Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

The history of the online incelsphere

Wow, haven't seen the name Tyger in ages, unlocks memories.

Yes, he had immense self-hatred about being Asian.

At the time I was on self confidence forums and forums on how to meet women.

We made fun of people on PUA HATE forums. I was out in bars getting constant
rejections, listening to puas - who were paying models to speak to them.
I have lurked at love-shy, but I have never created an account to be a member of love-shy. I don't consider love-shy to be an incel message board. Love-shy is an involuntarily single message board. A person who wants to remain celibate but still have a girlfriend would belong on love-shy, but not here.

I might have been on incel-support. I don't remember the exact names of two of the four incel message boards that I have been a member of.
Funny, I did the same, lurked there around 2010 when inceldom was hittin me the worst

That is technically true in terms of the definition of love-shy, but practically, the vibe was very similar to here. A lot of the guys there were extremely depressed, LDARing, users roping was quite common there. It didn't have the self improover vibe of other incel spaces back then. I remember users on incel-support being aggressively, annoyingly pro-self improovment
I have lurked at love-shy, but I have never created an account to be a member of love-shy. I don't consider love-shy to be an incel message board. Love-shy is an involuntarily single message board. A person who wants to remain celibate but still have a girlfriend would belong on love-shy, but not here.

I might have been on incel-support. I don't remember the exact names of two of the four incel message boards that I have been a member of.
I was a member of loveshy 16 years ago. You are partially right. It was not explicitly an incel forum, but it played a major role in growth of self identified incels. Loveshy's were men that were supposedly too shy to approach woman and were also to shy to reciprocate interest.

However love-shy did allow incels on. There was a significant growth on incels on there. Loveshy was started in August 2003 by Loveshycom , a British man who was a 43 year old virgin. He managed to miraciously beat the odds and got a gf and left . Loveshy eventually shut down in January 2020.

PuaHate was active since 2009. The whole looks over personality crew/ redpill took off in 2010/2011. That was due to two posters.. Hitquit , a north African with one lay who was very frustrated that he could not replicate his only success. And Chinpoko, a Estern European/Baltic gymcel who was Jacked as fuck. He was also balding badly and that affected him quite a bit. Ironically Chinpoko had a gf.

Then Faceandlms joined PuaHate in May 2012 , and as they say, the rest is history.
There was also a yahoo chat group on datelessness 15 years ago ( I was apart of it). Altogether I've known about the incelsphere or been apart of it in some way since 2006.

I'm still in disbelief that the word has become mainstream. I feel as if I am in the twilight zone!
This has been athing since the early 2000s i thought this was getting more internet attraction around 2012-2014
Elliot was being angered by TYGER. Tyger would call him a cuckold. Erasiantigar was a
guy who hated white women with asian men, and Elliot was a product of that which he hated.
In a way the incel movement has anti-white racism roots.


I am pretty sure there was pro BBC
and white women propaganda going out as well?

Elliot hated the fact he was half asian. His first murders were the two asian
guys in his apartment, it was almost like he was trying to expel the asian out of him by
killing them. He then went out and couldn't get into the soronity house, panicked,
and then killed those women and that guy. At that point it was killing by proximity.

Brootal. Elliot forum posts were so funny though. I remember his posts on bodybuilding.com/misc

IMG 2106

IMG 2107
me, @Morphine , @Emba And @WacoGoesDown here since 67'
Brootal. Elliot forum posts were so funny though. I remember his posts on bodybuilding.com/misc

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The problem with Elliot Rodger was he didn't put the effort in. He wasn't really an incel.
He was part of the minority of incels who didn't really try.

Unfortunately there is a majority demographic who can't get dates despite trying for YEARS.
These people haven't gone on mass killings - and unfortunately are paired with the same brush
as those who never try.

Elliot Rodger often talked about how beautiful he was but women didn't want him. Obviously
he knew his spectrum disability was a factor.

''I thought some people would agree with me on here, but you're all just a bunch of trolls.''

Above is a post by Elliot Rodger - he was often bullied even on a incel forum. He was also
abandoned by his father.

The truth is - Elliot Rodger needed help and no one helped him. No one helps men who
have mental health issues. Where are the people who help incels? They want to actively
throw you in prison. They are on the forum perhaps waiting - they don't care about you
they will use you for a PROMOTION.

There are two types of incels : those who WANT to be incels and those who DON'T.
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You didn’t talk about incels on Reddit where this community was from. There were lots of incels who were fed up with foreveralone cause of how cucked it is so subreddits like foreverunwanted and truecels were made and then there was of course the big one of r/incels where all our words like blackpill, mog, roastie etc was made. r/incels was banned and of course this place was made and there was also braincels on Reddit and braincels eventually got banned.
I'm still in disbelief that the word has become mainstream. I feel as if I am in the twilight zone!

I am surprised too. When I first found Alana's Involuntary Celibacy Project, maybe one hundred people in the entire world had heard of the word incel. Now many, many millions know the word.

The first time I realized the word incel was mainstream was when I saw one of my friends in real life (who is not an incel) write the word incel on facebook circa 2015.
The problem with Elliot Rodger was he didn't put the effort in. He wasn't really an incel.
He was part of the minority of incels who didn't really try.

Unfortunately there is a majority demographic who can't get dates despite trying for YEARS.
These people haven't gone on mass killings - and unfortunately are paired with the same brush
as those who never try.

Elliot Rodger often talked about how beautiful he was but women didn't want him. Obviously
he knew his spectrum disability was a factor.

''I thought some people would agree with me on here, but you're all just a bunch of trolls.''

Above is a post by Elliot Rodger - he was often bullied even on a incel forum. He was also
abandoned by his father.

The truth is - Elliot Rodger needed help and no one helped him. No one helps men who
have mental health issues. Where are the people who help incels? They want to actively
throw you in prison. They are on the forum perhaps waiting - they don't care about you
they will use you for a PROMOTION.

There are two types of incels : those who WANT to be incels and those who DON'T.
Elliott Rodger's real problem was he was Stacy only.
You didn’t talk about incels on Reddit where this community was from. There were lots of incels who were fed up with foreveralone cause of how cucked it is so subreddits like foreverunwanted and truecels were made and then there was of course the big one of r/incels where all our words like blackpill, mog, roastie etc was made. r/incels was banned and of course this place was made and there was also braincels on Reddit and braincels eventually got banned.

I didn't write about r/incels because I was never a part of it. After I got banned from the premier incel board in 2008 (which was probably before the existence of reddit), I took a twelve year hiatus until 2020.

I was around when the original incel board began (which was probably either before you were born or when you were a prepubescent child) in 2000 though. So I think I am qualified to write about the history of the online incelsphere in the very beginning.
That sounds gay and fakecel-ly.

Elliot Rodger had no help in how to navigate his autism and make connections
with women. Obviously there is a market for dating management for autistic men,
I am talking about dating management and not PUA - but obviously society
doesn't want to help incels - they want to throw them in prison. It's a fact
considering that 50% of men in prison in the uk are on the neuro-divergent scale.
The problem with Elliot Rodger was he didn't put the effort in. He wasn't really an incel.
He was part of the minority of incels who didn't really try.

Unfortunately there is a majority demographic who can't get dates despite trying for YEARS.
These people haven't gone on mass killings - and unfortunately are paired with the same brush
as those who never try.

Elliot Rodger often talked about how beautiful he was but women didn't want him. Obviously
he knew his spectrum disability was a factor.

''I thought some people would agree with me on here, but you're all just a bunch of trolls.''

Above is a post by Elliot Rodger - he was often bullied even on a incel forum. He was also
abandoned by his father.

The truth is - Elliot Rodger needed help and no one helped him. No one helps men who
have mental health issues. Where are the people who help incels? They want to actively
throw you in prison. They are on the forum perhaps waiting - they don't care about you
they will use you for a PROMOTION.

There are two types of incels : those who WANT to be incels and those who DON'T.

Did you read his manifesto? He would regularly complain about how he’d see below average curry and Asian men with blonde white women at his college and it would send him into a rage.

One part of his manifesto he wrote about he even threw hot coffee on an Indian male white female couple at his college Starbucks through his BMW window :feelskek:

His manifesto was top tier comedy in some parts, but yeah his problem was never his FACE he was just non-NT and autistic.
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Did you read his manifesto? He would regularly complain about how he’d see below average curry and Asian men with blonde white women at his college and it would send him into a rage.

One part of his manifesto he wrote about he even threw hot coffee on an Indian male white female couple at his college Starbucks through his BMW window :feelskek:

His manifesto was top tier comedy in some parts, but yeah his problem was never his FACE he was just non-NT and autistic.
Translation: His problem was never his face. He was just a fakecel.

His problem was that he was Stacy only.
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Also, there was a YouTuber I forgot who made a video about our origin and he says that the earliest use of the word 'blackpill' in incel forums was in Jan 2018 or something (I totally forgot). But that's false. I was reading old incel archives of posts calling themselves blackpilled before 2018 (or whatever date that YouTuber said).
Blackpill was first used as a term in 2011 for a blog related to manosphere topics.

The term blackpill was first used in November 2011 by a blog commenter named Paragon on the Dalrock anti-feminist blog. Paragon said only mass poverty could solve men's systemic dating issues, as he saw that as the only mechanism that could bind women to men short of eugenics. Facing dating difficulties in Ontario (Canada), Paragon moved from Canada to the Philippines, a less prosperous country than Canada, and married there. In Paragon's own words:[5]

[…] to reconcile that there are no personal solutions to systemic problems—which can only resolve over evolutionary time.
And any solution will very much entail steep trade-offs, in that males can’t have their cake and eat it too—a prosperous population of deferred ecological pressures (like we currently enjoy), without an expectation that this prosperity will increase the mating latitude of females (dramatically perturbing the breeding population, to the point of near evolutionary instability).
One will always follow the other, as male consensus on these matters is practically impossible in terms of inter-sexual competition(as opposed to the broad accord females enjoy through an abundant wealth of sexual opportunities, courtesy of their reproductively limiting function).
The term was later adopted by OmegaVirginRevolt's blog, who attempted to use it to distinguish MGTOW related MRA from traditionalist or PUA influenced 'redpill MGTOW'.

Modern blackpillers agree with Paragon that female desire is inflexible and that psychology is mostly determined by genetics. They may disagree with him on the desirability of supporting a reversion to pre-modern economic arrangements as a solution to the issue, not least because of a greater focus on lookism as a cause of men's mating woes.
Blackpill was first used as a term in 2011 for a blog related to manosphere topics.

they say that we can’t have our cake and eat it, but we men can try to breed out lookism in humans through sheer ACTUAL patriots
On my thread "Truecel trait: You view Elliott Rodger and all the incel characters in movies as fakecels", I mentioned how I have been around the incel movement since its inception in the year 2000. incels.is member @Kanye's Cousin asked me how the online incelsphere was 25 years ago. So I decided to create this thread.

Elliot Rodger can't completely be called a fakecel, he experienced real dejection, even from his best friend — but he was a mentalcel, HAPAcel and standardcel. His background was also economically affluent. We all know the trope of incels being called standardcels for not dating a landwhale, but he really was a standardcel. (which is a type of fakecel.) He could have easily found a short Asian girlfriend that was his looksmatch, but he insisted on blonde cheerleaders. When they rejected him too many times in his attempts at cold approaching them, he became suicidal. (and insisted on dragging strangers down with him) "If I can't have this, I don't want anything!" It's obvious from his memoir alone (which exhaustively covers his entire life and especially his social experiences and rejection from girls) that he never made a serious effort to date a girl that would've been more attainable for him. He focused on girls out-of-reach, then snapped.

I've read his memoir and he's quite clear about his insistence on the most typical conventionally attractive popular blonde girl, and his racism in general. At one point he becomes enraged at the sight of a Mexican guy with a white girl at a restaurant. He was racist to full Asians on the forums he would post on, (none of which were incel forums, a term he never mentioned once) lambasting them simply for being Asian on both sides, invoking his European half. (link) He didn't like the thought of a full Asian dating a white girl, and (unlike his father, ironically enough) wasn't willing to date an Asian himself. He killed three Asian incels - his two roommates and their friend, before going on to do the rest of his massacre and recording his last video.

Normies just bring Elliot Rodger up to smear incels, as if we are all "entitled" and violent. (read this) Not only are the men who actually go through with suicide a minority, cases like him where there is a mass-shooting are especially an anomaly - and again, he never identified as an incel and himself murdered three incels. He clearly had a personality disorder, genuine narcissism - something was really off with him. From his memoir we know enough about his life to know his parents and upbringing can't be blamed, he also had a sister. (though it's true that often girls come out more normal than guys for reasons that aren't to be blamed on boys/men) I agree with Crumplar when he said Elliot Rodger was a product of a racist and inegalitarian society, but he really was a nasty, racist kid who actually saw his massacre to random civilians as "payback" for some blondes not being interested in him. Some people are born with screws missing. Read this, and if you have more time the original post he replied to.

McDermid is based. He figured out the blackpill all by himself.

ER is mostly a meme. He's murdered incels because of his narcissism. He'd murder anyone in this forum for being "inferior" to him, the supreme gentleman. The only based thing about ER is that he wrote a nice manifesto detailing how his brain did rot from systematic social exclusion, but he is not blackpilled.

At the end of the day, people who think like Crumplar who chalk up the matter to him being "awkward" and bring intersectionality into it are just being mystifying because most white girls really would reject him for being half Asian. But there's no reason he couldn't have dated an Asian himself, besides his own blatant, self-admitted white supremacy. It's hard for people to simultaneously acknowledge the actual extent of "racism" (discrimination based on characteristics is really an innate trait that itself explains how various ethnicities came to be, but instead this is usually put under the conceptual framework the word "racism" implies along with ideological racists) in society while also being willing to call out individual racists. Usually you get actual racists, or politically correct Liberals who pretend to be opposed to racism, exaggerate and invent racism where it doesn't exist, while denying actual pervasive examples of racism (women in general) in society with pretense.

It’s not that girls won’t talk to him because he’s half-Asian. He is just awkward. How much simpler things would be if all his troubles were the direct consequence of his mixed race!

(I'm more saying in a real sense it really does come down to this. Yet, at the same time, I explained why I don't disagree with people who call him a standardcel. I prefer to emphasize how normies use him against us. He was just one spoiled kid, like Defectivecuckachu said.)
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Another thing that was not around from 2000 to 2008 are the names Chad, Stacy, and Becky.
Elliot Rodger can't completely be called a fakecel, he experienced real dejection, even from his best friend — but he was a mentalcel, HAPAcel and standardcel. His background was also economically affluent. We all know the trope of incels being called standardcels for not dating a landwhale, but he really was a standardcel. (which is a type of fakecel.) He could have easily found a short Asian girlfriend that was his looksmatch, but he insisted on blonde cheerleaders. When they rejected him too many times in his attempts at cold approaching them, he became suicidal. (and insisted on dragging strangers down with him) "If I can't have this, I don't want anything!" It's obvious from his memoir alone (which exhaustively covers his entire life and especially his social experiences and rejection from girls) that he never made a serious effort to date a girl that would've been more attainable for him. He focused on girls out-of-reach, then snapped.

I've read his memoir and he's quite clear about his insistence on the most typical conventionally attractive popular blonde girl, and his racism in general. At one point he becomes enraged at the sight of a Mexican guy with a white girl at a restaurant. He was racist to full Asians on the forums he would post on, (none of which were incel forums, a term he never mentioned once) lambasting them simply for being Asian on both sides, invoking his European half. (link) He didn't like the thought of a full Asian dating a white girl, and (unlike his father, ironically enough) wasn't willing to date an Asian himself. He killed three Asian incels - his two roommates and their friend, before going on to do the rest of his massacre and recording his last video.

Normies just bring Elliot Rodger up to smear incels, as if we are all "entitled" and violent. (read this) Not only are the men who actually go through with suicide a minority, cases like him where there is a mass-shooting are especially an anomaly - and again, he never identified as an incel and himself murdered three incels. He clearly had a personality disorder, genuine narcissism - something was really off with him. From his memoir we know enough about his life to know his parents and upbringing can't be blamed, he also had a sister. (though it's true that often girls come out more normal than guys for reasons that aren't to be blamed on boys/men) I agree with Crumplar when he said Elliot Rodger was a product of a racist and inegalitarian society, but he really was a nasty, racist kid who actually saw his massacre to random civilians as "payback" for some blondes not being interested in him. Some people are born with screws missing. Read this, and if you have more time the original post he replied to.

At the end of the day, people who think like Crumplar who chalk up the matter to him being "awkward" and bring intersectionality into it are just being mystifying because most white girls really would reject him for being half Asian. But there's no reason he couldn't have dated an Asian himself, besides his own blatant, self-admitted white supremacy. It's hard for people to simultaneously acknowledge the actual extent of "racism" (discrimination based on characteristics is really an innate trait that itself explains how various ethnicities came to be, but instead this is usually put under the conceptual framework the word "racism" implies along with ideological racists) in society while also being willing to call out individual racists. Usually you get actual racists, or politically correct Liberals who pretend to be opposed to racism, exaggerate and invent racism where it doesn't exist, while denying actual pervasive examples of racism (women in general) in society with pretense.

(I'm more saying in a real sense it really does come down to this. Yet, at the same time, I explained why I don't disagree with people who call him a standardcel. I prefer to emphasize how normies use him against us. He was just one spoiled kid, like Defectivecuckachu said.)

He believed women should approach him and called himself beautiful. He was not a mental cel,
he was simply applying a fake confidence persona in order to not feel rejection.
The problem with Elliot Rodger was he didn't put the effort in. He wasn't really an incel.
He was part of the minority of incels who didn't really try.

Unfortunately there is a majority demographic who can't get dates despite trying for YEARS.
These people haven't gone on mass killings - and unfortunately are paired with the same brush
as those who never try.

Elliot Rodger often talked about how beautiful he was but women didn't want him. Obviously
he knew his spectrum disability was a factor.

''I thought some people would agree with me on here, but you're all just a bunch of trolls.''

Above is a post by Elliot Rodger - he was often bullied even on a incel forum. He was also
abandoned by his father.

The truth is - Elliot Rodger needed help and no one helped him. No one helps men who
have mental health issues. Where are the people who help incels? They want to actively
throw you in prison. They are on the forum perhaps waiting - they don't care about you
they will use you for a PROMOTION.

There are two types of incels : those who WANT to be incels and those who DON'T.
fuck off " didn't try" he was getting therapy etc he was just short and hapa in cali he had a dating profile too he was autistic mild and a bit introverted cuz bullied
He believed women should approach him and called himself beautiful. He was not a mental cel,
he was simply applying a fake confidence persona in order to not feel rejection.
yeah he liked himself mostly to cope boo hoo elliot is proof women are evil, he had confidence but that means fuck all and he was rejected jfl at thid :bluepill::redpill: cope of not trying you naive dog

I googled "Alana's Involuntary Celibacy Project" and found the news article in the link above about Alana's Incel message board. The news article said that Alana started "Alana's Involuntary Celibacy Project" in 1997. That might be true, but I found Alana's message board in the year 2000.
they say that we can’t have our cake and eat it, but we men can try to breed out lookism in humans through sheer ACTUAL patriots
weird. I meant to say patriarchy instead of patriot
The definition of an incel on Alana's Involuntary Celibacy message board was someone who wanted to have sex but had not had sex in the last six months.

So if a guy had had free sex with ten women in his life, but it was all over six months ago, they would define that guy as an incel. LOL
"did you know the incel movement started with a woman?":soy:
The comments on the early days of 2013 FaceandLMS videos are all mature sounding blackpillers. They might be the closest thing to understanding the sentiment of those early inkwell forums

IT also has some pretty documented things you can type by search bar

View: https://youtu.be/2V7TcSr9GiM

Also wayback archives of r/incels

Lastly turbobp made this video
View: https://youtu.be/G8GrNaIO94Q

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