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This decade ends in 30 days



Jul 27, 2018
In this thread we reflect on the 2010s and our ambitions for the 2020s. I’ll start.

Awesome fucking year. Still had the late 00s vibe to it.

2011 - 2015:
Worst years of my fucking life. While I still have some good memories from 2011, however I hardly have any good memories from the latter 4 years. It’s just that 2011 was where I really started to go off the deep end and where my life really changed, starting in January.

2016 - May 2018:
Perhaps the best years I’ve seen since 2011 started. I would consider this a temporary “cooling-off period” if you will. Or in other words, a break from all the bullshit. While I have hardly any memories from 2017, and for the few that I do have, most of them are bad, however it still went much better than the last 5 years did. As for January - May 2018, that was also part of this “break”. It was during this period where I discovered politics and had a break from all my personal problems. As for 2016, this would possibly be the best year so far since 2011. I have so many memories from this year, most of them are very good.

June 2018 - December 2018:
Anxiety and hypochondria like you wouldn’t fucking believe was possible.

January 2019 - February 2019:
Year starts off pretty good. This would be the second best time I’ve had since 2011.

March 2019 - present:
Fucking trainwreck.

Personally, the only two years that I miss from this decade is 2010 and 2016 (save for that time I got really sick).
2010 - 2016 don't remember tbh

sept 2017- aug 18 best period of my life

sept 2018 - now worst period of my life (still getting worse)
2010-2015 wasn't bad,but since 2015 it has been going steadily downhill
Early-mid 2010: one of the best times of my life
Late 2010: my downward spiral began
2011: last year of having an irl friend
2012-2013: coping with games and music in my own little world, still was incapable of connecting with normies though
2014: my sex drive and desire for gf increased and my hatred for the world and society truly began
2015-mid 2017: still hated the world but did my best to still cope and have bluepilled hope for the future
Mid 2017-present: officially found out how undeirable i rly was and observed nothing but blackpills everywhere even before i found out what the term truly was, hatred for the world and humanity at an all time high
2010 - 2013 - best years of my life

2014 onwards was just never ending suifuel
Nothing of value was lost
2010-2013:Just an innocent kid that loves playing with his friends
2014-2015:Worst years of my life due to failing class and becoming asocial person
2016:I still knew I was ugly at that that but I was a bluepilled cuck
2017:Swallowing the blackpill slowly
2018-2019:Ugly, lonely mouth breather incel with nothing to lose.
I've hated the last 20 years from the bottom of my heart
2010-2014 : good
2015 to mid 2016 : pretty decent
Mid 2016-present : Bad and recently Hello

Can't believe it's coming to an end
2010-2015 wasn't alive
2016-2018 good
Good year,school life was okay,still had a family.
Lose one parent,most of my relatives disownmaxx me,severe alergie leads to mouth breathing (fucks over down the road)
Second parent leaves,mfw lose all friends at school and everyone bullies me,become severely anti social because of all abuse
Have to re-learn social interaction,one of the hardest things in my life
New class,horrified of being bullied.End up blending in (somewhat)
Not blending in too much,but im willing to fight people,so they don't bully me
Feels like I lost everything and gained everything at the same time.
2010 - Present
Utter despair
i barely remember anything that has happened in the past 5 years honestly. depression has consumed my brain my memory is so blurry
Every decade of my life has been mostly shit and the 2010s were no exception.

2010: My nightmarish accounting career officially crashed and burned this year.

2011: NEETed the entire year while wasting time with misguided white nationalism.

2012: Worked a stressful job, didn't travel as much, and campaigned for Ron Paul.

2013: Quit that stressful job, traveled more, and saw a prostitute for the first time.

2014: Hikikomori life, a friend's suicide, and a major health scare dominated this year.

2015: Had a terrible job to start the year and ended year seeing an unhelpful (((counselor)))

2016: Career rebounded this year and I was so relieved to see Hillary Clinton lose the election.

2017: Work was steady, net worth started to take off, and I started hobbymaxxing like MGTOW.

2018: Finally realized it's over for me, moved to the countryside, and bought my first lovedoll.

2019: Wageslaving, saving money, preparing to live off-grid, and adding to my doll collection.

Currently I'm trying to cope as best as I can, but constantly being reminded of my ugliness is killing me. I've got to escape this torturous existence the next few years or I don't think I'm going to make it another decade.
1921-2019 always wanted to fuckin die
2010: very uneventful shitty year. I just LDARed really.

2011: had my first job, started doing PUA shit, made some new friends... important year ngl.

2012: first half was similar to 2011, second half was similar to 2010

2013: played in some memorable shows, but other than this, pretty uneventful as well

2014: another uneventful year

2015: and another

2016: and another

2017: and another

2018: went to Germany, that was a life-changing experience

2019: college and writing plenty of songs... but uneventful other than this
2011 was my best year. I will never forget it.

2015 my second best year.

2016 shit

2017 shit

2018 shit

2019 shit
2010-2019: next year i'll get a gf
this decade felt like 2 years tops
2010: awesome time. still felt like late 2000s was happening
2011:still pretty good
2012: okay
2013: decent
2015:struggling more
2016:first half was awesome, second half was a nightmare
2017:first half was a nightmare, second half was better
2019: actually was good i cope this year in spite of inceldom

it's crazy that we're entering the 2020s. although i had a pretty good life this decade despite being a virgin, society and culture in this decade was boring as shit. At least in the beginning of the 2010s, we still had late 2000s culture remain. If you thought the early 2010s, suck, well the mid-2010s everything got worse. in the early 2010s, 2000s culture was still big. political correctness wasn't a huge thing yet and we didn't have this transgender nonsense and drag queen shit all over the place, and the country wasn't so politically divided. then this all changed in the mid 2010s. Culture in society also sucked ass in this decade too. In the 2000s, if a guy wore skinny jeans, people thought it was weird and people called skinny jeans "girl pants". the only boys who wore skinny jeans back then were emo boys. in this decade, every guy began wearing skinny jeans and suddenly every guy in this decade began to have 1940s/50s haircuts in the mid-2010s. the popular music in this decade also was boring as hell. sure, ariana grande has some good songs and there are some other exceptions out there as well, and i'll admit early 2010s pop was pretty good. but early 2010s music was similar to late 2000s music. the mid-2010s is when mainstream music started to sound boring. if Billie Eilish is considered creative, then creativity sucks. hopefully the 2020s will be better, but the 2020s probably will also be shitty unfortunately
2010 shit year
2011-2013 beat years of my life so much memories from it 90% of good memories come from that period
decent years
some nice moments but shit awful years overall
2010-2015: golden era. no worries.

2016: highschool begins. bullshit on the horizon
2017: start doing bad in school due to the fact i am an idiot, fuck my GPA up permanantly
2018: worst year of my life i can remember. peak anxiety.
2019: not that bad, actually.
Best year in this shitty decade was 2017 tbh, especially summer time.
I had many irl and online friends whom I played many games.
My own autism fucked all of my friendships, real life and online.
Now I barely have anyone left, I'm holding on to some irl friends.
Just a reminder that it’s Friday the 13th and this decade now ends in 18 days.
2010-2015 i went to the school, some bad moments and some goods ones 2016-2019 my life went to shit
Can't wait for 2020. My final year.
2010: Im gonna go to the college like American pie and be a sex business boy
2013: Why didnt I get the sex? that makes me sad :/. Well I have this hobbie called Chinese cartoons. I will do this and kill myself within this year.
2014: Ebola will bring the apocalypse. Epic happening
2015: I will kill myself this year, for sure, 100%
2016: I have no fucking clue what I did that year. The only documentation I have is a folder with anime which aired that year.
2017: Back to college. I'm still not dead so I need to get a degree
2019-12-13: what the fuck is this shit
I’ll be 26 in 2030. It is so over.
I’ll be 26 in 2030. It is so over.
Age mogs me. Or do you want to have illegal gay sex little boy? I'm not a homosexual, but I'm sure you can fine a man here who wants to fuck your boy pussy
I can relate to this

Awesome fucking year. Still had the late 00s vibe to it.

Well 2010,was kinda good,the first and last good year of this damned decade

my hell started there too,but kinda soft

the real HELL started in 2011

shit,pain rejection

then all years of being lost,uncomfortable,mocked...all shit until 2018

I dare to say that to today its a shit man I mean this decade its a shit I prefer the 00's were fun,I mean this decade was a SHIT,

social media on rising, cuckbook,twitter,instagram all cancer.

feminism so toxic that make me puke

hipermega speed smartphones,everybody wanting to be famous wanting to be part of whats trendy,taking photos,whatsaps,cyberbullying

hipergamy on the worst historical levels

all fake
Age mogs me. Or do you want to have illegal gay sex little boy? I'm not a homosexual, but I'm sure you can fine a man here who wants to fuck your boy pussy

wtf lol
All years are the same, but I miss the early 2010s when I was younger
I can't remember anything past 2010
Over for 2019cels :feelsbadman:
2010- shit year (dropped out of school, unemployed)
2011- shit year
2012- shit year
2013- shit year
2014- It was alright, got a job, and coping was really fun back then.
2015- OK year
2016- so-so
2017- shit year
2018- shit year
2019- shit year
Early-mid 2010: one of the best times of my life
Late 2010: my downward spiral began
2011: last year of having an irl friend
2012-2013: coping with games and music in my own little world, still was incapable of connecting with normies though
2014: my sex drive and desire for gf increased and my hatred for the world and society truly began
2015-mid 2017: still hated the world but did my best to still cope and have bluepilled hope for the future
Mid 2017-present: officially found out how undeirable i rly was and observed nothing but blackpills everywhere even before i found out what the term truly was, hatred for the world and humanity at an all time high
your history is pretty similar to me
It is hard to separate the years as technology and lifestyle didn't change as drastically as it did in the 2000s.

I started 2010 as a KHV 17yo and end 2019 as a 27yo KHV, I am unemployed, poor, autism, anxiety disorder, eating disorder, I gained 100lbs this decade.

My goal for 2020 is to lose 100lbs and to try to hold onto a job, I will also need to start taking anti depressants to hold down a job especially if it is morning work, my brain is a mess in the morning. I am going to gym max in the 2020s just for myself, I have nothing better to do and I need something to work towards.
It is hard to separate the years as technology and lifestyle didn't change as drastically as it did in the 2000s.

I started 2010 as a KHV 17yo and end 2019 as a 27yo KHV, I am unemployed, poor, autism, anxiety disorder, eating disorder, I gained 100lbs this decade.

My goal for 2020 is to lose 100lbs and to try to hold onto a job, I will also need to start taking anti depressants to hold down a job especially if it is morning work, my brain is a mess in the morning. I am going to gym max in the 2020s just for myself, I have nothing better to do and I need something to work towards.

ey man this WAS A lost decade for all of us lol

dude ,it was like a dar decade where everything went nuts
2011 was the worst fucking year, my whole life changed for the worse and all of my problems started
2011 was the worst fucking year, my whole life changed for the worse and all of my problems started

every this shit started there
2010: Pretty normal and relaxed year
2011-13: Years my SMV and my social life peaked
2014-16: Worst years of my life, obese, mentally ill and all my friend left
2017-2018: Bleh...irrelevant years, people seem much less social compared to previous years.
2019: LDARing.
2008 was the last good year, imo. After that it's all slush.
it was good until 2015 when I turned 14 and all the bullshit with inceldom started. Up to that point I would say my childhood was pretty good.
Fuck puberty and how it ruined my face & body. Fuck this gay earth and fuck god.

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