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News Teachers Very Worried About the Influence of Online Misogynists on students



Nov 20, 2022
I stumbled across this article, and decided to check out the paper on it: https://www.scimex.org/newsfeed/tea...e-influence-of-online-misogynists-on-students
Extreme misogyny is increasingly finding an audience on social media in the ‘manosphere’, a broad community of individuals which has emerged over the last 15 years. The manosphere incorporates a variety of groups including self-styled pick-up artists, incels (short for involuntary celibates), MGTOW (short for “men going their own way”) and proponents of the red and black pill.
Honestly, I myself am actually kinda surprised that they were able to discern the various differences between redpill PUAs/MGTOW guys such as Tate & us since oftentimes they lump us all together. :feelshaha:
What unites these different groups within the manosphere is a fundamental belief that women are inferior to men and ought to be subordinated to them.
Somewhat true to an extent, since I would say both fundamentally acknowledge a massive disparity exist between that of women: However, I would say that it is only those who are truly blackpilled that seem to acknowledge biological & inherent differences in that of gender. Ultimately, it can be argued that many in the manosphere really don't want to "subjugate" foids, due to them being tradcucks who idealize the 1950s style of "tradition" which amounts to having a slut at home who does nothing but cheat on you for chad.
Until recently, this international movement has been a hidden problem.
Calling the manosphere, redpill, blackpill, or whatever a "movement" is ridiculous.

It's akin to calling having cancer a "movement" jfl.
Teenagers and young people are regularly exposed to this content through social media and video sharing platforms including Reddit, TikTok and YouTube.
Wonder when they'll start complaining about Reddit in this case?:feelsEhh:
While there is relatively little academic research on the extent of exposure, a poll commissioned by the charity Hope not Hate in 2023 found that 80% of 16- and 17-year-old British boys had consumed content created by Andrew Tate.
Honestly, this seems very broad & vague. If I had to guess, I'd say that "consuming" counts merely as just stumbling across a clip with him in it.
In contrast, only 60% of boys in the same age group had heard of the British Prime Minister [8].
This is concerning though. :whatfeels:
A recent poll by YouGov revealed that 27% of young men in the UK (aged between 18 and 29) hold a positive view of Andrew Tate, and 24% agree with his views about women [9]. A related poll conducted by Internet Matters (2023) suggested that 56% of fathers under the age of 35 approve of Andrew Tate
Well, why have these views increased then?:feelsjuice:

Let's look at a few things:


This does somewhat correlate, as politics will align with that of current social patterns & trends: What they're reflecting, is just how far left or "liberal" most foids are starting to skew; more so there compared to other countries. :feelswhere:

Furthermore, whilst it is becoming harder to "move out" nowadays, results from the UK show this:
Single young men tend to live with their parents more than single young women — 32% of males aged 20 to 34 years live with their parents compared with only 20% of females aged 20 to 34 years

And when higher academics publish information such as this:

It's no wonder so many young UK males & even some dads may feel this way.:feelsjuice:

The survey took around 200 teachers, with 100 from Primary & 100 from Secondary -from what I understand primary is basically elementary & the first half of middle school, with secondary being the second half of middle school and HS- which provides a very composite look.


38% of secondary school teachers referenced male pupils making misogynistic comments, 14% referenced male pupils engaging in discriminatory or inappropriate behaviour and 14% of teachers referenced male pupils disrespecting female members of staff relative to male members of staff. 26% of teachers referenced male pupils discussing misogynistic influencers like Andrew Tate or misogynistic movements from the internet such as incels.
This is all quite a lot:shock:

Now firstly, I find the top graph quit telling. As we all know in this day & age, misogyny has merely became another epithet flung around- it is the equivalent to slamming anyone who is somewhat "right wing" down as a Nazi. To simply put it, anyone who dares to challenge any societal narratives which pedalstize foids -both tradcuckery & liberal globohomoism- can & will be branded down as a misogynist & thus now an "incel"

But let's take a look as to what they chalked up as "misogyny" :feelswhere::

Several male pupils with girlfriends who are abusive towards them in every aspect: physically, emotionally.
Ah, but somehow "le inkwells" are responsible for this. :feelsjuice:

I once saw a boy say to a girl that she belonged in the kitchen and he was a very young age. It was a little bit shocking.
"very young age" have you considered maybe this is kids just playing around?:waitwhat:

I mean some foids at that age called me & some other boys "peasants" which is almost a metaphor for how most males end up nowadays.
A few months ago I had a group of male students referring to themselves at the Top Gs and excluding female students from activities*

I mean, can they be this ignorant? That just sounds like some normies using the "top G" shit as a meme. And I just know if foids excluded males, they'd all blame it on the males "behavior."
There have been several instances of male pupils not respecting female members of staff, not reacting well to instruction by female members of staff or being heard to make derogatory statements about the looks of female members of staff.
Hasn't this kinda stuff always gone down though?:waitwhat:

Some kid in my middle school back in the day once called a few fat teachers "bitches" or whatever, so by these peoples logic Tate must have time-traveled & told him to do that.
As 1 participant worked in single sex boys’ schools, the following percentages are based on 99 responses and reported percentages are rounded to the nearest whole number. 40% of primary school teachers referenced female pupils being the victims of misogynistic comments, discriminatory or inappropriate behaviour directed at them by other pupils and 16% explicitly referenced the negative impact of other pupils’ behaviour on female pupils’ well-being, self-esteem and engagement.
And here's the thing, do they wonder as to why some young males might be like this ever? Will they ever equally address the times foids reject males in rude, aggressive, or nasty manners or bully males?

Simply, asking questions such as this helps to dismantle the garbage dialectic feminists use to push their agenda.
Close to half of primary school teachers (49%) could not describe a recent incident in which online misogyny had impacted female pupils. 6% of teachers gave responses that were too vague to classify into these categories.
So in other words, half of this is all overblown. :feelsjuice:

Considering all of the fuss over "online misogyny" it would for sure to be funny to see they reactions to this:
More than half of misogynistic posts by Twitter users in the UK and America are written by women, according to a new large-scale study. A report that analysed 19 million tweets over four years found three million posts including insults aimed at women. The users who had posted the insults were more likely to be female than male.

Overall, this highlights to us what we already know about foid nature & manipulation -utilizing their manipulative nature & dialectic- in order to serve as perfect agents of the State & influence discourse here, or simply just ensure they maintain their monopoly on males morality, conscious, and behavior. :blackpill:

@WorthlessSlavicShit @veryrare @GeckoBus @NIGGER BOJANGLES @PersonalityChad @SuperKanga.Belgrade @BlackCel_from_ZA @Koomersarj @LeFrenchCel @proudweeb @Uggo Mongo @based_meme @Grodd @AnApparentMyth @Solid @Sgtpinkie @Stupid Clown @AtrociousCitizen @NeverGetUp @Castaway @Grodd @Diddy @wereq @Fire @weaselbomber @Skelly @Lv99_BixNood @KillNiggers @Flagellum_Dei @reveries @Regenerator @stranger @daydreamER @Epedaphic @reveries
Read every word. "NO WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE BRAINWASH YOU! NOT TYE MANOSPHERE :foidSoy: :foidSoy: :foidSoy: "
They will always attack the effect but never the cause
Young male revolt is inevitable
Good read.

Maybe, just maybe, if society didn’t treat young men like disposable worker drones while demonizing them for existing, they wouldn’t be looking up to people like Tate in the first place. It’s not that Tate "brainwashed" them; it’s that society pushed them into a corner, and they’re looking for answers anywhere they can find them. But nah, let’s just blame "online misogyny" instead of self-reflecting for once. Absolute retards.

They will always attack the effect but never the cause
They can write a million more papers like this one. Suicide stats are mostly men, homelessness stats are mostly men, job fatalities, war fatalities, violence victims are all men and almost only men.

Females prosper and my gender suffers. I don't care about your fucking le mysoginistic comments on the internet niggers. Fuck off you lying cucked pieces of shit spineless faggots. :feelsdevil:
Propaganda and social engineering at its own peak
If anything misogyny is not nearly extreme enough, too many cuckservative pseudo-blackpilled women sympathizers who won't go full Taliban on women, which is the only viable solution for the male gender
Great thread, I wish you'd highlighted more examples of "online misogyny" because some of these are hilarious :feelshaha: :feelshaha:
2025 03 03 0t6 Kleki
For the last time normies, ANDREW TATE is not our leader, nor one of us.
Lets keep pretending that women, especially young women, don't openly hate men

I stumbled across this article, and decided to check out the paper on it: https://www.scimex.org/newsfeed/tea...e-influence-of-online-misogynists-on-students

Honestly, I myself am actually kinda surprised that they were able to discern the various differences between redpill PUAs/MGTOW guys such as Tate & us since oftentimes they lump us all together. :feelshaha:

Somewhat true to an extent, since I would say both fundamentally acknowledge a massive disparity exist between that of women: However, I would say that it is only those who are truly blackpilled that seem to acknowledge biological & inherent differences in that of gender. Ultimately, it can be argued that many in the manosphere really don't want to "subjugate" foids, due to them being tradcucks who idealize the 1950s style of "tradition" which amounts to having a slut at home who does nothing but cheat on you for chad.

Calling the manosphere, redpill, blackpill, or whatever a "movement" is ridiculous.

It's akin to calling having cancer a "movement" jfl.

Wonder when they'll start complaining about Reddit in this case?:feelsEhh:

Honestly, this seems very broad & vague. If I had to guess, I'd say that "consuming" counts merely as just stumbling across a clip with him in it.

This is concerning though. :whatfeels:

Well, why have these views increased then?:feelsjuice:

Let's look at a few things:

View attachment 1401666
This does somewhat correlate, as politics will align with that of current social patterns & trends: What they're reflecting, is just how far left or "liberal" most foids are starting to skew; more so there compared to other countries. :feelswhere:

Furthermore, whilst it is becoming harder to "move out" nowadays, results from the UK show this:

And when higher academics publish information such as this:

It's no wonder so many young UK males & even some dads may feel this way.:feelsjuice:

The survey took around 200 teachers, with 100 from Primary & 100 from Secondary -from what I understand primary is basically elementary & the first half of middle school, with secondary being the second half of middle school and HS- which provides a very composite look.

View attachment 1401675

This is all quite a lot:shock:

Now firstly, I find the top graph quit telling. As we all know in this day & age, misogyny has merely became another epithet flung around- it is the equivalent to slamming anyone who is somewhat "right wing" down as a Nazi. To simply put it, anyone who dares to challenge any societal narratives which pedalstize foids -both tradcuckery & liberal globohomoism- can & will be branded down as a misogynist & thus now an "incel"

But let's take a look as to what they chalked up as "misogyny" :feelswhere::
View attachment 1401678View attachment 1401679View attachment 1401680

Ah, but somehow "le inkwells" are responsible for this. :feelsjuice:

"very young age" have you considered maybe this is kids just playing around?:waitwhat:

I mean some foids at that age called me & some other boys "peasants" which is almost a metaphor for how most males end up nowadays.


I mean, can they be this ignorant? That just sounds like some normies using the "top G" shit as a meme. And I just know if foids excluded males, they'd all blame it on the males "behavior."

Hasn't this kinda stuff always gone down though?:waitwhat:

Some kid in my middle school back in the day once called a few fat teachers "bitches" or whatever, so by these peoples logic Tate must have time-traveled & told him to do that.

And here's the thing, do they wonder as to why some young males might be like this ever? Will they ever equally address the times foids reject males in rude, aggressive, or nasty manners or bully males?

Simply, asking questions such as this helps to dismantle the garbage dialectic feminists use to push their agenda.

So in other words, half of this is all overblown. :feelsjuice:

Considering all of the fuss over "online misogyny" it would for sure to be funny to see they reactions to this:

Overall, this highlights to us what we already know about foid nature & manipulation -utilizing their manipulative nature & dialectic- in order to serve as perfect agents of the State & influence discourse here, or simply just ensure they maintain their monopoly on males morality, conscious, and behavior. :blackpill:

@WorthlessSlavicShit @veryrare @GeckoBus @NIGGER BOJANGLES @PersonalityChad @SuperKanga.Belgrade @BlackCel_from_ZA @Koomersarj @LeFrenchCel @proudweeb @Uggo Mongo @based_meme @Grodd @AnApparentMyth @Solid @Sgtpinkie @Stupid Clown @AtrociousCitizen @NeverGetUp @Castaway @Grodd @Diddy @wereq @Fire @weaselbomber @Skelly @Lv99_BixNood @KillNiggers @Flagellum_Dei @reveries @Regenerator @stranger @daydreamER @Epedaphic @reveries
Teachers need to get purged
Based thread. Solid work.

They will always attack the effect but never the cause
Always, without exception.

The alternative is accepting responsibility. There's a better chance of us morphing into chad.
Those studies always seem to miss a main point about inceldom: people join incel/blackpill communities because of their incel condition, because of past experiences, because of how society and other people treat them, not because "muh it's fun to be incel".

People don't get convinced of their inceldom via social media, chinktok, cuckddit, simptagram or whatever. They are convinced of their inceldom via real life experiences and social media only confirms what they were already realizing by themselves (btw they don't seem to realize that many of us don't use or barely use mainstream social media)

Plus, they always confuse redpill, looksmaxxing, blackpill... They try to talk about things they have no clue how it is about.
We'll use late-zoomers and Gen Alphafags as sacrificial pawns for the upcoming gender war.
The real problem is that modern Western society often treats men very badly and women very well.

So of course this creates issues.

They know this really - they're just playing dumb in order to justify skewing things even further.
What about the increase of misandry?
May the number of men who have become aware of the true nature of women increase a hundredfold
The real problem is that modern Western society often treats men very badly and women very well.

So of course this creates issues.

They know this really - they're just playing dumb in order to justify skewing things even further.
ESPECIALLY unattractive and autistic males.

This has gotten progressively worse throughout time, and has been exacerbated by social media. This isn’t a fad, this wouldn’t have been so mass adopted if it weren’t true.

The problem is that this misogyny doesn’t really address the issues, it just raises awareness to how dire the situation is, further raising the roof of globalized hyper-competitiveness.

Doesn’t really address the future consequences of having an excess male population; and no I’m not coping with a revolt or collapse, things will get progressively worse… no one will do shit and even if you try it will be meaningless.

It’s like the “Dinosaurs” attempting to halt an asteroid from completely wiping them out, the end has come just accept it and move on.

Humans are nothing special mate, if Dinosaurs did exist they were the apex specimens and even they got WIPED OUT.

If you believe in UFO/UAPs and Alien life than what the FUCK is so important about Humanity, a species where lying to comfort itself about its own existence is a beneficiary to the universe!? <- sounds to me like Intelligent Humans for the most part have domesticated even themselves, they’re ripe to be exploited by Psychos and… whoever whatever whenever.

It’s all over, just bow your head down in submission it’s all we can do.

Anyways it’s beyond me, just my two cents. Over
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I stumbled across this article, and decided to check out the paper on it: https://www.scimex.org/newsfeed/tea...e-influence-of-online-misogynists-on-students

Honestly, I myself am actually kinda surprised that they were able to discern the various differences between redpill PUAs/MGTOW guys such as Tate & us since oftentimes they lump us all together. :feelshaha:

Somewhat true to an extent, since I would say both fundamentally acknowledge a massive disparity exist between that of women: However, I would say that it is only those who are truly blackpilled that seem to acknowledge biological & inherent differences in that of gender. Ultimately, it can be argued that many in the manosphere really don't want to "subjugate" foids, due to them being tradcucks who idealize the 1950s style of "tradition" which amounts to having a slut at home who does nothing but cheat on you for chad.

Calling the manosphere, redpill, blackpill, or whatever a "movement" is ridiculous.

It's akin to calling having cancer a "movement" jfl.

Wonder when they'll start complaining about Reddit in this case?:feelsEhh:

Honestly, this seems very broad & vague. If I had to guess, I'd say that "consuming" counts merely as just stumbling across a clip with him in it.

This is concerning though. :whatfeels:

Well, why have these views increased then?:feelsjuice:

Let's look at a few things:

View attachment 1401666
This does somewhat correlate, as politics will align with that of current social patterns & trends: What they're reflecting, is just how far left or "liberal" most foids are starting to skew; more so there compared to other countries. :feelswhere:

Furthermore, whilst it is becoming harder to "move out" nowadays, results from the UK show this:

And when higher academics publish information such as this:

It's no wonder so many young UK males & even some dads may feel this way.:feelsjuice:

The survey took around 200 teachers, with 100 from Primary & 100 from Secondary -from what I understand primary is basically elementary & the first half of middle school, with secondary being the second half of middle school and HS- which provides a very composite look.

View attachment 1401675

This is all quite a lot:shock:

Now firstly, I find the top graph quit telling. As we all know in this day & age, misogyny has merely became another epithet flung around- it is the equivalent to slamming anyone who is somewhat "right wing" down as a Nazi. To simply put it, anyone who dares to challenge any societal narratives which pedalstize foids -both tradcuckery & liberal globohomoism- can & will be branded down as a misogynist & thus now an "incel"

But let's take a look as to what they chalked up as "misogyny" :feelswhere::
View attachment 1401678View attachment 1401679View attachment 1401680

Ah, but somehow "le inkwells" are responsible for this. :feelsjuice:

"very young age" have you considered maybe this is kids just playing around?:waitwhat:

I mean some foids at that age called me & some other boys "peasants" which is almost a metaphor for how most males end up nowadays.


I mean, can they be this ignorant? That just sounds like some normies using the "top G" shit as a meme. And I just know if foids excluded males, they'd all blame it on the males "behavior."

Hasn't this kinda stuff always gone down though?:waitwhat:

Some kid in my middle school back in the day once called a few fat teachers "bitches" or whatever, so by these peoples logic Tate must have time-traveled & told him to do that.

And here's the thing, do they wonder as to why some young males might be like this ever? Will they ever equally address the times foids reject males in rude, aggressive, or nasty manners or bully males?

Simply, asking questions such as this helps to dismantle the garbage dialectic feminists use to push their agenda.

So in other words, half of this is all overblown. :feelsjuice:

Considering all of the fuss over "online misogyny" it would for sure to be funny to see they reactions to this:

Overall, this highlights to us what we already know about foid nature & manipulation -utilizing their manipulative nature & dialectic- in order to serve as perfect agents of the State & influence discourse here, or simply just ensure they maintain their monopoly on males morality, conscious, and behavior. :blackpill:

@WorthlessSlavicShit @veryrare @GeckoBus @NIGGER BOJANGLES @PersonalityChad @SuperKanga.Belgrade @BlackCel_from_ZA @Koomersarj @LeFrenchCel @proudweeb @Uggo Mongo @based_meme @Grodd @AnApparentMyth @Solid @Sgtpinkie @Stupid Clown @AtrociousCitizen @NeverGetUp @Castaway @Grodd @Diddy @wereq @Fire @weaselbomber @Skelly @Lv99_BixNood @KillNiggers @Flagellum_Dei @reveries @Regenerator @stranger @daydreamER @Epedaphic @reveries
Good thread and high effort for actually reading their fucking innane drivel. I couldn't, would rather bolt myself to the floor with a nail gun than be forced to read these peoples dogshit.

Point 1: What unites these different groups... is a fundamental belief that women are inferior to men...
Outrageous retardation. Virtually all of these groups, incels included, are ultra foid worshippers. All of us have made women the central axis of our entire existence. The only common thing about all these groups is their borderline religious obsession with women. If we actually hated women, why do we fap to them, why do we watch porn with women? Also, manosphere claims regarding how women have massive power in society run contrary to the very claim that these groups think women are inferior. They don't.

It is a classic example of "the golem cries out in pain as it strikes you." Women know that men worship their ass, and that the "hate" is just cope. I have shown clips before where women openly admit that going on "manosphere" podcasts to get roasted just boosted their OF income 10x.
If anything, the manosphere has massively boosted the value of women in society.

The reason that men do not catch onto the fact that women thrive from negative attention is because we are not on the "supplier" side of the attention economy like women. Imagine you are selling apples and half the town openly declares they hate apples. This may see like anti-apple bias on paper, but as a supplier of apples you can see clip-and-clear that people are buying apples at a normal rate. It's just that they sneak into the apple store at night. However, this fact would be invisible to the average apple consumer.

Remember, in order to hate something, you first have to value it. It has to be of personal importance to you. You don't hate splinters until one is stuck in your thumb. Hate/love are two sides of the same coin - "hate is the biggest form of flattery." That all of these groups define themselves in opposition to women via negativa, is proof that they highly value women. Timestamp 16:34 - These women know that men worship them, in spite of what the media or men claim.

Stop thinking of women as an individual. They are a massive hivemind and provably so [1] [2]

Further, women are suppliers of sex and attention, not buyers. Think yourself into the position of a supplier, like a store owner. Think of how they see customers, versus how customers see themselves. The Store owner is way more aware of human psychology and patterns. It's like how casinos see you coming from 10 miles away, because every tom, dick and harry thinks they are unique and have found some new revolutionary way to beat blackjack or something.

From a womans perspective men are pathetic for this very reason. Every guy out there pretending to be a tough guy, going to the gym, competing with other men etc - its like some idiot going into the casino with some "genius strategy to beat the bank," not realizing the casino sees idiots like him everyday, trying the same fucking shit over and over. You can not impress a casino with new tricks, all tricks are already known. You can not impress a woman in a performative way. Only through inherent value. Casinos try to trap rich customers, women try to trap chads and rich men.

Women know men worship them, that they have power. When you go to the gym to impress women, she internally laughs at you. It's like a child trying to impress mom for the 1000th time by doing the same shit. Priviliege like this leads to just-world-fallacy, entitlement and narcissism, which is what we see in women.

You know how adults pretend to be impressed when a child makes a macaroni picture? That's women rewarding men they want something from with sex and attention. They view us like pathetic children. Whenever you have a fantasy about saving a foid or doing anything heroic for a foid, even just lifting a box, keep this in mind - you look like a fucking toddler trying to impress mom. From her perspective this happens every day and she has to pretend to be interested - WOW OMG YOU DID SUCH A GOOOD JOB BOOBOO:):):)

Some men kind of realise this and then try to act like an asshole on purpose. This gets the more female attention because its slightly out of the norm, it's more "exciting" for her, even though its also something she has experienced a 1000 times. However, even this is just foid worship at the end of the day. Acting nice, or acting a dick - you are just looking for a way to please women better. If you really really hate women, fucking ignore them. Ignore them when they drown.

Ignore them when they are stuck in a house fire. Fucking give them nothing but take from them everything. Yes, I know foids dont care if one out of a million subhumans ignores them. The point is, for your own sanity, do not give them your energy, they are energy vampires. They love to tease and bully for this reason, any emotional outbursts, violence, tears, frustration - they love that shit. They love to hate, they love to rut, they love to fart, shit and suck. Beasts of burden.

Point 2: The magic "trad" 50's were not real and just another form of foid cuckery
Correct, and it pleases me to see that more high IQ users here are catching on to this. There was never tradiationalism. 1950s traditionalism was already a degenerated form of prior family structures i.e. the multi-generational household. Additionally you can find plenty of degen porn and shit from the 50s and even earlier.

What people mistake for the 50s "trad" lifestyle was literally just a commerical campaign where they tried to sell electronics and shit through the "le hecking wholesome family" meme. Thats why all of these "50s happy family" illustrations feature products - oh wait, you didnt notice? :lul::lul::lul: Yes, theres toasters, knifes, ovens, cars, suits - the whole thing is just a commerical campaign from the 50s.
Point 3: Calling the manosphere, redpill, blackpill, or whatever a "movement" is ridiculous
Exactly. The word movement implies telos, purpose, direction, some unified front and goal directed effort. This is blatantly not the case. All of these communities are very internally diverse, ripe with in-fighting, constant schisms etc. On our little forum here, with barely 300 active members at a time, we already have massive ideological division between races, religious beliefs, political stances and so forth.

The irony is that, everytime they lump these groups together they are exposing themselves as an ideologically driven non-diverse group. The reason is that in-groups define themselves against out-groups. And in order to do that, the in-group has to view its own members as a diverse set of people, while reducing the out-group to an impersonal oppressor/assailant i.e. "them," "the others," "the enemy." So when they label us as a unified blob that hates women, they are operating from an in-group mindset, thus demonstrating they are the ones who are ideologically driven, not us.

Point 4: "Exposure to X"
Crucial. Exposure does not mean anything. We are all exposed since childhood to gratuitous displays of violence through the media. Yet, this has not turned us violent. However, people reading these articles will, because of bias, jump to the conclusion that exposure = effect in real life. However, as @DarkStar quotes later in the OP, they can not establish any IRL effect of exposure:

Close to half of primary school teachers (49%) could not describe a recent incident in which online misogyny had impacted female pupils. 6% of teachers gave responses that were too vague to classify into these categories.

Saying that exposure to violent, anti-female content will turn men more violent is not unlike the silly claims of early 2000s polititicans, regarding how FPS shooters would increase violence among teens. Another instance this happened, this time with focus on incels, was when researchers simply assumed that incels must be more violent than average, due to the hateful nature of their rhetoric (a massive logical jump). And again, reality completely contradicted this, so they simply hypothesized that "video games must have pacified incels."

This is insulting because the implication is that incels are just inherently violent, and if we can not find evidence for this, it means their violence is just not being expressed right now. The idea that we may just not be the violent monsters they want us to be does not even appear on their radar jfl. Also funny: These are the same people that tell us that "the internet is not real life" but when they read our posts, suddenly the internet IS real life :lul::lul::lul:

I love this ending, very nicely put :bigbrain::bigbrain::bigbrain::

Overall, this highlights to us what we already know about foid nature & manipulation -utilizing their manipulative nature & dialectic- in order to serve as perfect agents of the State & influence discourse here, or simply just ensure they maintain their monopoly on males morality, conscious, and behavior. :blackpill:

Truly, the golem cries out in pain as it strikes you :feelsugh::feelsugh::feelsugh:
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They are too brainwashed to understand
I like to compare it to the notion of, if we were to kill ourselves, the world will go on without us.

Even though we are talking about the blackpill, the world will go on without us.

Human beings actively lie to themselves to make this existence more comfortable. We will be cut out from the herd.
They can write a million more papers like this one. Suicide stats are mostly men, homelessness stats are mostly men, job fatalities, war fatalities, violence victims are all men and almost only men.
the crazy thing is that even civilian casulties of war, meaning collateral damage from bombings and shit, is like 80% male, adult males and young boys. Idk how tf that is even possible, its like foid halo makes them immune to shrapnel :lul: :lul: :lul:
the crazy thing is that even civilian casulties of war, meaning collateral damage from bombings and shit, is like 80% male, adult males and young boys. Idk how tf that is even possible, its like foid halo makes them immune to shrapnel :lul: :lul: :lul:
Probably one of the reasons is females are allowed to escape to other countries by the government so civilian guys are left inside the country hiding from the draft. Also because people rush to help females first so more of them are saved :feelsseriously:
Outrageous retardation. Virtually all of these groups, incels included, are ultra foid worshippers. All of us have made women the central axis of our entire existence. The only common thing about all these groups is their borderline religious obsession with women. If we actually hated women, why do we fap to them, why do we watch porn with women? Also, manosphere claims regarding how women have massive power in society run contrary to the very claim that these groups think women are inferior. They don't.
It seems to me actual mysoginists with straight up anti-women rhetorics are simply a loud minority here, even in the manosphere. Let alone in real life amongst normies.
99% of men are women worshippers. For every real mysoginist there are 1000's of silent onlyfans subscribers willing to betray a friend and drop everything for a crumb of pussy.

For some reason they decide to focus on that little percent of men refusing to be cucks, instead of being happy with millions of worshippers they have. Very interesting. May also have kinda the same reasoning with foids chosing badboys instead of someone from their army of simps.

You know how adults pretend to be impressed when a child makes a macaroni picture? That's women rewarding men they want something from with sex and attention. They view us like pathetic children. Whenever you have a fantasy about saving a foid or doing anything heroic for a foid, even just lifting a box, keep this in mind - you look like a fucking toddler trying to impress mom. From her perspective this happens every day and she has to pretend to be interested - WOW OMG YOU DID SUCH A GOOOD JOB BOOBOO:):):)
Broke my heart once I realized this. There's truly no way to earn a foid's respect, they don't respect if you're a tough hardworker with a willpower of still, they don't respect if you're kind or have morals either. Partly because of the fact they lack those qualities and don't know what it takes to obtain them.

The only way to impress a foid is, as you said, through genetic inherent value, coupled with not giving a fuck about her. They would see your love as weakness.
The only way to impress a foid is
by punching her in the face aka only through primal fear. I have seen how shitless scared and pale foids get when men show their anger with no white-knight in sight. They instinctively understand no words manipulation would save her.
by punching her in the face aka only through primal fear. I have seen how shitless scared and pale foids get when men show their anger with no white-knight in sight. They instinctively understand no words manipulation would save her.
Oh yes, I didn't think of that. Fear and respect go hand in hand in a lot of life situations. If a foid is afraid of a man, that probably snaps her out of treating this man like another cuck desperately fighting for female validation.
It's heart warming seeing countless masses of nonchad proletariat getting radicalized and showed class consciousness. It seems that spectre of blackpillism already haunts all Europe. It remains to wait for ones that will lead these masses towards redistribution of the foid resource.
I think this is not acknowledged enough. Its ALWAYS female first, no matter how dire the situation
It's one of those blackpills that aren't even hidden at all. "Women and children first" has always been there. Yet of course when we talk about that we get gaslit into oblivion.
Misogyny is based and completely justified it's no surprise it's rising when foids act how they do.
They only notice the young white men who are behaving like this. Black men have always been culturally misogynistic in the US.

They are just dismayed that white men are starting to do something that African American men have been doing forever.
Misogyny is based and completely justified it's no surprise it's rising when foids act how they do.
Need a different term since it's not really misogyny, rather preserving your self-esteem in society.
"No we want to brainwash and push faggot propaganda reeeee"
I stumbled across this article, and decided to check out the paper on it: https://www.scimex.org/newsfeed/tea...e-influence-of-online-misogynists-on-students

Honestly, I myself am actually kinda surprised that they were able to discern the various differences between redpill PUAs/MGTOW guys such as Tate & us since oftentimes they lump us all together. :feelshaha:

Somewhat true to an extent, since I would say both fundamentally acknowledge a massive disparity exist between that of women: However, I would say that it is only those who are truly blackpilled that seem to acknowledge biological & inherent differences in that of gender. Ultimately, it can be argued that many in the manosphere really don't want to "subjugate" foids, due to them being tradcucks who idealize the 1950s style of "tradition" which amounts to having a slut at home who does nothing but cheat on you for chad.

Calling the manosphere, redpill, blackpill, or whatever a "movement" is ridiculous.

It's akin to calling having cancer a "movement" jfl.

Wonder when they'll start complaining about Reddit in this case?:feelsEhh:

Honestly, this seems very broad & vague. If I had to guess, I'd say that "consuming" counts merely as just stumbling across a clip with him in it.

This is concerning though. :whatfeels:

Well, why have these views increased then?:feelsjuice:

Let's look at a few things:

View attachment 1401666
This does somewhat correlate, as politics will align with that of current social patterns & trends: What they're reflecting, is just how far left or "liberal" most foids are starting to skew; more so there compared to other countries. :feelswhere:

Furthermore, whilst it is becoming harder to "move out" nowadays, results from the UK show this:

And when higher academics publish information such as this:

It's no wonder so many young UK males & even some dads may feel this way.:feelsjuice:

The survey took around 200 teachers, with 100 from Primary & 100 from Secondary -from what I understand primary is basically elementary & the first half of middle school, with secondary being the second half of middle school and HS- which provides a very composite look.

View attachment 1401675

This is all quite a lot:shock:

Now firstly, I find the top graph quit telling. As we all know in this day & age, misogyny has merely became another epithet flung around- it is the equivalent to slamming anyone who is somewhat "right wing" down as a Nazi. To simply put it, anyone who dares to challenge any societal narratives which pedalstize foids -both tradcuckery & liberal globohomoism- can & will be branded down as a misogynist & thus now an "incel"

But let's take a look as to what they chalked up as "misogyny" :feelswhere::
View attachment 1401678View attachment 1401679View attachment 1401680

Ah, but somehow "le inkwells" are responsible for this. :feelsjuice:

"very young age" have you considered maybe this is kids just playing around?:waitwhat:

I mean some foids at that age called me & some other boys "peasants" which is almost a metaphor for how most males end up nowadays.


I mean, can they be this ignorant? That just sounds like some normies using the "top G" shit as a meme. And I just know if foids excluded males, they'd all blame it on the males "behavior."

Hasn't this kinda stuff always gone down though?:waitwhat:

Some kid in my middle school back in the day once called a few fat teachers "bitches" or whatever, so by these peoples logic Tate must have time-traveled & told him to do that.

And here's the thing, do they wonder as to why some young males might be like this ever? Will they ever equally address the times foids reject males in rude, aggressive, or nasty manners or bully males?

Simply, asking questions such as this helps to dismantle the garbage dialectic feminists use to push their agenda.

So in other words, half of this is all overblown. :feelsjuice:

Considering all of the fuss over "online misogyny" it would for sure to be funny to see they reactions to this:

Overall, this highlights to us what we already know about foid nature & manipulation -utilizing their manipulative nature & dialectic- in order to serve as perfect agents of the State & influence discourse here, or simply just ensure they maintain their monopoly on males morality, conscious, and behavior. :blackpill:

@WorthlessSlavicShit @veryrare @GeckoBus @NIGGER BOJANGLES @PersonalityChad @SuperKanga.Belgrade @BlackCel_from_ZA @Koomersarj @LeFrenchCel @proudweeb @Uggo Mongo @based_meme @Grodd @AnApparentMyth @Solid @Sgtpinkie @Stupid Clown @AtrociousCitizen @NeverGetUp @Castaway @Grodd @Diddy @wereq @Fire @weaselbomber @Skelly @Lv99_BixNood @KillNiggers @Flagellum_Dei @reveries @Regenerator @stranger @daydreamER @Epedaphic @reveries
Not a day goes by that destroy the world for inceldia does in fact make sense
"No we want to brainwash and push faggot propaganda reeeee"
You’ll never do tht because my brain was built different and because I am inorganic.
Oh yes, I didn't think of that. Fear and respect go hand in hand in a lot of life situations. If a foid is afraid of a man, that probably snaps her out of treating this man like another cuck desperately fighting for female validation.
Fear is the most primal form of respect, so it makes sense.

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