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It's Over The Terrifying Truth About Looks & Intelligence



"You'll do this again, time is a flat circle..."
Mar 13, 2019

This video goes into detail about the correlation between physically attractive people and thier intelligence. And the data is suicide fuel, guys. It's over. Not only are we trash when it comes to physical appearance, but it turns out we're intellectually inferior as well. Chad and Stacy are actually considerably more smarter than us, but the research shows that they just have such awesome social lives that it outwardly doesn't appear as such. They just have more opportunities to do great things in life, the only reason we ugly incels appear smarter is because we have literally no other option but to study our asses off. Going out all the time, getting laid, and living life to the fullest is off the table for us. So we engage in intellectual pursuits to cope. Chad or Stacy can do anything you can, and do it better if they wanted. It's over. We serve literally no purpose on this Earth.
This actually nicely explains why there are so many stormfronters and WNcels here.
This actually nicely explains why there are so many stormfronters and WNcels here.

The Blackpill Philosophy has its roots in rational stoicism. To be able to accept the cold hard truth with dignity, no matter how hard it is. But this video was like a punch in the gut to me. It was a cope of mine to think at least we have a "leg up" in the brains department. I'm a pretty good guitarist/musician, but apparently that doesn't really mean anything.
The issue is that intelligence means jack shit in modern world. If anything it correlates negatively with birth rate (among secular Christian American Whites). A revolution is coming, and it will be won by the most ruthless. But how people come to the proper understanding of the world, that I do not know.
The Blackpill Philosophy has its roots in rational stoicism. To be able to accept the cold hard truth with dignity, no matter how hard it is. But this video was like a punch in the gut to me. It was a cope of mine to think at least we have a "leg up" in the brains department. I'm a pretty good guitarist/musician, but apparently that doesn't really mean anything.

That was my cope too, used to think I am smarter than average, but damn.

This stings harder than a whip. My only redeemable trait and Chad could probably do better than me if he was interested in it. It's a twisted joke to go on living like this.
The reason why ugly people are tested as having less intelligence is because their minds aren't cultivated. They're left to rot, while Chad has every opportunity to flourish.

It's the exact same reason why Chad tends to make 6 figures. A Stormfag would say it's because "Chad has a high IQ, and that correlates with high income." But if you're blackpilled, you know it's because "Chad has good bone structure, and that correlates with life success in general."
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  • VSGZHGib_400x400.jpg
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This actually nicely explains why there are so many stormfronters and WNcels here.
95% of the whites here are fakecels so obviously if they come here to feel superior compared to us true ethnicels, than they are likely to fully buy into WN to feed their narcissism.
The issue is that intelligence means jack shit in modern world. If anything it correlates negatively with birth rate (among secular Christian American Whites). A revolution is coming, and it will be won by the most ruthless. But how people come to the proper understanding of the world, that I do not know.

What do you mean by "revolution"? And who are you implying will be the "ruthless" ones?

Also I disagree. Intelligence is very important in modern society. Maybe not as much as looks, but still very important.
I have been thinking of myself as a retard for years at this point anyway.

What are you trying to imply? That Einstein was an incel? He was married and looked like an Italian mafia Chadlite in his youth. Genetics trumps everything. And we lost the genetic lottery. Quit fooling yourself. We lost. You lost. I lost. And its devastating. But that's the Blackpill for you.

Pic Related: its Albert Einstein back when he was a 7.5/10 Chadlite. Partying, slaying babes, and revolutionizing quantum physics simultaneously. Genetically superior in EVERY way possible.
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What are you trying to imply? That Einstein was an incel? He was married and looked like an Italian mafia Chadlite in his youth. Genetics trumps everything. And we lost the genetic lottery. Quit fooling yourself. We lost. You lost. I lost. And its devastating. But that's the Blackpill for you.

Pic Related: its Albert Einstein back when he was a 7.5/10 Chadlite. Partying, slaying babes, and revolutionizing quantum physics simultaneously. Genetically superior in EVERY way possible.
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I'm implying that Einstein was no Chad, yet he was a genius. Looks and intelligence are not always correlated. In fact, in many instances, I've found the opposite to be true.
I'm implying that Einstein was no Chad, yet he was a genius. Looks and intelligence are not always correlated. In fact, in many instances, I've found the opposite to be true.

Did you even bother to look at his younger picture? He was at least a Chadlite, was married, had girlfriends, and was known to be a social partygoer. Again, it seems like your projecting your emotions over the facts trying to cope. That's not what taking the Blackpill is about. It's about accepting your fate.

Your opinions dont override the facts. This data is just as devastating to me as it is to you.
The video makes no sense. Looks have nothing to do with intelligence. Chads are mostly dumb as rocks while historically, there were a lot of ugly philosophers like Socrates.
chad can say false information and everyone would believe it is true
Even if Chads had a slightly higher than average IQ, if someone would do a study with a sample of the really smart men and had another group rate them it would prove the opposite. Most really smart men throughout history have been non-attractive, at least most that I can think of (not many tbh). Seriously though, take a look at a pic of Google employees, NASA employees or any organization full of smart people. Assuming the looks = intelligence theory is true, they should all be Gigachads right?

Gigachad google employees
This was one of my last copes...... :cryfeels:
Even if Chads had a slightly higher than average IQ, if someone would do a study with a sample of the really smart men and had another group rate them it would prove the opposite. Most really smart men throughout history have been non-attractive, at least most that I can think of (not many tbh). Seriously though, take a look at a pic of Google employees, NASA employees or any organization full of smart people. Assuming the looks = intelligence theory is true, they should all be Gigachads right?

Gigachad google employees
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Really smart people in google type jobs are often aspergians. People on the spectrum have more malformations.

But high IQ NT´s are probably better looking than the average.
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Makes sense. Beneficial traits tend to aggregate together due to evolutionary pressures.
this is one of the reasons why incels shouldn't go to uni. I get IQmogged by thousands of tall Chads and Stacies every day. They have sex every day, go out with friends constantly and still get better results in uni than I do with nothing to do but rot and study alone in my room
The issue is that intelligence means jack shit in modern world. If anything it correlates negatively with birth rate (among secular Christian American Whites). A revolution is coming, and it will be won by the most ruthless. But how people come to the proper understanding of the world, that I do not know.
low IQ, in all animals, intelligence is a very important trait.
High IQ video. I buy it. Critics of this video need to realise that the evidence is showing a partial correlation between looks and intelligence not a 100% correlation so of course there are many exceptions to the general rule.

I did so well in school, mostly A grades and yet utterly failed at life. I always wondered how "dumber" people that did shit at school could be doing so much better than me in life. It's because they were smart enough to realise what was really important in life: being social and forming relationships instead of shying away from everything thinking your better than everyone like I did.
95% of the whites here are fakecels so obviously if they come here to feel superior compared to us true ethnicels, than they are likely to fully buy into WN to feed their narcissism.
The main cause of white inceldom is autism. They are mostly average looking. The truecels have been ethnic mostly.
Did you even bother to look at his younger picture? He was at least a Chadlite, was married, had girlfriends, and was known to be a social partygoer. Again, it seems like your projecting your emotions over the facts trying to cope. That's not what taking the Blackpill is about. It's about accepting your fate.

Your opinions dont override the facts. This data is just as devastating to me as it is to you.
Einstein wasn't ugly, but it's a stretch to call him "Chad lite". I say he was average-looking at best.

Also, if looks and intelligence are correlated, that would suggest that the myriad bonehead jocks (many of whom are Chads) littering college campuses across the country would have the highest I.Q.'s. Clearly, that's not the case.
Where I live, most intellectuals tend to be on the lower end of the looks spectrum. And, no, I'm not coping, just making an objective observation.


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Einstein wasn't ugly, but it's a stretch to call him "Chad lite". I say he was average-looking at best.

Also, if looks and intelligence are correlated, that would suggest that the myriad bonehead jocks (many of whom are Chads) littering college campuses across the country would have the highest I.Q.'s. Clearly, that's not the case.
Where I live, most intellectuals tend to be on the lower end of the looks spectrum. And, no, I'm not coping, just making an objective observation.

How do you know they are smart? Did you give them an IQ test?
All videos and articles about this seem to be based on one study from what i remember (not watching this one, too bored).

I'm not buying it. Every Chad i met was dumb as bricks. The idea that there's an Einstein, a Michelangelo or a Beethoven lurking under there but Chad doesn't bring it out because he is too busy living his hedonistic existence is ludicrous to me.

This whole idea is based on the Darwinist concept of survival of the fittest and the notion that the true and only purpose of human life is propagation of the species, and i'm sure the data was picked to fit the theory because of the agenda of the Darwinist comes before any other reality.

And it is because of the belief the meaning of life is procreation that certain aspects of human existence are ignored, like the existence of natural castes:


And according to this paradigm, Chad is Kshatriya. This is why he is always good at sports but also why 99% of the greatest minds in history weren't Chads. The world of the Kshatriya is action, and this tendency to project his being outwardly also accounts for his physical beauty, which in Brahmins possess inwardly (but will often externalize in creative works of art). The inward reality of Chad in empty. His mind is a void, and because of that he can never be a genius or a great thinker.
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All videos and articles about this seem to be based on one study from what i remember (not watching this one, too bored).

I'm not buying it. Every Chad i met was dumb as bricks. The idea that there's an Einstein, a Michelangelo or a Beethoven lurking under there but Chad doesn't bring it out because he is too busy living his hedonistic existence is ludicrous to me.

This whole idea is based on the Darwinist concept of survival of the fittest and the notion that the true and only purpose of human life is propagation of the species, and i'm sure the data was picked to fit the theory rather because of the agenda of the Darwinist comes before any other reality.

And it is because of the belief the meaning of life is procreation that certain aspects of human existence are ignored, like the existence of natural castes:


And according to this paradigm, Chad is Kshatriyas. This is why he is always good at sports but also why 99% of the greatest minds in history weren't Chads.

Counter point: Chad seems dumb because he's not going around spouting off useless facts or humble bragging about his intelligence like some ugly guy would.

While some average or ugly guy thinks he's Sheldon from that shitty sitcom and never shuts the fuck up.
I never met a Chad i didn't mog intellectually. It's not a question of them not having any interest in portraying themselves as smart, you can sense the mental vacuity a mile away.
Counter point: Chad seems dumb because he's not going around spouting off useless facts or humble bragging about his intelligence like some ugly guy would.

While some average or ugly guy thinks he's Sheldon from that shitty sitcom and never shuts the fuck up.

That's what the research in the video suggests. That although incelish looking people SEEM smarter, they actually aren't. They have nothing else to do but try and be smart, as a cope. But in reality? All data suggests that beautiful people have higher IQ's than us. It's a devastating blow. Truly ugly people are genetic trash in literally every way. Viewing myself as smart was a cope of mine, but it turns out Chad can do anything I can. And he can do it better. FML fam. Just FML.
How do you know they are smart? Did you give them an IQ test?
Many of them are members of chess clubs, opera societies, book clubs, are art collectors, love literature, etc.. I've interacted with many of these people throughout my life. If you spent just 5 minutes talking to them, you would quickly come to the conclusion that they're no dummies.

As far as the "I.Q. test" is concerned, you can say the same thing about good-looking people. Did you administer them an I.Q. test?
Seems to me that this is a classic case of the "halo effect"-- ascribing positive traits to attractive individuals, and negative ones to ugly people.
That's what the research in the video suggests. That although incelish looking people SEEM smarter, they actually aren't. They have nothing else to do but try and be smart, as a cope. But in reality? All data suggests that beautiful people have higher IQ's than us. It's a devastating blow. Truly ugly people are genetic trash in literally every way. Viewing myself as smart was a cope of mine, but it turns out Chad can do anything I can. And he can do it better. FML fam. Just FML.

In my experience, people who go around spouting "intellectual viewpoints" are genetically dumb and slow as fuck. They just repeat stupid shit they got from reddit or sitcoms.

Chads process information faster. They have bigger brains and skulls. That's why they are chad.
Many of them are members of chess clubs, opera societies, book clubs, are art collectors, love literature, etc..

All which has nothing to do with intelligence.

Intelligence is completely genetic. Being into "nerdy shit" cannot make you smarter.

It's as genetic and as concrete as height.
im gonna watch it later but i thinks its just gonna be a 10 min elaboration on water is wet
The Blackpill Philosophy has its roots in rational stoicism. To be able to accept the cold hard truth with dignity, no matter how hard it is. But this video was like a punch in the gut to me. It was a cope of mine to think at least we have a "leg up" in the brains department. I'm a pretty good guitarist/musician, but apparently that doesn't really mean anything.
“Beautiful people got nothing going on upstairs!" / “All they have is their looks” is the original cope from subhumans since humanity began.

Blackpill: Good looking, well formed people have a superior body... this includes brain, vision, and athletic ability, cognitive function, bone development etc. It's so stupid to assume that a genetically superior person doesn't also have a genetically superior brain.

The reason why we tend to notice more Ugly smart people, is that these people HAD to pursue a smarty pants career because they were ass-ugly, whereas an intelligent Chad can cruise by on his looks, while also having a great intellect to pursue intellectual interests, like acting or musical talent, content creation, etc.
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B”eautiful people got nothing going on upstairs!" / “All they have is their looks” is the original cope from subhumans since humanity began.

Blackpill: Good looking, well formed people have a superior body... this includes brain, vision, and athletic ability, cognitive function, bone development etc. It's so stupid to assume that a genetically superior person doesn't also have a genetically superior brain.

The reason why we tend to notice more Ugly smart people, is that these people HAD to pursue a smarty pants career because they were ass-ugly, whereas an intelligent Chad can cruise by on his looks, while also having a great intellect to pursue intellectual interests, like acting or musical talent, content creation, etc.

Another dumb thing they do is compare black athletes to say, the Japanese and claiming height / looks / whatever doesn't mkae you smarter. This is beyond idiotic because if they would compare black athletes to average blacks, they would see the athletes have a higher IQ and get better grades in college.
I never met a Chad i didn't mog intellectually. It's not a question of them not having any interest in portraying themselves as smart, you can sense the mental vacuity a mile away.
Exactly. The same applies to foids. The "dumb blonde" bombshell isn't a stereotype for nothing.
Another dumb thing they do is compare black athletes to say, the Japanese and claiming height / looks / whatever doesn't mkae you smarter. This is beyond idiotic because if they would compare black athletes to average blacks, they would see the athletes have a higher IQ and get better grades in college.

Exactly. The average ugly black hoodrat is almost certainly less intelligent than a black college football athlete. The fact that they're even enrolled in college speaks for itself. Which means ugly Tyrone who grew up without a dad and dropped out of high school to join the Bloods, is probably less intelligent than Chad-tier Jerome who passed high school and got a sports scholarships to pay for college.

I dont mean to be racist, and these are just personal observations. But most of the intelligent black people I've known were either mixed race, or they were at least Chadlite tier in looks. Ugly black people I've met in the inner cities tend to be stupid hoodrats and gangbangers who've been to jail multiple times.
“Beautiful people got nothing going on upstairs!" / “All they have is their looks” is the original cope from subhumans since humanity began.

Possibly, since logically speaking nothing prevents a good looking person from also having high intelligence (besides what i said about caste).

But it is also logical to assume that it is much more rare to either be good looking and intelligent than both, unless you want to "prove" that those with greater fitness for reproduction are also superior in every sense, which is a Darwinist prejudice.
Exactly. The average ugly black hoodrat is almost certainly less intelligent than a black college football athlete. The fact that they're even enrolled in college speaks for itself. Which means ugly Tyrone who grew up without a dad and dropped out of high school to join the Bloods, is probably less intelligent than Chad-tier Jerome who passed high school and got a sports scholarships to pay for college.

I dont mean to be racist, and these are just personal observations. But most of the intelligent black people I've known were either mixed race, or they were at least Chadlite tier in looks. Ugly black people I've met in the inner cities tend to be stupid hoodrats and gangbangers who've been to jail multiple times.

I have a theory that one of the reason we don't see many "nerdy" blacks is that the "hood" selects for combativeness and the ability to fight, and those with a more gentle personality never thrive in that environment.

Old west America was similar, it's how you get people like Robert E. Howard, who was a born poet raised in an environment filled with rugged working class or fighting people, which ruined him psychologically. I think a lot of black culture is old west culture or a derivative of it.
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This actually nicely explains why there are so many stormfronters and WNcels here.
"everyone that doesn't agree with the by media reinforced politically correct thoughts about multiracial societies are stupid because that's what the media told me :feelstastyman:"

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