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Blackpill The media is beginning to freak out because tinder is blackpilling men

It's just becoming harder and harder for them to ignore than data now that clearly shows men are held to significantly higher standards than women. and JFL at them trying to frame it as men being mad about getting ghosted (in an attempt to make it seem like it was something they said rather than looks), the reality is most men don't even get any matches to get ghosted by in the first place.
I love how the article initially talks about normies (the guy who compiled the data was probably a chadlite though), but then immediately turns it into bashing incels.
1. Why way back machine? Did original get taken down?
  • The author gets paid for the amount of times people click on his article (hence the term "clickbait") and the website gets more attention from search engine algorithms for the number of unique IPs visiting it. Neither one gets anything when you view the archived page on the wayback machine.
  • There's always a chance the article can be changed or deleted as a reaction to negative feedback. The archive keeps this from being a problem as you're not viewing the actual live web page.
The author gets paid for the amount of times people click on his article (hence the term "clickbait") and the website gets more attention from search engine algorithms for the number of unique IPs visiting it. Neither one gets anything when you view the archived page on the wayback machine.
Damn, the users here are high IQ
If you're being radicalized by data, you're in fact being radicalized by objective reality, meaning everyone else is being lulled by falsehoods.
well said
If you're being radicalized by data, you're in fact being radicalized by objective reality, meaning everyone else is being lulled by falsehoods.

Mega Society IQ.
I'm not reading brain cancer in word form, btw.

Scrolled down to check for comments and (surprise surprise) there were none.
If you're being radicalized by data, you're in fact being radicalized by objective reality, meaning everyone else is being lulled by falsehoods.
high iq
I love how the article initially talks about normies (the guy who compiled the data was probably a chadlite though), but then immediately turns it into bashing incels.

You expected honestly and logic out of the foid in that article?



Step by step.

The Incelipsis is coming.

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Sam*, a member of the r/Tinderdata thread, also shared vague statistics with me: “According to data from Tinder, they found that less than 1 per cent of men are actually getting a significant match to date conversation ratio.
99/1 rule confirmed.
Ive been on tinder for 2 and a half years now as well, still not 1 date
JFL the state of tinder for men, I get one date with 1,5/10 foid, she ghosted me after.

JFL a 1,5/10 foid have more SVM than me x100(at least).

I used tinder for 4 - 6 months
It's like getting angry and saying it's wrong that 2 plus 2 equals 4
JFL the state of tinder for men, I get one date with 1,5/10 foid, she ghosted me after.

JFL a 1,5/10 foid have more SVM than me x100(at least).

I used tinder for 4 - 6 months

:chad: :banhammer:
"In a community of online men who are often introverted and more comfortable with numeric fact than more abstract demonstrations of emotion, these Tinder graphs provide immediate reassurance."

The lengths academics will go to deny reality. Feels over reals. Of course I am more comfortable with provable data over some bullshit emotional landscape where I get constantly gaslit and told I'm a monster.
"In a community of online men who are often introverted and more comfortable with numeric fact than more abstract demonstrations of emotion, these Tinder graphs provide immediate reassurance."

The lengths academics will go to deny reality. Feels over reals. Of course I am more comfortable with provable data over some bullshit emotional landscape where I get constantly gaslit and told I'm a monster.

OMFG, is that what it says?


this bitch encourages hyper sexuality of underage girls and yet denies that tinder foids are superficial whores. go fuck yerself.
Typical libtards rejecting empirical evidence and scientific proof as always, the same people who say cutting off your own genitals is considered "normal" and calling anyone who disagrees a nazi :feelsclown:
If you're being radicalized by data, you're in fact being radicalized by objective reality, meaning everyone else is being lulled by falsehoods.
It's basically like the old saying if you tell a big enough lie then people will believe it, just like how foids like to preach that looks don't matter and its all about personality, which is complete and utter bullshit.
Kaitlyn Regehr, professor of media at Kent University, who specialises in Incel culture.

The media is beginning to freak out because tinder is blackpilling men

This is somewhat inaccurate, no app is blackpilling men. Rather its their own fucking eyes & experiences.

I mean, does anyone who lives in a college dorm doubt that some/relatively few guys who live there are the only ones to have "do not disturb" signs on their dorm room doors every weekend?

or the guys at the office who overhear some Stacy talking about the 32nd guy that she has dated for a short while till someone better/richer/handsomer came along? This didn't exist solely because there was never a way to get Chad to as many foid's eyes as possible till very recently. LOL if you think most women were surfing the net on their fucking laptop/desktop computer as well. In fact I have read that smartphones are designed with females as the end users (for several business reasons).

or the other end where a guy does EVERYTHING right yet gets ghosted for no reason.

or the "6foot or swipe left"......

Cliffs: The evidence is right in front of you
Soycuck and rostie comments:

View attachment 188301

:soy: :soy:

What kind of cuck thinks jodi arias looks good? I've never heard of men having serial killer fetishes but we've heard it with foids.

Women are the ones parroting the pursonalitee bullshit

Women are the ones parroting the pursonalitee bullshit
Another thing missing is because many men are thirsty and would fuck anything these days. If men had more options and were mentally healthy they would only go nuts about submissive teenage virgins, not post wall psychopathic murderers.
Lifefuel that the blackpill is spreading tbh
11 dates out of 54 matches. How.

It's just becoming harder and harder for them to ignore than data now that clearly shows men are held to significantly higher standards than women. and JFL at them trying to frame it as men being mad about getting ghosted (in an attempt to make it seem like it was something they said rather than looks), the reality is most men don't even get any matches to get ghosted by in the first place.

The stupid, hypocritical bitch who wrote the article claims it's dangerous to post Tinder data and it skews the facts. Yet, SHE HAS OUTRIGHT LIED IN THE ARTICLE WHEN WRITING ABOUT E.R!!

"In 2014, Incel ideology dramatically entered the public sphere when 22-year-old American Elliot Rodger killed SIX SORORITY WOMEN in California in a stabbing and shooting spree. In a video posted online, Rodger spoke of his anger at his sexual failings and his hatred towards women."

Nothing more needs to be said about this dumb hole.
I tried it pretty much around the globe. I believed I was a location cell. Spoiler alert : I'm not
Female nature is the same everywhere in the world, even in the remotest locations. I'm speaking from actual experience.
If you're being radicalized by data, you're in fact being radicalized by objective reality, meaning everyone else is being lulled by falsehoods.
I'm speaking from actual experience.
So do I tbh.
SEAmaxxing in particular is a cope unless you're fine with paying for whores, but then there is no point in going so far across the globe
So do I tbh.
SEAmaxxing in particular is a cope unless you're fine with paying for whores, but then there is no point in going so far across the globe
They're way cheaper in SEasia, so you'll make up the money for the plane ticket if you stay there and escortmax long enough.
Who is 'the media'? Only one publication? Never even heard of "newstatesman"

From someone who got rejected for a lap dance in a strip club (and that was the first and last time I went there, if I want humiliation I can do fine without also spoiling foids while I'm at it), yes, I think one would need prior preparation before calling an escort.

Who is 'the media'? Only one publication?

Actually, this isn't the first article or comment I read that tries to explain the tinder trends.The most common explanation is that tinder hyperobjectifies both sexes and that's why most men don't get shit. It doesn't even account that the real hotties don't even go to tinder, tinder is for second-class foids who can't get hitched by just diving in a bar. So basically when I'm on Tinder I'm degrading myself hunting for whales and inhabitants of star sector cuckoo and getting constantly rejected by those as well, if they're not just fishing for a free meal.
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I like how she said incels feel ignored and rejected sexually by women [because we are] then implied we are angry because we feel entitled to sex. It's missing the point, she can't imagine not being able to find a man, any man willing to fuck her so thinks its the same for even unattractive men, their must be an equal unattractive women desperate for them! We know the reality!

Yeah women don't want us so apparently we want to legalise rape, are elliot rodger fan boys and want to skin women alive and feed them to pigs..

Its getting really boring now.

Things won't change though, the graphs are real, incels are real and aren't going away and will only increase in number. She wants sexually unsuccessful men acting like eunuchs with no sexual desire or extreme feminist cucks. Many do, but more are waking up now so be scared bitch!
Men being radicalized by tinder data.

:lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:

They are not being radicalized. They just realized that they were living inside a bubble all along.
The only ER they're afraid of is when non-chads get blackpilled and refuse to be their cogs in their degeneracy wheel.
Exactly fucking this.
They are waking up now because now it's not sub5 men and incels being rejected, but sub8 law in full motion on every dating app. These holes and Chads that fuck everything don't realize they are enabling the coming chaos.

Love is dead, pair bonding is done. Most likely they will try to create ai bots as fast as possible to stop the cog revolutions and chaos.

These will be interesting times, hold on to your ropes for now.
50% of all male monkeys NEVER reproduce.
Girls also lurk in there. Some guys i knew irl knew i was using tinder, because foids were lurking on there and talking about, what a whores, but no dates of course. 0 dates is a rule for us.
50% of all male monkeys NEVER reproduce.
brutal monkeypill hard to swallow tbh
They just realized that they were living inside a bubble all along.
High IQ it happened to me
  • The author gets paid for the amount of times people click on his article (hence the term "clickbait") and the website gets more attention from search engine algorithms for the number of unique IPs visiting it. Neither one gets anything when you view the archived page on the wayback machine.
  • There's always a chance the article can be changed or deleted as a reaction to negative feedback. The archive keeps this from being a problem as you're not viewing the actual live web page.

This is one of the many reasons why havingsites designed to maximize engagement ruins everything.
50% of all male monkeys NEVER reproduce.
Where is that number from? I don't doubt you just want to be able to cite it myself.
Actually, this isn't the first article or comment I read that tries to explain the tinder trends.The most common explanation is that tinder hyperobjectifies both sexes and that's why most men don't get shit. It doesn't even account that the real hotties don't even go to tinder, tinder is for second-class foids who can't get hitched by just diving in a bar. So basically when I'm on Tinder I'm degrading myself hunting for whales and inhabitants of star sector cuckoo and getting constantly rejected by those as well, if they're not just fishing for a free meal.
It should have been posted with better publications or more sources, rather than a random source and a short article that doesn't really drive any new points.
"In a community of online men who are often introverted and more comfortable with numeric fact than more abstract demonstrations of emotion, these Tinder graphs provide immediate reassurance."
fuark, journalists are so far gone. it's interesting that they're not even trying to argue against the blackpill and instead just trying to appeal to emotions. just disregard facts, bro!
"The motive behind these graphs and figures are clear: they reinforce the foundation of Incel ideology simply and effectively." if foids werent so hypergamous, these stats wouldnt exist in the first place lol.

It's just becoming harder and harder for them to ignore than data now that clearly shows men are held to significantly higher standards than women. and JFL at them trying to frame it as men being mad about getting ghosted (in an attempt to make it seem like it was something they said rather than looks), the reality is most men don't even get any matches to get ghosted by in the first place.

The truth is on our side. A very obvious, primal, sexual truth. This is why they are so opposed to freedom of speech and want to censor everything.
If you're being radicalized by data, you're in fact being radicalized by objective reality, meaning everyone else is being lulled by falsehoods.

High IQ. It's like using "disillusioned" as a negative term although it can simply mean being "free of illusions". In that sense are incels indeed "radicalized" and "disillusioned".

Now they can only try to suppress the truth or somehow babble about men being "entitled" if they are not enthusiastic about a world where the majority of women compete for a minority of men, while the majority of men is turned into genderless human robots whose romantic and sexual desires are getting criminalized via feminist harassment laws. They talk about "entitlement" like Ben Shapiro would talk about a homeless person: "He opposes capitalism because he feels ENTITLED to having a place to sleep!"
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  • The author gets paid for the amount of times people click on his article (hence the term "clickbait") and the website gets more attention from search engine algorithms for the number of unique IPs visiting it. Neither one gets anything when you view the archived page on the wayback machine.
  • There's always a chance the article can be changed or deleted as a reaction to negative feedback. The archive keeps this from being a problem as you're not viewing the actual live web page.

High IQ
Of course it was a woman who wrote the article. Anyone man struggling to find a gf is a disgusting misogynist.
If you're being radicalized by data, you're in fact being radicalized by objective reality, meaning everyone else is being lulled by falsehoods.
High IQ.
"In a community of online men who are often introverted and more comfortable with numeric fact than more abstract demonstrations of emotion, these Tinder graphs provide immediate reassurance."

I like how the article claims that we find a sort of defeatist consolation in the Blackpill (a way of coping, if you will), because the idea that "it's over" absolves us from personal responsibility and allows us to become content in our inferiority rather than sacrifice everything we have to get out of it.

But at the same time, it states that we are becoming radicalized and driven to "anger and retaliation" by the Blackpill, which would indicate that it is not a pathetic form of coping/consoling/learned-helplessness/cowardice at all but rather a source of collective power and consciousness which is to be feared.

These are clearly contradictory analyses, based on the premise that downtrodden people should be prevented from organizing against the systemic issues that oppress them and potentially upsetting the power structure, and instead made drunk on individualistic, liberal "self-improvement" nonsense which is not only nonthreatening to the power structure but actively enables it.

The question of whether the Blackpill is objectively true or not doesn't matter as such; the article absurdly casts doubt on it by calling us simplistic ideologues who aren't abstract enough to understand the supposed complexities of emotion (as opposed to the superficiality of facts, jfl) but even if it were to admit that the Blackpill is true, it wouldn't matter because the article is simply apologism for the status quo in the first place.
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