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Serious The sex toy cope



Nov 7, 2017
What if I told you that you could get to ram your dick into a moist vagina, get a blowjob, fuck some feetpussy etc, no gf, prostitute or rape required?

Sex toys exist that closely replicate the real thing making masturbation a million times better. Don't listen to the dipshits on here that bought a $10 onahole on amazon and decided that their hand is better than their """"fleshlight"""". Get an actual Fleshlight(tm) fleshlight that won't degrade in 5 seconds and feel like shit. There are many different types of fleshlights and textures to choose from. There's of course ones that replicate vaginas. There's ones that replicate anal. There's one that replicates the feeling of a blowjob, the fleshlight turbo. I know mostly about just Fleshlight products as I am still an apprentice in this cope, but of course there are other sex toy companies. One product that recently came to my attention is the autoblow2. This machine will suck your dick for you! Combined with this (https://www.autoblow2.com/real-doll-mouth) just imagine :feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh:.

"B-but all that shit is too expensive! Too much trouble to clean! My parents will see and laugh at me! Having a fleshlight is pathetic!"

No it isn't you stupid faggot. My fleshlight surge go was 60 dollars + 20 for some overpriced lube (I bought it from a shop but there's cheaper options on amazon). Anyone with a job can afford a few sex toys. And fleshlights are easy as fuck to clean literally just use water takes 30 seconds. As for family members seeing that sucks if you have no privacy, but most people here have enough and are just cucking themselves. I've left my fleshlight on the bathroom counter a couple times after washing it because I was high and forgot about it. I don't give a fuck if my family members saw it. Why of all people should an incel be ashamed of taking their sexual destiny into their own hands? It is completely illogical to feel shame about this or anything. High inhib is a curse that too many times will hold you back from greatness. Are you really willing to let your fear stop you from getting to plunge your penis into some moist pussy for eternity? If your family is really that bad, just fucking go ER.

"None of this bullshit matters because I will never have a gf and I should just rope."

This is when we enter gigacope territory, high end sex dolls.
Two companies I've looked into so far that make these are Realdoll and Sinthetics. At an upwards of $6000, this cope is quite the investment, but in my opinion is well worth the money. Don't buy the low quality chinese bullshit that will probably fall apart in a month, this is the way to go. @blackcel cheap ass mofo

Just imagine the uses for them. When I eventually get one of my own, I plan to use it as my surrogate companion, no bullshit. Maybe I'm imagining it but this actually gives me a more of reason to live.

"B-but muh uncanny valley though. Sex dolls look creepy and so are people that have them!"

You are a confirmed gay if nothing about those high end dolls appeal to you. Or you are as thick as the normalscum retards that wonder how people can get turned on by cartoons. You don't have to think of them as a real person all because it emulates one.

In the future, the sex doll cope will become even greater. Technologies improving all to make for a better experience for you, just imagine what's in store. Not sure about this but I think that dolls like the ones I pictured have been decreasing in price over time. This would make sense as they make way for the AI dolls in development which will one day replace real human relationships driving the human race extinct.

Remember bois, money can buy anything.
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My one and only life goal is to move out of my parents house so I can actually own a fleshlight. Not happening anytime soon though, I make $350 a week after taxes and average rent is $800 plus utilities here.

I’d probably kill my mother if she knew I was fucking a fake pussy, she’s way too Christian and conservative to ever think I’d be doing that.
My one and only life goal is to move out of my parents house so I can actually own a fleshlight. Not happening anytime soon though, I make $350 a week after taxes and average rent is $800 plus utilities here.

I’d probably kill my mother if she knew I was fucking a fake pussy, she’s way too Christian and conservative to ever think I’d be doing that.
do you have 0 privacy? can't put it in a drawer? can't discreetly take it to the bathroom to wash it? does your mom lean against your door listening for sounds of you plunging your penis into a vagina?
maybe when I move out. It'll be easier to kill myself too.
Sex toys exist that closely replicate the real thing making masturbation a million times better. Don't listen to the dipshits on here that bought a $10 onahole on amazon and decided that their hand is better than their """"fleshlight"""".


I actually bought a $20 onahole and consider it the best sex I ever had (never had any else).

I never have used my hand since I got it (only to warmup for a few seconds before if you enter an onahole soft it will destroy your dick, so tight and soft dick not strong enough to withstand).

I tie mine to my dakimakura and f*** it.

It feels amazing, I'm sure better than the real thing (with a western roastie that is).

I've told you once I've told you before.

Virgin Fleshlight vs Chad Onahole

You can see my collection here.



I also bought a $750 sex doll (sourced from the same factory as the $3000+ ones so don't BS me, and yes I know all about this because I know all about Asia, so of course I confirmed it's the same product from the same factory).

It was awful.

You can read about that here.

View attachment 63597

I actually bought a $20 onahole and consider it the best sex I ever had (never had any else).

I never have used my hand since I got it (only to warmup for a few seconds before if you enter an onahole soft it will destroy your dick, so tight and soft dick not strong enough to withstand).

I tie mine to my dakimakura and f*** it.

It feels amazing, I'm sure better than the real thing (with a western roastie that is).

I've told you once I've told you before.

Virgin Fleshlight vs Chad Onahole

You can see my collection here.


View attachment 63598

I also bought a $750 sex doll (sourced from the same factory as the $3000+ ones so don't BS me, and yes I know all about this because I know all about Asia, so of course I confirmed it's the same product from the same factory).

It was awful.

You can read about that here.

Sex toys are crap. My hand feels better srs.
do you have 0 privacy? can't put it in a drawer? can't discreetly take it to the bathroom to wash it? does your mom lean against your door listening for sounds of you plunging your penis into a vagina?
Without going into extreme detail, yes I have nearly 0 privacy.

My mother searches my room for drugs and shit because she’s OCD and a paranoid control freak. She found out I started smoking cigarettes so she forced me to sell my car (they co-signed the loan) and now I drive their car and have to tell them in detail each place I went and how many minutes/hours I spent at each place. It’s ridicules tbh but I only pay $150 for rent :feelsautistic:
@Indari blackpill me on lube tbh.
She found out I started smoking cigarettes
vape weed instead and
If your family is really that bad, just fucking go ER.
@Indari blackpill me on lube tbh.
lots of overpriced bullshit but I found this one (https://www.amazon.com/Lynk-Pleasur...d=1542174555&sr=8-5&keywords=water+based+lube) on amazon. about $28 for 32 fl ounces including shipping which way cheaper than the 8 ounce bottle i got for $20 or the others on amazon which are still more expensive but there are shitty lubes out there so read reviews
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Making a realistic vagina that is warm, self lubricated, has a near synthetic flesh feel along with variance of tightening vaginal muscles and automatic release of extra fluid is a long way off yet.

Fleshlights to me are still in the "gag gift" territory and are not a substitute for the real-thing.

Without de-railing the thread my solution would be the legalisation of prostitution. The advances in contraception are immense whereby Condoms and the Pill make a mere 2 of at least 8 options women have. The "coil" or injections are more effective (albeit more expensive on prescription) than the pill or condoms. Women prefer sex without a condom, not just civilian women but sex performers and prostitutes.
The conspiracy that global pharma is spreading disinformation and exaggerating sti infection rate is legit. Also we know they are holding secret cures for most known diseases but have them under lock and key.

As I said the above is more tangible than scientists recreating a realistic vagina toy as THAT could bring down civilisation as it disrupts and takes power away from women. Partly not feasible, partly political intervention.
But the R&D budget is not something a guy experimenting in his garage can do.

Unencyclopedia websites call incels "shop mannquein fuckers" as yes, fundementally a "real doll" is a shop mannequin with a fleshlight insert. Why pay $3000 when you could get one out of a skip for free, fashion a hole for the fleshlight $60 and then $20 wig and $20 lingerie?

Either way here is the best resource on doll, buying, trading and fucking.

Caveat emptor they went bluepilled and threatened to ban members discussing "asian dolls" without guidance notes or moderation. Just plain panic when a guy got put on a sex offender register for importing "what the jury mislabelled" a "childlike doll". Fuck them it was a petite doll cause it was 5 foot nothing tall.

What are they going to put men who date and fuck 5 foot, IRL femoid midgets on the sex offenders register next. Oh wait don't give them ideas..............
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I have a collection of TOMAX onaholes also with the NU Doll where I can fuck my onaholes hands free

The cost was only $300 total for a variety and lube

Fuck it feels good but then I spend 2 mins cleaning it after nuttin @Indari

The bad part is that my dick is 4" and I can only fuck it very closer

What lube do you use because all the ones I had dries out quickly after fucking my onaholes for only a few mins
What if I told you that you could get to ram your dick into a moist vagina, get a blowjob, fuck some feetpussy etc, no gf, prostitute or rape required?

Sex toys exist that closely replicate the real thing making masturbation a million times better. Don't listen to the dipshits on here that bought a $10 onahole on amazon and decided that their hand is better than their """"fleshlight"""". Get an actual Fleshlight(tm) fleshlight that won't degrade in 5 seconds and feel like shit. There are many different types of fleshlights and textures to choose from. There's of course ones that replicate vaginas. There's ones that replicate anal. There's one that replicates the feeling of a blowjob, the fleshlight turbo. I know mostly about just Fleshlight products as I am still an apprentice in this cope, but of course there are other sex toy companies. One product that recently came to my attention is the autoblow2. This machine will suck your dick for you! Combined with this (https://www.autoblow2.com/real-doll-mouth) just imagine :feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh:.

"B-but all that shit is too expensive! Too much trouble to clean! My parents will see and laugh at me! Having a fleshlight is pathetic!"

No it isn't you stupid faggot. My fleshlight surge go was 60 dollars + 20 for some overpriced lube (I bought it from a shop but there's cheaper options on amazon). Anyone with a job can afford a few sex toys. And fleshlights are easy as fuck to clean literally just use water takes 30 seconds. As for family members seeing that sucks if you have no privacy, but most people here have enough and are just cucking themselves. I've left my fleshlight on the bathroom counter a couple times after washing it because I was high and forgot about it. I don't give a fuck if my family members saw it. Why of all people should an incel be ashamed of taking their sexual destiny into their own hands? It is completely illogical to feel shame about this or anything. High inhib is a curse that too many times will hold you back from greatness. Are you really willing to let your fear stop you from getting to plunge your penis into some moist pussy for eternity? If your family is really that bad, just fucking go ER.

"None of this bullshit matters because I will never have a gf and I should just rope."

This is when we enter gigacope territory, high end sex dolls.
Two companies I've looked into so far that make these are Realdoll and Sinthetics. At an upwards of $6000, this cope is quite the investment, but in my opinion is well worth the money. Don't buy the low quality chinese bullshit that will probably fall apart in a month, this is the way to go. @blackcel cheap ass mofo

Just imagine the uses for them. When I eventually get one of my own, I plan to use it as my surrogate companion, no bullshit. Maybe I'm imagining it but this actually gives me a more of reason to live.

"B-but muh uncanny valley though. Sex dolls look creepy and so are people that have them!"

You are a confirmed gay if nothing about those high end dolls appeal to you. Or you are as thick as the normalscum retards that wonder how people can get turned on by cartoons. You don't have to think of them as a real person all because it emulates one.

In the future, the sex doll cope will become even greater. Technologies improving all to make for a better experience for you, just imagine what's in store. Not sure about this but I think that dolls like the ones I pictured have been decreasing in price over time. This would make sense as they make way for the AI dolls in development which will one day replace real human relationships driving the human race extinct.

Remember bois, money can buy anything.

I may one day get one of those fleshlights when I move out, but that will never be enough for me, I need to get some kind of feeling of revenge and dominance over a female one day or i'll never feel "complete". I spent too many years harboring this lust and hatred a doll or item won't get rid of it.

I need to get a tiny petite female, who I can lift and toss around with relative ease, so I can hate fuck the shit out of her. Then maybe I can go back to just porn and masturbation, but I have to get some kind of "true release".

I have a collection of TOMAX onaholes also with the NU Doll where I can fuck my onaholes hands free

The cost was only $300 total for a variety and lube

Fuck it feels good but then I spend 2 mins cleaning it after nuttin @Indari

The bad part is that my dick is 4" and I can only fuck it very closer

What lube do you use because all the ones I had dries out quickly after fucking my onaholes for only a few mins



Onatsuyu Pussy Juice of course!

I'm too paranoid to buy one.
I love it.

View attachment 63772

What do you mean NU doll? Did you mean NF?

If I ever bought another sex doll it would be one of these.


I'm getting mondo erect just thinking about it.

View attachment 63774

It's not really a sex doll even though it has onahole insert. It's more of a big toy for a little boy like me.

Look at Queencattoys or whatever the website sells a stuffing doll wheere u can put the onahole in and start fucking it
What if I told you that you could get to ram your dick into a moist vagina, get a blowjob, fuck some feetpussy etc, no gf, prostitute or rape required?

Sex toys exist that closely replicate the real thing making masturbation a million times better. Don't listen to the dipshits on here that bought a $10 onahole on amazon and decided that their hand is better than their """"fleshlight"""". Get an actual Fleshlight(tm) fleshlight that won't degrade in 5 seconds and feel like shit. There are many different types of fleshlights and textures to choose from. There's of course ones that replicate vaginas. There's ones that replicate anal. There's one that replicates the feeling of a blowjob, the fleshlight turbo. I know mostly about just Fleshlight products as I am still an apprentice in this cope, but of course there are other sex toy companies. One product that recently came to my attention is the autoblow2. This machine will suck your dick for you! Combined with this (https://www.autoblow2.com/real-doll-mouth) just imagine :feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh:.

"B-but all that shit is too expensive! Too much trouble to clean! My parents will see and laugh at me! Having a fleshlight is pathetic!"

No it isn't you stupid faggot. My fleshlight surge go was 60 dollars + 20 for some overpriced lube (I bought it from a shop but there's cheaper options on amazon). Anyone with a job can afford a few sex toys. And fleshlights are easy as fuck to clean literally just use water takes 30 seconds. As for family members seeing that sucks if you have no privacy, but most people here have enough and are just cucking themselves. I've left my fleshlight on the bathroom counter a couple times after washing it because I was high and forgot about it. I don't give a fuck if my family members saw it. Why of all people should an incel be ashamed of taking their sexual destiny into their own hands? It is completely illogical to feel shame about this or anything. High inhib is a curse that too many times will hold you back from greatness. Are you really willing to let your fear stop you from getting to plunge your penis into some moist pussy for eternity? If your family is really that bad, just fucking go ER.

"None of this bullshit matters because I will never have a gf and I should just rope."

This is when we enter gigacope territory, high end sex dolls.
Two companies I've looked into so far that make these are Realdoll and Sinthetics. At an upwards of $6000, this cope is quite the investment, but in my opinion is well worth the money. Don't buy the low quality chinese bullshit that will probably fall apart in a month, this is the way to go. @blackcel cheap ass mofo

Just imagine the uses for them. When I eventually get one of my own, I plan to use it as my surrogate companion, no bullshit. Maybe I'm imagining it but this actually gives me a more of reason to live.

"B-but muh uncanny valley though. Sex dolls look creepy and so are people that have them!"

You are a confirmed gay if nothing about those high end dolls appeal to you. Or you are as thick as the normalscum retards that wonder how people can get turned on by cartoons. You don't have to think of them as a real person all because it emulates one.

In the future, the sex doll cope will become even greater. Technologies improving all to make for a better experience for you, just imagine what's in store. Not sure about this but I think that dolls like the ones I pictured have been decreasing in price over time. This would make sense as they make way for the AI dolls in development which will one day replace real human relationships driving the human race extinct.

Remember bois, money can buy anything.
or you quit your sex addiction
its either doll or nothing for me
I wish there was a company that makes custom sex robots. You give them a picture that you snatched from a girls facebook and then they make her for you. That would be neat.
i don't get why they make the vaginas all roast beefed out. i want a peach pussy not fucking arbys sandwich
i don't get why they make the vaginas all roast beefed out. i want a peach pussy not fucking arbys sandwich

Only chads can get high quality pussy even if its on a doll.

Nothing will save us tbh. Ur brain needs a signal that a woemn saw u worthy enough for her. Thats y escortcels r still here.
Only chads can get high quality pussy even if its on a doll.

Nothing will save us tbh. Ur brain needs a signal that a woemn saw u worthy enough for her. Thats y escortcels r still here.
lol the creators of the doll are like these guys aren't worth of a good looking pussy
I need a sex robot. Which whips me. No pussy. Just pain and other things. Just thinking of it makes me horny.
Holy fuck. This is some transcendent posting quality from Indari. Props.
Fleshlights to me are still in the "gag gift" territory and are not a substitute for the real-thing.
dafuk are you talking about? they feel gooood :feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh:
I wish there was a company that makes custom sex robots. You give them a picture that you snatched from a girls facebook and then they make her for you. That would be neat.
I think it's illegal to straight up copy a person's likeness without their permission but Sinthetics can do it to a degree. Costs a shitton though
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would be a glorious cope if not for the lack of privacy
dafuk are you talking about? they feel gooood :feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh:

I think it's illegal to straight up copy a person's likeness without their permission but Sinthetics can do it to a degree. Costs a shitton though

I used to be an avid Fleshlight purchaser (owned 4) and reviewer subscribing to the FL forums. I was the first in line to review the "Fleshlight Girls" lotus range.

That's until I discovered real pussy, caveat emptor, through sex workers only. Then I was venemontly anti-Fleshlight cause of the collective True Forced Loneliness hivemind of that contraption. How can their userbase say "it feels like the real thing" when they've never had it before?
I believe it was that "Fleshlight Joe" shill, which was probably some in-house guerilla marketing, to get the myth rolling.

Regarding real doll likeness, there is nothing you stopping you paying a prosthetics company to make one for you. The face you can make yourself with a 3-D printer, cause even standard real doll faces are just velcroed on and changable.
@tight&shiny-hotpants what does the real thing feel like in comparison to a fleshlight? I find fleshlights overly stimulating, my dick just goes numb after a while. I still have my foreskin to protect my penis from desensitization though, so maybe that’s why.
Lmao ive also accidentally left mine on the bathroom counter but i dont think anyone went in there but i still shat myself
@tight&shiny-hotpants what does the real thing feel like in comparison to a fleshlight? I find fleshlights overly stimulating, my dick just goes numb after a while. I still have my foreskin to protect my penis from desensitization though, so maybe that’s why.

Nothing beats the feeling of real bareback pussy, absolutely nothing. Granted condom sex, with a tight young escort > bareback sex with a fat woman whose vagina is the width and length of the Channel Tunnel which connects Britain to France.

Yeah I recall the dreaded "carpet burns" of Fleshlight use, so much so that my cock would tear the inner tube. I'd feel the micro-tears on repeated use, but also my penis would be red raw.

I too have my foreskin but felt maybe I'd had "death-grip syndrome". But as soon as my cock hit a real (prostitute's) bareback pussy all the sensations came back.

Yes pussy and pussy juice from well (naturally) lubricated lips is indeed an exiliar and the Holy Grail all incels shall pursue.

Side by side comprison.
Fleshlight 0.5/5
Pussy 6/5
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I hate being a ruralcel, not a single prostitute around here. I’d have to drive 60 miles to find a decent one and that’s impossible with my parents monitoring my whereabouts. FUCK!
I do have a sex doll that is gorgeous and cost about $3k, but I have to admit, for me, personally, there’s still that void of not having the emotional/romantic connection.
Great, just 6k for a fake woman when chad is fucking prime pussy for free
I have 0 interest in dolls and fleshlights tbh.
lol, Indari has been different since he got laid
Are you trying to make me rage? I didn't "get laid". I saw a shitty prostitute when I was in a fucked up state of mind. There was 0 oxytocin involved--her skin felt like touching an inanimate object, her boobs looked horrible, she was fat and loose, her bj sucked, I could barely penetrate her because she was too fat--i literally couldn't fuck her, i couldn't stay hard because it was nervewracking and I was high, and after barely like 27 minutes she was mentioning that the time was about up, and after the experience I wanted to rope bad and was super paranoid about stds until I wasted more money to get tested. It was completely joyless. It was one of the worst experiences of my life. I said this all in the original thread about it fucktard
Are you trying to make me rage? I didn't "get laid". I saw a shitty prostitute when I was in a fucked up state of mind. There was 0 oxytocin involved--her skin felt like touching an inanimate object, her boobs looked horrible, she was fat and loose, her bj sucked, I could barely penetrate her because she was too fat--i literally couldn't fuck her, i couldn't stay hard because it was nervewracking and I was high, and after barely like 27 minutes she was mentioning that the time was about up, and after the experience I wanted to rope bad and was super paranoid about stds until I wasted more money to get tested. It was completely joyless. It was one of the worst experiences of my life. I said this all in the original thread about it fucktard
Nothing beats the feeling of real bareback pussy, absolutely nothing. -indqri
Are you trying to make me rage? I didn't "get laid". I saw a shitty prostitute when I was in a fucked up state of mind. There was 0 oxytocin involved--her skin felt like touching an inanimate object, her boobs looked horrible, she was fat and loose, her bj sucked, I could barely penetrate her because she was too fat--i literally couldn't fuck her, i couldn't stay hard because it was nervewracking and I was high, and after barely like 27 minutes she was mentioning that the time was about up, and after the experience I wanted to rope bad and was super paranoid about stds until I wasted more money to get tested. It was completely joyless. It was one of the worst experiences of my life. I said this all in the original thread about it fucktard
chill nigger, I'm happy for you.

Also who are you calling fucktard? Stupid cunt, it's not my fault you chose the worst prostitute you could find.
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I do have a sex doll that is gorgeous and cost about $3k, but I have to admit, for me, personally, there’s still that void of not having the emotional/romantic connection.
I didn't say it's not still OVER.
Nothing beats the feeling of real bareback pussy, absolutely nothing. Granted condom sex, with a tight young escort > bareback sex with a fat woman whose vagina is the width and length of the Channel Tunnel which connects Britain to France.

Yeah I recall the dreaded "carpet burns" of Fleshlight use, so much so that my cock would tear the inner tube. I'd feel the micro-tears on repeated use, but also my penis would be red raw.

I too have my foreskin but felt maybe I'd had "death-grip syndrome". But as soon as my cock hit a real (prostitute's) bareback pussy all the sensations came back.

Yes pussy and pussy juice from well (naturally) lubricated lips is indeed an exiliar and the Holy Grail all incels shall pursue.

Side by side comprison.
Fleshlight 0.5/5
Pussy 6/5
Dafuk u talking about carpet burns? Did you go in with no lube or some shit? Or maybe your dick was too big. You guys sure make a lot of excuses not to improve your lives with a single purchase.
I used to be an avid Fleshlight purchaser (owned 4) and reviewer subscribing to the FL forums. I was the first in line to review the "Fleshlight Girls" lotus range.

That's until I discovered real pussy, caveat emptor, through sex workers only. Then I was venemontly anti-Fleshlight cause of the collective True Forced Loneliness hivemind of that contraption. How can their userbase say "it feels like the real thing" when they've never had it before?
I believe it was that "Fleshlight Joe" shill, which was probably some in-house guerilla marketing, to get the myth rolling.

Regarding real doll likeness, there is nothing you stopping you paying a prosthetics company to make one for you. The face you can make yourself with a 3-D printer, cause even standard real doll faces are just velcroed on and changable.
What do you mean you can make the face yourself? Obviously it's not going to be the same as from a sex doll company. what are you talking about? Isn't copying someone's likeness illegal?
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pretty high IQ coping abilities man

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