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Experiment THE IRREFUTABLE PROOF KNAJID ISNT INCEL!: Pretty boy experiment, and results!

Ive seen these pics before and thought fakecel, but realized he had a severe height disadvantage. And too much neoteny no matter how pretty can hurt you sexually as well. Though being white and good facial harmony can take you a long way.

And lol @ all the lurkers. I bet the cucktears crowd is squealing “urrr nottt uggly its urrr puhsonalityyy!”
So, fellas... a bit of background. All of this happened within the span of a few minutes and possible hours. I posted knajids pic first asking how he looked like, then decided to catfish a bit with it. Next thing I know, I got an 18 year old (Legit pretty, nothing of that fat or crooked teeth, recessed chin bullshit) sending me a friend request, and Im on DMs flirting with her as knajid... EVEN SAID HIS HEIGHT, SO THE PROOF IS STILL VALID. ALL SCREENSHOTS ARE IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER

If this is our mod I don’t want to be on this earth anymore
48EE225C EDD7 4424 918A 67AA926A208C
5'2" in your 20s, you're not even seen as man let alone a sexual being.
Ive seen these pics before and thought fakecel, but realized he had a severe height disadvantage. And too much neoteny no matter how pretty can hurt you sexually as well. Though being white and good facial harmony can take you a long way.

And lol @ all the lurkers. I bet the cucktears crowd is squealing “urrr nottt uggly its urrr puhsonalityyy!”
If you think a singe foid over the age of 13 is sexually attracted to him you're deluded as hell like a normie.
Im roping, I can’t take this. This is the one place I think I can’t get mogged and people like this mod looksmog me to death. I want to die so badly.
I can't even begin to imagine what life would be like if i was only 5'2, i mean i'm 5'11 and i still wish i was taller.
All turks are sneaky. Remember the armenian genocide, you fucking cockroaches.
Average female height in Bolivia says 4'8", Guatemala has 4'10",Indonesian 4'10" and a few other places. wonder if he could get any woman there?
He's not a pretty boy, he's an adult male with a babyface. How fucking hard is it to understand that foids aren't attracted to this?
5'2" in your 20s, you're not even seen as man let alone a sexual being.

He's not in his 20's, but it's still over for him pretty much. He better hope he hits a huge growth spurt soon, and QUICK.
Being judged facially in a picture online where they don't know the guy is 5'2 is a joke. If you had captioned in big red text on the photo "This man is 5'2" you probably would have gotten some different reactions.
And also like someone said before, watch what women do, not what they say. Women are also hard wired to put on a front / lie in order to avoid perceived repercussions, aka she's afraid that grok is going to smack her head with his club if she makes him angry. They seriously think that they're going to get beaten somehow if they don't just tell everyone what they want to hear at all times. it's biologically written into their DNA as a survival mechanism.
He is a beautiful guy I guess people outside this forum are right incels problems with being ugly is something that exists in their heads it's a fantasy problem self created has nothing to do with reality. Since he is that good looking but not cable of getting a girl i Turkey a country where the majority look like Arabs, he must have a horrible personality. One disgusting personality
Average female height in Bolivia says 4'8", Guatemala has 4'10",Indonesian 4'10" and a few other places. wonder if he could get any woman there?
Actually a good point, he could just try get jobs there
He is a beautiful guy I guess people outside this forum are right incels problems with being ugly is something that exists in their heads it's a fantasy problem self created has nothing to do with reality. Since he is that good looking but not cable of getting a girl i Turkey a country where the majority look like Arabs, he must have a horrible personality. One disgusting personality
Personality is a tiny bit important, but not as much as people say. So meanwhile they are right in a way, its also wrong in over 100.
Looks are and will always be the prime determinant of all
He is a beautiful guy I guess people outside this forum are right incels problems with being ugly is something that exists in their heads it's a fantasy problem self created has nothing to do with reality. Since he is that good looking but not cable of getting a girl i Turkey a country where the majority look like Arabs, he must have a horrible personality. One disgusting personality
He is a beautiful guy I guess people outside this forum are right incels problems with being ugly is something that exists in their heads it's a fantasy problem self created has nothing to do with reality. Since he is that good looking but not cable of getting a girl i Turkey a country where the majority look like Arabs, he must have a horrible personality. One disgusting personality
Cucktears user spotted
Personality is a tiny bit important, but not as much as people say. So meanwhile they are right in a way, its also wrong in over 100.
Looks are and will always be the prime determinant of all
so what is his excuse since he is good looking ?
If he's incel, then there is no hope for me whatsoever. His face mogs the living shit out of mine. Where is muh gun.
This forum is going to kill you sooner or later
OP would you do an actual tinder experiment and also include his height?
This forum is going to kill you sooner or later
OP would you do an actual tinder experiment and also include his height?

@JdawgYUNGmoney already did it.

He had tons of gay matches but literally zero female matches (i think), pointless.

He didn't even mention his height, hard to believe that's what a truecel looks like in 2018
so what is his excuse since he is good looking ?
Something else, but not his personality. It could be he is afraid of approaching, the possibilites are a lot to count
This guy hates me, ban warnings me all the time

Why, I have no idea
For everyone here denying that turbo manletism alone is a death sentence

Why the fuck are you people focusing on his face? Even then it looks so beta.
Being judged facially in a picture online where they don't know the guy is 5'2 is a joke. If you had captioned in big red text on the photo "This man is 5'2" you probably would have gotten some different reactions.
And also like someone said before, watch what women do, not what they say. Women are also hard wired to put on a front / lie in order to avoid perceived repercussions, aka she's afraid that grok is going to smack her head with his club if she makes him angry. They seriously think that they're going to get beaten somehow if they don't just tell everyone what they want to hear at all times. it's biologically written into their DNA as a survival mechanism.

Read this (above) everyone.

Knajjd is cute but he's 5'2". He would get laughed at IRL. Taylor Lautner got laughed at for being 5'8".

There are way more people here more qualified to be a 'fakecel' then him.
This forum is going to kill you sooner or later
OP would you do an actual tinder experiment and also include his height?
I could try, but he will surely get matches here since im on a third world shithole, but this one has the exception of having the pickiest women ever (Even more than the USA!) and tons of recessed chins or balding hairlines. Its gonna be pretty inconclusive
is that a vanilla latte he's drinking?
They seriously think that they're going to get beaten somehow if they don't just tell everyone what they want to hear at all times. it's biologically written into their DNA as a survival mechanism.
Why are they so mean and rude to some guys then? I've been told to fuck off just for saying "how's your day" to a femoid cunt.
Why are they so mean and rude to some guys then? I've been told to fuck off just for saying "how's your day" to a femoid cunt.
If they think you are a weak beta or if they have friends or orbiters near by then it's ok. But if Frankenstein's monster came up and asked if they thought he was ugly, they would say no.
If they think you are a weak beta or if they have friends or orbiters near by then it's ok. But if Frankenstein's monster came up and asked if they thought he was ugly, they would say no.
I would say no to frankenstein too. That's just trying to be safe.
He is a beautiful guy I guess people outside this forum are right incels problems with being ugly is something that exists in their heads it's a fantasy problem self created has nothing to do with reality. Since he is that good looking but not cable of getting a girl i Turkey a country where the majority look like Arabs, he must have a horrible personality. One disgusting personality
Finally I get to say it:

If he really has that appearance he's a volcel, with all due respect. I remember he voting the "0" option in a "how many foids you've approached" thread. He would certainly ascend (at the very least kiss) if he approached looking like that.
@knajjd I really like the irony of how "cute" you look (no homo) and yet you can say fucked up shit like this:

In a way it just "doesn't fit", we always expect rough looking individuals to be "mentally fucked up" or "evil".

Kinda reminds me of my self, I have a "baby face" which often makes women think of me as "innocent/child like" which likely drys their vag into sahara mode. They'd never imagine a guy that looks like me thinks the way I think or frequents a site like this. Having neontenous features can be a positive, but only if you capitalize on it, and that's mostly during your youth, I could always go around lifting girls skirts and groping them when I was 10 to 14 and get away with it, features like that are useless when you are in your late teens and up.

I'd likely have to get fit and reduce facial fat to capitalize on those features again. Currently working on losing weight, then I'll put on some muscle. If you are really 5'2" though you really do have it tough, I thought I had it bad at 5'7", women are really going to look down on you and see you as a child when you have your facial features and your height.

You will have to specifically target very short women to have a chance, go visit some ethnic asian country, you'll have better luck there since the women are short and you can capitalize on your "whiteness"
If he really has that appearance he's a volcel, with all due respect. I remember he voting the "0" option in a "how many foids you've approached" thread. He would certainly ascend (at the very least kiss) if he approached looking like that.
You are aware he is 5'2" yes? He will get laughed at for approaching. They'll think a middle schooler is coming up to them.
Maybe you're more NT than him. IDK much about him.

I bet that if they were to ever meet up, she would reject him once she fully realized the 5'2". That's TURBOmanlet-tier.

Also, this is a good reason for people to NEVER post their pics here. People will use them to call you a fakecel.
The reason I don't post my pics is fear of being doxxed and fear of becoming a memecel whose pictures get all over the internet associated with incels.
You are aware he is 5'2" yes? He will get laughed at for approaching. They'll think a middle schooler is coming up to them.
Just approach girls as young as the AoC in his country allows.

If I looked like him I'd be approaching the hell out of 14-20 girls (AoC is 14 here).
this doesnt surprise me all that much tbh, although the age of the girl surprises me. maybe shes lying about being 18 and is really 14-16?
The reason I don't post my pics is fear of being doxxed and fear of becoming a memecel whose pictures get all over the internet associated with incels.

Just approach girls as young as the AoC in his country allows.

If I looked like him I'd be approaching the hell out of 14-20 girls (AoC is 14 here).
Pointless. IDK where knajjd lives but its more than likely 14-16. These women, no matter how short they are, demand 6'+ guys, due to feminism and hypergamy increasing male standards to the extreme. This guy is 1' shorter than the male ideal of 6'2". The meme that short men should go for short women is a bluepilled cope because women can't gain status from dating a short man, even if they are "taller".
Pointless. IDK where knajjd lives but its more than likely 14-16. These women, no matter how short they are, demand 6'+ guys, due to feminism and hypergamy increasing male standards to the extreme. This guy is 1' shorter than the male ideal of 6'2". The meme that short men should go for short women is a bluepilled cope because women can't gain status from dating a short man, even if they are "taller".
I think height is most relevant in the US. Of course it matters everywhere, but not as much outside of the US.

Here in Brazil for example I personally know manlets who are not incels due to pretty faces. An average 14yo Brazilian girl wouldn't reject a guy who looked like Knajid (blue eyes, good-looking hair, Norwood 1 from what I can see, clean fair skin, etc) just because he's a manlet. I can 100% visualize a guy like him getting some BR JB pussy, which triggers me quite a bit, tbh. I have seen so many pretty faces around here it triggers me.
I think height is most relevant in the US. Of course it matters everywhere, but not as much outside of the US.

Here in Brazil for example I personally know manlets who are not incels due to pretty faces. An average 14yo Brazilian girl wouldn't reject a guy who looked like Knajid (blue eyes, good-looking hair, norwood 1 for what I can see, clean fair skin, etc) just because he's a manlet. I can 100% visualize a guy like him getting some BR JB pussy, which triggers me quite a bit, tbh. I have seen so many pretty faces around here it triggers me.

Maybe Brazil is like that man (given the people are more brown, poorer, shorter, etc.), but in the west (namely Europe ((knajjd looks European IMO)) and America), being 5'2" is a death sentence. Any woman can find a guy who is just as facially good looking as him while being 5'9" at minimum in under an hour on tinder.
Maybe you're more NT than him. IDK much about him.

I bet that if they were to ever meet up, she would reject him once she fully realized the 5'2". That's TURBOmanlet-tier.

Also, this is a good reason for people to NEVER post their pics here. People will use them to call you a fakecel.
Man if someone could do a tinder experiment with me and prove i'm a fakecel i'd be completely up for it.
Why? I don't see what the advantage would be?
I want to be proven a locationcel because that means there is hope, or have someone reinforce the fact that I am indeed a truecel to the people here who would dare question otherwise.
Maybe Brazil is like that man (given the people are more brown, poorer, shorter, etc.), but in the west (namely Europe ((knajjd looks European IMO)) and America), being 5'2" is a death sentence. Any woman can find a guy who is just as facially good looking as him while being 5'9" at minimum in under an hour on tinder.
He could still travel here and pick up white (there are white people in Brazil, especially in the South) JBs via spam approaching.

Meanwhile it's over for facecels like me.
This forum is going to kill you sooner or later
OP would you do an actual tinder experiment and also include his height?

I'm the most incel-looking guy here. Seeing posters here just reminds me how alone I am.

Every soc-anx volcel here deserves to be without a gf. They also deserve acidfacing.
He is a beautiful guy I guess people outside this forum are right incels problems with being ugly is something that exists in their heads it's a fantasy problem self created has nothing to do with reality. Since he is that good looking but not cable of getting a girl i Turkey a country where the majority look like Arabs, he must have a horrible personality. One disgusting personality

This is only legit for the mentalcels and volcels here. Some of us are actually ugly.
I want to be proven a locationcel because that means there is hope, or have someone reinforce the fact that I am indeed a truecel to the people here who would dare question otherwise.
I guess man. If you're feeling bold you can always try it.

He could still travel here and pick up white (there are white people in Brazil, especially in the South) JBs via spam approaching.

Meanwhile it's over for facecels like me.
So he's should just drop his current life, job, family, etc. to go to a new country half-way across the world? That's not realistic man. I agree that face is still more important than height, but height is still very important an can be an instant over for people.

This prettyboy is an incels.is mod/admin ?

Fuck me sideways. I can't take this website seriously anymore.

JFL at this community.
I guess man. If you're feeling bold you can always try it.

So he's should just drop his current life, job, family, etc. to go to a new country half-way across the world? That's not realistic man. I agree that face is still more important than height, but height is still very important an can be an instant over for people.
I know it's not an easy option but it's still an option. I admit I'm triggered and emotion is influencing what I say though. Even the mod of an incels site being a pretty boy and having options makes me feel bad for being so ugly, old and bald.

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