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LifeFuel This instagram slut with 2,6 mil followers got killed today in Baghdad in broad daylight by an unknown shooter.

Proud of my fellow incels for the reactions in this thread, except for the one cuck in here.

Just look at her low iq thousand cock stare in the first pic. Just laugh at the pic of her dead without makeup/lighting/photoshop frauding. That's what her male equivalent looked like years ago when he blew his brains out.
I'm getting to the point where makeup legitimately disgusts me. I never even noticed when I was younger but nowadays idk. It's pretty gross looking especially when girls like this overdo it so.
High iq. It looks serial killery and tranniesh.
it's terrible that Middle Eastern women don't have the same rights and freedoms that others have and I'm not unsympathetic to this fact.
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Just when I was feeling depressed. Suddenly the cloud above my head is gone. :feelskek::feelsokman:
One down billions more to go
What's the motive?
Killed because she's a whore?
Killed because she insulted his shoes?
Killed because he's a based arabcel tired of being pushed around by roasties?
Killed because he was just some asshole who wanted to kill something?
Maybe some other roastie killed her over a whore dispute? (Not bothered to click links)
LOL, I just love the reactions in here. I'm sorry that I don't get off on the capital murder of an innocent human being. You people act like I don't see a silver lining in such a dark cloud, so I'll repost what I said before the snipped portion that everyone else quoted above:

....if you're in a country that mandates females should dress in ninja robes all the time, it's not a good idea to emulate Western women and live as a public figure. She could have easily made a living anywhere else in the world which isn't overrun by violent jihadists.

In a setting like that, it's pretty goddamned fucking stupid to be an internet celebrity/jet-setting fashion model if you ask me. Coupled with the attacks on beauty salons and other related places in the Middle East, no one can honestly deny the gunshot victim's culpability in all of this. It would be no different if Tara Fares was a flaming gay transsexual, obnoxiously Christian, or something else that the indigenous populace finds abhorrent.

What's the motive?
Killed because she's a whore?
Killed because she insulted his shoes?
Killed because he's a based arabcel tired of being pushed around by roasties?
Killed because he was just some asshole who wanted to kill something?
Maybe some other roastie killed her over a whore dispute? (Not bothered to click links)

Unfortunately, the main article doesn't provide much detail. My first guess would be that Fares' non-orthodox lifestyle was a motive for the gunman, considering that the same article mentioned beauty salons/businesses under fire from religious hardliners.
She could have easily made a living anywhere else in the world which isn't overrun by violent jihadists.


And I am beyond happy that it didn't and now will never be able to. The last thing any place needs is another verminous, skin-showing trashthot prowling around under the armed sanction of law.

:feelskek: @ anyone who thinks "violent jihadists" are a threat to Western civilization when it is much more the decadent imperial feminism that they emerged as a response to - destabilizing their countries under the guise of "humban rights!"
It's always saddening when another human being's life is taken in this kind of senseless manner. But I want to point out something from the article:

I don't know the specifics of her situation and Iraq in general, but if you're in a country that mandates females should dress in ninja robes all the time, it's not a good idea to emulate Western women and live as a public figure. She could have easily made a living anywhere else in the world which isn't overrun by violent jihadists. Having said that, it's terrible that Middle Eastern women don't have the same rights and freedoms that others have and I'm not unsympathetic to this fact. All I can offer is condolences for her family and my hope that the authorities prosecute those responsible.
:feelskek: @ anyone who thinks "violent jihadists" are a threat to Western civilization when it is much more the decadent imperial feminism that they emerged as a response to - destabilizing their countries under the guise of "humban rights!"

The two are not mutually exclusive. History has shown that civilizations fall because of multiple and often interconnected reasons, such as the Roman Empire.
The two are not mutually exclusive. History has shown that civilizations fall because of multiple and often interconnected reasons, such as the Roman Empire.

Causality, my nibnob. They've been produced by the forcible proselytization of "equality" and "democracy", a wrecking degeneration - the same one that has produced you and scores of other men dispossessed. These men are much more like you than any dicksucking "liberated" cunt who might happen to share a country with you and should ipso facto receive your unequivocal support.

What they, as a pitiably small force, are attacking is a rotten and unanchored colossus that needs to fall so that you may emerge from underneath it. The world could lie fallow again after its collapse.
^^^ Roll d20 for Intelligence: 20
"unknown shooter" I hope they cant find him. So it will be proven you can kill glorified slut and get away with it (on oposite of ER where you eventually kill yourself or spend the rest of your life in prison)
It's always saddening when another human being's life is taken in this kind of senseless manner. But I want to point out something from the article:

I don't know the specifics of her situation and Iraq in general, but if you're in a country that mandates females should dress in ninja robes all the time, it's not a good idea to emulate Western women and live as a public figure. She could have easily made a living anywhere else in the world which isn't overrun by violent jihadists. Having said that, it's terrible that Middle Eastern women don't have the same rights and freedoms that others have and I'm not unsympathetic to this fact. All I can offer is condolences for her family and my hope that the authorities prosecute those responsible.
Cuck rope
If she improved her personality, this would have never happened
Lol fuck Kurds. I can't wait until based ISIS resurfaces and claims responsibility.
Instagram sluts dying in barbaric ways always puts a smile on my face
She looks Iraqi so that's prob why she was there.
Probably an incel she ghosted
JFC these responses got me dying, I love you guys. :lul::lul::lul::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
>live in a dangerous country
>broadcast your thottery on Instagram

The absolute state of these foids. :feelskek:
Damn, what a loss. How will the world go on without another tattooed girl posting selfies to instagram?

top kek, they are literally a dime a dozen thats the funny part.

foids are like sheep in reality, im surprised they dont see it and think they are all " unique and quirky"

لا اله إلا الله
Allah takes another one
REEEEee how can I watch ur virgin countdown? It has been off youtube/bitchute for a while. Did u decide to stop?
Yes. Someone freaked out my red oneitis and I was kindly asked to stop. I obliged.
Based islam, take the sandpill
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Life fuellll tag!!! Another reason to live.

If these kind of incidents happened regularly it might actually cure my depression
It's always saddening when another human being's life is taken in this kind of senseless manner. But I want to point out something from the article:

I don't know the specifics of her situation and Iraq in general, but if you're in a country that mandates females should dress in ninja robes all the time, it's not a good idea to emulate Western women and live as a public figure. She could have easily made a living anywhere else in the world which isn't overrun by violent jihadists. Having said that, it's terrible that Middle Eastern women don't have the same rights and freedoms that others have and I'm not unsympathetic to this fact. All I can offer is condolences for her family and my hope that the authorities prosecute those responsible.

Someone ban this cuck, fuckin exposed himself
Rest in piss.

Based sand cels

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