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Blackpill [Theory]Dietpill- How Modern Food & Diets Contribute To Inceldom.



Nov 20, 2022
Whilst it is firmly established by many Blackpill metrics, that looks, height, and NTness are largely determined by your genetics, a reasonable portion can still be determined by other life factors. IN this thread, I will be going over how our modern diets, especially the American one, can impact looks & NTness.

To start off, let's tap into some blood-memory & take a trip to the past: Prior to the invention & diffusion of agriculture, humans lived in hunter-gatherer tribalistic societies. Their diets consisting primarily of that of meat, fruit, dairy, fish etc.

However, upon the invention of agriculture, a change can be noticed in that of the human skull:

Notable features distinguishing the skull shapes of foragers and farmers include a smaller anterior temporalis muscle, delineated by landmarks along the superior temporal line (Fig. 4); posterior displacement of the dentition, especially in the maxillary cheek teeth
and a taller mandibular coronoid process, narrower mandibular ramus, and more projecting lower chin


Reasoning lies in many reasons: For example, it's obvious that diets consisting of more meat will require more chewing, as well as the Hunter-Gatherer lifestyle being one which is much more arduous & "tough"

However, could the nutritional value of the food itself be causing some kind of Impact on the development of the skull shape?

According to some research, testosterone does play a role in the outcome of facial shape, features, dimorphism, etc:
Based on the findings of Hodges-Simeon and others, who have showed an association between pubertal testosterone levels and ratios of facial width-to-height
The impact of sex hormones on human craniofacial morphology is well documented and is most apparent in the post-pubertal dimorphism we see between male and female faces
Prior studies have connected these aspects of facial morphology to both testosterone levels directly or to other physical and behavioral markers of testosterone activity

I don't think I need to say this, but It's blatantly obvious that the majority of people that meat obviously raises testosterone levels: However, what is lesser-understood, is the fact that many agricultural crops contained phytates, which are known to lower T-levels.

Now let's jump back to the present......

It's obvious to all non-normies just how dogshit our diet is, no one can deny that: However, what we need to asses is just how much this can impact the outcome of looks.

Let's start off with seed-oils, according to research, it not only lowers-testosterone, but can directly cause acne & inflammation:

“Seed oils themselves have high levels of omega-6 fats, which can lead to inflammation.” Zumpano says, “and they’re mostly used to make ultra-processed foods, which causes inflammation in the body.”
Sunflower seed intake appears to aggravate acne vulgaris
In addition, the intake of trans fatty acids was associated with lower total testosterone and calculated free testosterone concentrations (Ptrend = 0.01 and 0.02, respectively). The intake of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids was positively related to testicular volume while the intake of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids was inversely related to testicular volume.

Soy is another culprit, of course(no need to elaborate why, the memes tell us enough), and it's literally fed to infants here in the US:

Also briefly discussed in the “Nutrition for Healthy Term Infants” statement was the subject of phytoestrogens, which are a component of soy-based formulas. Over the past several years, the potential harms and benefits of phytoestrogens have been raised in the media and medical literature, sparking concern about the short- and long-term implications for infants who have been exposed to them through consumption of soy-based infant formulas as their sole source of nutrition.
The United Kingdom and New Zealand recommendations, separately, have more strongly recommended against the use of soy-based formula for any indication, citing concerns about the unknown risk of phytoestrogens when infants are receiving the formulas as the sole source of nutrition

View: https://www.tiktok.com/@organic_tarzan/video/7347027711723998510?lang=en

Even the water we drink is harmful, since fluoride can not only cause brain-damage:

In a meta-analysis, researchers from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and China Medical University in Shenyang for the first time combined 27 studies and found strong indications that fluoride may adversely affect cognitive development in children. Based on the findings, the authors say that this risk should not be ignored, and that more research on fluoride’s impact on the developing brain is warranted.

But is also correlated with hair-loss:
Fluoride is an essential trace element for human body; however, exposure to high amounts of fluoride has been documented to be correlated with an increasing risk of hair loss.

And acne:

Excess exposure to Fluoride can result in hormonal imbalance which can trigger acne. Some of the common sources of Fluoride include mouthwash and toothpaste, Fluoridated drinking water, antidepressants and other medications, processed foods, milk powder, Fluoridated salt, etc. Exposure to Fluoride, particularly from medication, dental care, food and water should be timely dealt with to control acne

Not to mention.....

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUEy55r49fY

Now lets asses some of the mental impacts of our modern "diet," shall we?
New UC Riverside research shows soybean oil not only leads to obesity and diabetes, but could also affect neurological conditions like autism, Alzheimer’s disease, anxiety, and depression.

The research does not prove that food coloring actually causes autism spectrum disorder, but there seems to be a link.

To summarize things- we may have been born sub-5 & non-nt, but our modern diets accelerated & worsened it. :blackpill:

@To koniec @Uggo Mongo @LeFrenchCel @TBIcel @Ron.Belgrade @WorthlessSlavicShit @Chudpreet @anandkonda @Biowaste Removal @lazy_gamer_423 @ElTruecel @Friezacel @KillNiggers @VictimofBpillReaper @Epedaphic @Made in Heaven @Pajeetsingh @GeckoBus @Stupid Clown @Regenerator @wereq @Fatass3000 @EngelCallDell19
Oy vey! Stop noticing and continue feasting on goyslop

High iq and exposes the food industry
Hunter gatherers today still have more gracile skulls and post cranial skeletons than more robust hunter gatherers from tens of thousands of years ago. Gracilization seems to occur irrespective of agriculture although developments in human diet since the agricultural revolution did produce more maladaptive effects on human health for sure.
High iq and brootal thread.

The fucked up thing is is that you can't even really escape it because even the so called "Healthy foods" are being contaminated with these chemicals.

Ig the only way you can get away from it is growing your own stuff and getting your own meat from animals that you feed yourself.

Thx for the tag brocel:feelsYall:
@DarkStarDown want to add some thing

Could high soy consumption be the reason chinks are least masculine?
Is this the reason why cumskins are the most non-NT and autistic?

Also looks rice reduces your height. Could be the reason for why chinks and curries are short

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I'm sure my crappy diet played a part in making my looks and autism worse, even if the effect wasn't nearly as much as my genetics.
Whilst it is firmly established by many Blackpill metrics, that looks, height, and NTness are largely determined by your genetics, a reasonable portion can still be determined by other life factors. IN this thread, I will be going over how our modern diets, especially the American one, can impact looks & NTness.

To start off, let's tap into some blood-memory & take a trip to the past: Prior to the invention & diffusion of agriculture, humans lived in hunter-gatherer tribalistic societies. Their diets consisting primarily of that of meat, fruit, dairy, fish etc.

However, upon the invention of agriculture, a change can be noticed in that of the human skull:


Reasoning lies in many reasons: For example, it's obvious that diets consisting of more meat will require more chewing, as well as the Hunter-Gatherer lifestyle being one which is much more arduous & "tough"

However, could the nutritional value of the food itself be causing some kind of Impact on the development of the skull shape?

According to some research, testosterone does play a role in the outcome of facial shape, features, dimorphism, etc:

I don't think I need to say this, but It's blatantly obvious that the majority of people that meat obviously raises testosterone levels: However, what is lesser-understood, is the fact that many agricultural crops contained phytates, which are known to lower T-levels.

Now let's jump back to the present......

It's obvious to all non-normies just how dogshit our diet is, no one can deny that: However, what we need to asses is just how much this can impact the outcome of looks.

Let's start off with seed-oils, according to research, it not only lowers-testosterone, but can directly cause acne & inflammation:

Soy is another culprit, of course(no need to elaborate why, the memes tell us enough), and it's literally fed to infants here in the US:

View: https://www.tiktok.com/@organic_tarzan/video/7347027711723998510?lang=en

Even the water we drink is harmful, since fluoride can not only cause brain-damage:

But is also correlated with hair-loss:

And acne:

Not to mention.....

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUEy55r49fY

Now lets asses some of the mental impacts of our modern "diet," shall we?

To summarize things- we may have been born sub-5 & non-nt, but our modern diets accelerated & worsened it. :blackpill:

@To koniec @Uggo Mongo @LeFrenchCel @TBIcel @Ron.Belgrade @WorthlessSlavicShit @Chudpreet @anandkonda @Biowaste Removal @lazy_gamer_423 @ElTruecel @Friezacel @KillNiggers @VictimofBpillReaper @Epedaphic @Made in Heaven @Pajeetsingh @GeckoBus @Stupid Clown @Regenerator @wereq @Fatass3000 @EngelCallDell19

another high iq thread by you :feelsYall:
@based_meme @IronsideCel
I don't think this has as direct of an effect on inceldom as other, societal factors. The actual effects on inceldom might be something we see many generations down the line when the genes are altered before being passed.
@DarkStarDown suggestion. Next time you make such High IQ threads add racebait in the title, would gain more traction and attention :feelsthink:
I know that food effects your health, but i doubt its the reason i have Aspergs and am a turbo manelt
True it’s not all genetics just like 90%
I believe that diet also plays a large role in human height.

We are now generally shorter, lighter and smaller boned than our ancestors were 100,000 years ago.

The average human 40,000 years ago was 5'9-6'1 on average. The Dutch, tallest in the world, are also 6'1 on average.

Human height plummeted to 5'4 on average during the Neolithic (agricultural) revolution. This is because of the replacement of a varied diet that changed almost every day to one made up of cheaply grown plant materials which lacked in protein and varied very little.
Consuming extremely processed foods like burgers, fries, and sausages greatly increases the chances of developing Cardiovascular disease.

  • A new study finds ultra-processed foods like soda, candy, and prepackaged meat can lead to increased risk of health issues like cancer and heart disease.
  • The study found that consumption of ultra-processed foods accounts for up to 58% of daily calorie intake in high-income countries like the United States.
  • They found eating large amounts of ultra-processed foods was linked to a 50% increased risk of cardiovascular disease-related death.

Consuming extremely processed foods like burgers, fries, and sausages greatly increases the chances of developing Cardiovascular disease.

It's because of trans and saturated fats in them which increase LDL cholesterol right?
It's because of trans and saturated fats in them which increase LDL cholesterol right?
Yes, but there's more.
Plasma lipid concentrations are influenced by the quantity and quality of dietary fats and carbohydrates, which, in turn, are influenced by food processing (56). There is scientific consensus that industrially produced trans fatty acids, present in partially hydrogenated vegetable oils in commercially manufactured foods, adversely affect blood lipoprotein profile and increase the risk of CHD
Processing induces significant changes to the food matrix, for which ultra-processed foods may affect health outcomes differently than unrefined whole foods with similar nutritional composition. Notably, the highly degraded physical structure of ultra-processed foods may affect cardiometabolic health by influencing absorption kinetics, satiety, glycemic response, and the gut microbiota composition and function.
Even the packaging used to contain processed foods is poisonous.
packaging materials may contain endocrine-disrupting chemicals, such as bisphenol A (BPA). Limited epidemiological evidence suggests that greater exposure to BPA is associated with increased prevalence of major CVD risk factors, including diabetes, overall and abdominal obesity, and hypertension
Don't curries often cook with non-virgin coconut oil?
For example, it has been shown that processed coconut oil, but not virgin coconut oil, raises serum cholesterol concentrations in rats

Ultra-processed foods are the main source of total and added sugar in the US diet (29). Excessive sugar intakes, particularly in the form of sugar-sweetened beverages, are associated with multiple CVD risk factors, including overall and abdominal adiposity, hypertension, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and dyslipidemia (30, 31). High-glycemic-index and high-glycemic-load diets are associated with increased risk of CHD and type 2 diabetes (9). The glycemic response to a particular food is determined by the quantity and quality of carbohydrates (source and digestibility); content of fat, protein, and fiber; food matrix structure (e.g., liquid or solid); and degree of processing (32). Experimental evidence supports that ultra-processed foods are, on average, more hyperglycemic than minimally and moderately processed foods (24). Hyperglycemia increases the risk of CVD by promoting weight gain, inflammation, oxidative stress, and endothelial dysfunction (32).

It's because of trans and saturated fats in them which increase LDL cholesterol right?
They can elevate bad cholesterol (LDL) levels and lower good cholesterol (HDL) levels, and tend to be less healthy than unsaturated fats. Liquid at room temperature, unsaturated fats are typically considered heart heathy and help maintain good cholesterol levels
Don't curries often cook with non-virgin coconut oil?
That's only in Kerala. Most of India consumes hydrogenated sunflower, peanut or mustard oils
it's over
at least i won't live very long
Thanks for the tag man. High IQ, high quality stuff.

It’s crazy how much our health and wellbeing is sacrificed for the sake of corporate products. Our government which is supposed to be our ally does nothing about it.

Unfortunately I can’t afford to eat mostly organic with where I am in life right now. But I avoid any products that include soy - luckily, it appears that they are listed in bold at the end of the ingredients list, possibly for allergy purposes, so at least it’s usually easy to identify. My chances of ascension are low enough as it is, I don’t need to be taking in loads of xenoestrogens lowering that even more.
@Fat Link pin?
High iq and exposes the food industry
Thank you- it truly is awful just how we are literally being poisoned: In a way, it's as if it adds "insult to injury" I'm sure you get it.
High iq and brootal thread.

The fucked up thing is is that you can't even really escape it because even the so called "Healthy foods" are being contaminated with these chemicals.

Ig the only way you can get away from it is growing your own stuff and getting your own meat from animals that you feed yourself.

Thx for the tag brocel:feelsYall:
Thanks- it's also possible to buy directly from farmers, but that is costly still.

Best thing to do, might be to go off-grid & live off the land like @wasted12years
@DarkStarDown want to add some thing

Could high soy consumption be the reason chinks are least masculine?
That is a possibility, especially since it's been a core part of their diets for thousands of years iirc.
Is this the reason why cumskins are the most non-NT and autistic?
Autism rates have increased, yes, in part due to dietary reasons.

However, it seems Whites by default are more likely to be Autistic: By this, I mean that we are both likely to be autistic by birth, whilst NT Whites exhibit behavior more closer to that of Autistics(more introverted)
Also looks rice reduces your height. Could be the reason for why chinks and curries are short

View attachment 1176132View attachment 1176133
Rice has more phytates in it, which can ofc stunt growth potentially.
Soy is another culprit, of course(no need to elaborate why, the memes tell us enough), and it's literally fed to infants here in the US:
Never began for ricecels.
I know that food effects your health, but i doubt its the reason i have Aspergs and am a turbo manelt
Well, it could have amplified & worsened it: Yes, about 70% of height is genetic iirc, but testosterone levels can also affect it, and obviously our diet is causing these lowered T-levels.

It's also logical, that whilst our parents were bearing us, they were influenced by this diet.
Never began for ricecels.
Should have meatmaxxed & dairymaxxed like the Mongols, mang.
I believe that diet also plays a large role in human height.

The average human 40,000 years ago was 5'9-6'1 on average. The Dutch, tallest in the world, are also 6'1 on average.

Human height plummeted to 5'4 on average during the Neolithic (agricultural) revolution. This is because of the replacement of a varied diet that changed almost every day to one made up of cheaply grown plant materials which lacked in protein and varied very little.
This is true- also, height can impact fwhr iirc.
@DarkStarDown suggestion. Next time you make such High IQ threads add racebait in the title, would gain more traction and attention :feelsthink:
Noted. :yes:
Should have meatmaxxed & dairymaxxed like the Mongols, mang.
Having a low T population was probably better in a racially homogenous society with arranged marriage, but doesn't work in the modern world.
Having a low T population was probably better in a racially homogenous society with arranged marriage, but doesn't work in the modern world.
Why do you think this?
Why do you think this?
Low crime, clean streets, high productivity. Meanwhile central Asian countries are shitholes where thugs fight on the streets. Advantages and disadvantages of low T.
I don't think this has as direct of an effect on inceldom as other, societal factors. The actual effects on inceldom might be something we see many generations down the line when the genes are altered before being passed.
That is a possibility.
High IQ nigga, this deserves to be must read and pinned. Parent niggers forced me on brain rot antidepressants for a year and fucked me up. May allah give them suffering. They purposely put fluoride in those shits to make us retarded
Low crime, clean streets, high productivity. Meanwhile central Asian countries are shitholes where thugs fight on the streets. Advantages and disadvantages of low T.
I see your point: However, what I also wish to point out, is that both historical Asian & European civilizations -some Chinese Dynasties & Rome- fell due to invasion by these barbarians(Xingou was one iirc, and Rome was toppled by Teutonics).
High IQ nigga, this deserves to be must read and pinned.
Appreciate it :feelsYall:
Parent niggers forced me on brain rot antidepressants for a year and fucked me up. May allah give them suffering. They purposely put fluoride in those shits to make us retarded
Brutal, sorry mang.
However, it seems Whites by default are more likely to be Autistic: By this, I mean that we are both likely to be autistic by birth, whilst NT Whites exhibit behavior more closer to that of Autistics(more introverted)
That's because cumskins whites give birth in 30s on average right? Autism risk increases when mother gets older

I would assume this wouldn't be the case with children born with early 20s mothers
Rice has more phytates in it, which can ofc stunt growth potentially.
Phytates shouldn't be the problem if you soak and boil them. Rice not only has low protein but seems like it reduces IGF-1 because of the way it reacts with insulin
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Bookmarked. I need to give this a thread a read when I am pure and not intoxicated by liquor.
take care of your health boyos, even if any of u plan to go out we should be able to go out in our own term, not some kind of obesity cancer heart disease diabete or wutever that make u slowly suffer before dying. so we can cope without discomfort til the end
a thread where an Aryan want to secretly be a nig?
High IQ post.



The dietpill is part of the reason girls are 20x more likely to have early puberty (because kids are exposed to estrogen-boosting chemicals from birth. Most brutal thing is, there's no escaping it. It's in fruits and vegetables (sometimes even organic ones), meat, dairy, the water system. As well as being in plastic containers and packaging. It's basically over at this point, which is why I advocate for taking aromatase inhibitors to neutralize the effect of lowering testosterone levels.

It's a worldwide problem with 3rd world countries having even lower testosterone levels as they face the effects of both bad nutrients and poor quality plastics and diets, and farmers too who deal with pesticides and similar chemicals.
High IQ post.
View attachment 1178175
View attachment 1178176

The dietpill is part of the reason girls are 20x more likely to have early puberty (because kids are exposed to estrogen-boosting chemicals from birth. Most brutal thing is, there's no escaping it. It's in fruits and vegetables (sometimes even organic ones), meat, dairy, the water system.
I think i’ve heard of this before, yet I missed out on it.

Good catch.
As well as being in plastic containers and packaging. It's basically over at this point,
Missed this also.
which is why I advocate for taking aromatase inhibitors to neutralize the effect of lowering testosterone levels.
Can you link me more with this?
It's a worldwide problem with 3rd world countries having even lower testosterone levels as they face the effects of both bad nutrients and poor quality plastics and diets, and farmers too who deal with pesticides and similar chemicals.
View attachment 1178179
I was expecting the opposite tbh
High iq and brootal thread.

The fucked up thing is is that you can't even really escape it because even the so called "Healthy foods" are being contaminated with these chemicals.

Ig the only way you can get away from it is growing your own stuff and getting your own meat from animals that you feed yourself.
Missed this also.
70% of plastics leach (weak) estrogenic chemicals, this increases to 95% when these plastics are exposed to normal living conditions.

3 years ago they found microplastics in the placenta for the first time. Turns out all samples tested had microplastics. And last month they found microplastics in human testicles. Also turns out that everyone tested had them. Mircoplastics are pretty much everywhere in your body, but they tested on dogs and found that the ones with microplastics in their testicles had lower sperm counts.

Enclomiphene is a medicine I have tried which will negate the effects of "microplastics in your balls" by directly increasing FSH and LH production. Of course, the (((FDA))) has approved a medicine which contains it for women, but it's not allowed for men because it "increases the risk of blood clots" (just like their vaccines).

Can you link me more with this?
Here's the study on the aromatase inhibitor I use: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17460335/

I don't have any good links on it apart from the Wikipedia page. The way they work is your fat tissue contains an enzyme called "aromatase" which works to convert testosterone to estrogen. Aromatase inhibitors prevent this fat enzyme from working so testosterone is not converted to estrogen, which significantly decreases your estrogen levels (and raises testosterone levels) without killing off your body's own production like steroids do.

Also, a study shows that they increase your height by an average of 6.7cm (above normal growth), if taken for 3 years during puberty. This is much more affordable than HGH and roughly as effective, but many people do not know about it.

I was expecting the opposite tbh
I see mixed studies tbh. It might be that Western countries had higher testosterone levels and sperm counts due to a better nutrition and lack of poverty, but they subsequently dropped at a more rapid rate than developing countries. Much of the measuring of endocrine levels started in the 1970's, so there's much more data on developed countries.

(*was editing the comment after I sent)
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THIS is what I always say. We should all primarily eat raw animal organs, drink blood and eat hydrating fruit. That is what I believe the elites are actually doing while they try to brainwash us to eat vegetable goyslop. They just want to make us weaker, uglier and easier to manipulate
Respectfully I'm not buying this. It's always been genes and you can actually loose weight eating straight Oreos as long as you go under the recommended daily calories.
@DarkStarDown want to add some thing

Could high soy consumption be the reason chinks are least masculine?
Is this the reason why cumskins are the most non-NT and autistic?

Also looks rice reduces your height. Could be the reason for why chinks and curries are short

View attachment 1176132View attachment 1176133
But isnt it Rice (a dry vegetable, similar to dry fruits) that helps muscular development alongside red meat ??

If it does something to your heckin Bones, that is new to me LOL

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