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Discussion The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids.

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Merits repeating…I need moar doom p0rn!

View: https://youtu.be/5onB09SS1dE

View: https://youtu.be/xCh0yJu-G4o

View: https://youtu.be/fzGZTlUGqqw

What happens when USA finally collapse? Marauding mobs of raping, pillaging, plundering, murderous savages, that’s what will happen.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uU0DNCV22dU

Hey you foids…ready to experience the pleasure of being gang-raped to the death following the sudden collapse that leads to the entire societal breakdown, shredding all ethical and moral pretensions?

As for me…I abstain, I only watch and have the last laugh at youse fate, bitches (and simps/cucks). :dab:
Watching our civilization collapse in slow motion is the greatest lifefuel of all time. This is way better than Covid. We all knew Covid was just a bad flu, and the money printers would keep things humming along for a while. But the "real" crash is still ahead of us. The bad times have only just begun. It's happening in slow motion right now. You see normies squirming already. Their mortgages and car payments already had their budgets and credit lines maxxed out. Every dollar more expensive that gas and food gets just crushes them more. Normies aren't prepared for the Jew World Order that Biden has in store for us all.

We win if everyone loses :feelscomfy:
Watching our civilization collapse in slow motion is the greatest lifefuel of all time. This is way better than Covid. We all knew Covid was just a bad flu, and the money printers would keep things humming along for a while. But the "real" crash is still ahead of us. The bad times have only just begun. It's happening in slow motion right now. You see normies squirming already. Their mortgages and car payments already had their budgets and credit lines maxxed out. Every dollar more expensive that gas and food gets just crushes them more. Normies aren't prepared for the Jew World Order that Biden has in store for us all.

We win if everyone loses :feelscomfy:
I look forward to their fall from grace, demise, and descent into living hell. There's too much corruption, decadence, indecency, and apathy in this nation, if they can't learn humility themselves then let total destruction along with chaos forcibly teach it to them. Let them know what having nothing at all in life is all about as they're thrown into the furthest reaches of mental insanity, we'll see how well they like it on the other foot for a change. They deserve every bit of it, everything that is coming their way.
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The United States is accepting over one-hundred thousand Ukrainian refugees despite the inevitable economical recession/depression. Saudi Arabia is in control of the oil market and, if willing, may cause economic peril for Russia which might potentially influence the Kremlin into taking drastic measures.

I wonder what is going to happen to me if things get really bad... :feelsugh:
And from what I hear, Ukrainian faggots will get preferential treatment at being on the top of the list or line in the name of social justice to immigrate to the United States, just what we need, more fags as if we didn't have enough here already. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelsclown:

As for Russia, we've heard they're demanding payment of natural gas in Russian rubles, probably what comes next is the Russian ruble also being pegged to gold. [The Chinese yuan is already gold pegged.] At a certain point if hostilities escalate in Europe I imagine the Russians will just turn off all natural gas completely to Europe since it can then just simply be redirected to China, India, the Middle East, and throughout Eurasia.
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And so our senile president with dementia is in Europe to stoke the fires of war and conflict possibly even creating a new world war with Russia all the while threatening the Chinese to be actively hostile to Russia who wants no part in it. A solution has been made for the replacement of Russian natural gas concerning Europe's crippling energy woes if you want to call it that because the so-called solution is a real tear-jerking joke.

The plan is to transport American made natural gas across the United States [the infrastructure to do so not even completed yet] to seaports where coastal natural gas industrial distilleries [either not completed, or simply non-existent at all concerning any great number for such an industrial operation] will then finalize the chemical process of natural gas before being shipped out on trans-Atlantic cargo vessels to be sent into Europe. There's just one problem.........

In order to make that work concerning the sheer yearly volume to replace Russian natural gas in the whole of Europe, you would need at least fifty trans-Atlantic cargo vessels at a minimum yearly transporting non-stop to make it work. The United States currently only has fourteen and such cargo sea vessels take at least three years to be made in construction bare minimally. [The United States economy and dollar alone don't even have another three years left, so good luck.]

Those sea traveling trans-Atlantic cargo vessels carrying American produced natural gas, by the way, utilize massive amounts of diesel gasoline. :feelsjuice:

Also, by sending much of United States natural gas production to Europe which is already a tight and scarce market domestically means we Americans will be paying $200.00+ electric bills every winter monthly. Good fucking luck selling that to the American public within any political format. Concerning our own domestic American issues currently, add-in, "I can barely financially afford gasoline for my vehicle to drive anywhere and now I can't even financially afford basic electricity for my own home." :feelskek::feelskek::feelsclown:

Bh187 dumb and dumber
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It looks like this spring and summer will be the last fun us Americans shall enjoy for awhile.

The Russian ruble and the Chinese Yuan versus the US dollar. The federal reserve versus the gold standard. Who will win?
If I had any money to bet, I would bank on the Russians and Chinese. Our current level of society is going to be enjoying post-modern western civilization collapse very soon of which I believe will last for several decades if not longer. :feelsjuice::blackpill:
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I will go ER mad max during collapse against foids and normscum (in GTA)
I was thinking the same thing. By investing in Chinese companies that begin to overtake American dominant industries investors are certain to attain a higher profit.
It won't last, the Chinese will eventually decouple entirely from the American economy just as the Russians have already begun doing so. Eventually the Chinese will grow weary exchanging their mass-produced goods for worthless dollars, and no matter of newly created digital shitcoins in replacement will make any difference in the end. :feelsjuice:
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I will go ER mad max during collapse against foids and normscum (in GTA)
It sounds fun, but do not heavily invest in or idolize that too much as millions of other people throughout the entire nation will be doing the same exact thing, this nation will devour itself, it will be a bloodbath everywhere, and very soon burning dead corpses piled on top of each other is going to make a huge comeback in the current age. In our nation alone, almost everybody has guns and bullets, going to be one spectacular free for all of which the likes have never been seen anywhere else in human history. Consequences of a divided nation where the only unifying national theme is greed and money, remove both and there is nothing but pure hatred between people left. :feelsjuice:
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It sounds fun, but do not heavily invest or idolize that too much as millions of other people throughout the entire nation will be doing the same exact thing, this nation will devour itself, it will be a bloodbath everywhere, and very soon burning dead corpses piled on top of each other is going to make a huge comeback in the current age. In our nation alone, almost everybody has guns and bullets, going to be one spectacular free for all of which the likes have never been seen anywhere else in history. Consequences of a divided nation where the only unifying theme is greed and money, remove both and there is nothing but pure hatred between people left. :feelsjuice:
Play an offensive defense. I stay in a rural area so I will likely miss out on the first wave of anarchy that takes over the cities and suburbs. Things will be easier a few weeks after when there isn’t as many people left but it’s also bad because the strongest likely survived which means a tough competition.
Play an offensive defense. I stay in a rural area so I will likely miss out on the first wave of anarchy that takes over the cities and suburbs. Things will be easier a few weeks after when there isn’t as many people left but it’s also bad because the strongest likely survived which means a tough competition.
When all is said and done, nowhere in this nation will be safe, even the rural areas will have their own problems. To this, I'm most certain of. :feelsjuice:
Watching our civilization collapse in slow motion is the greatest lifefuel of all time. This is way better than Covid. We all knew Covid was just a bad flu, and the money printers would keep things humming along for a while. But the "real" crash is still ahead of us. The bad times have only just begun. It's happening in slow motion right now. You see normies squirming already. Their mortgages and car payments already had their budgets and credit lines maxxed out. Every dollar more expensive that gas and food gets just crushes them more. Normies aren't prepared for the Jew World Order that Biden has in store for us all.

We win if everyone loses :feelscomfy:
I was just at Walmart …cheap 4$ frozen pizzas are now almost 9$ :feelsohh:

Can’t imagine the cost increase to a family of 4 living in a McMansion.

What are you going to do?

Very few things are on sale. I’m hoarding and going to more free food banks. Lucky I don’t have any debt and plenty of gold. Saving every penny I can while selling more gold while high in price. Free artesian spring water for drinking and lakes nearby for fishing. Bought a large outside coal/wood cooker and new bow saw. Stocked up on aged dry wood and comfy blankets :feelscomfy:
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And so, it begins now......... :feelsclown:



The collapse of a modernized nation and its consequences.

I had a vision and a dream of a future collapsed world where it goes something on the lines as such.

As I walked through a random city there is an armed military patrol of twenty men accompanied by three armored Humvees and as they were making down their way a residential street is being fired upon by all directions as the locals clearly despise them. As I make my way a few streets over there is a group of five men kneeled on the ground with guns pointed to their heads by government soldiers being prepared to be executed by firing squad.

And as I walk down the road I see smoke on the horizon as a single church is burning set ablaze, as I enter the church is seen dead parishioners dead and hunched over the pews clinching their Bibles within their cold lifeless hands. Making my way to the altar the cross is knocked over with the presiding priest's corpse covered in blood bent over it. I now exit the burning church walking over to a nearby park and see a woman with a rifle clenching a Bible in hand shouting and yelling at a crowd of people running away from her as she starts firing rounds at them killing a few along with severely wounding a couple for she hears the voice of God in her head telling her to kill all the sinners who are demons for she believes in her own mind she is the righteous hand of the divine.

I've decided that I have had enough of this area and proceed to walk to the other side of the city, I see a man who is an elderly gentleman who has taken great pride and time in his lavished home, the kind of man that before the collapse would complain about the depreciation of value concerning his home when unwanted people move to his neighborhood block which he views as ruining it bringing in their poverty, otherness, and cultural sensibilities which he views isn't his own. He sees a man wearing dirty rags for clothes pushing a shopping cart full of trash bags, canned goods, debris, and other scavenged items begging for food or any kind of assistance from the neighborhood knocking on one door at a time. The homeowner thinks to himself he has enough of his beloved gated community being invaded by undesirables and so he grabs a shotgun walks out his front door, opens up the gate near his mailbox, and slowly moves right behind the obvious homeless man pushing his cart down the sidewalk. He points the shotgun behind the head of the homeless man, pulls the trigger where blood spills everywhere, and the dead corpse of the homeless man drops to the ground.

I now proceed to walk a few blocks further, in one house that is surrounded by steel fencing with the barks of five German Shepards is a family of ten who is the preppers enjoying a summer barbeque under the sun barbecuing some ribs. All of them are carrying rifles that are fully loaded but if you didn't know any better they're acting like a collapse of the nation hasn't even occurred for the wife is sporting her favorite bikini wearing sunglasses sitting in a lawn chair getting a suntan. A malnourished scrawny starving man approaches their steel fence looking half-starved begging for food with dogs barking viciously in the background and he begs for food along with assistance. The family immediately draws their rifles on him threatening to kill him if he ever comes back to their residence to which laughter can be heard through the background of the entire conversational exchange.

And so, I keep on walking. I come across a retail marketplace area where all the windows have been smashed in, in the parking lot dead corpses near cars with flies buzzing around them to which the stench is awful. In the entrance, I walk over the shell casings and broken glass. The entire place has been emptied as if violent mobs have entered the place stealing everything that wasn't nailed down to the ground. Nothing remains but empty shelves and not even a single bag of rice can be found anywhere, nor a single loaf of bread.

As I make my way down the market plaza I come across a park where the bird water fountain still works surprising, there is a set of trees nearby where six corpses are hanging from the rope where they were obviously strung up. On one of those corpses I see a poorly written sign hanging on them, it reads, "All thieves are firmly executed or shot on sight as it should be."

Passing by a neighborhood at an intersection I see more smoke on the horizon with gunshots being fired in the distance and blood-curling screams of what sounds like a woman. Three trucks drive past me with at least six armed men in each of them holding rifles, pistols, baseball bats, and machetes.

The neighborhood has once again been invaded by looting armed gangs looking for food, tools, supplies, resources, drinkable water, and women as conquered spoils. I keep walking further making my way to the distance.

I come across the local police station, you can still see the bullet holes through the windows or within the imprint of its concrete outside walls. Two police cars with their windows busted out with graffiti sprayed on the side of them still burning as they were intentionally set on fire. The police station itself is completely deserted, not a single soul to be found there at all as dead silence echoes from this once crowded building.

As I walk down a road an Apache helicopter can be seen flying overhead shooting bullets out of its turrets at some random target in the distance, slowly walking down the road a tank drives by the wayside as I come across a refugee military encampment. Here there are armed soldiers everywhere as this is their local encampment for national crisis management trying to install the new government amid the fall of society, but its supporters are few where by in large by a majority of the population is unpopular everywhere.

I walk amongst the crowd of refugees and conversations or chatter can be heard everywhere.

"Yes, I heard in a town not even ten miles from here they hanged a man by his testicles from a lamp post for being both a pedophile and a rapist."

"I heard in a nearby county there are armed gangs abducting young women everywhere basically gang-raping them in submission selling them to the highest bidder who can supply food, guns, bullets, and resources. Absolutely terrifying."

"Well, I heard there was this wealthy couple on the city outskirts who were home invaded, found their bodies with teeth marks bitten into them chopped in half like they were eaten cooked in the kitchen oven, soldiers came by the living room where in their own blood was written the words, eat the rich. Their faces carved off with the knife, supposedly eaten!"

"As terrifying as all that may seem I heard the local violent gangs now who horde all the food are resorting to cutting off the hands or arms of those who steal. They'll even kill you on sight if you can't afford the payment."

"There even violent gangs trying to control street sex enterprises now, all women who sell themselves sexually on the roadside receive food and lodgings under their controlled oversight." "Yes, I heard a single can of chili can get a man all the sexual entertainment he needs for one night with a young girl over there."

"The monsters are invading the mansion estates up north from what I heard by the hundreds, killing entire families on sight on their own private properties taking the daughters, wives, and mothers carting them away. The army sent soldiers up there to deal with them where there was a huge gun battle, many soldiers lost their lives."

"You don't think the rumors of mothers selling their own children away for food is true, do you? I can't even imagine such horrifying vulgar displays of evil!"

"There's this one story I refuse to believe in as being true, a mother chopped her own infant into pieces making a broth soup just to stay alive for another week."

"I hear there is this whackjob a few counties south, real fucking nut job has been setting fire to the entire brush of the area. God damn pyromaniac has a thing for fire, his preferred method of killing people is setting them on fire with any liquid flammables he can find where they're burning to death."

"I hear if you're considered a liberal or even a supporter of the new government they kill you on sight up north just for the politics you have."

"Funny, I heard in the much larger cities down south they're killing republicans the same way or if you're suspected of not supporting the new government."

Having seen and heard enough I left the military encampment walking down the road leaving it behind in the distance. Not even five miles away I see a pile of dead corpses with dropped protest signs everywhere to which it looked like have been grenades thrown into crowds of people and I thought to myself that the very military encampment I just walked away from with the soldiers inside there were the same exact soldiers who had killed all those people.

It was now night time with the stars hanging above and I was now entering the edge of the city towards the rural inland. I came across a small neighborhood where a huge fenced property with a big house in the middle of the yard with giant signs reading, "Do not trespass, trespassers are shooted on sight."

A big burly man on his porch with a liquor bottle on hand grasped his scope rifle and with a loudspeaker started yelling out, "You hear me you cockroaches, anybody who even gets near my property line I will shoot on sight." And so he took his rifle and started randomly shooting in the distance presumably at people nearby. Walking away from the scene I wondered to myself if he was shooting at actual real people or whether they were imagined as a figment of his own delusional imagination.

Finally at the edge of the city walking was a very large hill and I decided to rest a bit sitting under a tree in the grass watching the horror of the city below me. Everywhere there were gunshots, smoke, fires, explosions, shouting, screaming, and violence of every kind in the darkness with the full moon above. If there was a city there before there wasn't one now for what existed now was merely a human torture chamber of every kind of human suffering where all of human life was merely sacrificial in all displays of every kind of human malice conceivable.

Walking out of the park the air became moist as the fog started seeping in everywhere, on a tree was a man lynched up in a tree dangling his corpse and on the sign, it read, "Nigger." But to my shock to a nearby tree where the dead man was hanging there was another tree where an entire family including their small children were also lynched with their corpses dangling from a rope. They were all White and it was a revenge killing purely for public display. On virtually all the dead corpses there were flocks of crows feeding on them cawing.

I proceeded to walk down the hill and I came across a river, I saw lights flicker under a giant highway overpass bridge, I started walking towards it. As I was walking down the river I saw a barely alive bearded man who looked like he was starving to death, perhaps even dehydrated dying of thirst with his arms reaching towards the heavens of the night sky begging for God to intervene, but upon his dying, last words or gasps of air, no presiding God or flock of angels came to deliver him mercy in divine attendance. The light dimmed from his eyes and signs of all life left his disturbing emancipated body altogether.

I kept walking towards the bridge where lights were flickering and they weren't lights at all but empty steel barrels lit on fire, there a group of homeless were in attendance and on the spit of a dugout pit where what appears to be a dog roasting that they planned on eating there was also a burlap bag filled with what appeared to be thousands upon thousands of dollars in cash. Of course, they had no worth or value anymore where the homeless men surrounding the fire drinking alcohol being chummy amongst themselves, no, instead the homeless men were feeding the thousands of dollars of cash in the bag to feed the fire with to keep themselves warm and occasionally wipe their asses with upon defecation of the very dog roasting on the spit that they were eating.

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State of the degenerate America, which the late Ayatollah of Iran called The Great Satan.

Here’s my new meme to reflect my utter contempt for America, while living and suffering as the oppressed U.S. citizen (born and raised within accursed USA all my life).


I await the failed experiment called United States of America to divide and fall. That’s what happened to every empire, notably Roman Empire.

View: https://youtu.be/Ye3kCYmUIxM

As for you dumb foids, bored spooks looking for Waco-esque action, and NPC idiots…when the apocalypse happens, you go down…lmao.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3OltrYDZro
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State of the degenerate America, which the late Ayatollah of Iran called The Great Satan.

Here’s my new meme to reflect my utter contempt for America, while living and suffering as the oppressed U.S. citizen (born and raised within accursed USA all my life).


I await the failed experiment called United States of America to divide and fall. That’s what happened to every empire, notably Roman Empire.

View: https://youtu.be/Ye3kCYmUIxM

As for you dumb foids, bored spooks looking for Waco-esque action, and NPC idiots…when the apocalypse happens, you go down…lmao.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3OltrYDZro

Yes gif

2022 03 24 11 08 01 1

Web capture 25 3 2022 155320 wwwzerohedgecom

2022 03 24 07 41 16

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So, I presume this news will be good for Boeing stocks come Monday morning then, right? :feelsclown::feelshehe::yes:


And of course, the Yemen Houthis are back to bombing Saudi oil refineries. Hmm, that ought to be interesting for Monday morning's stock exchange opening concerning an already fragile international oil market system. Very ominous indeed, the entire world looking very destabilized. :feelsclown::feelshehe::yes::feelsLSD:

View: https://youtu.be/m58LrXXm9IA
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America is already in massive decline.

I live in a tech bubble sheltered away from all of the dysfunction going on in American society.
We're talking poverty, major inequality, drugs, homelessness, decline of religion, single motherhood, declining birth rates, high cost of living, inflation, crime, general pessimism, and racial tension.

On the issue of racial tension in America, Asians are tired of being victimized by black criminals. The enablers of these black criminals are of course, white liberals. Who still form the biggest voting demographic and so blacks know not to bite the hand that feeds them, in this case, enables them to rob people without any consequences. That is why blacks target Asians far moreso than Whites in San Francisco. Blacks don't like hispanic economic competition. Actually, no one does, except if you are a part of the upper class in CA, you dont get negatively impacted and may actually benefit. Illegal Mexican labor has driven down wages in CA for decades now. Middle upper class to upper class white people can literally afford to allow illegal Mexican labor as they get their homes fixed for a bargain. Blacks can't afford having illegal Mexican labor as their competition and yet that is the case. Hispanics don't like Black men taking their foids. And Asian men are slowly becoming woken and more outspoken against WMAF couples, in the form of the stop Asian hate movement. Which is comprised mostly of ricecels with fake burner accounts in social media. All of the ricecel's pent up frustration at mass inceldom and WMAF couples, are being focused onto the stop Asian hate movement. Which is exposing black people and causing a low key race war going on at the moment in America. Blacks can sort of get away with Black on White crime for the moment it seems.

There is real racial tension going on in America right now. All or most of it, caused by white complacency and hypocrisy. What I mean is that on one hand, Whites like virtue signaling when it comes to blacks (as long as they live far far away), whites like cheap mexican labor, and whites like Asians for the cheap and available noodlewhores that we provide, but Whites still prefer to live far away segregated from colored people so that their daughters wont date or outmarry. A lot of it could simply be solved if white foids would date or marry men of color more often (which would close the white-black wealth gap immediately, and ease mass Asian male anger and frustration). The same way that noodlewhores have alleviated white inceldom, white whores could solve mass inceldom in general if they would stop being so arrogant.
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America is already in massive decline.

I live in a tech bubble sheltered away from all of the dysfunction going on in American society.
We're talking poverty, major inequality, drugs, homelessness, decline of religion, single motherhood, declining birth rates, high cost of living, inflation, crime, general pessimism, and racial tension.

On the issue of racial tension in America, Asians are tired of being victimized by black criminals. The enablers of these black criminals are of course, white liberals. Who still form the biggest voting demographic and so blacks know not to bite the hand that feeds them, in this case, enables them to rob people without any consequences. That is why blacks target Asians far moreso than Whites in San Francisco. Blacks don't like hispanic economic competition. Actually, no one does, except if you are a part of the upper class in CA, you dont get negatively impacted and may actually benefit. Illegal Mexican labor has driven down wages in CA for decades now. Middle upper class to upper class white people can literally afford to allow illegal Mexican labor as they get their homes fixed for a bargain. Blacks can't afford having illegal Mexican labor as their competition and yet that is the case. Hispanics don't like Black men taking their foids. And Asian men are slowly becoming woken and more outspoken against WMAF couples, in the form of the stop Asian hate movement. Which is comprised mostly of ricecels with fake burner accounts in social media. All of the ricecel's pent up frustration at mass inceldom and WMAF couples, are being focused onto the stop Asian hate movement. Which is exposing black people and causing a low key race war going on at the moment in America. Blacks can sort of get away with Black on White crime for the moment it seems.

There is real racial tension going on in America right now. All or most of it, caused by white complacency and hypocrisy. A lot of it could simply be solved if white foids would date or marry men of color more often. The same way that noodlewhores have alleviated white inceldom, white whores could solve mass inceldom in general if they would stop being so arrogant.
I'm not an advocate of multiracial social utopias so on that point we'll have to disagree, but we're both in agreement on America's decline which I would argue is presently on the verge of total collapse hence the subject material of this thread. It is also clear to me that globalization and the global order are also on the verge of collapse as well. And yes, female vaginal capitalism also known as hypergamy concerning the dynamic of an imposed sexual market will collapse as well for there will be negative repercussions for all spheres of social economics including that of a sexual nature. I'm of course a bit extreme some might say because I purely look at human mental psychology as being economical, everything revolves around economics or a zero-sum nature, and therefore everything revolves around the dynamic of power along with resources for the most part concerning human social interaction. :feelsjuice::yes::blackpill:
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Ooh, did His Fraudulent Highness--oops, Presidency-- Joe Biden poke the hibernating Russian bear with the shit he just said about wanting to see President Vladimir Putin deposed a la regime change?

View: https://youtu.be/VLN_P5u1ALI

President Putin, prepare to push the red button of thermonuclear nuclear launch at missile pads and submarines...

Dear the dying empire of USA, your time is about to expire...maybe soon. Ooh, Putin might feel peeved by Biden's fraudulent mouth.

Fraudulent elections have the most severe consequence. Reap what ye sow, proudly ignorant scum.

To the smug, haughty, greedy and prideful dumb Americunts--

You shall suffer the consequences, since you mock us (our disabilities like autist or cripple, our looks, etc rendering us invisible as social rejects to throw away, pretending we don't even exist while you enjoy laughter and joy fucking [copulating] people whether spouse or in premarital pleasure, with children your pride and joy, and the success you attain whether naturally or by dishonest means as in fucking over people to step on them to ascend in social laddering trying to get richer that fuels your smug pride that only extrapolate your evil as fake [pretending to be "God-fearing" and "pious," when you sure are fucking not] Christian -- Christcuck is the true scum of the Earth, more so than the career and habitual criminal scum, indigent men including the tramps and welfare dependents, and other underclasses) with your constant oppressions to deny us the good life, such as steady employment that should give us the due respect including promotion without having to kiss ass for real work ethic in grind, and settling down with the loyal wife and making enough money from decent jobs to be happy with the affordable house with white fences and reliable motor vehicles (not piece of shit junker cars that we are forced to depend on while suffering poverty with welfare or shitty jobs), and all the good things in life so to give us the full meaning of life...rather than suffer primordial existence that lends to nihilism, wishing for the society's death to satiate our bloodthirsty revenge for greater schadenfreude...to this, we wish you nothing but annihilation by the way of total economic collapse leading to the unprecedented wave of cruel violence, systemic rape and famine (former two not seen such horrors since the days of Genghis Khan and Attila the Hun, even Japanese soldier as depraved lustful demons before and during WWII); nuclear holocaust (orgy of nuclear war called Mutually Assured Destruction; "M.A.D."), or sizable asteroid impact (boom, dinosaurs extinct, it could happen again to wipe out this sorry scummy humankind), or CME, or other foreseeable and theoretical catastrophes.

LOL, you stupid wicked Americans (except the good guys like incel underclass, may we all survive and flourish while y'all mocking ignorant vaginal capitalist foid and corrupt NPC scum perish) deserve the fate, whatever outcomes in death might be for you.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqZqfTOxFhY

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdfevMmNypQ

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iyXjHNhUUQ

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tG9VYSWyE4

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5DrkR5xzpo

View: https://youtu.be/JyECrGp-Sw8

Stanley Kubrick tried to warn us..."we" (feminist "leaders" and NPC morons) never listen. This is when humankind goes extinct...LOL. :blackpill:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_Xq0zHRc7Q
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Ooh, did His Fraudulent Highness--oops, Presidency-- Joe Biden poke the hibernating Russian bear with the shit he just said about wanting to see President Vladimir Putin deposed a la regime change?

View: https://youtu.be/VLN_P5u1ALI

President Putin, prepare to push the red button of thermonuclear nuclear launch at missile pads and submarines...

Dear the dying empire of USA, your time is about to expire...maybe soon. Ooh, Putin might feel peeved by Biden's fraudulent mouth.

Fraudulent elections have the most severe consequence. Reap what ye sow, proudly ignorant scum.

To the smug, haughty, greedy and prideful dumb Americunts--

You shall suffer the consequences, since you mock us (our disabilities like autist or cripple, our looks, etc rendering us invisible as social rejects to throw away, pretending we don't even exist while you enjoy laughter and joy fucking [copulating] people whether spouse or in premarital pleasure, with children your pride and joy, and the success you attain whether naturally or by dishonest means as in fucking over people to step on them to ascend in social laddering trying to get richer that fuels your smug pride that only extrapolate your evil as fake [pretending to be "God-fearing" and "pious," when you sure are fucking not] Christian -- Christcuck is the true scum of the Earth, more so than the career and habitual criminal scum, indigent men including the tramps and welfare dependents, and other underclasses) with your constant oppressions to deny us the good life, such as steady employment that should give us the due respect including promotion without having to kiss ass for real work ethic in grind, and settling down with the loyal wife and making enough money from decent jobs to be happy with the affordable house with white fences and reliable motor vehicles (not piece of shit junker cars that we are forced to depend on while suffering poverty with welfare or shitty jobs), and all the good things in life so to give us the full meaning of life...rather than suffer primordial existence that lends to nihilism, wishing for the society's death to satiate our bloodthirsty revenge for greater schadenfreude...to this, we wish you nothing but annihilation by the way of total economic collapse leading to the unprecedented wave of cruel violence, systemic rape and famine (former two not seen such horrors since the days of Genghis Khan and Attila the Hun, even Japanese soldier as depraved lustful demons before and during WWII); nuclear holocaust (orgy of nuclear war called Mutually Assured Destruction; "M.A.D."), or sizable asteroid impact (boom, dinosaurs extinct, it could happen again to wipe out this sorry scummy humankind), or CME, or other foreseeable and theoretical catastrophes.

LOL, you stupid wicked Americans (except the good guys like incel underclass, may we all survive and flourish while y'all mocking ignorant vaginal capitalist foid and corrupt NPC scum perish) deserve the fate, whatever outcomes in death might be for you.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqZqfTOxFhY

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdfevMmNypQ

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iyXjHNhUUQ

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tG9VYSWyE4

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5DrkR5xzpo

I'm deeply worried about world war currently which is why I am moving inland which is hundreds of miles away from the nearest military base just in case. It's clear that the current global elite is doing everything they can to cause the most amount of damage around the world to create the most amount of human population casualties whether it is famine, economic collapse, vaccines, social upheaval, or world war. I would tell everybody to act accordingly preparing for this eventuality however you can. I have my own suspicions that this May or June we're going to see multiple crises unfold. :feelsjuice::yes:
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I'm deeply worried about world war currently which is why I am moving inland which is hundreds of miles away from the nearest military base just in case. It's clear that the current global elite is doing everything they can to cause the most amount of damage around the world to create the most amount of human population casualties whether it is famine, economic collapse, vaccines, social upheaval, or world war. I would tell everybody to act accordingly preparing for this eventuality however you can. I have my own suspicions that this May or June we're going to see multiple crises unfold. :feelsjuice::yes:

View: https://twitter.com/zerohedge/status/1507782514538160128


Be assured that I do not wish you (and every valued Incels.is contributor and concurring lurkers, and every true male incel in this world regardless of race) any ill will whatsoever.

But, what this fool His Fraudulent Fake Presidency Biden said, chances are that Putin is a little pissed off. Or maybe very pissed off.

What if Biden said the exact same dialogue that calls for deposing the funny looking fat dictator of North Korea, or for that matter, China?

North Korea would move quickly to launch nukes targeting Japan (US bases), Hawaii and California.

China would call in to mass sell T-bonds, formalize trade with OPEC+ and BRICS requiring petroyuan to destroy petrodollar, and make the moves to massively sabotage USA, by unilaterally banning manufacturing and trade and kicking out multinational companies, in economic warfare to punish USA to precipitate the economic collapse. USA owes massive debts to China in national debt and trade deficit. And China might prepare to invade USA by sea, air and on foot with nuke warheads perched on missiles on the ready. Not just Taiwan for a long-awaited invasion to liberate…but USA and wherever US interests and military bases are for target.

I imagine Russia is so pissed off at Fake President Biden’s bullshit calling for deposing the head of state, as if that’s a fucking moral imperative (thus proving USA to be an arrogant imperial power that thinks it can police the world, thanks to Theodore Roosevelt’s bullying foreign policy legacy that inspired USA trying to run the world) that it’s tempted to fiddle with the nuclear missile launch red button.

Well, goodbye USA.

Your time should be up, sooner or later.

And some of you foids and NPC idiots who voted for Biden…eat shit and prepare to die. :dab:

View: https://youtu.be/MA8a2g6tTp0

View: https://youtu.be/avZvp8rOoHA

View: https://youtu.be/OD7a4ZApeLk

View: https://youtube.com/watch?v=KobEFygpc_s


View: https://youtube.com/watch?v=xJJ96APeAJ0

Long documentary below. Worth watching to understand why USA fucks itself trading with China for cheap goods (edit: massive outsourcing that made USA dependent on China for everything shit that it’s impossible to find any retail store that does NOT sell “Made in China” shit, to feed the clueless, smugly ignorant NPC and dumb, selfish, shallow foid cunt society’s rabid and ravenous consumerism) and buying its worthless USD (fiat) debts, even disregarding treason by some U.S. based politicians selling to China the secrets in exchange for money and ignoring China’s spying to steal US military hardware secrets to make its own knockoffs. A matter of time before China pulls the lever to implode USA economically, as one video clip above attest.

View: https://youtu.be/mMlmjXtnIXI
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View: https://twitter.com/zerohedge/status/1507782514538160128


Be assured that I do not wish you (and every valued Incels.is contributor and concurring lurkers, and every true male incel in this world regardless of race) any ill will whatsoever.

But, what this fool His Fraudulent Fake Presidency Biden said, chances are that Putin is a little pissed off. Or maybe very pissed off.

What if Biden said the exact same dialogue that calls for deposing the funny looking fat dictator of North Korea, or for that matter, China?

North Korea would move quickly to launch nukes targeting Japan (US bases), Hawaii and California.

China would call in to mass sell T-bonds, formalize trade with OPEC+ and BRICS requiring petroyuan to destroy petrodollar, and make the moves to massively sabotage USA, by unilaterally banning manufacturing and trade and kicking out multinational companies, in economic warfare to punish USA to precipitate the economic collapse. USA owes massive debts to China in national debt and trade deficit. And China might prepare to invade USA by sea, air and on foot with nuke warheads perched on missiles on the ready. Not just Taiwan for a long-awaited invasion to liberate…but USA and wherever US interests and military bases are for target.

I imagine Russia is so pissed off at Fake President Biden’s bullshit calling for deposing the head of state, as if that’s a fucking moral imperative (thus proving USA to be an arrogant imperial power that thinks it can police the world, thanks to Theodore Roosevelt’s bullying foreign policy legacy that inspired USA trying to run the world) that it’s tempted to fiddle with the nuclear missile launch red button.

Well, goodbye USA.

Your time should be up, sooner or later.

And some of you foids and NPC idiots who voted for Biden…eat shit and prepare to die. :dab:

View: https://youtu.be/MA8a2g6tTp0

View: https://youtu.be/avZvp8rOoHA

View: https://youtu.be/OD7a4ZApeLk

This nation has completely lost its collective minds from all angles and I've never seen the hubris from both political parties [uni-party in all actuality] be so entirely delusional as they are right now. If there was ever a time I've felt impending inevitable doom for the United States as a whole it is now and I've been pretty much following everything since 9-11-2001. What's even more shocking is how the European nations allow themselves to be bent over and fucked in the ass by the United States government where its political leaders follow our WhiteHouse like blind obedient dogs. I've never seen anything quite like this before which only strengthens my resolve to go off-grid now more than ever. A majority of the population here suffers from deep mental programming and propaganda suffering from delusional normalcy bias where when things really start falling apart there will be a lot of destroyed lives because, for the most part, we lack deep critical thinkers here. I'm actually ashamed to call myself an American, and concerning Russia that wasn't any misspoken sentence on his part, they actively do want to overthrow the government over there in Russia and I'm starting to wonder if they would orchestrate a world war to do just that. The entire national economy over here is in shambles and because most of the population here aren't critical thinkers where they're economically illiterate they'll, of course, be the last ones to ever know about it. :feelsjuice::yes:
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This nation has completely lost its collective minds from all angles and I've never seen the hubris from both political parties [uni-party in all actuality] be so entirely delusional as they are right now. If there was ever a time I've felt impending inevitable doom for the United States as a whole it is now and I've been pretty much following everything since 9-11-2001. What's even more shocking is how the European nations allow themselves to be bent over and fucked in the ass by the United States government where its political leaders follow our WhiteHouse like blind obedient dogs. I've never seen anything quite like this before which only strengthens my resolve to go off-grid now more than ever. A majority of the population here suffers from deep mental programming and propaganda suffering from delusional normalcy bias where when things really start falling apart there will be a lot of destroyed lives because, for the most part, we lack deep critical thinkers here. I'm actually ashamed to call myself an American, and concerning Russia that wasn't any misspoken sentence on his part, they actively do want to overthrow the government over there in Russia and I'm starting to wonder if they would orchestrate a world war to do just that. The entire national economy over here is in shambles and because most of the population here aren't critical thinkers where they're economically illiterate they'll, of course, be the last ones to ever know about it. :feelsjuice::yes:
Ditto. Idiocracy movie is a documentary, you know?

View: https://youtube.com/watch?v=NxX3GY57DWQ

I hate to say it, but with the severe food shortage and nuclear winter…cannibalism is inevitable.

No one including me and you (MdS) should end up being akin to starving zombies or even being mutilated and murdered by the mindless zombies (I use the word zombie literally, because that’s what they are when faced with extreme hunger that turn nearly every human being and subhuman and animal into insane raping and murderous savage).

View: https://youtu.be/PGP0g84n7p8

View: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Y2ODPFiksBE

View: https://youtube.com/watch?v=dcIVsX1-Aio

View: https://youtu.be/iICP8DcYHf4

View: https://youtu.be/CaOwcYLGTMo

If you wanna increase tremendous chance of survival amid the economic collapse or whatever that leads to severe food shortage and electricity grid blackout (EMP, CME or revengeful hack attack), I suggest boating in a yacht or houseboat, well armored like a fortress with weapons and shields, well-stocked with food (oats, rice, MRE, rations etc) and water, with fishing equipments, and weapons to hunt game for subsistence when safe to dock. Renewable energy tech like solar panel and windmill. Shitloads of classic books, ham radio, CB radio, and video games and tablets to read thousands of books, magazines, etc to pass the time. Boat in a huge desolate lake in the middle of nowhere, literally, if boat can be launched at the bay feasibly or whatever method, or boat in the widest river.
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Ditto. Idiocracy movie is a documentary, you know?

View: https://youtube.com/watch?v=NxX3GY57DWQ

I hate to say it, but with the severe food shortage and nuclear winter…cannibalism is inevitable.

No one including me and you (MdS) should end up being akin to starving zombies or even being mutilated and murdered by the mindless zombies (I use the word zombie literally, because that’s what they are when faced with extreme hunger that turn nearly every human being and subhuman and animal into insane raping and murderous savage).

View: https://youtu.be/PGP0g84n7p8

View: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Y2ODPFiksBE

View: https://youtu.be/iICP8DcYHf4

View: https://youtu.be/CaOwcYLGTMo

If you wanna increase tremendous chance of survival amid the economic collapse or whatever that leads to severe food shortage and electricity grid blackout (EMP, CME or revengeful hack attack), I suggest boating in a yacht or houseboat, well armored like a fortress with weapons and shields, well-stocked with food (oats, rice, MRE, rations etc) and water, with fishing equipments, and weapons to hunt game for subsistence when safe to dock. Renewable energy tech like solar panel and windmill. Shitloads of classic books, ham radio, CB radio, and video games and tablets to read thousands of books, magazines, etc to pass the time. Boat in a huge desolate lake in the middle of nowhere, literally, if boat can be launched at the bay feasibly or whatever method, or boat in the widest river.

And of course record amount of gun and ammo buying in the United States the last fourteen years. In my opinion, everybody in this nation is just looking for an excuse to shoot and kill each other since we're not a serious nation at all where everybody hates each other. In history, this will go down in the annuals of the most divisive nation to ever exist.

The wealthy are looking for an excuse to kill the poor, the poor are looking for an excuse to kill the wealthy.

Non-whites are looking for an excuse to kill White people, and White people everybody else.

The democrats are looking for an excuse to kill the republicans, and the republicans are looking for an excuse to kill the democrats.

Those with power are looking for an excuse to kill off the powerless, and the powerless are looking for an excuse to kill off the powerful.

The urbanites are looking for an excuse to kill the rural townspeople, and the rural townspeople are looking for an excuse to kill off the urbanites.

The vaccinated are looking for an excuse to kill the unvaccinated, and the unvaccinated are looking for an excuse to kill off the vaccinated.

When this nation collapses entirely it will then be, those with food and resources who will want an excuse to kill those without food and resources, vice versa.

Amid all the hatred or infighting you have our own federal government that wants to establish a new world order against both Russia and China getting the European nations to help implement it.

Welcome to the United States circa 2022. :feelsclown::blackpill:
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Marx already predicted this long ago and I also keep saying that America might be the country to be truly Socialist and it will collapse in sometime. But I don't know what exactly would happen. Maybe they will establish Socialism, but americans might call it Super capitalism. Sadly the so called leftists in america are actually liberal fucks who are priveleged and many of them are foids.
Marx already predicted this long ago and I also keep saying that America might be the country to be truly Socialist and it will collapse in sometime. But I don't know what exactly would happen. Maybe they will establish Socialism, but americans might call it Super capitalism. Sadly the so called leftists in america are actually liberal fucks who are priveleged and many of them are foids.
The United States isn't socialist at all, at least for common average people, the only socialist component is bailouts for the rich and wealthy while everybody else gets crumbs, bread, and circuses. Although very soon there will no longer be any crumbs or bread, and a majority of people will no longer be able to financially afford circuses for very much longer either because dollars will become worthless. :feelsclown:

The United States is a fascist nation, and while I like fascism myself politically as I favor such, I prefer fascism from the bottom up not the top down. Here in the U.S., it is fascism from the top-down, fascism for the very wealthy all the while pretending to be a democratic republic in name only. :feelsjuice:
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And of course record amount of gun and ammo buying in the United States the last fourteen years. In my opinion, everybody in this nation is just looking for an excuse to shoot and kill each other since we're not a serious nation at all where everybody hates each other. In history, this will go down in the annuals of the most divisive nation to ever exist.

The wealthy are looking for an excuse to kill the poor, the poor are looking for an excuse to kill the wealthy.

Non-whites are looking for an excuse to kill White people, and White people everybody else.

The democrats are looking for an excuse to kill the republicans, and the republicans are looking for an excuse to kill the democrats.

Those with power are looking for an excuse to kill off the powerless, and the powerless are looking for an excuse to kill off the powerful.

The urbanites are looking for an excuse to kill the rural townspeople, and the rural townspeople are looking for an excuse to kill off the urbanites.

When this nation collapses entirely it will then be, those with food and resources who will want an excuse to kill those without food and resources, vice versa.

Welcome to the United States circa 2022. :feelsclown::blackpill:

We—real human beings (albeit incel), despite being nihilistic if that is a correct descriptor—abide by the conscience, as hard as we can to live ethically.

For example, I refrain from the temptation of seeking revenge. Seeking revenge by pursuit (like horrible former bosses who mistreated me and foids who rejected me to make fun of me) could even get me killed, which defeats the purpose. Instead, find the way to escape and hide to survive, as in off-grid survivalism, and enjoy schadenfreude when certain enemies who condemn and hate me suffer the deserved fate of being hunted to be destroyed as gang-raped (for foid cunts) as future sex slaves or “consumed” (cannibalized or murdered as sport by some marauding savages seeking thrill kill, like niggers and wetbacks—as you said, they hate White people to want to rape (females regardless of age, and even boys for sodomy), torture and murder).

(Bonus: R. Crumb, whose influential artist older brother Charles was an autist volcel who died of suicide, did the infamous 1993 Weirdo last issue comic on what happens when niggers take over America as a preview of horrors to come, like what happened to St Domingo (now Haiti), Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and South Africa in relentlessly cruel and brutal White genocide; Jews taking over America comic as well.)

Which reminds me of the quote by the Italian philosopher, who was an incel (or volcel like Sir Isaac Newton and Immanuel Kant).

“Real misanthropes are not found in solitude, but in the world; since it is experience of life, and not philosophy, which produces real hatred of mankind.” — Giacomo Leopardi

View: https://youtube.com/watch?v=FBeccCU_pEE&feature=emb_title

View: https://youtu.be/J9TnutsXyB0

Below…on conscience.

View: https://youtube.com/watch?v=RlkZ3NQ5o0U
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We—real human beings (albeit incel), despite being nihilistic if that is a correct descriptor—abide by the conscience, as hard as we can to live ethically.

For example, I refrain from the temptation of seeking revenge. Seeking revenge by pursuit (like horrible former bosses who mistreated me and foids who rejected me to make fun of me) could even get me killed, which defeats the purpose. Instead, find the way to escape and hide to survive, as in off-grid survivalism, and enjoy schadenfreude when certain enemies who condemn and hate me suffer the deserved fate of being hunted to be destroyed as gang-raped (for foid cunts) as future sex slaves or “consumed” (cannibalized or murdered as sport by some marauding savages seeking thrill kill, like niggers and wetbacks—as you said, they hate White people to want to rape (females regardless of age, and even boys for sodomy), torture and murder).

Which reminds me of the quote by the Italian philosopher, who was an incel (or volcel like Sir Isaac Newton and Immanuel Kant).

“Real misanthropes are not found in solitude, but in the world; since it is experience of life, and not philosophy, which produces real hatred of mankind.” — Giacomo Leopardi

View: https://youtube.com/watch?v=FBeccCU_pEE&feature=emb_title

View: https://youtu.be/J9TnutsXyB0

Below…on conscience.

View: https://youtube.com/watch?v=RlkZ3NQ5o0U

LMAO. Dumb wicked haughty Americunts, are you ready for the apocalypse?

View: https://twitter.com/WallStreetSilv/status/1508186316638457864

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zLmCgj47L4

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iSo4vPfats

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dYxI3TrX8E

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0HLj_uKhl0

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2epSYeFYHlU

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzotonmeTn0

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIwRB7r6wM4




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DOW -413.04
DOW YTD -2276.98
NASDAQ -299.04
S&P500 -75.75

"The Federal Reserve is in a horrible awkward position, either let the stock market crash or completely devalue the dollar as a national currency in total debasement."

And you shall all dearly pay for all the lives and futures you stolen snuffing out where you will pay for the dignity that you have robbed in the very end. You can take that all the way to the soon to be financially bankrupted banks. :feelsjuice:

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X3DU-7a8mP0
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Can you feel it my American brocels? The United States is finally on the edge of collapse, hyperinflation is coming to town and soon we'll even have a good old-fashioned stock market crash along with the death of an entire currency [USD]. And of course, we'll eventually have 75% national unemployment where people will be pissed off, penniless, angry, homeless, and starving in the streets everywhere [millions upon millions of them] along with the global famine that is also being engineered inside the United States or elsewhere. Of course, that assumes our insane government run by psychopaths with a senile dementia-ridden old bastard at the helm doesn't start a war with Russia and China simultaneously which will have an equal or even worse outcome. Can you feel it my American brocels like I can? :feelsdevil: For years they called us crazy or conspiracy theorists and yet we've been right about 75% of all the issues going as far back as 9/11/2001 where the normies will never take that away from us. :feelsclown::feelsEhh:

Now for the foids reading this thread, I want you to sit back and be amazed, I want you to sit there in your chairs for much anticipation of what I am going to write down right now because you will never get another opportunity to hear a message from me directed largely at yourselves after this thread. This is my final warning to you all, but mostly, it's just me sticking my finger in your eyes because I view all of you as lesser inferior beings. :lul::lul::lul:

I have watched all of your so-called progressive western foids, especially inside the United States since 1999 now. I have watched you, studied your behaviors, and have done everything I can to understand your psychology, but more interesting will be your fate upon the collapse of the United States or the collapse of random nation-states in general.

In the late 1990s when farmers were losing their farms and male workers lost their jobs in manufacturing due to job outsourcing or automation I watched as you collectively snubbed your noses at working-class men. As those same displaced working-class men became much poorer forced to exist on lower incomes I watched as you called them losers, peons, nobodies, servants, beasts of burden, and useless wage-slaves.

Then at the height of all this in the mid-2000s [2007-2015], I watched you women have the audacity to proclaim yourselves the most oppressed under male patriarchy as largely male homelessness and joblessness rose exponentially. And even when women started becoming the majority in college campuses or higher learning outnumbering men who were enjoying the street life of being homeless you still had the crazed audacity to call yourselves oppressed. :feelsseriously:

Then with the Covid1984 lockdowns[2021-22], did any of you bitches sympathize with the men that lost their jobs or vulnerable men in the population generally? Fuck no you didn't, you were too busy chasing after wealthy Chads on dating websites or shaking your asses for extra cash on webcam along with the government stimulus money you were receiving. :feelsclown:

It has been an interesting twenty-two to twenty-three years observing you bitches of your awful so-called progressive transformation from women into whatever grotesque things you call yourselves today, but guess what bitches? It's game-over time now, for you see the nation, government, and the entire world is on the verge of total collapse now. You cunts had your twenty-five years of partying, destroying the lives of a majority of men, and sucking the lifeforce out of society by contributing absolutely nothing with your insistence of being responsible for nothing at all. Now the tides are turning, let us explore your future together, shall we?

1. That 55% of men you reduced to inceldom in the last twenty-five years are going to fucking haunt you cunts when the United States finally collapses, imagine 55% of the male population absolutely despising your dumb asses upon total societal collapse, you cunts are in store for some very bad times. :feelsdevil::feelsEhh:

2. When the economy collapses and the dollar finally dies leaving the entire United States in civil war, smoldering ash, or just violent chaos everywhere we're going to learn the extent of the Potemkin Village that is the United States economy, meaning, it was all a lie, deception, and mirage from the very start.

All those men which is basically the majority of men you have called losers, peons, useless wageslaves, lesser men, not real men, and so on are going to haunt you upon the collapse of the United States because those same very men are going to outnumber you everywhere. We will never forget one-liners like, "I refuse to date a man who doesn't make at least $30,000.00-$40,000.00 a year."

"I refuse to date a man who isn't college educated or doesn't have a degree." "I refuse to date a man who doesn't have a car or vehicle." "I refuse to date a man who doesn't own his own house." And so on..........

Money is going to be useless, you might even say worthless, and as far as the majority of your worthless degrees you have accomplished at the female majority attended college campuses they won't mean shit in societal collapse, over for you it is. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

"But my boyfriend, husband, or their male friends will protect me against you lesser inferior men!" :foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer:

Except the disenfranchised, downtrodden, chronically single, and poor men outnumber all your boyfriends, husbands, or their male friends added all together. We outnumber you 15>6.

"We know the country is on the verge of collapse, that's why there are historic sales of guns and ammunition nationwide, we got a bullet with your name on it you filthy incels." :foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer:

Incels have guns and bullets everywhere, fact. Hell, the entire nation has guns and bullets everywhere, fact. In all honesty, I hope everybody violently kills each other in this bullshit nation in a blood-soaked orgy because that's how much I fucking despise this place. :feelsdevil::feelsaww:

3. When the global famine arrives I'll finally be able to answer the age-old question, how many lost meals will it take for women to suck dick just to survive? :feelsjuice::feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

4. When cities are burning everywhere, when the national capital is on fire, when people are dying in the streets, when people start killing each other everywhere, when people start starving to death everywhere, and when misery fills the air so bad you can't go anywhere without smelling its aroma I want all of you cunts to think about all the men you have written off in the last twenty-five years. Every single guy you've cast out in your lives. Enjoy you fucking cunts, you deserve everything that is coming your way. I hope all you cunts lose everything, we're going to find out what happens in a collapsed society, nation, or country where the majority of men are pissed off impoverished with nothing to lose in life, enjoy you fucking sick bitches. :feelsdevil::feelsEhh:
Don’t get me wrong, the fantasy of what you’re laying out is appealing in some ways, but the US most likely will not collapse and if it did the incels living there very well may suffer quite a lot as a result.

Women would suffer too, perhaps even moreso and it would probably reshift the balance closer to what it used to be where women would need men for protection/resources to a more desperate degree than today.

But yeah, this inflation rate sucks, but most western countries are experiencing the same thing and it’s also happened in decades past if you’ve followed the investment world. Probably won’t collapse — rather we’ll just see a continuation of what’s been happening where the poor get poorer and the rich get richer.

Maybe eventually that’ll push people over the edge, but who knows when that’d be or what changes would come about as a result. Might not collapse per say, but UBI or government changes might happen.
Don’t get me wrong, the fantasy of what you’re laying out is appealing in some ways, but the US most likely will not collapse and if it did the incels living there very well may suffer quite a lot as a result.

Women would suffer too, perhaps even moreso and it would probably reshift the balance closer to what it used to be where women would need men for protection/resources to a more desperate degree than today.

But yeah, this inflation rate sucks, but most western countries are experiencing the same thing and it’s also happened in decades past if you’ve followed the investment world. Probably won’t collapse — rather we’ll just see a continuation of what’s been happening where the poor get poorer and the rich get richer.

Maybe eventually that’ll push people over the edge, but who knows when that’d be or what changes would come about as a result. Might not collapse per say, but UBI or government changes might happen.
The United States will collapse in ways worse than the former Soviet Union ever did and those that don't fight for their lives against the oppression that has kept us down all these years do not deserve to live anyways. :feelsjuice:
your country is bankrupt, only a matter of time when it collapses

unfortunately the dollar afects literally everything else so every currency will go up and so will do the prices
It is a very very weird way western countries operate their finances. Basically every western country is heavily in debt and if they can’t pay their bills they run the money printer and inflate (effectively “invisible taxing” their citizens).

The fact that operating government under a balanced budget isn’t given more weight is just astonishing.

The longer you put off the debt and the larger it grows the more interest which means more taxes on the people/more inflation — it can’t sustainable can it? I’m no expert so let’s hope I’m missing something.
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