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Serious The closest you ever got to dying?



Always last
Apr 17, 2019
I had 3 situations that almost ended with me dying.

Once i was hit by a car as a kid and it almost drove over me. I ended up with a broken leg only but it was close.

The second time around i ran into traffic whilst drunk and almost got hit by a car going full speed.

The third time i fell into a river whilst so drunk i could barely stand. That time i was probably the closest to death. I managed to get out by luck only.
Never tbh. I tried to cut my wrists once but i didn't even bleed lmao. Anyway that's the closest i think
One time in Ukraine this retard let his big ass dog loose in his backyard and it pounced on top of 5 year old me and was about to tear my throat out but the owner literally dropped everything they were doing and yanked it back at the very last second.
Running in the sidewalk about to cross the street without looking if there was a car coming , I stopped quickly because i remembered that i can't cross the street without looking especially while running and there was a truck passing ready to run me over and end my young life
Other than attempted suicides not really
As a newborn child due to ilness.

As a kid I almost drown in a river.

Back in the military due to extreme exhaustion.

This summer almost jumped under the train.
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1. When I was about 7yo, I almost drowned at the public pool and the Stacy "lifeguard" couldn't give a shit. I somehow managed to "grab" the wall underwater and "climb" to the surface if it makes sense.

2. When I was 20yo, I went hiking and almost fell from a cliff due to shitty fog and damp rocks. Lost my backpack in the process and it took me 7 hours to get back to camp with a sprained ankle and without the map.

3. When I was 23yo, I was daydreaming while crossing the road and almost got bumped over by a car. The guy stopped, got out of his car and we got into a fight. That was also the closest I came to killing someone.
Went to beach with my old grandma in Sevastopol. I was 4 - 5, couldn't swim and was wearing a round float. Then I thought it would be a great idea to jump from a pier without the float. I was drowning for 10 - 15 seconds, when some dude dragged me out. My grandma didn't even notice.
I got stabbed 5 times and one of the wound punctured my lungs

A car ran over my foot

A bike ran over me but missed me

I got lost as a kid in 3rd world country and almost got sold into child slavery

I burned my face with firecrackers and almost went blind and burned my face off
When I was about 7yo, I almost drowned at the public pool and the Stacy "lifeguard" couldn't give a shit. I somehow managed to "grab" the wall underwater and "climb" to the surface if it makes sense.
The exact same thing happened to me and so many other people I know (incel and non incel) Stacy lifeguards are fucking useless
I once got into a really bad car accident, I was in the passenger seat when the driver fell asleep going down the highway at 80-90km/h. We went over a hill tumbled end over end a few times then rolled three or four times and ended up in a field on our side. Apparently there was a bunch of hydroworkers installing power lines who saw the whole thing but assumed we were dead so they didn't do anything until we crawled out the vehicle, which taught me a lot really.
never came close at all tbh
I'm close to dying as I type this from illness
When I was 7,someone made me fall off my bike,on the road.
The bike was too big for me to lift and a car was driving towards me.
I was crying for help but no one cared.My cousin and the guy who pushed me were just watching.They wouldn't help.
The tire was so close to my head,it was gonna squash it.
Eventually I started screaming and the guy in the car stopped.
Barely pushed my bike off.
Avoided a car crash that could have killed me had anything been even slightly different. I was on a Main Street, ~40mph speed limit.. I was doing like 75 in the rightmost lane where people park their cars. And there was a parked car ahead of me that I was approaching quickly. So I had to switch lanes to the left to avoid hitting it and I switched at the very last second. Came probabaly inches away from hitting that car while going 75mph. I waited till the last second cause I was trying to make it ahead of a guy to my left. I got in between his car and the parked car at the very very last millisecond. It was lucky af.

apart from that, I crashed my motorcycle once on the highway going like 80. Surprisingly I only had a few scratches.

and one time I did a ton of coke and came really close to dying.
I got lost as a kid in 3rd world country and almost got sold into child slavery

I burned my face with firecrackers and almost went blind and burned my face off

Please explain how you managed to get into these two situations lol
Cancer at 12
Was tough
I almost drowned at a wave pool when I was a kid but a lifeguard saved me. Had I'd known my future would be this unfairly disappointing this far in still, I would have let the waves consume me completely to spare myself the continuous/endless bullshit and misery of my existence from then on.
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I went downhill on roller skates. If I didn't turn right into the tall grass I'd be dead now. Maybe I shouldn't have done that.
Trying to rope with the rope around my neck many times but Im coward so I never do it. I almost passed out once
Elab? Who stabbed you? Why?
I made a whole thread about it like 1and half year ago lol maybe I’ll link it
Please explain how you managed to get into these two situations lol

I was with my parents and I was little. The place had like 100k ppl and my parents were holding my hand and then lost me.

By miracle some stranger found me and helped get back to my parents
Bro, you should write a book and get some neet money from it, tbh ngl. Many people would pay to read abt it

I do remember a lot of details about idk how writing a book on that story will give me neetbux!
I took 50+ anxiety meds (like benzos but weaker) and woke up in a hospital. If it weren't for my parents I might have died, god damn it I wish they weren't home that night. I wouldn't have come to think of it, it wasn't even a suicide attempt I just wanted to lose consciousness for a long time, forever, alright I guess it was a shit attempt.
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The propeller on my small boat died while it was very windy, and I kept getting pulled further away from shore. I probably could've swam to shore if I had started swimming towards land as soon as it died, but I didn't want to abandon the boat, so I was just praying it would start working. After a hundred attempts at pulling the motor cord, it started working.
Almost got ran over by a bus when I was 2.

Almost drowned in the ocean when I was 6.
Sadly I'm still alive.
Nyet, most of my days are spent safely inside.
Once I was so sick that when attempting to go to the toilets to vomit, I collapsed on the way. I couldn't move. I don't know how serious my condition was, but at that moment I really thought it could be it, it could be how I'd die.
I was hanging with rope around my neck, pain was unbelievable so I stopped, I regret it everyday.
I was hanging with rope around my neck, pain was unbelievable so I stopped, I regret it everyday.
sometimes i would wrap towel around my neck as a kid to see how rope would feel. It was pretty cathartic for the time ngl
I almost died choking on some steak 2 weeks ago
I live alone,I could've actually died :cryfeels:
I fell into a campfire with my hand
A middle aged roastie knocked me off my bike when I was a motorcyclecel. She admitted fault at the scene and then went back on her word when she told her insurance company.
attempted suicide was the closest i got
Almost got run over by a car several times. Almost drowned once
Ditching car in the snow. No injuries.
Suicide or almost dying during birth
Three feet (3') every week on the way to town on my bicycle...

Lots of knife fights, almost got poked in the liver.

Miscellaneous dog attacks. Various me against gang fights.

Cliff-hanging with a sledgehammer - as a gemstone miner.

Hitchhiking with a suicidal drunk driver going 100mph on the wrong side of a interstate highway...

Having my camp attacked by a hungry brown bear.

Partying with well armed angery ex-cons that "didn't like my tone of voice."

Being rejected by my tribe for being ugly.
Once i was hit by a car as a kid and it almost drove over me. I ended up with a broken leg only but it was close.
It happened to me twice. One was while I was riding a bicycle and the other one when I was crossing thruway(fainted due to the crash and some guys carried me to home jfl). I wish I died at that time.
Robbed at gunpoint.

Various home invasions. By mezitos...

What illness
Maybe cancer. But if I've been in agony almost the entire year so most likely if it is cancer it's probably stage 4 so no point in going to the hospital now. All they'll do is try to give me chemo and other shit that'll only make me feel worse probably. I just accept that I'm dying and it is what it is.
Maybe cancer. But if I've been in agony almost the entire year so most likely if it is cancer it's probably stage 4 so no point in going to the hospital now. All they'll do is try to give me chemo and other shit that'll only make me feel worse probably. I just accept that I'm dying and it is what it is.
Damn if your at stage 4 it's over for you, absolutely brutal, so what's your plan for the rest of your days, ldar?
Damn if your at stage 4 it's over for you, absolutely brutal, so what's your plan for the rest of your days, ldar?
Yeah just post here until I die. Hopefully I can get to cuyens rank before I die
Well lets see...

-I believe two times as a baby or very young child I could've "bit it" so to speak due to pneumonia but fortunately I puked all over my dad (at least one of the times according to my mother's account of the incident) and the doctor was very pleased to hear this since that freed up my chest of congestive potentially fatal mucus buildup that this shitty condition can cause and I survived. My poor old man was also puked on under similar pneumonia circumstances by my older cousin while he was also a baby and my mother told me orange chunks were hanging from my old man's shirt or beard if not both I think it was. Damn. I feel bad for what my old man went through from us now that I think about it but oh well I guess he got out of the experience ultimately alright as he never contracted pneumonia from either of us because of this.

-Some asshole tried to run me down in his car while I was taking a walk down my road and I had to run off the road to get away from the fucker.

-Dumb ass cousin (he's cool now and became quite intelligent with time but a dumbass back then) was charged with babysitting me when we were older (he's four years older than me and I think I was 10 and he 14 at the time or no it probably had to be that I was 12 and he must of been at least 16 since there was a car involved. Anyway he let his equally or worse dumb ass friends drive us somewhere in a car and I think it was a dumb bitch/broad who was one of his friends who ended up driving us all into a tree. Fortunately this was only at low speed but I think possibly one of the male friends ended up with a broken foot and I may of slightly hurt my back and everyone was mentally shook up but that was about it and we then somehow made it home safely and I think he escaped having his ass beaten by his mother my aunt because everyone kept their mouth shut about what happened. Shit, I may of actually blabbed the truth come to think of it but I don't think I was believed at the time due to a combination of being younger and being outnumbered by 3 lying bullshitters to one truthful eventual Wizard.

-Different dumb ass (but tragically loveable) cousin took me for a ride on his 3 wheeler I think it was but he ended up hitting something which stalled us out, I riding behind him was of course flung off and landed back first on a large rock which had my back feeling fucked up for years. My cousin was of course concerned about my health being the loveable but dumb goofball that he was, so he without thinking backs up the three wheeler and ends up running over my right leg which also left me with a slight limp for possibly a year if not a little longer. I told my parents about the accident I think and what happened but somehow the seriousness of the situation didn't register in their minds since I basically looked alright so there was no clinic, hospital or emergency room visit in the cards for me at that time.

-Original dumb ass cousin got it into his mind to have us take a ride on the family snowmobile during winter in their yard. Things went well at first but then he alerted me that there was a problem ie he'd lost control of the steering wheel or rather the machine was no longer responding to his commands prompting us both to jump off the vehicle before it unceremoniously crashed into a nearby fence.

-Hospitalized more times than I care to admit as an adult for potentially fatal infections due to my shitty leg veins but due to getting into the ER soon enough I was fortunately treated successfully all three times with no major or at least lasting physical complications resulting. Basically to fix you up from bad infections whether cellulitis, staph or sepsis they first get a blood culture, then start you on a multipurpose antibiotic fluid sack until your specific blood pathogen/bacteria is properly identified after the bacteria grows in their sample so it can be identified and then they put you on a targeted antibiotic fluid sack that is called "targeted" because its the best drug around for killing that particular microbe/bacteria/what have you. They also juice you up with regular saline IV fluids for various reasons ie to stabilize blood pressure, combat dehydration and test/help with kidney function as well I've learned from a nurse that the idea of providing large amounts of saline IV fluids when presented with these infections directly to the vein is that it helps stop the body from attacking itself by dilluting the infection making the body think things aren't so bad after all ie you see what kills you or rather can kill you from these infections isn't necessarily the bacteria itself but rather your body's overwhelming response in trying to kill said infection. So the IV saline fluid can once again "trick" the body into backing off it's severe/overwhelming response for usually long enough to allow the multi purpose as well eventual targeted antibiotics to do their job and kill off the infection.

-Oh yeah I also had to basically run for my life as a teenager for about a half a mile or a mile to escape a viscious nigger pitbull that was intent on taking out a piece of my ass were I to let him get close enough to do so.

-Damn the above shitty dog story just remembered I also had to run for my life (but not as far thankfully) from a damn near equally viscious doberman owned by my best friend and his grandma (who took care of him while growing up). No, my friend didn't sicc the thing on me. It was just a typical asshole doberman dog that much like the nigger pitbulls of the world was totally out of control. Fortunately I believe not too long after they got rid of the fucker.
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had three epileptic seizures in one night once and i forgot my name for 6 hours
Tried committing suicide by overdosing

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