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This is how dumb Nazicels sound

Deleted member 677

Deleted member 677

Nov 8, 2017

That's why I hate Stormfront (also because I'm not pure). Seriously, national socialism/fascism should have gone extinct after WWII. Incels need to unite together, not be divided by race. We are all fighting the same war, incel brethren. It's great to be back.


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Yes, we are fighting the same war.

Tough, I would much rather be curios and question you what you understand by the denomination "Nazi" and how does that apply to the context of Inceldom? If you would be as kind as to indulge in my curiosity, that is.
"Whites are superior. Blacks are just dumb animals"
"Boy I wish I had a gf.."

It's a total front, lmao. A LARP to forget the fact we're all incel. Kinda like itheithe
agree. SFcels should GTFO.

this forum should focus solely on inceldom
Jewsel said:
“We are the master race and jews are rodents subhumans but we lost to them and now the jews rule the world”

The Nazis weren't even socialists lol.
Antifa cuck spotted.
"I'm the superior race"

"No girl wants me because of my inferior genetics"
Lv99_BixNood said:
Antifa cuck spotted.
Nope. Right-wing neutral (not auth or lib).


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whites are superior, females have confirmed this with their preferences, stop coping
Krispinwah said:
whites are superior, females have confirmed this with their preferences, stop coping
Sorry boyo but the Allies raped and murdered your ideology in 1945.
You're right. Stormfrontcels are the biggest losers and deserve to be incels. Why hate others for something they had no control over?

Sadness said:
Sorry boyo but the Allies raped and murdered your ideology in 1945.
He's a self-hating Paki. JFL. He's pathetic.

KvltWarrior98 said:
Yes, we are fighting the same war.

Tough, I would much rather be curios and question you what you understand by the denomination "Nazi" and how does that apply to the context of Inceldom? If you would be as kind as to indulge in my curiosity, that is.

The neo-Nazicels on here are people who believe the white race is the superior race in all fronts, and that non-whites either have to move back to where they came from (which is hilarious, considering every white person is a descendant of somebody who invaded the US centuries ago) or that they should be wiped out completely. As for why it applies to inceldom, neo-Nazicels here are incels with a neo-Nazi mentality, and because of this, they hate people, and even fellow incels, for something they had no control over (skin color), much like how they had no control over the way they looked (ugly). That's why it's absolutely hilarious that these people even exist, and in fact, should even rope themselves considering how completely contradictory they are in their attitude. Those are the kind of people I'm glad are incel. Then they know what it is like to be hated for something they had absolutely no control over.
Nerdic SStormfags banned me twice.



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cyborgglory said:
"Whites are superior. Blacks are just dumb animals"
"Boy I wish I had a gf.."
It's a total front, lmao. A LARP to forget the fact we're all incel. Kinda like itheithe
Friendly reminder: This is what altrightcels *ACTUALLY* believe
They are no different to afrocentrics or hebrew israelites
Sadness said:
Sorry boyo but the Allies raped and murdered your ideology in 1945.

Allies kek they were Russians and Americans. They were white too. Also, today your so called commie home Russia has most ferocious and populated neonazis. I saw lots of executions made by them.

NeverSubmit said:
They are no different to afrocentrics or hebrew israelites

Fuck Jews, they deserved death, they are load of this world.
Just lol at so many shitskins and kikes here being jealous of the white master race.
Vegetable said:
Just lol at so many shitskins and kikes here being jealous of the white master race.

Just lol at being a right wing cuck. Go rope.
So white guys should just not care about being replaced in our own countries and how the far left/feminism is destroying them, which incidentally has a direct impact on our own inceldom? Fuck off

That being said what significant alt right/white supremacist presence is there on this site anyway? I see BBC cuck threads everyday. Why don't you call those losers out OP? Or are you one of the cucks spamming black dicks and BBC theory?
DonkeyPunch said:
So white guys should just not care about being replaced in our own countries and how the far left/feminism is destroying them, which incidentally has a direct impact on our own inceldom? Fuck off

That being said what significant alt right/white supremacist presence is there on this site anyway? I see BBC cuck threads everyday. Why don't you call those losers out OP? Or are you one of the cucks spamming black dicks and BBC theory?

how is that impacting your inceldom? it's just bringing you more hot ethnic girls that want to fuck you
Krispinwah said:
how is that impacting your inceldom? it's just bringing you more hot ethnic girls that want to fuck you

No girls want to fuck me.
DonkeyPunch said:
No girls want to fuck me.

that's bullshit and you know it.

millions of females in Asia want you.

I like Nazis and Jews. They both commit some form of amorality.
Krispinwah said:
that's bullshit and you know it.

millions of females in Asia want you.

I don't want them. I want an Aryan.
i don't get why any incel cares about politics.

none of the women of your race want to fuck you anyway, nationalism makes no sense, why care about a society/people that don't care if you died tomorrow.

i'm not a white guilt self hating leftist phaggot but I just can't see why I should care beyond that
Nazicel = Deserved to be born incel.
This is an interesting topic that is almost never done proper justice when it comes up. While I agree the notion of a 'master race' is absurd, it's also horribly antiquated and not reflective of the current state of the debate. In toto, there is a disappointing tendency among most to conflate National Socialists (to say nothing of 'Neo-Nazis'), Fascists, the Alt-Right, along with any miscellaneous political factions that don't fit squarely in the shitlib utilitarian mold . This shit is tantamount to the cuck right calling leading Democrats Communists, difference being it has tenacious legitimacy in masscult 'thought' ('Huffington Post: How Jordan Peterson, Gavin McInnes, and Richard Spencer Are Appealing to the Worst Parts of Male-Identifying Youth, or some shit' - what do any of these people have in common?). It betrays a profound and complacent historical illiteracy and is always barked out with undue smugness by the mentally enfeebled. From middle-aged 'Russiagate'-heads to vacuous blue-haired sex defenders to the current crop of relativistic nu-kids, how many who oppose 'Fascism' are aware of Giovanni Gentile or Georges Sorel? How many could tell you what Corporatism or Syndicalism are? How many could even make a meaningful distinction between Fascism and totalitarianism? 

As for my own opinions, I’m not at all concerned with race. Don’t care. There may well be serious implications for public policy driven by gross group differences, but it’s ultimately meaningless to me. Would always cast my lot in exclusively with incel brethren and have no interest in helping anyone other than that at all, much less an entire ‘race’ comprising largely philistines, cheats, and traitors. That said, I’m proud of my heritage as a European and feel an instinctive disgust toward xenophiles. Bourgeois culture leeches trying to shed their skin for one darker, willing to sell out their ancestors and compatriots for appearance and ephemeral satisfaction.
The neo-Nazicels on here are people who believe the white race is the superior race in all fronts, and that non-whites either have to move back to where they came from (which is hilarious, considering every white person is a descendant of somebody who invaded the US centuries ago) or that they should be wiped out completely. As for why it applies to inceldom, neo-Nazicels here are incels with a neo-Nazi mentality, and because of this, they hate people, and even fellow incels, for something they had no control over (skin color), much like how they had no control over the way they looked (ugly). That's why it's absolutely hilarious that these people even exist, and in fact, should even rope themselves considering how completely contradictory they are in their attitude. Those are the kind of people I'm glad are incel. Then they know what it is like to be hated for something they had absolutely no control over.

Interesting, tough I stil do not see a clear relationship with Nazism per se. Racists are just... racists, one does not have to identify with a political ideology to be a racist.

What I just wanted to see is if there is a clear delimitation between outright (apolitical) racism and far-right leaning extremist political ideologies amongst the members of this community.

And disappointingly so, it seems that there is none. As it seems from your response (maybe not as much) and from the reactions manifested in this thread, it seems that anyone right-leaning has the chance to be labeled as a racist, which is... disappointing.

Plus, I'm really curious, would you label racial realism as racism or not? Is acknowledging biological differences, advantages and disadvantages to various ecosystems labeled as extremism or is it just an accepted fact?

(Maybe my last question might sound weird, but I am really curious what people from outside Eastern Europe - as I assume most users around here are from - think about this subject.)


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i used to be alt-right but now i just find all white nationalists fucking delusional and annoying (i thank incels for allowing me to see the much deeper problem)

"hur hur fuck all niggers dude even though i barely ever even see them in my white suburb oh yea fuck all mexicans and indian fuckers too and fuck all those disgusting kikes"

not to mention im in a bunch of trump, alt-right white nationalist groups still on facebook just to laugh at these coping retards every once in a while and the stuff they say is just such nonsense it's ridiculous. ALRIGHT BUBBA WE'LL ROUND UP ALL THE NIGGERS KIKES BEANERS GOOKS ETC AND THROW THEM IN OVENS, THEN WE'LL SET UP OUR PURE WHITE ETHNOSTATE AND IT'LL BE THE GREATEST THING EVER.

if any of these guys were getting laid or had any type of social lives, etc, they wouldn't give a flying fuck about politics. politics is pure and utter cope. muh "fascism" and "national socialism" are just pipe dreams.

People with extreme political beliefs are always ugly
Being heavily invested into politics is always a massive cope.
Didn't the Nazis oppose the Jews who are behind the decline/fall of the West? Do Jews controlling the media/ Hollywood promoting faggotry, degeneracy, race-mixing indirectly caused incels? I sometimes wonder, aside from other factors.
Saint ??????? said:
Didn't the Nazis oppose the Jews who are behind the decline/fall of the West? Do Jews controlling the media/ Hollywood promoting faggotry, degeneracy, race mixing indirectly caused incels? I sometimes wonder, aside from other factors.

whogivesafucc said:
i used to be alt-right but now i just find all white nationalists fucking delusional and annoying (i thank incels for allowing me to see the much deeper problem)

"hur hur fuck all niggers dude even though i barely ever even see them in my white suburb oh yea fuck all mexicans and indian fuckers too and fuck all those disgusting kikes"

not to mention im in a bunch of trump, alt-right white nationalist groups still on facebook just to laugh at these coping retards every once in a while and the stuff they say is just such nonsense it's ridiculous. ALRIGHT BUBBA WE'LL ROUND UP ALL THE NIGGERS KIKES BEANERS GOOKS ETC AND THROW THEM IN OVENS, THEN WE'LL SET UP OUR PURE WHITE ETHNOSTATE AND IT'LL BE THE GREATEST THING EVER.

if any of these guys were getting laid or had any type of social lives, etc, they wouldn't give a flying fuck about politics. politics is pure and utter cope. muh "fascism" and "national socialism" are just pipe dreams.

I praise incels for making me see the bigger problem. That's so true. I don't disagree or agree with them (only agree with them on a few points), but if these faggots had any social life, sex, friends in real life,  they wouldn't give any fuck about muh "race-realism" or muh "National Socialism". I don't disagree with them, nor hate them. If a white nationalist government would abolish degeneracy/race-mixing, by all means, I'm all for it. But I pity them, it's all cope.

That's what being accepted into society does to you, makes you a blue-pilled "normie". We all wouldn't be here if we weren't shunned, ridiculed, rejected from society. We would be out there, having a normal social life, having sex and living the life. But we do not.
Who gives a phuck about so-called inferiority?

We just use the argument to discredit the lie perpetrated by blacks that they would've been "kangz" if whites didn't colonize African nations.

Nazism is an ideology that fought degeneracy promoted by kikes who support female sexual freedom. The U.S. has reached levels of degeneracy far worse than the Weimar Republic itself.

We should unite against the common enemy: The Jews, who push for female natural instincts and whoredom.
They're also cucks. They blame the jews for women's degenerate behavior. Everyone knows that wamen are goddesses that are incapable of doing anything wrong so whenever they do something wrong it must be the jews that made them do it.
Jewsel said:
“We are the master race and jews are rodents subhumans but we lost to them and now the jews rule the world”

Nazis didn't hate Jews because of their so-called subhumanity. This is all Hollywood kike propaganda. The same goes for Slavs and Poles.

All Christian patriarchal civilizations were woke on the JQ. The cucked consumerist US society decided to accept Jews as refugees and paid the price.

lonelyistheworld said:
They're also cucks. They blame the jews for women's degenerate behavior. Everyone knows that wamen are goddesses that are incapable of doing anything wrong so whenever they do something wrong it must be the jews that made them do it.

Jews have pushed for the natural instincts in women. The old Christian patriarchies were all anti Semitic and sexist at the same time. 

Why are females easily controlled in Islamic nations who are also woke on the JQ? Every culture that happens to be subverted by Jews leads to female degeneracy and hypergamy.

whogivesafucc said:
i used to be alt-right but now i just find all white nationalists fucking delusional and annoying (i thank incels for allowing me to see the much deeper problem)

"hur hur fuck all niggers dude even though i barely ever even see them in my white suburb oh yea fuck all mexicans and indian fuckers too and fuck all those disgusting kikes"

not to mention im in a bunch of trump, alt-right white nationalist groups still on facebook just to laugh at these coping retards every once in a while and the stuff they say is just such nonsense it's ridiculous. ALRIGHT BUBBA WE'LL ROUND UP ALL THE NIGGERS KIKES BEANERS GOOKS ETC AND THROW THEM IN OVENS, THEN WE'LL SET UP OUR PURE WHITE ETHNOSTATE AND IT'LL BE THE GREATEST THING EVER.

if any of these guys were getting laid or had any type of social lives, etc, they wouldn't give a flying fuck about politics. politics is pure and utter cope. muh "fascism" and "national socialism" are just pipe dreams.

This is not how the Alt Right speaks, lmao. 

You sound like a fake ex- alt rightist. Being antisemitic is not necessarily a crazy thing. Wanting an ethnostate was a popular idea among White Americans themselves until the civil "rights" movement started to grow.

KilluminoidBR said:
Nazicel = Deserved to be born incel.

Communist and incel?
You do know Commies were the forefathers of Feminism, right?

Sadness said:
Sorry boyo but the Allies raped and murdered your ideology in 1945.

And as a result we are left with a degenerate "democratic" consumer society that worships the vagina.
Blackpill101 said:
Jewsel said:
“We are the master race and jews are rodents subhumans but we lost to them and now the jews rule the world”
Nazis didn't hate Jews because of their so-called subhumanity. This is all Hollywood kike propaganda. The same goes for Slavs and Poles.
All Christian patriarchal civilizations were woke on the JQ. The cucked consumerist US society decided to accept Jews as refugees and paid the price.

lonelyistheworld said:
They're also cucks. They blame the jews for women's degenerate behavior. Everyone knows that wamen are goddesses that are incapable of doing anything wrong so whenever they do something wrong it must be the jews that made them do it.
Jews have pushed for the natural instincts in women. The old Christian patriarchies were all anti Semitic and sexist at the same time.
Why are females easily controlled in Islamic nations who are also woke on the JQ? Every culture that happens to be subverted by Jews leads to female degeneracy and hypergamy.

whogivesafucc said:
i used to be alt-right but now i just find all white nationalists fucking delusional and annoying (i thank incels for allowing me to see the much deeper problem)
"hur hur fuck all niggers dude even though i barely ever even see them in my white suburb oh yea fuck all mexicans and indian fuckers too and fuck all those disgusting kikes"
not to mention im in a bunch of trump, alt-right white nationalist groups still on facebook just to laugh at these coping retards every once in a while and the stuff they say is just such nonsense it's ridiculous. ALRIGHT BUBBA WE'LL ROUND UP ALL THE NIGGERS KIKES BEANERS GOOKS ETC AND THROW THEM IN OVENS, THEN WE'LL SET UP OUR PURE WHITE ETHNOSTATE AND IT'LL BE THE GREATEST THING EVER.
if any of these guys were getting laid or had any type of social lives, etc, they wouldn't give a flying fuck about politics. politics is pure and utter cope. muh "fascism" and "national socialism" are just pipe dreams.
This is not how the Alt Right speaks, lmao.
You sound like a fake ex- alt rightist. Being antisemitic is not necessarily a crazy thing. Wanting an ethnostate was a popular idea among White Americans themselves until the civil "rights" movement started to grow.

KilluminoidBR said:
Nazicel = Deserved to be born incel.
Communist and incel?
You do know Commies were the forefathers of Feminism, right?

Sadness said:
Sorry boyo but the Allies raped and murdered your ideology in 1945.
And as a result we are left with a degenerate "democratic" consumer society that worships the vagina.

I've literally spent 5-6 years on Facebook in those kinds of circles. Even fascist groups, there was literally just about zero thoughtful discussion. It all got drowned out by "We WUZ KANGZzZZZ n ShieeTtt Nigguhh" and other memes about blacks, lol.

I will say my favorite "alt-right" page was "It Was My Privilege," though. Fucking 10/10
whogivesafucc said:
I've literally spent 5-6 years on Facebook in those kinds of circles. Even fascist groups, there was literally just about zero thoughtful discussion. It all got drowned out by "We WUZ KANGZzZZZ n ShieeTtt Nigguhh" and other memes about blacks, lol.

I will say my favorite "alt-right" page was "It Was My Privilege," though. Fucking 10/10

A democratic society will naturally lead to female degeneracy and hypergamy. I cannot see how an incel is unable to embrace some form of right-wing authoritarian government.

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