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Blackpill The real black pill is that people are not good people

  • Thread starter pokemondetectivecel
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And I agree, the only thing that gives humans a facade of civility is their social obligations. Free them of any responsibility (such as modern foids who are not held accountable for anything) and you will witness pure evil.
This is why I like that show The Boys. I don't like regular cape shit shows/movies but that shows is kind of blackpilled. It shows how 85 - 95% of people would become evil scum if they were to get super powers that make them largely not able to be held to account. Plus the main character is some guy who wants to go ER on them.
Also the military draft, random untrained commoners being forced into meat grinder wars from which elites benefit and they would be killed/imprisoned and considered scum if they refused.
And they will be shamed their whole life by ones who don't participate in combat - females.
The real black pill is that everything ends you'll die
If there were no human beings on earth it would have been so much good for these animals. :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:
I mean yeah. Tbf. We need based beings who are true loyal and good
Spot on about how exclusion is just a subtle form of bullying
Life is agony. I never understood why you should be grateful for people who brought you into this world. Like, how someone can be grateful for being thrown into arena where other, more powerful people can hunt you and kill you?
Deep down this is how I feel as well.
god wants evil to exist in the world.

a man who's been dangerous man is better than a man who's just a good man who isn't capable of being dangerous.

the best men I've met in real life are very dangerous men.
we need evil. we must be evil.

great thread OP.
I already copyrighted the aura pill
The blue pill can be summarized up as - People are generally good people, if you are disadvantaged (socially) you are a bad person (have a bad personality)

The black pill can be summarized as - People are generally not good people and their actions are based on context and self benefit (largely socially) rather than morals
This is so close to left vs right. Yet conclusions drawn are exactly opposite.

Left: people generally are good, if you're disadvantaged you need help. State should be big and powerful so good people in government could make everyone's life better as soon as possible and with least effort.

Right: people generally are bad, if you're disadvantaged, that's because you did something wrong. State should be small, otherwise people in power will get corrupted and use their positions to enrich themselves.
In my opinion -

The blue pill can be summarized up as - People are generally good people, if you are disadvantaged (socially) you are a bad person (have a bad personality)

The black pill can be summarized as - People are generally not good people and their actions are based on context and self benefit (largely socially) rather than morals

In my opinion (and anyone who is being honest) good people don't exist, not in this world anyway. I will give some points.

1. Most humans eat animals which is pretty gruesome if you ask me. These animals often have bad living conditions, are put in artificial environments that stresses them out, fed bad feed etc. Many humans once hunted their prey making them become exhausted then bleed out before consuming them. Already you have a world where to survive as a human you need to murder other creatures. I am not a vegan I eat a lot of meat and believe it is the most nutritious thing you can consume but lets not kid ourselves that this existence is a bloody one. Imagine someone cutting the head off of your loved ones (not that I have any jfl my family hates me) then other creatures eating their body parts. Veganism is not an alternative as the crop deaths from birds, rodents, insects etc. will occur and the environmental damage from shipping food from across the world will be bad. The most moral thing you could do is be a vegetarian which I have considered but when I am faced with such a cruel, unforgiving world that doesn't reward my moralfagging and wants me dead then I will consume meat fuck it. If to live optimally you have to support the murdering of other creatures then the majority of people are already NOT good people. Either are vegans. To be a good person in this case you would need to fast yourself to death. To LIVE is to not be a good person. If you were born a cow the average person would eat you. The reason they don't eat you as a human is social consequence.

2. The fact that war exists. Think about the brutality of war. It started with people throwing rocks at each other I would assume which is very gruesome and painful. It evolved into people using tomahawks and spears then progressed into swords where sharp metal rods are jammed into people to destroy their organs or make them bleed out painfully. In history often times whoever lost's society would be destroyed with all the men killed and women taken as rape slaves. Humans have constantly found new ways to kill each other. It has gotten to a point where people have no problem burning other people alive. While it could be argued that many people alive right now do not support war we all know that if this was another time period or it was socially acceptable everyone would rush to war as humans get satisfaction from killing others or seeing others get hurt. A good example of this would be websites like liveleak being popular. If humans were generally good people war would cease to exist or not exist.

3. Violent crimes such as knife attacks, acid attacks, beheadings, cutting off limbs, burning people alive, rape (doesn't occur often with females but many people wish men get raped in prison further proving they are not good people), drunk driving resulting in people dying, police shooting people (especially female cops), punching people and having their head splatter on the side of the car park, jumping of peoples head making them mentally retarded. All these things occur every day yet we all assume it happens to other people when we see it in media etc. yet these are very real things and happen often. If you are an ugly man people will have a tendency to get violent towards you. Humans have an unquenchable thirst for violence (from what I have observed) and will use any excuse to take it out on an ugly male. Many men are killed in third world countries over mere accusations. When you see what humans do to each other on a daily basis you realize how brutal humanity can be.

4. Bulllying is rampant in all wings of society. Some people commit suicide over bullying/exclusion. The ones who don't cope by saying they got over it or retreating in society but they are merely coping. Bullying is extremely crippling and studies show it gives you brain damage while the bully gets a health boost. https://time.com/96848/bullying-can-make-a-bully-healthier/ The cortisol from the bullying in your youth may effect your brain development and stunt your growth while increasing that of the bullies. i understand that these things are extremely deterministic but you have to realize that your stress levels are important. You can't develop as well when your body is constantly under stress. Woman feel sexually aroused seeing men get bullied and beaten up. Many normies have groups where they talk about subhumans and roast them while the victim remains unaware of this occurring. Exclusion is another form of bullying where a large body of people will adopt a bystander approach and exclude someone by not engaging with them socially, not telling them about social events outside the place they are forced to interact with the victim, having a negative sentiment about them when they are not present. This is a way for people to feel like good people while not directly bullying. It is the alternative virtue signaling approach when physical/verbal bullying directly becomes too politically incorrect. This will often happen in the later teen years onwards. Everyone takes part in this and nobody every reaches out to help victims of this. Instead they all contribute. Your therapist (if you are cucked and go to one) would have participated in this behavior while you are in school. They can do what they want and this world is extremely darwanistic but they are not by any means good people. In my opinion the reason many men in the past have resorted to violent action is due to being tortured socially by years. Most men never get to this point and just give up as their survival instinct is too strong. They cope that this was just highschool stuff when it continues for the rest of their lives.

5. False accusations. If you have ever consumed MGTOW content or media in the last few years you would know that many women make up false rape accusations against men. They do it to virtue signal and get victim point/attention from society. Many men are falsely accused of crimes in a multitude of issues. You have SJW's actively trying to ruin mens lives on twitter and nobody does anything. The fact that there are many predatory people in this world and nobody tries to reform/make this behavior politically incorrect means they are bystanders who are only looking out for themselves. Perhaps they themselves get satisfaction from seeing peoples lives ruined so they say nothing. Most marriages end in divorce and often involves women cheating without the man even knowing.

6. Society lying to men about the black pill to benefit women (self explanatory)


You have so many examples of humans being bad people but all these things are normalized. When you think of war you think of knights fighting for a noble cause, not guts being stabbed out then an entire societies men being killed as the women are taken as rape slaves. When you think of violent crime you think of some guy with a black bag robbing a bank not someones head being exploded by a gun. When you think of bullying you think of some 80's highschool scenario not someones life being ruined and unable to get employment. The blue pill narrative is that everyone is a good person yet everyone lies to men about looks not mattering and actively sets out to sabotage/lie to men. To think this world is good is beyond stupidity its a survival of the fittest death arena disguised as a "society" where everyone lies that they dont want to see everyone elses lives ruined or people in prison/dead. Don't have expectations for people, don't trust anyone. Assume everyone wants you dead as from what I have observed there are no good people in this world. Imagine trusting someone who judges you based on your jawline. The black pill has proven that humans are nothing more than assholes who are not good people and just care about self benefit. Morals is a very autistic thing that requires higher thinking that won't get you anywhere.


Humans kill, cheat, steal, lie actively in their every day life and are not good people
There are many things right about this but also wrong good people are out there my friend. You just have to work as best as you can with who you are and do not be ashamed of who you are man. In my opinion we were the sages, Guru's, saints, yogis, inventors, writers, poets, scientists, etc it takes solitary minds to create my friend. And these solitary men have contributed massively to the human race but few are remembered and their names are not uttered. It does not have to be for they have contributed. We need to stick together that is why we are here on this site. groups of us all over the world need to get together and socialise more amongst ourselves.
You need to be a BIT MORE appreciative that you're born as a human and are able to post so much on this forum. Don't rope. Love you. :feels:

You said veganism is not a good cope, people can't really control that shit honestly, go vegan if you like, people can't produce things out of thin air without even crops, but yeah, being an insect is like being short in dating, people don't even see you let alone sympathize with you :feelsokman::feels:
There are many things right about this but also wrong good people are out there my friend. You just have to work as best as you can with who you are and do not be ashamed of who you are man. In my opinion we were the sages, Guru's, saints, yogis, inventors, writers, poets, scientists, etc it takes solitary minds to create my friend. And these solitary men have contributed massively to the human race but few are remembered and their names are not uttered. It does not have to be for they have contributed. We need to stick together that is why we are here on this site. groups of us all over the world need to get together and socialise more amongst ourselves.
You are absolutely right. I love the self critique you provide I thought I was the only one who did such critique of myself :feelssus::feelsbaton::feelsstudy:

....However. I don't think we were ever the sages, saints, yogis whatever, inventors, writers(it's a joke right?).

We were never the people who were popular. We were never persuasive. Who are you going to persuade with your subpar looks my dude? Only other trucels like you, who don't even exist. Edit: they do, but not truecels

The fact that beauty is not subjective says it all, certain faces are viewed more positively even among men, this has nothing to do with sex, goodlooking faces just look more happy, kind, alpha :lasereyes::reeeeee::feels:
You are absolutely right. I love the self critique you provide I thought I was the only one who did such critique of myself :feelssus::feelsbaton::feelsstudy:

....However. I don't think we were ever the sages, saints, yogis whatever, inventors, writers(it's a joke right?).

We were never the people who were popular. We were never persuasive. Who are you going to persuade with your subpar looks my dude? Only other trucels like you, who don't even exist. Edit: they do, but not truecels

The fact that beauty is not subjective says it all, certain faces are viewed more positively even among men, this has nothing to do with sex, good looking faces just look more happy, kind, alpha :lasereyes::reeeeee::feels:
no man I am serious writers, poets, philosophers, inventors most of the time are not popular in this day and age. In the past yes but things have changed for the worse in my opinion.
no man I am serious writers, poets, philosophers, inventors most of the time are not popular in this day and age. In the past yes but things have changed for the worse in my opinion.
I get what you mean, though we all cherish social media, you make a good point looks play a huge role in fame today.
god wants evil to exist in the world.

a man who's been dangerous man is better than a man who's just a good man who isn't capable of being dangerous.

the best men I've met in real life are very dangerous men.
we need evil. we must be evil.

great thread OP.
Imagine being a christcuck in 2022
The fact that women get aroused by men being bullied and beaten up is suicidefuel ngl. My god I'm done. This world is truly cucked. The more I know,the less hope I have. Ignorance is truly bliss
god wants evil to exist in the world.

a man who's been dangerous man is better than a man who's just a good man who isn't capable of being dangerous.

the best men I've met in real life are very dangerous men.
we need evil. we must be evil.

great thread OP.
your a psychopath and should not be on here talking this nonsense. This site is for weak individuals not the strong but may I ask you something what has the strong man done for society?
your a psychopath and should not be on here talking this nonsense. This site is for weak individuals not the strong but may I ask you something what has the strong man done for society?
Sorry for interrupting but I have a rhetoric. Why contribute to a society you aren't even part of? Society rejects you and yet you keep cucking for it. The other shit you said I kinda agree..
Sorry for interrupting but I have a rhetoric. Why contribute to a society you aren't even part of? Society rejects you and yet you keep cucking for it. The other shit you said I kinda agree..
What does cucking mean? and what shit do you agree with?
What does cucking mean? and what shit do you agree with?
Cucking means contributing to something which gives you no objective benefit, it's like getting married, it doesn't guarantee sex. The shit I agree with is the psychopath shit.
Sorry for interrupting but I have a rhetoric. Why contribute to a society you aren't even part of? Society rejects you and yet you keep cucking for it. The other shit you said I kinda agree..
answer the question what has strong men done for society?
Cucking means contributing to something which gives you no objective benefit, it's like getting married, it doesn't guarantee sex. The shit I agree with is the psychopath shit.
what are you diognosed?
Being misanthropist is the true essence Nietzche was aiming for
Being misanthropist is the true essence Nietzche was aiming for
I do not like the general population either however I have tried reading The Will to Power and did not like it one bit. I feel this guy was a psychopath. Charles Sabrage the serial killer liked this philosopher I can see why.
Dude no way you're such a fag dude, you must have some mental issues fr
LOL am no fag your the one agreeing with me that your a psycho, so I asked if you was diagnosed
LOL am no fag your the one agreeing with me that your a psycho, so I asked if you was diagnosed
I'm not a psycho dude I don't have 2 accounts aight? I'm more original than that unlike you..
I'm not a psycho dude I don't have 2 accounts aight? I'm more original than that unlike you..
your the one that thinks it is best to be evil not me. LOL and for your information I am original
This is water is wet stuff. Everyone should know people are corrupt to their core.
In my opinion -

The blue pill can be summarized up as - People are generally good people, if you are disadvantaged (socially) you are a bad person (have a bad personality)

The black pill can be summarized as - People are generally not good people and their actions are based on context and self benefit (largely socially) rather than morals

In my opinion (and anyone who is being honest) good people don't exist, not in this world anyway. I will give some points.

1. Most humans eat animals which is pretty gruesome if you ask me. These animals often have bad living conditions, are put in artificial environments that stresses them out, fed bad feed etc. Many humans once hunted their prey making them become exhausted then bleed out before consuming them. Already you have a world where to survive as a human you need to murder other creatures. I am not a vegan I eat a lot of meat and believe it is the most nutritious thing you can consume but lets not kid ourselves that this existence is a bloody one. Imagine someone cutting the head off of your loved ones (not that I have any jfl my family hates me) then other creatures eating their body parts. Veganism is not an alternative as the crop deaths from birds, rodents, insects etc. will occur and the environmental damage from shipping food from across the world will be bad. The most moral thing you could do is be a vegetarian which I have considered but when I am faced with such a cruel, unforgiving world that doesn't reward my moralfagging and wants me dead then I will consume meat fuck it. If to live optimally you have to support the murdering of other creatures then the majority of people are already NOT good people. Either are vegans. To be a good person in this case you would need to fast yourself to death. To LIVE is to not be a good person. If you were born a cow the average person would eat you. The reason they don't eat you as a human is social consequence.

2. The fact that war exists. Think about the brutality of war. It started with people throwing rocks at each other I would assume which is very gruesome and painful. It evolved into people using tomahawks and spears then progressed into swords where sharp metal rods are jammed into people to destroy their organs or make them bleed out painfully. In history often times whoever lost's society would be destroyed with all the men killed and women taken as rape slaves. Humans have constantly found new ways to kill each other. It has gotten to a point where people have no problem burning other people alive. While it could be argued that many people alive right now do not support war we all know that if this was another time period or it was socially acceptable everyone would rush to war as humans get satisfaction from killing others or seeing others get hurt. A good example of this would be websites like liveleak being popular. If humans were generally good people war would cease to exist or not exist.

3. Violent crimes such as knife attacks, acid attacks, beheadings, cutting off limbs, burning people alive, rape (doesn't occur often with females but many people wish men get raped in prison further proving they are not good people), drunk driving resulting in people dying, police shooting people (especially female cops), punching people and having their head splatter on the side of the car park, jumping of peoples head making them mentally retarded. All these things occur every day yet we all assume it happens to other people when we see it in media etc. yet these are very real things and happen often. If you are an ugly man people will have a tendency to get violent towards you. Humans have an unquenchable thirst for violence (from what I have observed) and will use any excuse to take it out on an ugly male. Many men are killed in third world countries over mere accusations. When you see what humans do to each other on a daily basis you realize how brutal humanity can be.

4. Bulllying is rampant in all wings of society. Some people commit suicide over bullying/exclusion. The ones who don't cope by saying they got over it or retreating in society but they are merely coping. Bullying is extremely crippling and studies show it gives you brain damage while the bully gets a health boost. https://time.com/96848/bullying-can-make-a-bully-healthier/ The cortisol from the bullying in your youth may effect your brain development and stunt your growth while increasing that of the bullies. i understand that these things are extremely deterministic but you have to realize that your stress levels are important. You can't develop as well when your body is constantly under stress. Woman feel sexually aroused seeing men get bullied and beaten up. Many normies have groups where they talk about subhumans and roast them while the victim remains unaware of this occurring. Exclusion is another form of bullying where a large body of people will adopt a bystander approach and exclude someone by not engaging with them socially, not telling them about social events outside the place they are forced to interact with the victim, having a negative sentiment about them when they are not present. This is a way for people to feel like good people while not directly bullying. It is the alternative virtue signaling approach when physical/verbal bullying directly becomes too politically incorrect. This will often happen in the later teen years onwards. Everyone takes part in this and nobody every reaches out to help victims of this. Instead they all contribute. Your therapist (if you are cucked and go to one) would have participated in this behavior while you are in school. They can do what they want and this world is extremely darwanistic but they are not by any means good people. In my opinion the reason many men in the past have resorted to violent action is due to being tortured socially by years. Most men never get to this point and just give up as their survival instinct is too strong. They cope that this was just highschool stuff when it continues for the rest of their lives.

5. False accusations. If you have ever consumed MGTOW content or media in the last few years you would know that many women make up false rape accusations against men. They do it to virtue signal and get victim point/attention from society. Many men are falsely accused of crimes in a multitude of issues. You have SJW's actively trying to ruin mens lives on twitter and nobody does anything. The fact that there are many predatory people in this world and nobody tries to reform/make this behavior politically incorrect means they are bystanders who are only looking out for themselves. Perhaps they themselves get satisfaction from seeing peoples lives ruined so they say nothing. Most marriages end in divorce and often involves women cheating without the man even knowing.

6. Society lying to men about the black pill to benefit women (self explanatory)


You have so many examples of humans being bad people but all these things are normalized. When you think of war you think of knights fighting for a noble cause, not guts being stabbed out then an entire societies men being killed as the women are taken as rape slaves. When you think of violent crime you think of some guy with a black bag robbing a bank not someones head being exploded by a gun. When you think of bullying you think of some 80's highschool scenario not someones life being ruined and unable to get employment. The blue pill narrative is that everyone is a good person yet everyone lies to men about looks not mattering and actively sets out to sabotage/lie to men. To think this world is good is beyond stupidity its a survival of the fittest death arena disguised as a "society" where everyone lies that they dont want to see everyone elses lives ruined or people in prison/dead. Don't have expectations for people, don't trust anyone. Assume everyone wants you dead as from what I have observed there are no good people in this world. Imagine trusting someone who judges you based on your jawline. The black pill has proven that humans are nothing more than assholes who are not good people and just care about self benefit. Morals is a very autistic thing that requires higher thinking that won't get you anywhere.


Humans kill, cheat, steal, lie actively in their every day life and are not good people
The real black pill is that there is no such thing as "good" or "evil" to begin with. Those are made up human concepts.

The snake isn't evil for eating the eggs of a bird that lays on the ground, it's just trying to survive.

The eagle isn't evil for eating the snake.

There's no such thing as good or evil, it's simply survival of the fittest.

Always has been, always will be.
The real black pill is that there is no such thing as "good" or "evil" to begin with. Those are made up human concepts.

The snake isn't evil for eating the eggs of a bird that lays on the ground, it's just trying to survive.

The eagle isn't evil for eating the snake.

There's no such thing as good or evil, it's simply survival of the fittest.

Always has been, always will be.
can I ask you a question can an animal do mathamatics? can an animal create music? can a group of animals create buildings? can an animal create things that will make its living conditions better? (I guess this means digging a hole in the earth, but this is as good as it gets) Can an animal read and write? Does an animal have any types of knowledge that we posses and understand it?
can I ask you a question can an animal do mathamatics? can an animal create music? can a group of animals create buildings? can an animal create things that will make its living conditions better? (I guess this means digging a hole in the earth, but this is as good as it gets) Can an animal read and write? Does an animal have any types of knowledge that we posses and understand it?
No, what does that have to do with anything?.

If anything one can argue that humans excel at creating and inventing things based on what you described. You are just unable to comprehend the abstract idea that even concepts like morality are creations/inventions too.

Despite all the things we can do that animals can't, were still driven by animal instinct, and we still act like animals.
Despite all the things we can do that animals can't, were still driven by animal instinct, and we still act like animals.
This entirely. All the dumbshits who say "muh we humans are able to overcome instinct and evolution". Bull fucking shit. cozy lies aren't going to change a thing. If that were the case then everyone would overcome the instinct to be a prick. If this claim is true, why didn't normies just overcome their instinctive needs for social interaction during the pandemic? Fuck their evolved loneliness. If they can just wish it away, why didn't they? Anxiety is a fight or flight instinct. Yet anxiety plagues society. Why dont all these normies with "anxiety and depression" just stop being anxious and depressed?
No, what does that have to do with anything?.

If anything one can argue that humans excel at creating and inventing things based on what you described. You are just unable to comprehend the abstract idea that even concepts like morality are creations/inventions too.

Despite all the things we can do that animals can't, were still driven by animal instinct, and we still act like animals.
I disagree with that, not everybody has the mentality of primal dominance
No, what does that have to do with anything?.

If anything one can argue that humans excel at creating and inventing things based on what you described. You are just unable to comprehend the abstract idea that even concepts like morality are creations/inventions too.

Despite all the things we can do that animals can't, were still driven by animal instinct, and we still act like animals.
This has everything to do with this argument we as human beings have higher capacity levels than animals so we should not act like it and not everyone has evil intent and acts like it.
This entirely. All the dumbshits who say "muh we humans are able to overcome instinct and evolution". Bull fucking shit. cozy lies aren't going to change a thing. If that were the case then everyone would overcome the instinct to be a prick. If this claim is true, why didn't normies just overcome their instinctive needs for social interaction during the pandemic? Fuck their evolved loneliness. If they can just wish it away, why didn't they? Anxiety is a fight or flight instinct. Yet anxiety plagues society. Why dont all these normies with "anxiety and depression" just stop being anxious and depressed?
there have been many yogis, saints, gurus monks etc who have mastered there primal desires what about them? Are they not proof that it is possible?
This entirely. All the dumbshits who say "muh we humans are able to overcome instinct and evolution". Bull fucking shit. cozy lies aren't going to change a thing. If that were the case then everyone would overcome the instinct to be a prick. If this claim is true, why didn't normies just overcome their instinctive needs for social interaction during the pandemic? Fuck their evolved loneliness. If they can just wish it away, why didn't they? Anxiety is a fight or flight instinct. Yet anxiety plagues society. Why dont all these normies with "anxiety and depression" just stop being anxious and depressed?
read the bible people have always been pricks that I agree with.
god wants evil to exist in the world.

a man who's been dangerous man is better than a man who's just a good man who isn't capable of being dangerous.

the best men I've met in real life are very dangerous men.
we need evil. we must be evil.

great thread OP.
your a phsychopath and talk nonsense about god
This has everything to do with this argument we as human beings have higher capacity levels than animals so we should not act like it and not everyone has evil intent and acts like it.
Says who?, because you say so?

There's no such thing as "should" in reality, that's another made up human concept.

Living creatures have always done whatever the fuck they wanted so long as it pleased them

I disagree with that, not everybody has the mentality of primal dominance
Has nothing to do with a mentality or intent. It's the unavoidable end result of existing.

When you get hired for a job you inadvertently took a job from someone else by being more qualified by them or having some trait that made your employer choose you over them.

Just by living and moving around you are killing thousands of microbial life every single day, these beings are just insignificant to you, so you don't even think about shit like that.

Life is inherently about kill or be killed, dominate or be dominated, win or lose.

Just by existing you are playing the game, the people who think they aren't complicit in the game are delusional or lying to themselves for the sake of their ego.

You've already taken many things from many people in life, just by trying to do your best and create an enjoyable life for yourself. This shit is inevitable.

It's survival of the fittest whether you want it to be that way or not. Every win you get in life is somebody else's loss.
Says who?, because you say so?

There's no such thing as "should" in reality, that's another made up human concept.

Living creatures have always done whatever the fuck they wanted so long as it pleased them

Has nothing to do with a mentality or intent. It's the unavoidable end result of existing.

When you get hired for a job you inadvertently took a job from someone else by being more qualified by them or having some trait that made your employer choose you over them.

Just by living and moving around you are killing thousands of microbial life every single day, these beings are just insignificant to you, so you don't even think about shit like that.

Life is inherently about kill or be killed, dominate or be dominated, win or lose.

Just by existing you are playing the game, the people who think they aren't complicit in the game are delusional or lying to themselves for the sake of their ego.

You've already taken many things from many people in life, just by trying to do your best and create an enjoyable life for yourself. This shit is inevitable.

It's survival of the fittest whether you want it to be that way or not. Every win you get in life is somebody else's loss.
no it's not I completely disagree with everything you say. so your basically calling yourself an animal LOL It is people like you that are killing this planet and society with this ridiculous mentality of dominance which does not serve anyone. YOu are a psychopath also man oh man your the real. Your the delusional one. not me. If everybody thought like you there would be no world left which is what is happening because of more people thinking in this stupid way.
Says who?, because you say so?

There's no such thing as "should" in reality, that's another made up human concept.

Living creatures have always done whatever the fuck they wanted so long as it pleased them

Has nothing to do with a mentality or intent. It's the unavoidable end result of existing.

When you get hired for a job you inadvertently took a job from someone else by being more qualified by them or having some trait that made your employer choose you over them.

Just by living and moving around you are killing thousands of microbial life every single day, these beings are just insignificant to you, so you don't even think about shit like that.

Life is inherently about kill or be killed, dominate or be dominated, win or lose.

Just by existing you are playing the game, the people who think they aren't complicit in the game are delusional or lying to themselves for the sake of their ego.

You've already taken many things from many people in life, just by trying to do your best and create an enjoyable life for yourself. This shit is inevitable.

It's survival of the fittest whether you want it to be that way or not. Every win you get in life is somebody else's loss.
YOu should not be on this site your obviously an alpha male dirtbag.
there have been many yogis, saints, gurus monks etc who have mastered there primal desires what about them? Are they not proof that it is possible?
you know that a lot of those people break their "mastery" and cave in sometimes right? In any case, those people arent representative of the majority of people. A lot of the time in their cases to, its less that they manage to control their desires, but instead remove the possibility to act on them anyway. simply not acting on a desire also isnt the same as removing the desire.
YOu should not be on this site your obviously an alpha male dirtbag.
Not "alpha" in the slightest, just one of the few people on this forum that is honest with themselves. You can keep lying to yourself and praying for "results", but so long as you keep lying you'll never play the game effectively, and you'll always lose in life.

Life has always been a unfair competition, that goes double for males. We can't afford to handicap ourselves with comfortable lies.
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its less that they manage to control their desires, but instead remove the possibility to act on them anyway. simply not acting on a desire also isnt the same as removing the desire.
Exactly. Should I be surprised that some guy who moved to the highest peak of a remote mountain where nobody else lives, hasn't had sex with a woman in 20+ years.

These men don't resist temptation, they move away from it.

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