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RageFuel The german government is cracking down on incels



May 2, 2022
BOOM! It's 2024 and it is officially illegal to be an incel or to let out your frustrations.

Germ-cels you'd better get a good proxy or be ready to get a visit from the BKA. Imagine living in a country where you can't even fucking vent about daily life and the challenges of being an incel.

I think that this is just a testing ground, they'll soon roll this out everywhere. From now on I'll have to call them H0les. I just can't take it anymore. If they are going to take our last bastions how will I be able to live a "normal" life?

Straight to the loony bin probably.
its over for nazicels
Free country

What a fucking joke :society:
I suppose the same won't be done to online misandrists anytime in the near future:feelsjuice:.
What fucking terror do incels even spread? They are the most docile group. The german government should be worrying about the rapefugees more than anything.
the german goverment is a shadow of it's former self :feelsaww:
BOOM! It's 2024 and it is officially illegal to be an incel or to let out your frustrations.

Germ-cels you'd better get a good proxy or be ready to get a visit from the BKA. Imagine living in a country where you can't even fucking vent about daily life and the challenges of being an incel.

I think that this is just a testing ground, they'll soon roll this out everywhere. From now on I'll have to call them H0les. I just can't take it anymore. If they are going to take our last bastions how will I be able to live a "normal" life?

Straight to the loony bin probably.
A spectre haunts Europe.

The spectre of Marxism-Rodgerism.

All that is pussy congeals underground.

This is entirely expected by each of us Marxist-Rodgerists that the cunt-capitalists and their pussy-slave drones will form a REACTIONARY mass when faced with the reality of the revolutionary I.N.C.E.L. horde making long strides into the cold-dead heart of civilization.

The confrontation between reactionary and revolutionary forces is inevitable, but the result of the fight between a young revolution and a sclerotic civilization is also inevitable: sexual communism will will.

Onwards, comrades! To the barricades!


All your foid are belong to the underground breeding barn !
Germany is everything it accused of its past is doing

>Ban discussion of holohoax (if it happened why do you need a law to suppress discussions)
>Ban free speech (look at dw Channel and their moderation policies)
>Ban ancient symbols (cough cough swastika)
Free country
On the nose
the german goverment is a shadow of it's former self :feelsaww:
Nothing new under the sun, Compared to the DDR (East Germany) it is a step down actually. At least the commies fought for workers rights, this current government wants to turn Germany into one gigantic Kreutzberg.
I always try to figure out what's even the point of all this. What does ti achieve, aside from further alienating an already alienated group.
Rough google translate

The Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) and the Frankfurt am Main Public Prosecutor's Office are taking action against misogyny online one day before International Women's Day. Since six o'clock on Thursday morning, police officers have been searching the homes of 45 suspects in eleven federal states. In addition, officials had already taken action against 37 other suspects in advance.

They are accused of “misogynistic postings with criminal relevance,” as the BKA and the public prosecutor’s office explained in a joint press release. The investigation is therefore concerned with inciting posts, but also with posts "in which women were sexualized, slandered and insulted." Other posts advocated the rape and sexual assault of women or publicly disseminated torture and killing videos, the authorities said. An important legal basis for the current investigation is a ruling by the Cologne Higher Regional Court from 2020. The court ruled that general denigrations against women can also constitute criminal incitement. Specialized investigation group against misogyny

The background to the campaign is the joint project group “Combating Misogyny on the Internet”, in which officials from the BKA and the Central Office for Combating Internet Crime (ZIT) of the Frankfurt Public Prosecutor's Office who specialize in hate speech work together. The investigators took targeted action against misogynistic hate comments online and, according to SPIEGEL information, investigated and identified hate posters in social networks, but also in special Telegram channels. The investigators also targeted certain forums of so-called “pick-up artists” and “incels”. Both are male-dominated subcultures in which misogyny is particularly widespread. (Read more about the incel movement, which also celebrates violence and terror against women, here.)

Six months probation

The project group is committed to prosecuting misogyny online, said BKA President Holger Münch: “We consciously go into the spaces of hate, identify acts and perpetrators, bring them out of anonymity and hold them accountable. «
Sieg heil
Heil Hitler
Gas the Jews
Hitler did nothing wrong
Ein volk Ein Reich Ein Fuhrer
Desutchland Uber Alles

I hate foids
Incels did nothing wrong
Incel rebellion
Enslave foids
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Its already illegal in most of Europe to post here btw.
Where there are hate crime laws they can come and cause problems for you for the shit you post online.

It's easy to target a bunch of autists that won't fight than to tackle real crime. Really makes the crime statistics look much better.
What fucking terror do incels even spread? They are the most docile group. The german government should be worrying about the rapefugees more than anything.
We don't. This will be a legal machine gun fired at all men who women consider "creepy", incelish and even unattractive.
Fuck u globohomo pigs, i have swastika in my house and i Will kill rapefugees with bazooka (in videogame)
Good luck, Hell By The Dashboard Light.
Fuck u globohomo pigs, i have swastika in my house and i Will kill rapefugees with bazooka (in videogame)
Hopefully @Sneir won't get caught up in this mess
Hopefully @Sneir won't get caught up in this mess
Bro is a KSK incel kommando of the 88th SS "schizo" division, he will do fine
Incels put to jail, but rapegrants get out of jail. JFL what a joke of a country. I'm glad it's going to collapse within a decade.
Its already illegal in most of Europe to post here btw.
Germ-cels you'd better get a good proxy or be ready to get a visit from the BKA. Imagine living in a country where you can't even fucking vent about daily life and the challenges of being an incel.
and my mom said i should learn german and find job there JFL NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN
You will own nothing and you will be happy
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@GeckoBus :shock::feelsohgod:
the last Line in article actually says they arrested some women too kek.
Personally I think they probably mostly target retards that use social media attached to their name.

I have had multiple people from here try to get me into trouble though, from Germany too.

Last year this dude from a discord someone here made wrote me he's from Germany and then he very aggressively demanded I show my face and that we meet up IRL.

He kept spamming it. So I made AI generated curry face and send him kek.

Also Germans are terrible at speaking English irl. Every Germancel on this forum deathmogs the average German at speaking English. This puts up another barrier for German authorities.

My guess would be that their sphere of investigation is limited to

- German social media
- german language content
- people that openly threaten violence or planning of crimes

If I went to court I would just bring a bunch of research written by women on women and ask them how women can write whole academic books of "hate speech" against their own gender.

Besides that I would love to see the actual court documents of the German court cases. This is not the first time. A few years ago the German police made a public billboard where they put people hatespeech tweets on display. It was bizarre
What fucking terror do incels even spread? They are the most docile group. The german government should be worrying about the rapefugees more than anything.
That's the point Kike Ishtar and Moloch worshiping bastards want to eradicate all men. You will only be allowed to look like a Satan (female boobs and a dick or neo vagina) anything else will be prohibited and banned and females will be turned into new males like tranny celebrites and singers right now.
Firefox nTzR6IKWw1
Firefox oSsYM0S1x3
What fucking terror do incels even spread? They are the most docile group. The german government should be worrying about the rapefugees more than anything.
Germany went from being the most based to now the most cucked countries on planet Earth.
Hey ihr deutschen Bundesagenten-Schwanzlutscher, die ihr das hier gerade lest, bringt euch um, ihr diktatorischen Scheißkerle
They're forming in a straight line
That's the point Kike Ishtar and Moloch worshiping bastards want to eradicate all men. You will only be allowed to look like a Satan (female boobs and a dick or neo vagina) anything else will be prohibited and banned and females will be turned into new males like tranny celebrites and singers right now.View attachment 1084112View attachment 1084113
Not surprising. Foids make the most "misogynist" posts.

slut shaming too. Most personal attacks on women come from other women.
@Copexodius Maximus made a great thread on it:

Vorbei für Germancels, wir steuern volle Kanne wieder auf die alten Zeiten hinzu

@Ecstasy @TheGrayWolf @Swagpilled @greggymex7 @realblackcel02 @Izayacel @wtf? @Robb97 @iblamemyself @trognarukk @der_komische
Vorbei für Germancels, wir steuern volle Kanne wieder auf die alten Zeiten hinzu

@Ecstasy @TheGrayWolf @Swagpilled @greggymex7 @realblackcel02 @Izayacel @wtf? @Robb97 @iblamemyself @trognarukk @der_komische
Genau. Die meisten, ich inklusive, haben nichts falsch gemacht, ich hasse Frauen gar nicht. Bin nur ein hässlicher, einsamer aber friedlicher Mann der nie was machen würde. Ich schätze mal, wie die meisten hier
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ovER for germancels
They should crack down on all the German zoophiles lol :feelskek::feelskek: but those cuck Germans are probably into that shit
Sieg heil
Heil Hitler
Gas the Jews
Hitler did nothing wrong
Ein volk Ein Reich Ein Fuhrer
Desutchland Uber Alles

I hate foids
Incels did nothing wrong
Incel rebellion
Enslave foids
So rape or go to prison for being an incel?
Hitler rollin in his grave rn
Its already illegal in most of Europe to post here btw.

mAma ima criminalll criminalll
Imamama ama criminalll
BOOM! It's 2024 and it is officially illegal to be an incel or to let out your frustrations.

Germ-cels you'd better get a good proxy or be ready to get a visit from the BKA. Imagine living in a country where you can't even fucking vent about daily life and the challenges of being an incel.

I think that this is just a testing ground, they'll soon roll this out everywhere. From now on I'll have to call them H0les. I just can't take it anymore. If they are going to take our last bastions how will I be able to live a "normal" life?

Straight to the loony bin probably.
German incels are totally fucked

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