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Serious This forum made me sympathize a lot more with non-whites

Have you ever heard anyone say "I prefer Indian men who smell like cumin and curry paste" or "I love an arabic man with a long pubey beard". No. Abdul and Patel either have to be mega chads or date their own kind.
Have you ever heard anyone say "I prefer Indian men who smell like cumin and curry paste" or "I love an arabic man with a long pubey beard". No. Abdul and Patel either have to be mega chads or date their own kind.

Nothing wrong with dating your own kind, what I’d give to do so.
IQ differences between the races are real but that actually has nothing to do with questions of superiority or inferiority. We live in a civilization that has put more emphasis on sheer intellectual prowess than any other culture ever did, but we also happen to live in the stupidest age in human history.

This contradiction is easily explained by the fact IQ doesn't actually equal intelligence. It is just a form of cerebral virtuosity which offers an advantage in a very external and purely relative plane. Don't forget that individuals of high IQ gave us stuff like this:

Meanwhile, so called sub-human low IQ blacks gave us this:

IQ essentially is the ability to deal with complex and difficult but highly relative and external concepts and abstractions which may or may not have any connection to any sensible reality and may not even contain a single trace of actual intelligence in them. Writing something like this requires an high IQ but there's no actual music or any trace of intelligence to be found in any of this:

Meanwhile something as seemingly simple as this requires a great deal of intelligence:

Not to mention something like this:

There's not even a single cognitive measure for g BTW, since it has been proven that there is a disparity in the higher ranges between a person's verbal, mathematical or spatial scores, and most IQ tests actually favor the verbal component, which is good for those races with a natural talent for discursive thought, such as Jews, or Northern Europeans.

The fact of the matter is that intelligence, true intelligence, is in essence the ability to perceive actual objective realities or metaphysical truths. It is the ability to pierce through the formal, in the Platonic sense, to see the reality that is outside the cave where as IQ only gives one the ability to deal with the shadows projected on the wall in an ever complex and sophisticated manner, but one that is no less illusory or relative.

Thus, in terms of this fundamental aspect of intelligence, all races are equal. But since each race is a different manifestation of the same human archetype, each will present certain differences not only in terms of their respective talents but also psychological differences and even different spiritual outlooks, and the basic division of the races seems to be that westerners or whites tend to be relatively cerebral and discursive, with a tendency for intellectual projection and outwardness which explains their creativity on one side, but also their dry rationalism and lack of intellectual subtlety on the other.

Asians on their part are more of a "visual" race and tend to think in terms of symbols instead of words. They are less creative than westerners but more contemplative and subtle.

Lastly, we have blacks, who have a "vital" form of genius. Their intellectual faculties are based on their greater understanding of forces and energies. Their ability in music or sports, credited to superior muscle mass, is actually owning to an higher "IQ" when it comes to thought when it occurs "in time" or in motion, so to speak. Unlike whites or Asians, black have less of a tendency to think in abstractions, either discursive or symbolic, which puts them in a disadvantage in an highly technocratic culture, but that is not actually a mark of inferiority for there is no intelligence in technology and modern civilization is a monstrosity to begin with. It is an aberration, a result of a mental deviation.

Either way, because of this deficiency blacks have an harder time assimilating among races such as Northern Europeans or Asians, but have an easier time with races of a more "intermediary" type, such as Southern Europeans, or Arabs and so forth. As a Salvini lookalike Italian untermenschen, i shared a certain degree of alienation when i lived in the states, since i found the mentality of people there to be too rigid, rationalistic and dry, not to mention very cold. I can only imagine how much worse it must be for blacks, who are even less rationalistic and dry than we Italians are, which is why i sympathize with their sense of alienation, even though i reject their Marxist inspired complaints.
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That's totally an argument. It's very easy to jerk about grand ideological fantasies in the loneliness of your bedroom. The real test for ideology is the real world. If you're high inhib to the point of not being able to put your ideology out there in the real world, it means your ideology can't realistically succeed. And is probably flawed, too.

Saying things aloud to other people may also act as a trigger that makes you realize how ridiculous they sound. I quickly left the alt-right after saying alt-right stuff to a friend and realizing how that sounded basically like the ideology of a sad hateful loser.

"Non-whites are inferior" - says the NEET who didn't even get a HS diploma and rots in his parents house while ethnics are in medical school.

Jew Fontaine at it again with his emotional manipulation.

It's exactly shitposting from the bedroom that has made any change at all in this political climate. It's the Twitter trolls, the Alt-Right bloggers, the Youtube comments, the constant shifting of the Overton window.

How much did "organizing" help any right wing before?

They were losing, losing, losing, until the Alt-Right provided an alternative framework for young people to find the truth.

This was never about going out in the streets like an idiot and get beat up by antifa or arrested by cops. That's what jew want. It's only about getting the message to as many young people as possible, so they grow up as right wing shitlords and infiltrate government, education and law enforcement.

BTW, i'd like to refer to this post to further elucidate my perspective:


Ethno-culture in the Light of Tradition

"Nor do we speak of the 'different gods' of different peoples, or of the gods as 'Barbarian' and 'Greek,' but as common to all, though differently named by different peoples, so that the One Reason that orders all these things, and the One Providence that oversees them, and for the minor powers [i.e., gods, angels] that are appointed to care for all things, there have arisen among different peoples different epithets and services, according to their different manners and customs." - Plutarch, Isis and Osiris

"One must not lose sight of the fact that peoples with a very 'differentiated' and 'cerebral' civilization are lead to underestimate certain modes of intelligence to which they are unaccustomed. There is more intelligence in African rhythms than in most psychological novels." - Frithjof Schuon, Thought and Civilization

"The anthropologist is rather too much inclined to consider the particularities of "primitive" people in isolation, neglecting the possibility or probability that these particularities may not be of local origin, but may represent only provincial or peripheral survivals of theories held by some or all of the more sophisticated communities from which the primitive peoples may have declined." - Ananda Coomaraswamy, "Spiritual Paternity" and the "Puppet Complex"

Here then is the question: what exactly does race and culture (for the two can hardly be separated) mean from the traditionalist perspective? Furthermore, what are the limitations of ethnic nationalism as an ideology?

An answer can be found to the first question if we begin by examining the perspective necessary for the "transcendental unity of religions," which all genuine traditionalists (in the sense that the traditionalist is also de facto a perennialist) should have an understanding of, and thus come face to face with this fundamental principle; that the inward unity is not compromised by the existence of an outward plurality. So while the transcendent unity of religions requires an esoteric conception of all the world's sacred traditions, so would a "transcendent unity of races" be found from an esoteric understanding of all cultural customs and religions. What this means is that any and all ethno-cultures truly connected with Tradition can be rightfully said to be "inwardly equal." With this point of view, true (inward) inequality only ever arises if one race severs itself from its vital connection to Tradition, which is what has happened in large part to the Western European race (particularly Germanics) since the end of the Middle Ages. This is why we can rightfully say that Australian aborigines or Balinese tribesman (both of whom are mentioned in the aforementioned Coomaraswamy essay) have more in common with Dante or Plato than most modern Europeans have with Dante or Plato. Similarly, in the realm of art, Chartres cathedral and the Parthenon are more akin to the Dome of the Rock and the Taj Mahal than modern concrete factories are to Chartres and the Parthenon, despite being manufactured by the same race. One could think of dozens of similar examples (including the one by Schuon above). The case in point is that the "race of the Spirit" always takes primacy over the race of the body.

So here is the caveat: despite this "inward equality," we must never lose sight of the fact that the existence of bodily race is still part of reality. Similar to the existence of outward or exoteric religious forms, ethno-culture is certainly a relative reality, but a reality nonetheless. As such, we should realize that this is diametrically opposed to the modern notions of "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" that became popular during the French Revolution. The fact is that race, like gender or exoteric religious form, can only ever be transcended from within, not simply denied from without. This latter is the opposite of unity, it is uniformity. It should also go without saying that the current popular notion of "multiculturalism" (which in reality amounts to a cruel, dehumanizing, crypto-totalitarian agenda) should be entirely rejected on this same principle. The operative assumption behind these various "Wills-to-Uniformity" is that the only way to harmonize and pacify two struggling opponents is by effectively strangling them both to death (to borrow another saying of Schuon). We must also reject the liberal pseudo-tolerance that pretends to "respect other cultures" only insofar as said cultures do not to any significant degree contradict the fundamental morality of the West (the current controversies over clitoral circumcision, corporal punishment, and other so-called "human-rights violations" are among only a few examples). We can only ask, what is the point of maintaining outward diversity amongst peoples if all said peoples are inwardly Westernized?

This then leads into the second question, regarding ethnic nationalism and its limitations. Obviously the traditionalist would be in complete agreement with the nationalist regarding the reality of race and its subsequent interconnectedness with culture. However, whereas the liberal makes the mistake of assigning no reality to race, the nationalist commits the exact inverse mistake and assigns absolute reality to race. The nationalist is then inclined to suppose that interracial unity is only possible on the political level (via all respective peoples embracing nationalism). But where he can be said to most radically differs with the traditionalist is in the latter's all-too-frequent kind of racialist solipsism, which conveniently assumes that each ethno-cultural group creates its own entirely distinct reality (based on cultural norms), perhaps completely and in all ways incompatible with with those of another ethno-cultural group. This is because the nationalist often times actively denies any universalism and the very reality of Tradition as such. From this perspective, it may very well be impossible for an Italian to have any spiritual dialogue with an Arab, a Chinaman, a Peruvian, or a Jew simply because of his ethnicity! An observing person should only reject this type of assertion as ludicrous, but nonetheless it is important to understand that when one takes a relevant truth as an absolute, one is bound to wind up with these kinds of absurdities. By a similar principle, the traditionalist would also naturally disagree with the nationalist's common presumption that all religion and mythology is merely a product of a "collective racial unconscious," and therefore has no universal, but only relative value. The tendency to reduce every myth and every religion to a kind of isolated "cultural relic" (while at the same time never bothering to penetrate its transcendental essence) is precisely the method of the "religious anthropologist" whom Coomaraswamy so rightly denounced in the above quotation.

We can say in conclusion that I now only ever make one absolutely fundamental distinction between peoples: who are Traditional, and who are not. Thus if we are ever going to arrive at any kind of genuine interracial, intercultural, or interreligious understanding, we will first and foremost have to entirely reject modernity, which is hostile to all three categories. The so-called "West" has done more to annihilate and vandalize Tradition in the last 500 years, not only within its own race but also within the races of others, than any transnational empire of the past. This is not due to some inherent "evil" within the white race (as has been supposed by some), but rather the inherent evil within modernity. Secondly, Westerners (who unlike any other people actively deny the reality of race) will have to start accepting the validity and relevance of race, culture, and religion, not only in their own people, but also in the other peoples. Once this is accomplished, they will in fact cease to be "Westerners" and simply become stations of Tradition clothed in European ethnicity. As I see it, this is the only way to create anything resembling a genuine World Citizenry, so far from the extortive, uniformist, passive-aggressive crusade against Tradition in all its forms that currently passes as such.
Greatest jazz guitar player that ever lived. Only issue is that he wasn't much of a band leader, not as much as John Coltrane or Miles Davis were for instance.

This is a great example too:

This is intelligence.

This is also intelligence:

This is NOT intelligence:

But it does require an high IQ.
Greatest jazz guitar player that ever lived.
That's debatable... Wes was a genius player however I would put Allan as the greatest if we're talking about pure improvisational skill, but his style of Jazz was way more fusionish so it's hard to compare them both.

i shared a certain degree of alienation when i lived in the states, since i found the mentality of people there to be too rigid, rationalistic and dry, not to mention very cold. I can only imagine how much worse it must be for blacks, who are even less rationalistic and dry than we Italians are, which is why i sympathize with their sense of alienation, even though i reject their Marxist inspired complaints.
I noticed this as well in corporate america as a blackcel. Many people here of the whiter persuasion seem to have a stick up their ass when it comes to casual conversation. very strange people
You couldn't find two races as different as blacks and northern Europeans are. And for the record, i'm not blaming either race for being what they are, just trying to put things in context.
This forum has shown me, even ugly can't cure racism. You'd think with all of us in the same boat, loveless virgins, we would pull together, but some here act like crabs in a barrel.
Cope. Ethnics are overrunning Western European society to the point where most historically white christian countries will become muslim majority within a few decades if present trends continue, or doesn't radically halt . If they assimilated, as you say, then we'd expect them to abandon their native cultures and traditions, which, clearly, they aren't (thank god). In fact, second and third generation muslim immigrants are more radical on average than their grandparents who migrated into Europe ever were. As for IQ being a meme, I agree that only losers boast about their IQ, but this doesn't negate the fact that it's a very useful tool for measuring g factor, which correlates to a whole host of life outcomes. It's not a coincidence that ethnics are overrepresented in those areas of life that low IQ whites, and that dumb people generally are overrepresented in
reminder christianity is middle eastern too
Most guys grow out of the alt right by the time they are forced to work and interact with society just like social justice Warriors.
not defending either as social justice Warriors and liberals view ethics as useful tools for their agendas.

Nobody gives a fuck about you and yeah most are destined to die alone.
The level of assimilation (schooling and jobs) of non-whites in western societies is so far surprisingly high
Blacks in america refuse assimilation at all costs and they've been here for hundreds of years so idk wtf you are talking about.
Half of these forums are white alt right supporters with low iq /pol/ regurgitated memes. The other half are pretending to be ethnic or something as a LARP.
90% of my posts aren't related to the alt right. The alt right topics stand the most because they intensely trigger this forum.

Lol, I take it you've never been bullied by white douchebags. I'm logging out now, tired of this discussion.

The only ones at risk for suicide currently are the alt-right copers.

Don't let these guys trigger you but don't waste your time arguing with them as well. The alt right belief stems itself in inferiority and the desire to find meaning in one's life.
Most of these guys in a couple of years will move on to some other Niche that makes them feel special because of them don't care for knowledge or truth but what makes them feel good.

I still remember the Tea Partiers and Occupy Wall Street and now look what happened to them.
Half of these forums are white alt right supporters with low iq /pol/ regurgitated memes. The other half are pretending to be ethnic or something as a LARP.

Trust me pal I'm no larp.
Really hard to believe there are ethnics who don't talk in ebonics.
IQ differences between the races are real but that actually has nothing to do with questions of superiority or inferiority.
Maybe not IQ alone, but when you take into consideration the types of civilizations that races created respectively the picture becomes clearer. Europeans were sailing around the world conquering everything they saw while negroes toiled in mudhuts and australian aborigines were burning forests down as a method of hunting.
Same, i used to cope with /pol/ shit until i took the blackpill, the blackpill literally cured my racism better than any left wing shit.
The alt right belief stems itself in inferiority and the desire to find meaning in one's life.
You have summed up the thing very well.

Relevant tidbit: theoretician of Western decadence Oswald Spengler had written that in decadent times, the ones most obsessed with "race" are actually the most degenerate examples of the race.

The Nazis hated him after this statement.
White incels have nothing to win with multiculturalism.

More crime, less resources for neetbux, worse schools, more charabs to lowinhib corrupt JBs.

Can anyone tell me of one, just one, benefit for white incels of having ethnics in their country?

I have nothing against ethnics or ethnic incel in their own country tho. I always tell whites off who misbehave when abroad.
The fact that they commit like 50 times more violent crime against whites than vice versa just to name one reason.
While you're thinking about interracial crime for a second do yourself a favor and go look up the rate at which blacks rape white women compared to vice versa. Years go by without a recorded case of a black woman being raped by a white man while thousands of white women are raped by black men year after year. In a more rational time period this alone would be justification to drive out any and all blacks from our land but instead we have jewish "tolerance" so we go on living as if everything is normal
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Maybe not IQ alone, but when you take into consideration the types of civilizations that races created respectively the picture becomes clearer. Europeans were sailing around the world conquering everything they saw while negroes toiled in mudhuts and australian aborigines were burning forests down as a method of hunting.

That's just a material standard.

By that logic, our current civilization is greater than any that came before, including all other white civilizations, but i dare anyone argue there's anything great in modernity.

They can have it even worse than us white.
Completely agree. Although I am Asian on the face, I lived the majority of my life in an Eastern European country and mentally I was always closer to whites than Asians.
After moving to Canada, I was too sucked into alt-right, who didn't call themselves that. I thought I practice criticism and freedom of thought while in fact it was the same ideology as SJW but with the opposite sign.

Saying something like "whites invented everything and blacks nothing" isn't just untrue, but doesn't make the white boy who sais it an inventor. Taking pride in something because someone had your skin color is ridiculous. It makes sense for blacks in the US in historical terms, because segregation wasn't so long ago really.
Same, i used to cope with /pol/ shit until i took the blackpill, the blackpill literally cured my racism better than any left wing shit.
This is the height of irony. The site that supposedly represents the most revolting subculture on the light web actually cures racism in some.
Race is cope: The present day 'master race', germans, were despised for Romans for centuries as inferior. It's well know that they had inferiority complex to latins until century XVII.

Then, England won the long battle with Spain to be the worldwide leading nation. So, everything changed suddenly. They created the latin-bashing and the geman-superiorities narratives and spread it around the world.

History is always written by the most close winners.

Talking about females attractivness, I like slavs and latinas the most. Males attratctvines latins and nordics.
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Aren't you the guy who hates Kurzweil and transhumanism? And who is a suicidal NEET? Congratulations, you're a living, walking cliché.

I bet you "used to be a transhumanist" before "finding out the truth about race and dysgenics", "realizing that technological progress has stalled", and "how much the West is fucked". You probably also read (and liked) Zerohedge, peak oil websites, and Industrial Society and its Future.

Hopefully this phase will eventually pass like it did for me. Because it leads to nowhere except suicide - that's perhaps why you're into it. Your true goal is influencing everyone to follow you into the grave.
I've never hated other races, its like hating a breed of dog for doing what it was biologically selected to do, or hating a finch because it has a particular shaped beak for cracking seeds from a particular island.

What I do hate is when people spout ignorance and misinformation about the true nature of race and biology, and say things like "race is just a social construct" whilst being simultaneously completely uninformed about the area.

I don't tell people how car engines work, why do people try and lecture to me about genetics?
I wish I was ethnic so bad.
Alt-right is evil. :feelsbaton:
Yep, I basically agree. Watching ethnics dying of sexual frustration as I do has changed some of my views, definitely lol
We have to find the alt-right headquarters and punch those Nazis in the face now. :feelsbaton::feelsbaton::feelsbaton:
Sorry, but I've never considered myself as a Fascist or an "alt-right" and I've always considered myself as an anti-Imperialist. Nationalism is an anti-thesis for Imperialism and Colonialism.

I base my beliefs on Science, on nothing else. And since Europe is a homeland of the White Race, it must stay this way, in the future. Our ancestors were White, according to the newest research, they have nothing in common with Africa. Your claims were completely untrue and are based on Marxist, Materialist Utopia.

We live in non-Materialist Existence. Pre-Universe, before so called "Big-Bang" was a place, where there were no Matter and Time. Read scientific books, my friend and understand at last, you are utterly wrong.
Sorry, but I've never considered myself as a Fascist or an "alt-right" and I've always considered myself as an anti-Imperialist. Nationalism is an anti-thesis for Imperialism and Colonialism.

I base my beliefs on Science, on nothing else. And since Europe is a homeland of the White Race, it must stay this way, in the future. Our ancestors were White, according to the newest research, they have nothing in common with Africa. Your claims were completely untrue and are based on Marxist, Materialist Utopia.

We live in non-Materialist Existence. Pre-Universe, before so called "Big-Bang" was a place, where there were no Matter and Time. Read scientific books, my friend and understand at last, you are utterly wrong.

ur descended from a bunch of shit slinging apes get off ur high horse
This thread is very black or white. I guess that's how most people see the world.
im still alt-right and i still think currys and other deathnicks have it shit lmao
Trias-paleozoic intermediary period tier cope. 90% of ethnics can just get arranged marriage and that's what they end up doing anyway. I repeat it ethnicel=fakecel.
IQ is mostly a meme for losers who cope with their IQ test results. You don't need high IQ to train in most jobs and live a good life, despite alt-right circlejerks over it. Hard work and conscientiousness will make you go a lot farther than IQ and arrogance.

Pure cope. All the evidence shows IQ matters. And I am saying this as somebody who only has 98 IQ.

EDIT: To be honest these forum have made me feel a bit more sorry for ethnics. But only the incel ones since like most people in general regardless of race the majority of ethnics are not self-aware.
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Thanks dude, us ethnics are the ultimate trucels.
A lot of bs in this thread. There's a correlation between High T and IQ and the tendence to discover and experience new things. Asians have higher IQ but lower T hence they are smarter but discovered less than whites and are less secure and more sensible to critics while blacks tend to be higher T but lower IQ hence the lower tendence to abide the law and to be able to form structured advanced empires like europeans or democratic societies (prove me wrong by naming an high iq african population that CREATED a society nearly as powerfull as Rome. Try if you want).

Of course you can't judge individuals on the basis of the group and there are still exeptions but i'm speaking on GENERAL terms not on TOTAL terma (science is about generalizing but NEVER totalizing) but group differences exist and they can often be observed as systemathic in races.
Singular individuals don't deny the reality of the general group. Jared Taylor answered every possible objection to race realism one can imagine so to keep denying this reality just makes you look silly

Also, Europe belongs to fucking europeans like asia to asians and africa to africans, i don't get what's so difficult to understand about that. Our ideas being hated? Not so in easthern europe and here in italy, as you can see from our elected government (strongly right-wing and identitarian)
I'm just sorry if northern Europe in full of soy fat politically correct cucks who can't even take back their foids and their countries
I used to believe (in spite of myself) certain tenets of alt-right discourse, like the fact immigrants and ethnic people have it so much better than whites in the West due to positive discrimination, or that they're lower IQ on average, or that they rarely have problems finding a GF due to their lower inhibition, etc.

Well this forum proved me wrong. There are lots and lots of high inhib, ugly, smart ethnics who will die virgins.

You'd better go back to the right believes you had. I'm telling you this as an ex-leftist so just imagine my experience lol.
This is about survival. Our survival and the survival of the only society (western, white, caucasian) that made our life at least bearable or improvable. Dunno about you but i don't want to live in Brazil 2.0 in 2035 in europe or be forced to live in houses sourrounded by electric fences since there are "different europeans" who want to kill me like they do with boers in south africa (running the risk of them leaving and letting them starving and running out of water lol)
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IMO only the individual matters, I'd rather be rich, gl and successful and I don't really care about what anyone else does if I have that.
While you're thinking about interracial crime for a second do yourself a favor and go look up the rate at which blacks rape white women compared to vice versa. Years go by without a recorded case of a black woman being raped by a white man while thousands of white women are raped by black men year after year. In a more rational time period this alone would be justification to drive out any and all blacks from our land but instead we have jewish "tolerance" so we go on living as if everything is normal
I'm aware. That's part of what I meant.
IQ differences between the races are real but that actually has nothing to do with questions of superiority or inferiority. We live in a civilization that has put more emphasis on sheer intellectual prowess than any other culture ever did, but we also happen to live in the stupidest age in human history.

This contradiction is easily explained by the fact IQ doesn't actually equal intelligence. It is just a form of cerebral virtuosity which offers an advantage in a very external and purely relative plane. Don't forget that individuals of high IQ gave us stuff like this:

Meanwhile, so called sub-human low IQ blacks gave us this:

IQ essentially is the ability to deal with complex and difficult but highly relative and external concepts and abstractions which may or may not have any connection to any sensible reality and may not even contain a single trace of actual intelligence in them. Writing something like this requires an high IQ but there's no actual music or any trace of intelligence to be found in any of this:

Meanwhile something as seemingly simple as this requires a great deal of intelligence:

Not to mention something like this:

There's not even a single cognitive measure for g BTW, since it has been proven that there is a disparity in the higher ranges between a person's verbal, mathematical or spatial scores, and most IQ tests actually favor the verbal component, which is good for those races with a natural talent for discursive thought, such as Jews, or Northern Europeans.

The fact of the matter is that intelligence, true intelligence, is in essence the ability to perceive actual objective realities or metaphysical truths. It is the ability to pierce through the formal, in the Platonic sense, to see the reality that is outside the cave where as IQ only gives one the ability to deal with the shadows projected on the wall in an ever complex and sophisticated manner, but one that is no less illusory or relative.

Thus, in terms of this fundamental aspect of intelligence, all races are equal. But since each race is a different manifestation of the same human archetype, each will present certain differences not only in terms of their respective talents but also psychological differences and even different spiritual outlooks, and the basic division of the races seems to be that westerners or whites tend to be relatively cerebral and discursive, with a tendency for intellectual projection and outwardness which explains their creativity on one side, but also their dry rationalism and lack of intellectual subtlety on the other.

Asians on their part are more of a "visual" race and tend to think in terms of symbols instead of words. They are less creative than westerners but more contemplative and subtle.

Lastly, we have blacks, who have a "vital" form of genius. Their intellectual faculties are based on their greater understanding of forces and energies. Their ability in music or sports, credited to superior muscle mass, is actually owning to an higher "IQ" when it comes to thought when it occurs "in time" or in motion, so to speak. Unlike whites or Asians, black have less of a tendency to think in abstractions, either discursive or symbolic, which puts them in a disadvantage in an highly technocratic culture, but that is not actually a mark of inferiority for there is no intelligence in technology and modern civilization is a monstrosity to begin with. It is an aberration, a result of a mental deviation.

Either way, because of this deficiency blacks have an harder time assimilating among races such as Northern Europeans or Asians, but have an easier time with races of a more "intermediary" type, such as Southern Europeans, or Arabs and so forth. As a Salvini lookalike Italian untermenschen, i shared a certain degree of alienation when i lived in the states, since i found the mentality of people there to be too rigid, rationalistic and dry, not to mention very cold. I can only imagine how much worse it must be for blacks, who are even less rationalistic and dry than we Italians are, which is why i sympathize with their sense of alienation, even though i reject their Marxist inspired complaints.

What sociology textbook did you copy all of this from?

Most blacks can't even properly speak the language they grew up with and are the most familiar with. They are dumb as shit regardless of how good they are at putting a ball into a basket.
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I feel sympathy for the ethnics here, but I absolutely detest curry PUAs and black PUAs and their never ending quest for "muh white womenz".

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