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This is how dumb Nazicels sound

Blackpill101 said:
Who gives a phuck about so-called inferiority?

We just use the argument to discredit the lie perpetrated by blacks that they would've been "kangz" if whites didn't colonize African nations.

Nazism is an ideology that fought degeneracy promoted by kikes who support female sexual freedom. The U.S. has reached levels of degeneracy far worse than the Weimar Republic itself.

We should unite against the common enemy: The Jews, who push for female natural instincts and whoredom.

They would. They would be kings of their own nations and wouldn't have anything to do with us. Don't see how the Jews made us forcefully migrate blacks into our countries but okay.


random black person from africa who doesn't care or give a fuck about muh politics, muh jews and muh white wymenz


edgy neckbeard fighting against DA JOOZ
lonelyistheworld said:
They're also cucks. They blame the jews for women's degenerate behavior. Everyone knows that wamen are goddesses that are incapable of doing anything wrong so whenever they do something wrong it must be the jews that made them do it.

Again, it seems everyone here is describing the kind of would-be provocateurs that post 'white power!' on obscure message boards and is somehow using these grounds to extrapolate as to the goals and theories of extinct political movements. I don't mean to sound a pedant, but this brainlet-tier thinking and is a vexingly trite pursuit enjoyed by a lot of the incel's most bitter enemies.

Regarding the only contemporary Western movement in this direction with any real visibility, I have a not insignificant number of qualms with the 'Alt-Right', none of which is sufficient to diminish my appreciation for it. There's a lot that bears saying here, but I'll make a point simply of noting the reception it gets in the public sphere. The catty hypocrisy surrounding major spectacles ca. 2016 was more or less what snapped the ties I had been trying in vain to form with 'constructive' bugman consensus thinking, from the political to the personal. The tendency to misrepresent, the insecure resentment, and the cloying self-satisftaction that woke 'Nazi-punchers' invariably exhibited eventually set off the mind's firing, connecting in leaps the 'cuddly' nihilism of gynocentric grievance politics, my own treatment as a subhuman, the plebeian bumbling of my fellow man, etc. 

The constant habit insipid slutcunts and sycophantic weaklings, the latter as if to boast about their own awe-inspiring lifetime seduction of ~2 of the former, have of immediately trying to insult the sexual experience of social undesirables was one of, if not the, final blow on the chains holding my hatred. It's because of this that I find the 'teehee loser cope' posts upthread a bit bizarre.
Spidey said:
They would. They would be kings of their own nations and wouldn't have anything to do with us. Don't see how the Jews made us forcefully migrate blacks into our countries but okay.


random black person from africa who doesn't care or give a fuck about muh politics, muh jews and muh white wymenz


edgy neckbeard fighting against DA JOOZ

They wouldn't. 

Literally Africans were living in huts while Europeans, Persians, and Asians were dominating the world. 

If the White man didn't colonize Africa then it would've still been a shithole to this day. 

Look at Singapore and many Asian countries that were dominated by Europeans for centuries. Most are technological and advanced at the moment, refusing to blame their failures on "Muh Whitey!"
lonelyistheworld said:
They're also cucks. They blame the jews for women's degenerate behavior. Everyone knows that wamen are goddesses that are incapable of doing anything wrong so whenever they do something wrong it must be the jews that made them do it.

True. Tehy defend their country valiantly against the jews while females spit on them and laugh at them. They would also sacrifice themselves for their nation to defend their wife while she sucked foreign cocks at home.
Blackpill101 said:
They wouldn't. 

Literally Africans were living in huts while Europeans, Persians, and Asians were dominating the world. 

If the White man didn't colonize Africa then it would've still been a shithole to this day. 

Look at Singapore and many Asian countries that were dominated by Europeans for centuries. Most are technological and advanced at the moment, refusing to blame their failures on "Muh Whitey!"

Yeah yeah of course. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oyo_Empire


Asian countries weren't necessarily dominated by Europeans and didn't have as many natural resources as Africa. It was easier for colonials to screw with Africa to ensure more resources rather than do some co-operative trade with them (which is what happened initially).

Singapore was literally founded by whites and stumbled a lot but ultimately succeeded because of trade with other countries and it's large workforce.

African countries are at fault themselves now. But I don't see the Africans in those countries complaining about muh whitey, so meh.
Spidey said:
Yeah yeah of course. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oyo_Empire


Asian countries weren't necessarily dominated by Europeans and didn't have as many natural resources as Africa. It was easier for colonials to screw with Africa to ensure more resources rather than do some co-operative trade with them (which is what happened initially).

Singapore was literally founded by whites and stumbled a lot but ultimately succeeded because of trade with other countries and it's large workforce.

African countries are at fault themselves now. But I don't see the Africans in those countries complaining about muh whitey, so meh.


Just lol if you compare a small piece of hut-like civilization (called an "empire") with no technological advancements to the Roman, Greek, Persian, and Chinese ACTUAL EMPIRES... 

What is your argument toward African societies that were not actually touched by Europeans? Say shithole Ethiopia for example. Or Liberia. Why aren't they living in kang-like supreme societies due to the fact that Whitey didn't "take" their resources?

Face it. Most negroes would have still been living in the Stone Age if Europeans didn't introduce them to new inventions. They had a lot of natural resources yet didn't take any advantage of it.
Blackpill101 said:

Just lol if you compare a small piece of hut-like civilization (called an "empire") with no technological advancements to the Roman, Greek, Persian, and Chinese ACTUAL EMPIRES... 

What is your argument toward African societies that were not actually touched by Europeans? Say shithole Ethiopia for example. Or Liberia. Why aren't they living in kang-like supreme societies due to the fact that Whitey didn't "take" their resources?

Face it. Most negroes would have still been living in the Stone Age if Europeans didn't introduce them to new inventions. They had a lot of natural resources yet didn't take any advantage of it.

Still an empire. Also, this isn't a hut:


They would be "kangz" of their own place - just lol if I ever said they would be kings of actually good places. Queen of UK is now only queen of some small island and muh Canada and Australia instead of the original empire.

Liberia is founded by whites and Ethiopia was also touched by whites, just not much was done.

And I was always facing it. Trade between civilisations is how people advance. However you should face the fact that most European countries would not be doing as well if they didn't take advantage of natural resources in Africa. The Industrial Revolution needed the "Scramble for Africa" and from then on it was ogre for that continent.

Africans have ultimately failed in any attempt to advance their nations significantly and most are stuck in a cycle of corruption.
But to cope that they are inferior in every way yet cucking us for our women is also an ultimate fail.

So this site is now a soyboy liberal faggot hangout. sad! Enjoy being kiked
Spidey said:
Still an empire. Also, this isn't a hut:


They would be "kangz" of their own place - just lol if I ever said they would be kings of actually good places. Queen of UK is now only queen of some small island and muh Canada and Australia instead of the original empire.

Liberia is founded by whites and Ethiopia was also touched by whites, just not much was done.

And I was always facing it. Trade between civilisations is how people advance. However you should face the fact that most European countries would not be doing as well if they didn't take advantage of natural resources in Africa. The Industrial Revolution needed the "Scramble for Africa" and from then on it was ogre for that continent.

Africans have ultimately failed in any attempt to advance their nations significantly and most are stuck in a cycle of corruption.
But to cope that they are inferior in every way yet cucking us for our women is also an ultimate fail.


Whites introduced blacks in that "empire" about architecture. It was a hut-like civilization before most of Western Africa was colonized. 

My point is that Europeans would have still been successful without colonization, as they were literally dominating the world (along with other races). The industrial revolution came from European minds, inventions, and labor, not African ones.


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Blackpill101 said:
Whites introduced blacks in that "empire" about architecture. It was a hut-like civilization before most of Western Africa was colonized. 

My point is that Europeans would have still been successful without colonization, as they were literally dominating the world (along with other races). The industrial revolution came from European minds, inventions, and labor, not African ones.

Oyo Empire learnt architecture without whites and was pre-colonial.

I agree with what you said last though.
cyborgglory said:
"Whites are superior. Blacks are just dumb animals"
"Boy I wish I had a gf.."
It's a total front, lmao. A LARP to forget the fact we're all incel. Kinda like itheithe
Spidey said:
Oyo Empire learnt architecture without whites and was pre-colonial.

I agree with what you said last though.

Whites introduced most buildings and advancements to Africa (esspecially in the Western region after the Oyo Empire). This is a fact. And yes despite them having some form of architecture, the empire still looks pretty hut-like when you search it up.
Sadness said:
That's why I hate Stormfront (also because I'm not pure). Seriously, national socialism/fascism should have gone extinct after WWII. Incels need to unite together, not be divided by race. We are all fighting the same war, incel brethren. It's great to be back.
B-but the jews, let me tell y-you about them baka!
Sadness said:
Sorry boyo but the Allies raped and murdered your ideology in 1945.

It was really the Russians who won the war.
there are biological racial differences, doesn't mean we have to split up into ethnostates. people of different races can be good friends and work well together.

blaming the jews for everything is not logical, not all jews are leftists, and the ones who are push leftism because they really believe in it. if any race is to be blamed for leftism it's white people, especially white women. 

i don't think leftism is the root of the problem anyways. most of the problems today are actually the result of technology. birth control + online dating is why we don't have monogamy anymore. i don't agree with the unabomber in that we can just stop using technology so we will have to hope for a technological solution, maybe sex robots.
Racistcels are the fucking lowest IQ retards ever.

Femoids are the enemy, nothing else.
Noobcake said:
So this site is now a soyboy liberal faggot hangout. sad! Enjoy being kiked



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Where is this from?

Post above
Juxtaposition6 said:
Where is this from?

Post above

E.C.C.O said:

People with extreme political beliefs are always ugly
Being heavily invested into politics is always a massive cope.
Here's a fun game:
can you spot the truecel in this picture?

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