Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Serious There is a child on this earth that exists as a direct result of my actions.



Original recipe mod from the Serge regime.
Nov 7, 2017
Back in 2011 I was a part of a skype group consisting of like 8 people, mostly /r9k/ posters. We would voice chat regularly and there was this one guy who swore he was the worst off out of anyone. He was ~21 at the time, had been a NEET since he got his high school diploma (or equivalent or whatever), no gf, no friends, etc. He wasn't quite NT but not actually a genuine autist either, but sort of socially stunted due to his upbringing. He was raised by a single mom and while his mom did remarry for like a few years before getting divorced again, and dated some other guys, none of them were really father figures to him or had much interest in being such from what I remember him telling me. He was also homeschooled from a young age and his mother sounded pretty mentally ill and from what he told me I got the impression that she was socially isolating him on purpose, though perhaps I was reading into things too much.

Anyway, he insisted he was the least likely to get a gf and always went on about how fucked he was. I asked to see his pic multiple times, and one day he actually sent me his pic and I thought he was trolling. He was a MEGA prettyboy, like a legit 9/10. He also looked younger than his age, I would have thought he was 17-18 I remember being like "NO WAY THIS IS YOU WTF" and he actually got on cam to prove it was him. I told him he could get a gf EASILY if he tried and he was like "no girl would ever want me, blah blah blah". He told me he would trade places with me saying I had a much better chance even though I'm ugly (he admitted I'm ugly, he saw my pic) because I'm tall, funny, deep voice, blah blah blah.

I told him I would prove once and for all that he could easily get a gf by making an okcupid profile with his pic and setting him up for a date. So he agreed to let me do this and I got to work making the profile and messaging every girl in between the ages of 18-35 within like 10 miles of where he lived in. He lived in the midwest and not in a big city so it's not like there were that many. I got some replies and I had what I believed to be 5 strong prospects. I told him and said I was going to set him up on 5 dates and he was like "no! I can't handle 5 rejections!". But he ultimately agreed to go on one date. So out of the 5 prospects, there was one that stood out a lot. Whereas with the other 4 I was still putting in more effort into the conversations, this girl was double messaging, writing walls of text, and practically begging to meet up. She was 25 years old, quite obese, and was obsessed with Kingdom Hearts, Castlevania SOTN, Death Note, and Fruits Basket (how the fuck do I even remember this despite having a shitty memory?). I had played/seen these before so I was able to talk with her about them and she went on about how we must be "soulmates". She asked for "my" phone number and I asked him on skype if I could give her his number and he said "no I need you to set up the date so give her your number" so I gave her my number and she just started blowing up my phone with texts. In case it's not obvious, I choose to set up the date with her because she was by far the most interested and thus the least likely to flake or reject him. He also said he had no standards and would take any woman that would have him so it was a no-brainer.

So the day after the scheduled date I got on skype and one of the guys in the group was like "you won't believe what [aforementioned 9/10 pretty boy] did!". I remember thinking "oh boy, how did he fuck this up?" since he had the tendency to say one weird shit at times. So I messaged him directly when he got online and the FIRST thing he said was "I lost my virginity". He went on to tell me how the date went and early on he confessed that she was actually talking to someone else and she didn't mind that much. GEE I WONDER WHY! Then they went back to her place and he then proceeded to go into graphic detail about the rest. Like...really graphic.

Anyway, they became a couple and he went from being online like 12 hours a day to not being online for days at a time and by early 2012 he pretty much stopped getting on and the group kind of died off.

Then one day in 2016-2017 he randomly got on skype and we talked for a while. He said him and that girl ended up getting married and he had recently gotten his degree and had a decent job as an engineer. Apparently getting a gf gave him the motivation he needed to get his shit together. He then told me his wife was pregnant and expecting in a few months or so. When he asked me what I was up to, I straight up told him I was flipping burgers and moderating /r/incels. He seemed to be under the impression I was joking. That was the last time we talked. Assuming there wasn't an abortion or miscarriage, the kid must be ~6 year old now. Either in first grade or starting this year.

I've been reflecting on my life a lot as I've gotten older. Until recently I never really thought about the situation as "another human exists because of me" and it's surreal to think about it like that. This is the closest thing I'll ever have to actually making an impact on the world. I never made this much of an impact on anyone else's life and my posts online are nothing but dust in the wind.
Why the fuck would you pair him up with a landwhale? 9/10 prettyboy could easily get a skinny white Stacy/Stacylite, doubt any foid would flake on him; unless you were trying to set him up for failure, which would be based. Hope that hogbeast has good genes, feel bad for his kid if he becomes anything below a 6/10. :feelshaha:
average post tinder looksmatch
Dog GIF by ViralHog
You are the reason for another lost soul
Setting up dates for chad jfl at this cuck
Why the fuck would you pair him up with a landwhale? 9/10 prettyboy could easily get a skinny white Stacy/Stacylite, doubt any foid would flake on him; unless you were trying to set him up for failure, which would be based. Hope that hogbeast has good genes, feel bad for his kid if he becomes anything below a 6/10. :feelshaha:
He was a socially stunted 5'8 NEET so a "stacy?(lite)" was far from a sure thing. Like I said I set him up with her because she seemed the most interested and he said he was only willing to go on one date so I had to pick the one with the best odds.

As for her genes, hard to judge her craniofacial features since she was so overweight but she had at least an average IQ, maybe a bit above. He had a high IQ so the kid will probably be good in that department. Height-wise the kid will probably end up short, and who knows about how the kid will turn out looks-wise. Of course genetic recombination is a crapshoot so who knows. Also I don't even know the gender of the child.
average fakecel
Setting up dates for chad jfl at this cuck
I'll admit, while talking with this girl, I was jealous as fuck, especially when talking about video games and anime. She's the exact type of girl I would go for (and get brutally rejected by) and the same goes for most truecels. We love those fat nerdy girls largely due to the illusion of attainability (see: juggernaut law) but this is real life, the pretty boy gets the fat nerdy girl.
I'll admit, while talking with this girl, I was jealous as fuck, especially when talking about video games and anime. She's the exact type of girl I would go for (and get brutally rejected by) and the same goes for most truecels. We love those fat nerdy girls largely due to the illusion of attainability (see: juggernaut law) but this is real life, the pretty boy gets the fat nerdy girl.
Yes juggernaut law is brutal, i was talking too 2 wheelchair foids on chadfishing and they are chad only even the crippled wheelchair one with disgusting disformed position
Tbh I have a high textwall tolerance but I literally just could not give any less of a shit about this sort of NPC normie social circle lore
Lol doing chads work for him smfh even incels simp for chad
What a brutal story and that puts into perspective how old you are huh
JFL I was about 6 during 2011 and people like @Truckzo @veqdera @Adolf Hitler were like 3-4. Im currently now a grown man
Why the fuck would you pair him up with a landwhale? 9/10 prettyboy could easily get a skinny white Stacy/Stacylite,
of course landwhales suck
but I would take a nerdy virgin becky over a slutty stacy every day
but yeah that story was brutal. Actually made me feel bad

most people on sites like this, /r9k/ and others are mainly just young normies who are slightly weird and therefore don't have normal friendships or social relationships. It's just a phase which they leave after a while.

actual truecels are always the minority, because we are an absolute minority of the world population. How many people are khhv in their 20s or 30s? Not many.
it's actually quite nice of you to set this fakecel a date and managed to save his life from rotting in an incel forum.
he might had some mental problems that made him believe that he was ugly or some body image problems but he definitely do not count as an incel.
this also shows how stupid incel groups and forums are to allow cucks who never even approached a toilet to be concidered incels in the first time. just check this suggestion and you will be suprised on how many "trucels" are in the forum. most of them never managed to gather enough courage to approach but they're still here.
I remember the days of using Okcupid

it's where all the fat feminist chicks would hang out lol

Unfortunately I did not have the success your friend did
I’m not reading this shit faggot
This story was the most brutal blackpill I've read in a long time, possibly ever. Really demonstrates how much of a disadvantage being an autistic shut-in locationcel who relies on online dating is that even a 9/10 prettyboy had to settle for a landwhale. And that was in 2011!

I’m not reading this shit faggot
Then GTFO the thread faggot.
This story was the most brutal blackpill I've read in a long time, possibly ever. Really demonstrates how much of a disadvantage being an autistic shut-in locationcel who relies on online dating is that even a 9/10 prettyboy had to settle for a landwhale. And that was in 2011!

I’m a big time faggot.
Go suck your mothers dick
This story was the most brutal blackpill I've read in a long time, possibly ever. Really demonstrates how much of a disadvantage being an autistic shut-in locationcel who relies on online dating is that even a 9/10 prettyboy had to settle for a landwhale. And that was in 2011!

I’m a big time faggot.
I genuinely hope you die a horrible death how about you meet me somewhere I’ll fucking beat your brains out
I genuinely hope you die a horrible death how about you meet me somewhere I’ll fucking beat your brains out
Calm down nigger I just don't see why you reply to the thread if you don't wanna read it.
JFL I was about 6 during 2011 and people like @Truckzo @veqdera @Adolf Hitler were like 3-4. Im currently now a grown man
Rip Adolf Hitler, why was he banned?
Back in 2011 I was a part of a skype group consisting of like 8 people, mostly /r9k/ posters. We would voice chat regularly and there was this one guy who swore he was the worst off out of anyone. He was ~21 at the time, had been a NEET since he got his high school diploma (or equivalent or whatever), no gf, no friends, etc. He wasn't quite NT but not actually a genuine autist either, but sort of socially stunted due to his upbringing. He was raised by a single mom and while his mom did remarry for like a few years before getting divorced again, and dated some other guys, none of them were really father figures to him or had much interest in being such from what I remember him telling me. He was also homeschooled from a young age and his mother sounded pretty mentally ill and from what he told me I got the impression that she was socially isolating him on purpose, though perhaps I was reading into things too much.

Anyway, he insisted he was the least likely to get a gf and always went on about how fucked he was. I asked to see his pic multiple times, and one day he actually sent me his pic and I thought he was trolling. He was a MEGA prettyboy, like a legit 9/10. He also looked younger than his age, I would have thought he was 17-18 I remember being like "NO WAY THIS IS YOU WTF" and he actually got on cam to prove it was him. I told him he could get a gf EASILY if he tried and he was like "no girl would ever want me, blah blah blah". He told me he would trade places with me saying I had a much better chance even though I'm ugly (he admitted I'm ugly, he saw my pic) because I'm tall, funny, deep voice, blah blah blah.

I told him I would prove once and for all that he could easily get a gf by making an okcupid profile with his pic and setting him up for a date. So he agreed to let me do this and I got to work making the profile and messaging every girl in between the ages of 18-35 within like 10 miles of where he lived in. He lived in the midwest and not in a big city so it's not like there were that many. I got some replies and I had what I believed to be 5 strong prospects. I told him and said I was going to set him up on 5 dates and he was like "no! I can't handle 5 rejections!". But he ultimately agreed to go on one date. So out of the 5 prospects, there was one that stood out a lot. Whereas with the other 4 I was still putting in more effort into the conversations, this girl was double messaging, writing walls of text, and practically begging to meet up. She was 25 years old, quite obese, and was obsessed with Kingdom Hearts, Castlevania SOTN, Death Note, and Fruits Basket (how the fuck do I even remember this despite having a shitty memory?). I had played/seen these before so I was able to talk with her about them and she went on about how we must be "soulmates". She asked for "my" phone number and I asked him on skype if I could give her his number and he said "no I need you to set up the date so give her your number" so I gave her my number and she just started blowing up my phone with texts. In case it's not obvious, I choose to set up the date with her because she was by far the most interested and thus the least likely to flake or reject him. He also said he had no standards and would take any woman that would have him so it was a no-brainer.

So the day after the scheduled date I got on skype and one of the guys in the group was like "you won't believe what [aforementioned 9/10 pretty boy] did!". I remember thinking "oh boy, how did he fuck this up?" since he had the tendency to say one weird shit at times. So I messaged him directly when he got online and the FIRST thing he said was "I lost my virginity". He went on to tell me how the date went and early on he confessed that she was actually talking to someone else and she didn't mind that much. GEE I WONDER WHY! Then they went back to her place and he then proceeded to go into graphic detail about the rest. Like...really graphic.

Anyway, they became a couple and he went from being online like 12 hours a day to not being online for days at a time and by early 2012 he pretty much stopped getting on and the group kind of died off.

Then one day in 2016-2017 he randomly got on skype and we talked for a while. He said him and that girl ended up getting married and he had recently gotten his degree and had a decent job as an engineer. Apparently getting a gf gave him the motivation he needed to get his shit together. He then told me his wife was pregnant and expecting in a few months or so. When he asked me what I was up to, I straight up told him I was flipping burgers and moderating /r/incels. He seemed to be under the impression I was joking. That was the last time we talked. Assuming there wasn't an abortion or miscarriage, the kid must be ~6 year old now. Either in first grade or starting this year.

I've been reflecting on my life a lot as I've gotten older. Until recently I never really thought about the situation as "another human exists because of me" and it's surreal to think about it like that. This is the closest thing I'll ever have to actually making an impact on the world. I never made this much of an impact on anyone else's life and my posts online are nothing but dust in the wind.
I know the feeling

A girl I was close to, and my best friend, met through me

She commented on my facebook profile asking for me to meet her (and fuck her) and I never got round to it....then my best friend saw her post, added her on fb, arranged to meet her, met her, and fucked her immediately....then they became bf & gf

They have 2 daughters now

They literally wouldn't exist if not for me
this world is a fucking joke
Back in 2011 I was a part of a skype group consisting of like 8 people, mostly /r9k/ posters. We would voice chat regularly and there was this one guy who swore he was the worst off out of anyone. He was ~21 at the time, had been a NEET since he got his high school diploma (or equivalent or whatever), no gf, no friends, etc. He wasn't quite NT but not actually a genuine autist either, but sort of socially stunted due to his upbringing. He was raised by a single mom and while his mom did remarry for like a few years before getting divorced again, and dated some other guys, none of them were really father figures to him or had much interest in being such from what I remember him telling me. He was also homeschooled from a young age and his mother sounded pretty mentally ill and from what he told me I got the impression that she was socially isolating him on purpose, though perhaps I was reading into things too much.

Anyway, he insisted he was the least likely to get a gf and always went on about how fucked he was. I asked to see his pic multiple times, and one day he actually sent me his pic and I thought he was trolling. He was a MEGA prettyboy, like a legit 9/10. He also looked younger than his age, I would have thought he was 17-18 I remember being like "NO WAY THIS IS YOU WTF" and he actually got on cam to prove it was him. I told him he could get a gf EASILY if he tried and he was like "no girl would ever want me, blah blah blah". He told me he would trade places with me saying I had a much better chance even though I'm ugly (he admitted I'm ugly, he saw my pic) because I'm tall, funny, deep voice, blah blah blah.

I told him I would prove once and for all that he could easily get a gf by making an okcupid profile with his pic and setting him up for a date. So he agreed to let me do this and I got to work making the profile and messaging every girl in between the ages of 18-35 within like 10 miles of where he lived in. He lived in the midwest and not in a big city so it's not like there were that many. I got some replies and I had what I believed to be 5 strong prospects. I told him and said I was going to set him up on 5 dates and he was like "no! I can't handle 5 rejections!". But he ultimately agreed to go on one date. So out of the 5 prospects, there was one that stood out a lot. Whereas with the other 4 I was still putting in more effort into the conversations, this girl was double messaging, writing walls of text, and practically begging to meet up. She was 25 years old, quite obese, and was obsessed with Kingdom Hearts, Castlevania SOTN, Death Note, and Fruits Basket (how the fuck do I even remember this despite having a shitty memory?). I had played/seen these before so I was able to talk with her about them and she went on about how we must be "soulmates". She asked for "my" phone number and I asked him on skype if I could give her his number and he said "no I need you to set up the date so give her your number" so I gave her my number and she just started blowing up my phone with texts. In case it's not obvious, I choose to set up the date with her because she was by far the most interested and thus the least likely to flake or reject him. He also said he had no standards and would take any woman that would have him so it was a no-brainer.

So the day after the scheduled date I got on skype and one of the guys in the group was like "you won't believe what [aforementioned 9/10 pretty boy] did!". I remember thinking "oh boy, how did he fuck this up?" since he had the tendency to say one weird shit at times. So I messaged him directly when he got online and the FIRST thing he said was "I lost my virginity". He went on to tell me how the date went and early on he confessed that she was actually talking to someone else and she didn't mind that much. GEE I WONDER WHY! Then they went back to her place and he then proceeded to go into graphic detail about the rest. Like...really graphic.

Anyway, they became a couple and he went from being online like 12 hours a day to not being online for days at a time and by early 2012 he pretty much stopped getting on and the group kind of died off.

Then one day in 2016-2017 he randomly got on skype and we talked for a while. He said him and that girl ended up getting married and he had recently gotten his degree and had a decent job as an engineer. Apparently getting a gf gave him the motivation he needed to get his shit together. He then told me his wife was pregnant and expecting in a few months or so. When he asked me what I was up to, I straight up told him I was flipping burgers and moderating /r/incels. He seemed to be under the impression I was joking. That was the last time we talked. Assuming there wasn't an abortion or miscarriage, the kid must be ~6 year old now. Either in first grade or starting this year.

I've been reflecting on my life a lot as I've gotten older. Until recently I never really thought about the situation as "another human exists because of me" and it's surreal to think about it like that. This is the closest thing I'll ever have to actually making an impact on the world. I never made this much of an impact on anyone else's life and my posts online are nothing but dust in the wind.
Do you feel good for helping him or brutally mogged and make you want to rope?

I know the feeling

A girl I was close to, and my best friend, met through me

She commented on my facebook profile asking for me to meet her (and fuck her) and I never got round to it....then my best friend saw her post, added her on fb, arranged to meet her, met her, and fucked her immediately....then they became bf & gf

They have 2 daughters now

They literally wouldn't exist if not for me
Martin Lawrence Lol GIF by Martin
Yes juggernaut law is brutal, i was talking too 2 wheelchair foids on chadfishing and they are chad only even the crippled wheelchair one with disgusting disformed position
fakecels have been there since the dawn of the time
Do you feel good for helping him or brutally mogged and make you want to rope?

Little bit of both. I remember feeling quite a bit of jealousy when talking with her pretending to be him, especially when she went on about how we must be soulmates. She's the exact type of girl I would approach (cold and warm approach) and message on dating sites. I couldn't help but think that in an egalitarian dating market I would be with her (or someone similar) since we actually had a lot in common and were were looksmatched since I'm ugly and she's obese. But of course the dating market ain't egalitarian and there's no place for sub4 men in it.

I'm under no delusions that I've changed the world on a macroscale. I guess a better way to put it is this was the closest thing I've had to making an impact on another person's life.

And not that it matters but yes the child is (presumably) white given that both parties were (very) white.
but yeah that story was brutal. Actually made me feel bad

most people on sites like this, /r9k/ and others are mainly just young normies who are slightly weird and therefore don't have normal friendships or social relationships. It's just a phase which they leave after a while.

actual truecels are always the minority, because we are an absolute minority of the world population. How many people are khhv in their 20s or 30s? Not many.
Anti-eugenics strats :feelskek:
Well at least she won’t leave him I guess
yeah, she just turned 16, and she lived with her family, so I was reluctant to go round and fuck her incase they thought I was a creep
Sounds like a normie story
Back in 2011 I was a part of a skype group consisting of like 8 people, mostly /r9k/ posters. We would voice chat regularly and there was this one guy who swore he was the worst off out of anyone. He was ~21 at the time, had been a NEET since he got his high school diploma (or equivalent or whatever), no gf, no friends, etc. He wasn't quite NT but not actually a genuine autist either, but sort of socially stunted due to his upbringing. He was raised by a single mom and while his mom did remarry for like a few years before getting divorced again, and dated some other guys, none of them were really father figures to him or had much interest in being such from what I remember him telling me. He was also homeschooled from a young age and his mother sounded pretty mentally ill and from what he told me I got the impression that she was socially isolating him on purpose, though perhaps I was reading into things too much.

Anyway, he insisted he was the least likely to get a gf and always went on about how fucked he was. I asked to see his pic multiple times, and one day he actually sent me his pic and I thought he was trolling. He was a MEGA prettyboy, like a legit 9/10. He also looked younger than his age, I would have thought he was 17-18 I remember being like "NO WAY THIS IS YOU WTF" and he actually got on cam to prove it was him. I told him he could get a gf EASILY if he tried and he was like "no girl would ever want me, blah blah blah". He told me he would trade places with me saying I had a much better chance even though I'm ugly (he admitted I'm ugly, he saw my pic) because I'm tall, funny, deep voice, blah blah blah.

I told him I would prove once and for all that he could easily get a gf by making an okcupid profile with his pic and setting him up for a date. So he agreed to let me do this and I got to work making the profile and messaging every girl in between the ages of 18-35 within like 10 miles of where he lived in. He lived in the midwest and not in a big city so it's not like there were that many. I got some replies and I had what I believed to be 5 strong prospects. I told him and said I was going to set him up on 5 dates and he was like "no! I can't handle 5 rejections!". But he ultimately agreed to go on one date. So out of the 5 prospects, there was one that stood out a lot. Whereas with the other 4 I was still putting in more effort into the conversations, this girl was double messaging, writing walls of text, and practically begging to meet up. She was 25 years old, quite obese, and was obsessed with Kingdom Hearts, Castlevania SOTN, Death Note, and Fruits Basket (how the fuck do I even remember this despite having a shitty memory?). I had played/seen these before so I was able to talk with her about them and she went on about how we must be "soulmates". She asked for "my" phone number and I asked him on skype if I could give her his number and he said "no I need you to set up the date so give her your number" so I gave her my number and she just started blowing up my phone with texts. In case it's not obvious, I choose to set up the date with her because she was by far the most interested and thus the least likely to flake or reject him. He also said he had no standards and would take any woman that would have him so it was a no-brainer.

So the day after the scheduled date I got on skype and one of the guys in the group was like "you won't believe what [aforementioned 9/10 pretty boy] did!". I remember thinking "oh boy, how did he fuck this up?" since he had the tendency to say one weird shit at times. So I messaged him directly when he got online and the FIRST thing he said was "I lost my virginity". He went on to tell me how the date went and early on he confessed that she was actually talking to someone else and she didn't mind that much. GEE I WONDER WHY! Then they went back to her place and he then proceeded to go into graphic detail about the rest. Like...really graphic.

Anyway, they became a couple and he went from being online like 12 hours a day to not being online for days at a time and by early 2012 he pretty much stopped getting on and the group kind of died off.

Then one day in 2016-2017 he randomly got on skype and we talked for a while. He said him and that girl ended up getting married and he had recently gotten his degree and had a decent job as an engineer. Apparently getting a gf gave him the motivation he needed to get his shit together. He then told me his wife was pregnant and expecting in a few months or so. When he asked me what I was up to, I straight up told him I was flipping burgers and moderating /r/incels. He seemed to be under the impression I was joking. That was the last time we talked. Assuming there wasn't an abortion or miscarriage, the kid must be ~6 year old now. Either in first grade or starting this year.

I've been reflecting on my life a lot as I've gotten older. Until recently I never really thought about the situation as "another human exists because of me" and it's surreal to think about it like that. This is the closest thing I'll ever have to actually making an impact on the world. I never made this much of an impact on anyone else's life and my posts online are nothing but dust in the wind.
brutal lesson. I hope you know better to never help out Chads or mentalcels.

I suppose the only solace to take in from this is that Chad married an obese weeb so he's massively underplaying his potential, and in a way ruined his life by breeding inferior seed with her
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This is litERally (no exaggERation) the most cucked thing I’ve evER read on this forum, and the fact that OP used to be a mod of this forum just shows you the state of the forum
That must have been something very brutal to live
This is litERally (no exaggERation) the most cucked thing I’ve evER read on this forum, and the fact that OP used to be a mod of this forum just shows you the state of the forum
This happened a long time ago if he's talking about r9k before the tranny raid.

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