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The uncanny valley: Why curries and sand are so ugly.



Aug 31, 2024
Many people like @Made in Heaven like to point out that Sand and Curry being caucasian gives them an edge over Blacks and Asians. All of the data goes against this and shows both curry and sand at the bottom of the dating market. This is because being caucasian has put us in the uncanny valley.

"The uncanny valley (Japanese: 不気味の谷, Hepburn: bukimi no tani) effect is a hypothesized psychological and aesthetic relation between an object's degree of resemblance to a human being and the emotional response to the object. Examples of the phenomenon exist among robotics, 3D computer animations and lifelike dolls. The increasing prevalence of digital technologies (e.g., virtual reality, augmented reality, and photorealistic computer animation) has propagated discussions and citations of the "valley"; such conversation has enhanced the construct's verisimilitude. The uncanny valley hypothesis predicts that an entity appearing almost human will risk eliciting eerie feelings in viewers."

Browns have some caucasian bones but have brown skin and weird ethnic features like bug eyes, hyperpigmentation, hooked nose, unibrow, excessive body hair, etc. This creates a race that elicits the feeling of an uncanny valley in people, especially whites. We look odd to them and it makes them feel disgusted and confused. We have some features that are similar but many that are worse and strange-looking. The end result is a major hit to our SMV placing us at the bottom. Asians and Blacks look so different that they are in their own niche and aren't directly competing with whites in the same niche.

The worst part is that this makes white women hate us the most because whites feel this uncanny valley to a much greater degree than other races. After all, we share some traits. That's why white foids pick Blacks and even Asians over sand and curry.

The racial SMV hierarchy for men is as follows.

1. White
Power gap
2. Black
Power gap
3. Asian
4. Sand
5. Curry


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no fucking way sands are below rice. I seen too many Lebanese and Jordanian moggers to believe that. It’s sands>rice>curry
Explaining the uncanny valley

Mori's original hypothesis states that as the appearance of a robot is made more human, some observers' emotional response to the robot becomes increasingly positive and empathetic, until it becomes almost human, at which point the response quickly becomes strong revulsion. However, as the robot's appearance continues to become less distinguishable from that of a human being, the emotional response becomes positive once again and approaches human-to-human empathy levels.[7] When plotted on a graph, the reactions are indicated by a steep decrease followed by a steep increase (hence the "valley" part of the name) in the areas where anthropomorphism is closest to reality.

This interval of repulsive response aroused by a robot with appearance and motion between a "somewhat human" and "fully human" entity is the uncanny valley effect. The name represents the idea that an almost human-looking robot seems overly "strange" to some human beings, produces a feeling of uncanniness, and thus fails to evoke the empathic response required for productive human–robot interaction.[7]

Whites have this exact response when they see shitskins.
@Shitskin=Shitlife Are you curry passing Persian?
no fucking way sands are below rice. I seen too many Lebanese and Jordanian moggers to believe that. It’s sands>rice>curry
Those people are a minority and crossed over into the positive side of the uncanny valley. This is also why sands have the most variation in SMV. Sands who pass as white cross the uncanny valley and are accepted but this is the top 1% of sands. I cannot stress this enough. Almost all sands are very ugly, brown, and ethnic looking. I will post some examples. It is over for everyone in these photos.

Nearly all sands are stuck in the uncanny valley. This is also why a sand who looks similar to whites but has some defining ethnic featurs will do worse than a black guy, even though the black guy looks radically different from whites.


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@Shitskin=Shitlife Are you curry passing Persian?
No, I am whiter than all curries and even whiter than the sands I am posting. I can't post my skin color, but it's not that dark. This doesn't fucking matter one bit because I don't look white and I am stuck in the uncanny valley. YOU MUST LOOK WHITE. I can tell whites are creeped out when they see me but blacks never elicit the same response. It's like they are weirded out.
No, I am whiter than all curries and even whiter than the sands I am posting. I can't post my skin color, but it's not that dark. This doesn't fucking matter one bit because I don't look white and I am stuck in the uncanny valley. YOU MUST LOOK WHITE. I can tell whites are creeped out when they see me but blacks never elicit the same response. It's like they are weirded out.
Post your face
I don't look like a curry. I look like a sand because I am a sand. Women hate all brown men. Both sand and curry are incels. I admit curries have it worse though.
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Bug eyes fuck over a lot of curries
Many people like @Made in Heaven like to point out that Sand and Curry being caucasian gives them an edge over Blacks and Asians. All of the data goes against this and shows both curry and sand at the bottom of the dating market. This is because being caucasian has put us in the uncanny valley.

"The uncanny valley (Japanese: 不気味の谷, Hepburn: bukimi no tani) effect is a hypothesized psychological and aesthetic relation between an object's degree of resemblance to a human being and the emotional response to the object. Examples of the phenomenon exist among robotics, 3D computer animations and lifelike dolls. The increasing prevalence of digital technologies (e.g., virtual reality, augmented reality, and photorealistic computer animation) has propagated discussions and citations of the "valley"; such conversation has enhanced the construct's verisimilitude. The uncanny valley hypothesis predicts that an entity appearing almost human will risk eliciting eerie feelings in viewers."

Browns have some caucasian bones but have brown skin and weird ethnic features like bug eyes, hyperpigmentation, hooked nose, unibrow, excessive body hair, etc. This creates a race that elicits the feeling of an uncanny valley in people, especially whites. We look odd to them and it makes them feel disgusted and confused. We have some features that are similar but many that are worse and strange-looking. The end result is a major hit to our SMV placing us at the bottom. Asians and Blacks look so different that they are in their own niche and aren't directly competing with whites in the same niche.

The worst part is that this makes white women hate us the most because whites feel this uncanny valley to a much greater degree than other races. After all, we share some traits. That's why white foids pick Blacks and even Asians over sand and curry.

The racial SMV hierarchy for men is as follows.

1. White
Power gap
2. Black
Power gap
3. Asian
4. Sand
5. Curry
Most Sandniggers are safely above Ricecels, period
no fucking way sands are below rice. I seen too many Lebanese and Jordanian moggers to believe that. It’s sands>rice>curry
Sands usually are not playing with a full dick. Islamic blood sacrifice requires that they lose the tip of their dick and many foids don't like scars and grotesque color differences on the shaft.
What cope studies that NEVER gets reflected in marriage data?

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Both pajeets and rice are counted as Asian in the UK. Your own source shows pajeets have the lowest rares of intermarriage at 7%. The Japanese are 52%. Your own data proves you wrong. Here is a study showijg racial exclusion rates by ethnicity. Sand and Curry are the most excluded. 95% excluded sand and 96% excluded curry.


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What cope studies that NEVER gets reflected in marriage data?

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Here is a second study looking at racial preferences in dating. You can see that Arabs and Indians score at the bottom. This study asked all women as a group. The data would be even harsher if you were to only ask white women.

For females decreased Indians got 270 votes and Arabs got 167. The two worst scores. The data would be far worse only counting white women. In my own personal life I see Asians do better than all browns. Blacks are miles ahead of other ethnics.


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Both pajeets and rice are counted as Asian in the UK.
That's why the census separates them
Your own source shows pajeets have the lowest rares of intermarriage at 7%. The Japanese are 52%. Your own data proves you wrong.
I was trying to show how Arabs do WAY better than chinks
Here is a study showijg racial exclusion rates by ethnicity. Sand and Curry are the most excluded. 95% excluded sand and 96% excluded curry.
dnr cope studies
That's why the census separates them

I was trying to show how Arabs do WAY better than chinks

dnr cope studies
Your picture says mixed white and Asian. Both Rice and Curry are counted as Asian in the UK. It's meaningless.

The Japanese are rice and they had the highest mix rates according to your own data. The data is also old from 2006. Rice did the best in your own data.

It's not coping the study is real. Both of them are real and both sand and curry got last place.
Sand and Curry are the most excluded. 95% excluded sand and 96% excluded curry.

For females decreased Indians got 270 votes and Arabs got 167. The two worst scores. The data would be far worse only counting white women
Another ethnics thread that only mentions white women's dating preferences
Dravidian Brahmin curries are not ugly, they are MOGGERS
@comradespiderman29 thots?
I am not a woman or gay, but many arab men are decreasing their smv by themselves. Even straight men can see if a man doesnt take care of himself at all jfl. And we all can see if a man is a chad or an incel by the looks so dont judge me on this, I hate talking about men as a straight male but I have to say this..

With their huge testosterone, they could easily gym and get fit.

It will not fix their face tho but they can plastic surgery their nose and laser-remove their bodyhair. Also I do not think Islam is attractive for non-muslim women.

Indian men in the other hand like asian males, it is over when it comes to muscles.
Indian men are (sadly) either thin or a fat belly t-rex by default. I have seen groups of Indian males even lift more than me at the gym but still have baby arms. It seems that their muscles are different, like it cannot contain water when they get stronger.

Even if I am wrong and arabs are at the bottom because of their looks, I want to say I do not want to rank males anyway.
I want men to lose their virginity.

I am more angry at women. They are the ones screaming against racism and supporting equality yet they are the ones who are extremely racist and psychopathic.
Sands can prettyboymaxx and usually are more nt and braver with women than curries, European jb fk them in hordes it's not even comparable
Many people like @Made in Heaven like to point out that Sand and Curry being caucasian gives them an edge over Blacks and Asians.
Because it does, that's why you see black and asian women thirsting more for arab and indian men.
All of the data goes against this and shows both curry and sand at the bottom of the dating market. This is because being caucasian has put us in the uncanny valley.
source: my ass
"The uncanny valley (Japanese: 不気味の谷, Hepburn: bukimi no tani) effect is a hypothesized psychological and aesthetic relation between an object's degree of resemblance to a human being and the emotional response to the object. Examples of the phenomenon exist among robotics, 3D computer animations and lifelike dolls. The increasing prevalence of digital technologies (e.g., virtual reality, augmented reality, and photorealistic computer animation) has propagated discussions and citations of the "valley"; such conversation has enhanced the construct's verisimilitude. The uncanny valley hypothesis predicts that an entity appearing almost human will risk eliciting eerie feelings in viewers."
Holy irrelevance
Browns have some caucasian bones but have brown skin
As long as the brown skin isn't too dark, that's actually a positive for men, since men look better with light brown skin

and weird ethnic features like bug eyes
This applies to jeets, not arabs

Again, applies to jeets, not arabs.
hooked nose
Many Europeans have bigger noses than Arabs, I see it all the fucking time. My french supervisor has a bigger nose than me

And, again, having a somewhat big nose is a positive trait for a man
Can be shaved off. Completley irrelevant.
excessive body hair
Dumb fuck. Some of the hairest people in the world are southern europeans. In fact, Arabs and Indians are LESS hairy than Mediteraneans.


This creates a race that elicits the feeling of an uncanny valley in people, especially whites. We look odd to them and it makes them feel disgusted and confused. We have some features that are similar but many that are worse and strange-looking. The end result is a major hit to our SMV placing us at the bottom.
Nice headcanon. Now show eviedence or shut the fuck up.

Asians and Blacks look so different that they are in their own niche and aren't directly competing with whites in the same niche.
They are. Every study shows asian males are the bottom of the barrel and black women likewise are the bottom of the barrel, so they clearly can't compete with the whites of their own gender JFL
The worst part is that this makes white women hate us the most because whites feel this uncanny valley to a much greater degree than other races. After all, we share some traits. That's why white foids pick Blacks and even Asians over sand and curry.
Again, nice headcanon.


The racial SMV hierarchy for men is as follows.

1. White
Power gap
2. Black
Power gap
3. Asian
4. Sand
5. Curry
Pure retardation, you're a mentally ill nigger.

It's whites, arabs, blacks, indians, then asians.


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As for the INSANE cope that asians mog arabs, I'm not arguing this here, since I have AMPLE evidence in my "ricecucks" megathread, so if you want to discuss THAT aspect, you can go there and talk to me about it
Because it does, that's why you see black and asian women thirsting more for arab and indian men
ASIANS FUCKING DESPISE BROWN MEN, ESPECIALLY CURRIES. Curries are by far and away the most hated race of men. Korea outright banned Indians from their bars and restaurants. Asians hate and look down on brown and black people.
source: my ass
I posted two studies earlier in the thread. I will repost them.

In the first study, 96% of curries were excluded and 95% of sand. The two worst scores. In the second study, sand and curry got the lowest scores for increased attraction at 84 and 61, respectively. They were also the most likely to cause decreased attraction in foids. Curries getting 270 and Arabs get 167.
As long as the brown skin isn't too dark, that's actually a positive for men, since men look better with light brown skin
JFL at this cope. White skin is the most attractive on men and that partially explains why whites do better than sand. You can take a photo of a sandcel, lighten it in Photoshop, and repost it on Tinder, and you will get more likes. People have done this experiment.
This applies to jeets, not arabs
No, both have weird ethnic features, including bug eyes.
Many Europeans have bigger noses than Arabs, I see it all the fucking time. My french supervisor has a bigger nose than me

And, again, having a somewhat big nose is a positive trait for a man
No, having a big nose is always a negative. That's why Jews are considered ugly. Arabs have bigger noses than whites in most cases. Coping again.
Can be shaved off. Completley irrelevant.
Women select for genes. It's the same reason they hate overly hairy men, eben though you can cut the hair.
Dumb fuck. Some of the hairest people in the world are southern europeans. In fact, Arabs and Indians are LESS hairy than Mediteraneans.
That map is fake because it says Scandinavians are as hairy as Meds and Arabs. JFL. Arabs are hairier than Meds but both are hairy.
Nice headcanon. Now show eviedence or shut the fuck up.
I already posted two studies again.
They are. Every study shows asian males are at the bottom of the barrel and black women likewise are at the bottom of the barrel, so they clearly can't compete with the whites of their own gender JFL
I never said Asians could compete with whites. Browns are forced into the same dating niche as whites because of our shared traits. This is actually a disadvantage. Asians and Blacks fill their own niche.

You always post the whitest passing sands. I filled the thread with many crowd photos of Sands where you can see dozens of them. None of them look like your cherry-picked photos. This is what sand actually looks like.


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As for the INSANE cope that asians mog arabs, I'm not arguing this here, since I have AMPLE evidence in my "ricecucks" megathread, so if you want to discuss THAT aspect, you can go there and talk to me about it
This is cherry-picking. You would have to pick a KPOP Chang to make it fair. You also didn't read the thread. Most sands are below most rice and blacks because of the uncanny valley. The top sands pass that valley and do well. You falsely choose the best sands and paint them as average. I post crowds of sand to show what non-cherrypicked sands look like. I have been to the Middle East. They don't look like your white passing photos.

This is what most sands look like and yes they are less desirable than both Asians and Blacks on average. In the real world, I see both of them doing better than both sand and curry.


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I think the uncanny valley applies more to mulattos and hapas. Arabs don't have it too bad
I think the uncanny valley applies more to mulattos and hapas. Arabs don't have it too bad
It applies more to sands because the difference between being white passing and not being white passing has a huge impact on sand SMV. Most sands are not white passing hence we are the second least desirable just above curry. This is what most sands look like. Don't pay attention to @Made in Heaven cherrypicked photos. It would be absolutely over for all of these men if they migrared to the west.

Hapas and mulattos don't have to be white passing to be desirable because they are in a different niche. They also don't get the uncanny valley because they are too different.


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It applies more to sands because the difference between being white passing and not being white passing has a huge impact on sand SMV. Most sands are not white passing hence we are the second least desirable just above curry. This is what most sands look like. Don't pay attention to @Made in Heaven cherrypicked photos. It would be absolutely over for all of these men if they migrared to the west.

Hapas and mulattos don't have to be white passing to be desirable because they are in a different niche. They also don't get the uncanny valley because they are too different.
Tbf a lot of those are gulf Arabs who look more like mulattoes and pajeets. The Levantines are usually "whiter" looking but not to the point they look like Europeans. I would still say they have it quite a bit better than ugly mulattoes and especially hapas overall. And no you are wrong, just look at Elliot Rodger plus Im mixed myself so I know how it is. Mixed race = uncanny especially if 2 very distant groups are in the mix
Many people like @Made in Heaven like to point out that Sand and Curry being caucasian gives them an edge over Blacks and Asians. All of the data goes against this and shows both curry and sand at the bottom of the dating market. This is because being caucasian has put us in the uncanny valley.

"The uncanny valley (Japanese: 不気味の谷, Hepburn: bukimi no tani) effect is a hypothesized psychological and aesthetic relation between an object's degree of resemblance to a human being and the emotional response to the object. Examples of the phenomenon exist among robotics, 3D computer animations and lifelike dolls. The increasing prevalence of digital technologies (e.g., virtual reality, augmented reality, and photorealistic computer animation) has propagated discussions and citations of the "valley"; such conversation has enhanced the construct's verisimilitude. The uncanny valley hypothesis predicts that an entity appearing almost human will risk eliciting eerie feelings in viewers."

Browns have some caucasian bones but have brown skin and weird ethnic features like bug eyes, hyperpigmentation, hooked nose, unibrow, excessive body hair, etc. This creates a race that elicits the feeling of an uncanny valley in people, especially whites. We look odd to them and it makes them feel disgusted and confused. We have some features that are similar but many that are worse and strange-looking. The end result is a major hit to our SMV placing us at the bottom. Asians and Blacks look so different that they are in their own niche and aren't directly competing with whites in the same niche.

The worst part is that this makes white women hate us the most because whites feel this uncanny valley to a much greater degree than other races. After all, we share some traits. That's why white foids pick Blacks and even Asians over sand and curry.

The racial SMV hierarchy for men is as follows.

1. White
Power gap
2. Black
Power gap
3. Asian
4. Sand
5. Curry
Sands can prettyboymaxx and usually are more nt and braver with women than curries, European jb fk them in hordes it's not even comparable
This. Sands don't have it bad at all
>'people with high fertility rates are totally mogged by ricecels who never reproduce guiz' :soy:
Tbf a lot of those are gulf Arabs who look more like mulattoes and pajeets. The Levantines are usually "whiter" looking but not to the point they look like Europeans. I would still say they have it quite a bit better than ugly mulattoes and especially hapas overall. And no you are wrong, just look at Elliot Rodger plus Im mixed myself so I know how it is. Mixed race = uncanny especially if 2 very distant groups are in the mix
Jeremy Meeks is literally mixed race. Hapas and Mulattoes look Asian and Black so they are treated that way. The uncanny valley hits Sands and Curry hardest.

The biggest Arab ethncity is Egyptian. Egypt has a population of 116 million people. Lebanon is 5.5 million people. I posted Iraqis, Iranians, Jordanians, Palestinians, Moroccans, Libyans, Saudis, and Emiratis in the thread. Scroll up for all the photos. I have already posted levantines and will post more now.

Keep in mind that levantines are not the typical sand. I repeat that the biggest group of Arabs are actually Egyptians and they are close to 120 million. I will post more egyptians soon. Scroll up and you will see I posted many ethnicities.


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There is no way Asians have it better than sands. Sands mog them to oblivion
Asians are higher on average. Both the data and what I have seen in real life support this. You just notice the one sand with blue eyes on Instagram and think they all look like that.
>'people with high fertility rates are totally mogged by ricecels who never reproduce guiz' :soy:
There is no way Asians have it better than sands. Sands mog them to oblivion
You guys need to understand that OP is a self hating cuck who sexually fetishizes his self hatred. Similar to @tehgymcel420 although at least he is somewhat joking at time. And like @WorthlessSlavicShit said the last time I had to argue this deranged cope with @svgmn1 "if europeans are the beauty standard, which every study confirms, then the more European adjacent you look, the better" and this applies most to arabs and central asians.

I already have addressed every cope OP has brought up in various threads, including his faulty studies, so I don't even want to argue with him again.

Here are three relevant threads where I already address every retarded argument OP is making

It's also funny how this faggot keeps spamming group photos and crowds when that is a wholely inaccurate way to asses peoples facial features, especially since they are making expressions which contort their faces. Not to mention despite all that, plenty of the people in his group crowd photos look good regardless. I could literally go through each of these photos and show this too.

This tactic of spamming crowd photos is typical of low IQ niggers who don't know how to make proper arguments or assesments
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You guys need to understand that OP is a self hating cuck who sexually fetishizes his self hatred. Similar to @tehgymcel420 although at least he is somewhat joking at time. And like @WorthlessSlavicShit said the last time I had to argue this deranged cope with @svgmn1 "if europeans are the beauty standard, which every study confirms, then the more European adjacent you look, the better" and this applies most to arabs and central asians.

I already have addressed every cope OP has brought up in various threads, including his faulty studies, so I don't even want to argue with him again.

Here are three relevant threads where I already address every retarded argument OP is making

You just ignored both of the studies I posted. If what you say is true curries should be higher than blacks but nobody in their right mind believes that. Curries are caucasian and blacks are negroid.

Argue with the data. Here it is. Both Sand and Curry at the bottom.


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It's also funny how this faggot keeps spamming group photos and crowds when that is a wholely inaccurate way to asses peoples facial features, especially since they are making expressions which contort their faces. Not to mention despite all that, plenty of the people in his group crowd photos look good regardless. I could literally go through each of these photos and show this too.

This tactic of spamming crowd photos is typical of low IQ niggers who don't know how to make proper arguments or assesments
Group photos are a much better representation of races than a lone cherrypicked sand with blue eyes. Students, sports fans, migrants, protests, etc give you a huge sample size and paint a general picture. Searching the internet for the rare sand wity blonde hair is lying both to yourself and other users of what sands look like. The biggest Arab ethnicity is Egyptian too, not levantine.

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