't exist anymore) (real reason: why poopol cuck them to oblivion).

2- think of themselves as wy peepo/equivalent of wy peepo and take wy peepo stances as if they were wy peepo (despite point no.1).

3-hate sands, niggers, curries and other races and think they're justified to do so (reason:refer to point no.2).

4- hate themselves, their systems and constantly have inner fueds within their own race because they're rotten to the core.

I know you hate them op, but your kind isn't very much different, too many shared denominators boyo. may b because you found them challenging and too relative to your kind is why you think they're the most repulsive? :feelswhere:
Good observation , maybe chinky's and beaners are more similar than I thought.:feelswhere:
Jesus Christ are they really that cucked? I just thought that they would like him because he was also anti-crime. I didn’t think they would vote for him due to his masculine appeal? Jesus Christ if that’s true Mexicans are beyond saving.

Like you said,I believe god created these people for slave labor. They were not meant to be used for any other purpose or set free to own guns and terrorize others.

But tbh, I feel like they should all be deported tbh.

Curries and whites can be used to replace the work that they do sometimes occasionally do, but those two races cause far less trouble. :feelsYall:
Deport all the beaners except for the big booty female ones, they can be used for breeding muttcel slave workers in farms/factories.
Hmm. I've always hung out with Asians but I would probably agree with your assessment generally. Lot of them are ultra NT/over-socialized to the point where I couldn't befriend my own kind because any talk of anything other than other people was considered boring.
I cant sympathise with a nigga that uses emojis after every sentence :feelsUnreal:
svgmn1's guide to common ricers and beaners mentality summarized in 4 points only:

1-hate wy peepo for "stealing their culture" and "historical fued" (which doesn't exist anymore) (real reason: why poopol cuck them to oblivion).

2- think of themselves as wy peepo/equivalent of wy peepo and take wy peepo stances as if they were wy peepo (despite point no.1).

3-hate sands, niggers, curries and other races and think they're justified to do so (reason:refer to point no.2).

4- hate themselves, their systems and constantly have inner fueds within their own race because they're rotten to the core.

I know you hate them op, but your kind isn't very much different, too many shared denominators boyo. may b because you found them challenging and too relative to your kind is why you think they're the most repulsive? :feelswhere:
Great reply .

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